Telephone rings for solid hour


the rabbit

Dont know where to put this post only know its not cryptozoo-ology

Yesterday morning around 09:30 am the house phone starts ringing , I answer it and get only a couple of electronic bleeps. Hmmm probably some kind of engineering going on Me thoughts as I place the phone down.

Aproximately five minuts later again the phone rings , it rings for quite a while until i pick it up. Same electronic bleeping once more. Then aprox five minuts later again , then the same procedure and time gaps for aproximately an hour.

Probably just engineering , and on my phone , because I couldnt hear any body elses ringing in the near by vicinity.

And while Im off on one regarding phones , I rang somebody up that I know in England last night and I could tell there was some time delay on the phone due to the timing of the responses of the person on the other end.

So i asked them to say the word "NOW!" after they heard me reach three on a count. Delay just over 1 second.

Nothing of course , just one of those things. Rang the same person this evening also , same delay there. Ive been calling this person for years , first time this has happened.Ive had echo and crackling but never such a delay.

Services are getting worse rather than better thats all i can say.

A full hour of ringing, what a hassle.

Sorry about this post , just in case it happens to a lot of people.
So, rabbit, since you've also related the perceived 'time delay' on your calls, it seems you think the two events are related.

It sounds as if a machine was calling your phone number (probably by mistake) and continued to redial for the programmed amount of time in an attempt to connect with whatever other machine it was initially trying to reach. This happens quite often.

Yet, you have seemingly connected this random occurrence to a perception of delay on your other conversations. Do you think you're being bugged? Do you think if you were being bugged that those doing the bugging would repeatedly call the 'buggee' for an hour to make it really clear that was the case?

Do you think that any telephonic or computer communication these days in the 'first world' isn't monitored?

I suppose my question, rabbit, is what do you make of it? Since you brought it up and all...
Anart wrote
"Do you think that any telephonic or computer communication these days in the 'first world' isn't monitored?"

The so called "third" to I should imagine

Anart wrote;

Do you think you're being bugged?

Well ringing for an hour certainly "bugged" me since I was trying to get some sleep after being up all night.

Anart wrote;

It sounds as if a machine was calling your phone number (probably by mistake) and continued to redial for the programmed amount of time in an attempt to connect with whatever other machine it was initially trying to reach. This happens quite often.

You know this for a fact , that phones ring for an "hour" quite often by mistake and its all down to a machine trying to contact another machine ? Its probably only me, but i wouldnt program anything to ring / bug any one for an hour .

Anart wrote:

So, rabbit, since you've also related the perceived 'time delay' on your calls, it seems you think the two events are related.

Its certainly a possibility , though obviously not a definite.

Anart Wrote;
Do you think if you were being bugged that those doing the bugging would repeatedly call the 'buggee' for an hour to make it really clear that was the case?

If i was hypothetically being bugged , and I have had many a strange incidences revolving around phones and if you would like to know more please do ask , but if some one was say out to "bug" me in this manner, why not for an hour , twice would be no fun for them , what am i going to do about it ? So why not?

Anart wrote
I suppose my question, rabbit, is what do you make of it? Since you brought it up and all...

I think it strange thats what I think/ thought of it , actually no stranger than seeing a UFO , but as strange depending how one views these things i suppose. After the second time of being hypothetically bugged or being on the end of a machines mistake , I was able to ignore it , eventually.
the rabbit said:
It sounds as if a machine was calling your phone number (probably by mistake) and continued to redial for the programmed amount of time in an attempt to connect with whatever other machine it was initially trying to reach. This happens quite often.

You know this for a fact , that phones ring for an "hour" quite often by mistake and its all down to a machine trying to contact another machine ? Its probably only me, but i wouldnt program anything to ring / bug any one for an hour .
Actually, it looks like someone was trying to send a fax message to your phone number by mistake (it sounds like electronic beeps with several seconds interval). You said it was in the morning, and those are office hours. And usually facsimile is programmed to redial every several minutes if there is no answer. Can be quite a torture.

Also, it looks like you are pretty invested in the connection between two events. You were probably “primed” (concept form the “Blink” _ by the first event (which prompted you to be suspicious due to your ignorance on this matter and lack of sleep) and it caused you to pay extra attention to what happened during the second event (actually “looking” for something suspicious).

There is nothing “shameful” or wrong with making such mistakes. You have no idea how many times it happened to me. The key is spotting those things and learning how to keep your mind and imagination from running to the la-la land. :)
rabbit said:
You know this for a fact , that phones ring for an "hour" quite often by mistake and its all down to a machine trying to contact another machine ? Its probably only me, but i wouldnt program anything to ring / bug any one for an hour .
Well, yes because I've experienced it - as has Keit, apparently. Sometimes 'a cigar is just a cigar', and considering this recent thread by you - it seems you're becoming rather prone to seeing things that aren't necessarily there. As Keit mentioned, we all do it from time to time, but it is the realization that one does it and catching it before it blows up into a mushroom of paranoia that is the point.

Another small point, since it was bugging you so much, did you consider simply unplugging the phone to get some sleep?
Thank you both for your thoughts on this , very interesting and informative.
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