The Freeman Perspective

Hi Sid - I get what you are saying which certainly goes along with what Puck and Anart said. When I first came upon the Adventure Series and the Wave and everything else in Cass world, I was also enthusiastic about what I was discovering. At last, there was some explanation for the goings on in the world and why the never ending turmoil and suffering. And as much as I support and believe what's been presented, there is a tiny possibility that it, too, could be 4D manipulation. Even Laura admits that the C's transmissions could just be something emanating from her own psyche, so to speak. I really think everyone's missing the point as to the dates. What Freeman has explicated repeatedly is that Freemasons don't operate in a random manner. The initial attack, the 'shock and awe' bombing of Baghdad began and ended on specific dates. Max Igan also reiterated that point in the interview with Freeman. Freeman goes into great detail explaining that it isn't so much warfare as it is a ritual involving a blood sacrifice. I think that's something worth considering.

I don't usually pay much attention to the bizarre goings on of pop culture icons, either. Nevertheless, one couldn't help be somewhat aware as the shenanigans keep reaching extreme heights. Based on what Freeman said, I finally decided to watch one of the performances of Lady Gaga at one of the awards shows. I was shocked. And it does make me think that these are rituals being performed right in front of our eyes.

Freeman also talks about the space shuttles and that there is a secret space program. The astronauts are Freemasons and of the two shuttles that were destroyed, they were the ones carrying non-Freemasons, or rather the Profane, the non-initiated. And there is symbolism connected to these events. It's also infuriating that these earthly manipulations are being carried out by the funneling of our tax dollars away from programs that can help people into all these other projects that benefit private enterprise, as the article I posted makes very clear. Even today's paper has a front page article reporting the further funding of higher security measures at the local airport. The 'war on terror' is just another tremendous cash cow for all those private interests that all eventually connect back to these secret societies. Yes, we've established they are psychopathic oligarchs, but are they Satanists as well? Getting a clearer understanding of who these people are and how they work can only help IMO. Also, if more of the public was clued in about these organizations, maybe that would be the shock therapy needed to knock them out of their own mind-beamed stupor.

The C's say pay attention left and right, and that's what I intend to keep doing. That and permanently disable my exclamation point. :P
I'm still exploring the Egyptian/Hebrew connection mentioned previously. In the listings of Freeman's Latest Featured Shows is #10, The Bible Revealed. It's also on his blog website under Obama Chronicles. Freeman states that the source for much of this information is from All-is-one (Heartsong), aka Arthur Earl Jones, PhD. Here's the relevant info on him:

_ said:
Dear Friends:

I am happy to announce the publication of a major message from my sixth-dimensional higher self, whose name is Kumara Zora Torith.

Channeled by my outer mind, whose name is All•is•one Heartsong, this message is nothing less than an apocalyptic revelation.

It has just been published in the form of an illustrated historical treatise titled THE BIBLE’S COVER-STORIES REVEALED: THE GOLDEN KEYS THAT UNLOCK HISTORY by Arthur Earl Jones, Ph. D.

The purpose of this apocalyptic revelation is to facilitate the enlightenment of an awakening humanity by demonstrating how spiritual access to the akashic records can reveal hidden truths which were intentionally concealed over three thousand years ago.

To be more specific, this demonstration is accomplished by first solving the mysterious puzzle of the Eighteenth Dynasty prior to the exodus of the twelve tribes of Israel from ancient Egypt and then resolving the perplexing riddle of Judeo-Christian religion.

In the process of uncovering three key cover-stories in the Old Testament of the Bible, it not only reveals that Moses and Akhenaten, the two illustrious founders of monotheistic religion, were in fact brothers, but also provides us with an actual picture of Moses in the form of a photograph of his sculptured self-portrait.

For information about how to obtain a copy of this illustrated historical treatise, please see the following press release.

The Bible’s Cover-Stories Revealed:

The Golden Keys That Unlock History


Arthur Earl Jones, Ph. D.

The ultimate aim of this humble contribution is to facilitate the awakening of humanity at our present pivotal point in human history.

That imperative purpose is accomplished by first solving the puzzle of the Eighteenth Dynasty in ancient Egypt (which, until now, has been an impenetrable mystery, intentionally designed to conceal a whole series of sensational secrets) and then finally resolving the perplexing riddle of Judeo-Christian religion.

This apocalyptic revelation of the akashic records by enlightened consciousness will be of great interest, not only to Biblical and Egyptian scholars, but also to everyone who wants to understand the truth of what really happened at that pivotal point in human history.

Eye-openers include: 1) uncovering three cover-stories in the Bible which constitute "the golden keys that unlock history"; 2) identifying the progenitor of the covert Hebrew-Egyptian lineage that Abraham’s wife Sarah secretly birthed prior to the birth of Isaac; 3) revealing the momentous fact that Moses and Akhenaten, the illustrious founders of monotheistic religion, were brothers; 4) confirming with photographic evidence that Joseph the Israelite was their maternal grandfather; 5) discovering a photograph of the sculptured self-portrait which Moses bequeathed to us; 6) exposing the assassinations of Pharaohs Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamun, and Ay, which decisively altered the subsequent course of human history; and 7) elucidating the origin of the contest between the Pharisees and the Essenes which culminated in the crucifixion of Jesus.

Review Apéritif: "A spectacular bolt of lightning that brilliantly illuminates the dark landscape of human history."

This remarkably concise historical treatise (with 21 magnificent color illustrations in an 8.5" by 11" format of 36 pages) is now available for US$24.95 plus shipping.

Published by In God We Trust and distributed by Lulu Distribution Services.

All-is-one Heartsong, aka Arthur Earl Jones, passed away at his home on November 8th, 2008. This info is derived from this website: _, which has a whole slew of material that at first glance seems to correlate with much that has been discussed here. I happen to spot the name Chris Hedges and seemed to recall that I had encountered that name rather recently here. Did a search and it appears he is regarded favorably. So that's a plus. It would also be interesting to know if the name, Kumara Zora Torith, has ever come up in the Cassiopaen transmissions. I believe Freeman indicates this channel is Pleiadean, so maybe there is no connection.

So, what to make of this - 4D or 6D? Certainly Barbara Marciniak's Bringer's of the Dawn has a high credibility rating here as does the RA material channeled by Carla Rueckert via Don Elkins. On the downside, Freeman mentions his upcoming trip to London (already happened, I presume, since his appearance on Edge TV was already discussed) and his meeting with David Icke among others. Well, I was very sorry to hear that as the thread regarding David Icke has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that Icke is a disinfo agent even if he may not have started out that way. And maybe Freeman is heading down the same path or is already there. Certainly, anyone looking for truth could not have missed the Cassiopaen/Laura's material and since Freeman did briefly post on the forum, we know he knows we're here and I would think be aware of the vast amount of material available here. The fact that it's being ignored in favor of pursuing David Icke is quite telling.

Another downside is the "which culminated in the crucifixion of Jesus". Notice he didn't say the fake story of the crucifixion of Jesus who didn't actually exist as portrayed in the bible. Or maybe he didn't want to expose that truth in the press release - I'll have to check it out.

As of now, I am interested in exploring the All-is-One webpage just to see how it compares and if there is anything useful to be gleaned from it. I'd also be interested in anyone else's opinion regarding the information there. Maybe someone else has already encountered it and figured out if it's a lot of baloney or not.
This is from the Introduction of the previously mentioned website on Arthur Earl Jones:

This enlightening information has been made available through the consecrated work of Allisone Heartsong, whose knowledge of the ascension process is rooted in over seventy years of personal experience, including many years of personal instruction by the ascended master Saint Germain and by the archangel Gabriel.

This from PopHistorian (March 20, 2006), CHANNEL WATCH 002 -- Mike Quinsey's Galactic Federation Entities:

Aha! This is the crux of the matter, the ever-so-common message that imagining "love and light" is all that's needed for your safety, comfort, and to change the world for the better. We'll see how often these entities instruct their readers to "send love and light" to the dark forces, to transform them. The C's have made clear that "sending love and light" unasked is a potential violation of the will of your "target," and is an STS (service to self) activity. Notice the claim that only "love and light" promoters are "genuine." By contrast, the C's say that there is value in all such messages, if you know how to "weed."

Next, St. Germain promises a "Golden Age," though when he does, he's referring to an earthly 3D Golden Age, prior to ascension. This is a powerful emotional hook for people who would really like to live a life of peace and harmony now -- and that's most of us. He promises the dark ones will get what they deserve. SaLuSa then reinforces that the dark's goose is already cooked, legally, and soon everyone will know the truth. This is another powerful hook for those who really do realize that the powers that be are corrupt.

OK - that pretty much clears everything up - just a whole lot of "buckets of light and love" hoo-hah. In reading through the thread, it is easy to see how loving, good-natured, kind souls can get sucked into believing that this stuff is true sort of like how people with high levels of empathy turn out to be the perfect targets for psychopaths.

Well, Freeman knows where we are if he chooses to finds us. It was an interesting journey of discovery nonetheless.
Freeman continues to fascinate despite what I feel is his misalignment with dubious fellows. If his role is that of a knowing or unknowing useful idiot, perhaps useful clues can be gleaned from his presentations. These certainly are expounding on many of the same exact topics that appear on the forum. The theme that is emerging is that our country is the new Atlantis and Freeman is going to great lengths to expose the many, numerous physical representations of that and their connection to tonal frequencies among other things. The influence for America, in his opinion, is that of the fallen angels, Sirius/merfolk origins, and phallic worshiping Atlanteans and the human death and destruction wrought by them. He certainly seems to be making a lot of very valid points backed up, literally, by the "stone" evidence. He is putting together a documentary, but has provided a preview of sorts that can be accessed from the links below - a slideshow with an accompanying dialog:

Slideshow: _

Click Listen on the webpage for download: _

There is a major focus on the Nashville sites and with the recent flood, I wonder if these areas were adversely affected? Was it just coincidence that Nashville was hit by over 13 inches of rain in two days? His take on what all these constructions mean is quite interesting. He also visits the Georgia Guidestones and St. Augustine and other various places.

I'm interested in what others think regarding the content of this latest presentation and is there anything useful we can learn from it? Does this go along with the revived look at the Illuminati Hidden Hand?
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