The dancing Wu Li Masters



I heard it mentioned on one of the SOTT podcasts. In fact, it was extremely synchronistic; I had picked up the book off the shelf at a whim, read through it voraciously and just so happened to stumble upon the SOTT podcast where the book is mentioned completely by coincidence!

I found it very fascinating and easy to understand - the complete opposite of what physics class was like in high school. I had no idea Quantum Mechanics was as "unruly" as it is. I am very curious as to what discoveries have been made regarding Quantum Theory since the book was published in the 60s. In fact, I am planning on taking Calculus in University now just to "catch up.". Two years without a science class....never thought I'd miss it.

Does anyone have any more modern New Physics books that you might recommend?

Just curious here - which podcast was it that you say this book was recommended in?
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