The Beastly Bombing


FOTCM Member
These guys are hilarious! I was listening to their music on myspace and it's no surprise they had a hard time finding a venue for their operetta. Here's what the NY Times says:

THE Beastly Bombing (or a Terrible Tale of Terrorists Tamed by Tangles of True Love)" is not your ordinary operetta. It is a buddy comedy about white supremacists and members of Al Qaeda who meet while attempting to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge, all set to jaunty melodies evocative of Gilbert and Sullivan. The skinheads and terrorists gambol about the stage, engaging with pill-popping first daughters, a Saudi-loving president, a pedophilic priest, the New York City Police Department and Jesus. In a rollicking dance number, the neo-Nazis, terrorists and a Hasidic extremist bond over what they have in common: "I hate Jews." (The Hasidic extremist hates secular Jews.)
Listen their music here:

The Bravest President is classic!

More of their stuff on their own page:

Ha! Great stuff, thanks for sharing. "The Bravest President" is indeed quite as good as you said!
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