The Health & Wellness Show: Treatment Essentials with Dr. Mark Sircus


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

It says the run time is 1:11:16, but I only get the last 25 mins of the interview.

Do you guys have the full interview you can reload, or is that all the audio that could be used?
Thanks for the show!!! I heard it live but my funky internet connection caused me to miss a few things.

Please correct me if I am wrong. Essential things to take that where discussed are:

Magnesium 500g
Sodium bicarbonate

Hydrogen water?

I knew about Iodine, not so much about the others.

Perhaps I am a bit late with taking those, but planning to catch up. Anyhow, I will look up the appropriate topics.

It was important to hear that Dr. Mark Sircus said that Iodine is more essential than ever considering of what is happening in Fukushima. All those Essentials are becoming more important thanks to the increase of our toxic environment.
Hi, I just tried to listen to this show and for me as well, there is only 26 min. So, a problem.

How Do Constitutional Archetypes Determine the Correct Dose of a Treatment?​

Story at a glance:
  • Standardized medicine is built upon providing the same protocol for everyone. While this sometimes is remarkably helpful, there will always be patients it doesn’t work for, and unfortunately, the medical system is often very resistant to providing the non-standard care those patients need
  • Medicine relies upon standardized doses, but like the standardized protocols, the commonly used doses are often inappropriate for many patients. Unfortunately, physicians rarely understand how the existing dosage of a pharmaceutical is chosen and hence rarely utilized alternative dosages
  • Specific characteristics (e.g., age or genetic variations) greatly affect how someone will respond to a pharmaceutical drug — but unfortunately are rarely considered when selecting a medication dosage and hence lead to many having a toxic reaction to a standard dose. This article will highlight the highly sensitive (e.g., intuitive) patients who are particularly vulnerable to medical injuries, but unfortunately are rarely recognized by the medical system
  • Proper medical care hence requires determining what the appropriate dosage is for each patient. In this article, I will review many of the approaches I and colleagues commonly utilize, including the intuitive ones that are frequently necessary to untangle complex patient cases


  • standardized-medication-doses-pdf.pdf
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