The human Assemblage Point

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[The Stationary Assemblage Point (SAP) is the focal point of the energy body. It should be in (or near) the centre of the chest but any stress, be it emotional traumas, violence, intimidation, giving birth, accidents, as well as drug use (illegal and legal), can shift it off centre and it can even move into organs like the liver and heart. Each position around the centre, be it left, right, up or down produces a certain feeling and thinking associated with that position see. It can be likened to tuning a radio, but instead of getting a poor reception you get a poor or 'off-centre' feeling and thinking. This is where the saying 'centred' comes from. It can be shifted back to centre with a crystal or some people can move it back with their will. This validates the teachings in Carlos Castaneda's books. Over 10 years ago Harley Swiftdeer Reagan, who was Don Genaro's apprentice, taught Jon Whale how to shift the SAP. To have your assemblage point position checked, and shifted if needed contact the webmaster (UK) The webmaster knows two people personally who were cured of depression in two minutes by having their SAP position corrected, both were due to emotional trauma. See how the Allopaths suppress non-allopathic medicine---they deleted the Assemblage Point page on Wikipedia. What is termed 'The Shaman's Blow' is another type of shift that moves you into Satori.]
john23, you are clearly on this forum to promote this whale website - all of your posts thus far have contained the link. Please do a search of the forum using the search function found at the top of the page, on all of the topics you have thus far introduced - they have all been discussed, and you may find some interesting information. While there is nothing wrong with introducing links to websites that may contain pertinent information, spamming one website over and over because one is intimately involved with it is not allowed on this forum.
there isn't anything here on how to move the AP for healing work. I will be publishing an interview with a woman who has been shifting assemblage points for years. Does that mean I can't post a link to that interview on my website?

I know the man who wrote the only book on shifting APs for healing. Does that mean I can't post a link to an interview I did with him?
john23 said:
there isn't anything here on how to move the AP for healing work. I will be publishing an interview with a woman who has been shifting assemblage points for years. Does that mean I can't post a link to that interview on my website?

I know the man who wrote the only book on shifting APs for healing. Does that mean I can't post a link to an interview I did with him?
john23, please refer to this thread you started for input on the legalistic, manipulative questions you've posted.
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