The Mark


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I’ve recently reread some of Laura’s work on biblical end time information, and if I understand this correctly the mark is something more on the line of what one believes (mark on the head) and what the hands do (mark of the hand). And a second point that the architect of Revelations “preset” this ideology knowing that the numbering of all humans would be in the works at the end of the age, and this would cause mass anxiety i.e. feeding.

It never made any sense to me that all the people who had never heard about Jesus had to exist in internal punishment simple because nobody told them. Similarly, neither did the Mother of young children taking a mark or card to feed her kids being sent to an eternal hell make any sense. With this line of thought, any “card” or “mark” would have nothing to do with ones “soul smashing” of demise of some sort, but is propaganda from the 5 century designed for a mass release of energy. (I’m I getting close or lost in the brambles?)

Someone recently said to me, he was going to hide out as long as he could with relative freedoms, but when tptb require a chip/mark he’s going to refuse. I said as far as numbers go, aren’t we already numbered? SS number, driver’s license chips in passports. Etc. No, to him it is when they put a mark on his body.

Yes & No:
I’m comfortable with the frequency vibration/belief system (for the mind part) and what actions a person does for the hand mark being the understanding of this mark. That’s not to say if at some point in the future there was say an IMF world bailout and all “Citizens” could start out with credit and a clean slate, if you swear allegiance to the whatever. If a person was awake and knew they didn't agree and this isn’t good, but did it anyway “al a” Jacob and Esau and selling your birth right for “food”. This could actually be a taking of a mark as a violation of one’s frequency vibration, and would be detrimental to the soul’s progress.

Situation A: Un-souled person takes the mark/card whatever it may be. It has little or no effect on the soul as they are “un”-souled. However, due to religious and cultural upbringing, they (the machine) fear they may be doing something wrong which releases food energy.

Situation B: Souled person disagrees with the mark/card but does it anyway for their own reasons or in confusion. This could be a free will choice to go against ones own FV, and this person would suffer loss of soul, as well as creating food.

Even if B is true, I couldn’t imagine blam! Soul smashed, but the start of an erosion of the soul by being obedient to something other than your vibration frequency.

I’m hoping that someone with a better grasp of this subject can share some thoughts.
adobe said:
I’ve recently reread some of Laura’s work on biblical end time information, and if I understand this correctly the mark is something more on the line of what one believes (mark on the head) and what the hands do (mark of the hand).

The Cs said recently that the mark of the beast is the acceptance of torture. That would lead to a person's actions being quite different from those of a person who does not accept torture.

adobe said:
That’s not to say if at some point in the future there was say an IMF world bailout and all “Citizens” could start out with credit and a clean slate, if you swear allegiance to the whatever. If a person was awake and knew they didn't agree and this isn’t good, but did it anyway “al a” Jacob and Esau and selling your birth right for “food”. This could actually be a taking of a mark as a violation of one’s frequency vibration, and would be detrimental to the soul’s progress.

In many films one sees actors swearing allegiance to the flag or some other ideology, but they know that they are acting. When a normal, non-pathological person sears allegiance to some ideology it is a serious and meaningful moment. But if one is acting, and knows that one is acting – protecting one's strategic enclosure – then outwardly the role is convincing, but inwardly one remains unaffected. At least, that is the theory! It's probably not so easy to do in real life.

If the only way to buy the essentials of life - food, water, power - was to swear allegiance to the new ideology, taking the 'mark' would be an act of strategic enclosure. There is a fascinating story about Sadra, from the book The Captive Mind by Czeslaw Milosz. AI posted it here. The whole post is well worth reading in connection with this idea, particularly the story of Sadra who practiced 'Ketman' – a sophisticated strategic enclosure – and later repudiated the very ideology he had appeared to fully support.
Thank for the response Endymion.

I read the thread...liked it, and still digesting it.

nd the psychopaths are always surprised that people do not rid themselves of their silly notions. As Milosz says, each group is fooling the other! The psychopaths expect the normies to act in a certain way (i.e., without normal human emotion), which they do, to a certain extent. However, it is only an act, and any "deviation" is punished severely.

The above quote kinda reminds me of tsa. (deviation-checkers) They don’t exist to find terrorist, so why spend the budget to support them if that’s not the case? I think the tsa aside from being a conditioning of servitude, is a filtering process to find dissidents of the system.

Even before the Cs comment, I was out spoken about torture...still am. Is that giving away my strategic enclosure? At some point doesn’t one have to break from the mantra? It’s an individual decision I know, but does one remain silent unto death?

Discerning when to act seems to be the key. In front of a government drone (with nothing to gain and everything to lose) “act” in a room of friends and loved ones speak your mind and test the water.
adobe said:
Even before the Cs comment, I was out spoken about torture...still am. Is that giving away my strategic enclosure? At some point doesn’t one have to break from the mantra? It’s an individual decision I know, but does one remain silent unto death?

It all depends on the situation and one's aim, OSIT. If one goes about 'shouting from the rooftops' and getting oneself a 'bad name' – at least from the point of view of the conditioned masses – which leads to harm to oneself, or even death, then one is no longer able to be of service to others or the universe. Is it better to remain silent so that one can continue to work on oneself for the larger good? These are not easy questions to answer, and it's easy to make mistakes in either direction. I know I have.

adobe said:
Discerning when to act seems to be the key. In front of a government drone (with nothing to gain and everything to lose) “act” in a room of friends and loved ones speak your mind and test the water.

I think your notion of 'testing the water' is spot on. I do this myself and you can soon find out how far you can go with people, and who is open and who not, and so on. Laura mentions the example of the French Resistance during the Nazi occupation of France. At that time, telling the truth could get you and others arrested, tortured or killed. So again, it all comes down to the situation, discernment and fighting those inner programs that want us always to tell the truth, or make nice.

I'm not entirely sure about speaking one's mind, at least not in every situation, even in the company of family and friends. I think that speaking one's mind and testing the water are two different concepts. The former can be done with kindred spirits after one has done the latter as a way of finding those kindred spirits, osit.
I'm not entirely sure about speaking one's mind, at least not in every situation, even in the company of family and friends. I think that speaking one's mind and testing the water are two different concepts.

That is certainly true.

The subject of "religion" came up at a News Years Eve party and the different reactions and attitudes of people were really fascinating to witness.

One of my sisters admitted to having been a wiccan for a short time and related why she became involved with that and why she eventually left it, which was interesting.

A sister in law, mentioned that she is a devout Christian and can not understand anyone not believing the "truth" of the Bible. Yet at the same time confessed that she believed "witches" really do have power.

I told her that I had been quite a "thumper" myself many years ago, but after doing further research had changed most of my beliefs about religions in general.

The little sister sitting with us ( not so little, 33 years old ) jumped up yelling that she couldn't`t listen to this any longer and fled the area! just discussing some of this stuff caused such a strong reaction in her.

She truly seemed afraid to even be involved in such a discussion!

Others won`t listen to anything except sage and ceremony and puffing on the pipe, because all else is of course, just ridiculous! Lol, it was an interesting evening.
Recently in a group of acquaintances I got fed up and said “I don’t believe there is a terrorist threat” with some short explanation.

Result: One person told me these terrorists were the problem of the world and had to be rooted out. Then he stood up and walked out. Didn’t pay his bill just left. Second person said “hey that’s a point I need to look into, thanks” Third person said I agree with you but you should watch out who you are talking careful! Others at the table said nothing.

I was a little weirded out, but thought because of person 2 I had sowed a seed so to speak. Maybe I hadn’t completely screwed up.

In the weeks that followed, I only found the group to be distant, and kind of lying in the weeds baiting me with the intention of calling me crazy etc. I have since put the strategic enclosure up pretty high, not just with them but in general
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