Strangeness? lost track of time


The Living Force
Hello, so i was answering a question from a member just now on another thread and pointed to a link in which the discussion had already taken place, i recalled i wrote on this one,,34967.msg498324.html#msg498324

BUT, BUT, Im pretty, absolutely sure i posted my reply this or last year the most, though my post says June 2014 Im literally like :huh: :huh: :huh:
what?? I can't associate any memory to this, I searched my recent posts because I wanted to find the discussion to find it was two years ago, and that reply doesn't sound like me two years ago, I would have been fine believing it was Dec2015 but June 2014? I was recovering from my bike accident and I was on crutches I was't doing much at home, what is interesting about this is that Today i found a medical bill from that time that was supposed to be settle because insurance covered it in full, my accident was the 31 of may my post was the 9th of June, feels off, i'm confused :huh:

That is another thing, I keep seeing the number 9 everywhere and can't figure it out. Like some kind of sign, warning or something. Been thinking about the meaning of numbers because I keep seeing it. and how does it relate. This is the 9th month by the way(and there was this pretty bad accident near my job ,such it was, they shut the entire highway), It took me some time to deal with my obsessive self suggestions on the number 33 which I kept seeing everywhere everyday!!! and now much less often, I can understand it practically as an indicator of a dynamic detrimental to me, or entering a situation involving a STS dynamic, but this number 9 ...3x3 is 9 , 3 centers of the 3 centers, i don't know what else...

I didn't just want to throw that one down, I had yet another experience when I visited my home country, we walked through a bridge with my brother to get to a mall, and what i remember is the bridge was completely made out of concrete and metal support, then the following week we decided to walk again to that same mall, the same road and the same bridge and this bridge!!!, it was made out of wood and metal, and some pieces of the wood were falling you could see the cars under,,, I would have noticed this the first time, I am pretty sure it was concrete, i have little vertigo, and i remember the first time our steps did not make noise , like that noise when you step on wood!!!! I certainly don't remember seeing the traffic under my feet I would have felt vertigo, my brother insists it was always wood. ... Like what..!???

and some recent deja vu, I was covering for someone at work at a different place and had many of these last week, of me cleaning this place.

I thought i would just share

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You can make some experiment. Choose some car brand. For example Mercedes and observe them around in the city. Next, choose other brand Ford for example. Then f.e. Honda. I guarantee you that if choose to see Honda or Mercedes or whatever you will be see them... And the same is with numbers.

But... there are other situations. What if you do not choose to see anything and some coincidence can be observe? I have seen some patterns, coincidence regard the specific numbers and it turned out that then certain important changes in my life happened and that coincidence was direct harbinger of those changes.

So my advice would be: observe reality quite strictly and be sensitive to different patterns and coincidence, but also have in mind that your mind can play tricks and you can see just what you want to see.

Regard the bridge. Did you really carefully examine the material of the bridge? If not, if you did it superficially, then probably you made hasty conclusion, and after that also some "curtains" appeared caused by our unreliable memory and you start to be convinced that it was bridge made from concrete. If you would strictly analyze the bridge, go with samples to the laboratory, and in the next time you will back and get the new samples or just see that bridge is wooden, then, well, then it could be interesting...

Not only you have such situations, I think everybody had situations where we missed with our estimations. I think it is good motivator to always check everything if you want to be sure about something.

I agree with lux. The confusion about your post and dates sounds like dissociation, due to your post-surgery state at the time.

The numbers: pattern recognition run amok (it happens when you focus on one thing, and start seeing that everywhere, while other times you wouldn't have paid much attention, necessarily).

The bridge: Dissociation the first time you saw it.

I think that more than attributing too much importance to those separate incidences, maybe you need to be more focused, work on paying attention to reality, and listen to this "sign", but not as an external one. Rather, as a sign from your subconscious that you need to stay more grounded in reality if you don't want to deteriorate and "fall off the bridge", figuratively speaking.

Maybe doing probiotic enemas, and taking GABA could help. You seem a bit more scattered than normal.
Felipe4 said:
That is another thing, I keep seeing the number 9 everywhere and can't figure it out. Like some kind of sign, warning or something. Been thinking about the meaning of numbers because I keep seeing it. and how does it relate. This is the 9th month by the way(and there was this pretty bad accident near my job ,such it was, they shut the entire highway), It took me some time to deal with my obsessive self suggestions on the number 33 which I kept seeing everywhere everyday!!! and now much less often, I can understand it practically as an indicator of a dynamic detrimental to me, or entering a situation involving a STS dynamic, but this number 9 ...3x3 is 9 , 3 centers of the 3 centers, i don't know what else...
Your entire post has a kind of frenzied, emotionally driven, dissociative feel to it. If you follow that line of force I think it'll lead into paranoia. So as has been already advised it's best to focus on your diet (very important!), and getting into practical things and focus on that.

"Seeing numbers" and all like that might simply be the awakening within oneself of an awareness that there's a greater world of intuition out there. Part of you might be awakening to another limitless world of inner connectiveness. However, it seems to me that you are reacting to these glimpses of what you see in an emotional way and then this emotion is driving your thinking leading to a kind of frenzied thinking.

Seeing repetitive numbers might be the witnessing, or becoming aware of in a very, very, superficial way of another world of limitless possibilities that's limited only by a lower world (our 'everyday' practical world) of separateness, where everything is perceived as separate and disconnected. Emotionally you may be mixing the two, losing your very important critical mind that's needed in this world which will making things worse. Best, I think, is to move opposite to your inclination to dissociate into this 'mixed' world that you create with reactive thinking and focus on your diet and practical stuff, probably more important now then ever.

I think 'seeing numbers' and being fascinated with 'numerology' and thinking we can understand and apply it (just to use an analogy) might be like first becoming aware that there is an entire 'world of mathematics' out there with such things as basic arithmetic, addition, subtraction, etc., but even before learning the simple basics we think that we can already understand higher order equations and advanced calculus.
Thanks guys, i wanted to write about these before, but i forgot, so i put them together, instead of making a diferent post for each i posted them together, i re-read it and it does sound like "all over the place".

I don't get many "strangeness" , i recalled a discussion somewhere wherea member explained seeing the sun east and then west, and another one where another member recalled seeing a building different way. When i saw the bride i remembered these discussions.

I just feel my post was much recent than that, i remember reading it seating down, and i usually sit on the computer in a crossed leg position, and at that time i remember i was 20 days on crutches i couldn't bend my leg. It is a little shoking though, a disociation of two years.

Lux: You are right, when you put it like that, I would never notice hondas until my sister got hers, i guess our emotions give power to our believes. If there is a busy road and all you see is hondas, yes it is there, but then we would be missing the rest of the cars, the road, the people and so on. While i still believe some signs are indications of something else, i don't really hold a sting faith is them like before. And as i said, i can use this in whatever way is practical and ultimately useful to my level of understanding instead of trying to find a magical meaning to it , if i see the number 9 which i have seen repeatedly the only use i can give it is the study of the 3 centers and selfobservation.
Sometimes , though it kept on repating over and over again, like when you randomly pull your phone, sit at your desk, get a phonecall, open a book and you see it, It once happened that everytime even when i was distracted i would pull my phone and see 3:33 pm or am sometimes for weeks. And not just my phone, it was everywhere so much it was draining until i decided to not care, it is draining to have such obsessions, And it did stop.

Chu: i had very few of these off memories and perceptions, but those two were significant, Now it would be nice to have had a "bleedthrough" kind of experience, but the concern is that if it is disosiative problem, memory and perception are very fragil, i have good memory. What seems weird with the bridge is that i have both images of the bridge clear, one was pefectly paved and the other one was wood with holes, it's just weird. The bridge analogy is a very good one.

Chu said:
Maybe doing probiotic enemas, and taking GABA could help. You seem a bit more scattered than normal.
. Thanks for the recomendation.
PS: does that mean i always seem scattered? Oh no

Kenlee: seeing numbers actually got me interested in numerology, my problem is that i don't have the best context for study, like for example, we see numbers are units of value, but our understanding of the value of the units is very small. I thought that when you combine math with grabity you get geometry, which makes sence, the value of each equal unit in balance and form a perfect geometric figure, like a square or a triangle. Also all numbers are contained in one, but all numbers are not cotained in 2 or 3, etc.. As whole numbers, which means numbers have their own properties individually. Like for example, we don't see 3 as 1 whole. We see 3 as 1-2-3. So we don't really percieve numbers the way they are, we just count numbers... What is the true meaning of numbers relates to a discussion here where someone asked the true meaning of the elements of matter, we never figured it out, but it was still very very facinating!
I've read this book recently, where there was description of the experiment about how memory can fool us. The book was called "Subliminal" by Leonard Mlodinow, and as title sugests, the book was about subconcious and how it influence our everyday life. There was whole chapter about how the memory works and how mind can trick us, so we belive in something that never happened. There was described many cases, but one looks similar to Your experience.

The experiment was conducted by some professor of psychology at the American university right after Challenger catastrofy. He ordered his first year students to write down how did they learn about this event. Three years later he asked the same question to the same group of students that was still studying at this university. Not a single story was completly correct and 1/4 was fully wrong. In most cases the story was more dramatic than the original version, pepole were adding details that never happened, or they said they were in one place when they heard about that event but in fact they were completly somewhere else. However, more interesting was reaction of the students. They claimed they remember it better than they had write it down. One of them said "Yes, it's my writing, but I remember, it was different!"

IMHO, it's quite possible in those cases that Your mind tricked You.
Wow thanks janek, ill have to order it, that is an interesting experiment, i understand we don't remember anything the way it actually happen but instead it is a reconstruction and everytime we remember it it is a different thing ommiting and adding details to the story.

It is weird because what i have in my head does not coicide at all with the facts in these two particular insidents. Like my mind ommiting details in big chunks! But i guess i could try an exercise, i could try to remember other things that actually happened write them and compare them to other people's with whom i shared these experiences to see if im really looking at mayor gaps in my recollection of events, memory and conciousness.. Or just isolated events of dissociation because of mayor emotional experiences linked to them.. Or high strangeness

Thanks for the book recomendation.
Felipe4, I'd recommend doing some "grounding" exercises, even something as simple as sitting on the earth, swimming or physical exercise.
Janek said:
I've read this book recently, where there was description of the experiment about how memory can fool us. The book was called "Subliminal" by Leonard Mlodinow, and as title sugests, the book was about subconcious and how it influence our everyday life. There was whole chapter about how the memory works and how mind can trick us, so we belive in something that never happened. There was described many cases, but one looks similar to Your experience.

The experiment was conducted by some professor of psychology at the American university right after Challenger catastrofy. He ordered his first year students to write down how did they learn about this event. Three years later he asked the same question to the same group of students that was still studying at this university. Not a single story was completly correct and 1/4 was fully wrong. In most cases the story was more dramatic than the original version, pepole were adding details that never happened, or they said they were in one place when they heard about that event but in fact they were completly somewhere else. However, more interesting was reaction of the students. They claimed they remember it better than they had write it down. One of them said "Yes, it's my writing, but I remember, it was different!"

IMHO, it's quite possible in those cases that Your mind tricked You.

The memory experiments associated with the Challenger disaster were very interesting. One conclusion from the experiment was, like Janek mentioned, there is not much correlation between the confidence one feels about his/her memory and the accuracy of the memory. People have tried to explain the memory errors associated with the Challenger experiment as a case of flashbulb memory. The central event, the Challenger disaster, is like a flashbulb going off. The peripheral details, like what one was doing at the time when one heard the news, are very much blurred. Consequently, recall of the details is more erroneous.

Other studies have indicated that present emotional experience tends to retroactively strengthen and color the memory of prior related events.
(Paper abstract: Emotional learning selectively and retroactively strengthens memories for related events )

This means that it is not only emotional experiences that are remembered. After the emotional experience, associative links are set up which reach into the past and connect up events that were previously considered inconsequential or neutral. This is tested in the lab with images of animals and objects for a relatively short time span (hours).

If this mechanism holds true for longer term memories, I wonder if an example could be a strong negative event/experience with another person with whom there is a history. After the incident, previous events which did not ruffle feathers at the time would now be recalled with a stronger negative flavor. This effect will perhaps be stronger for negative experiences than positive ones as from an evolutionary standpoint, we are geared to take greater note of negative experiences due to survival reasons.

Felipe4 said:
Hello, so i was answering a question from a member just now on another thread and pointed to a link in which the discussion had already taken place, i recalled i wrote on this one,,34967.msg498324.html#msg498324

BUT, BUT, Im pretty, absolutely sure i posted my reply this or last year the most, though my post says June 2014 Im literally like :huh: :huh: :huh:
what?? I can't associate any memory to this, I searched my recent posts because I wanted to find the discussion to find it was two years ago, and that reply doesn't sound like me two years ago, I would have been fine believing it was Dec2015 but June 2014? I was recovering from my bike accident and I was on crutches I was't doing much at home, what is interesting about this is that Today i found a medical bill from that time that was supposed to be settle because insurance covered it in full, my accident was the 31 of may my post was the 9th of June, feels off, i'm confused :huh:

I can say that I can remember the general flavor of the content of my past posts on this forum much better than the time when I posted them. Sometimes, I would remember that I had posted something on a topic in the past, look for it and when I find it, the date often seems older than what I would expect. I do not consider such experiences "dissociative". While scientists do not have a convincing theory about how exactly our brains process time, it is generally shown from empirical data that if any biological pacemaker type system exists in the human nervous system, it is usually bad at longer interval time keeping. Many emotionally charged events appear like "they happened yesterday". Unless otherwise connected to other significant events, time "errors" for > 1 year type event recall intervals may be common. I do not worry about them.

Hello Felipe4,

It's been one month I have lots of deja vu, I feel like a loop forcing in the head area when it's happen, but it's maybe that try/force to grasp something that already happen (the deja vu). And today a coworker told a story about myself which had done an exercise that nobody of my classroom have done in the past, but I'm convinced that the entire classroom had done this particular exercise in the same time as me. The "all classroom had done the exercise" part seems so more real that the "I am the only one to have done the exercise" part told by my friend that I was the feeling of having two 'me'. My mind confused choose to believe my friend but I know that a bielief it's just a story so I release this.

It's interesting because it happens when I'm awaken and releasing some serious feelings and part of myself, and it's the time when a "teacher" came and I have these fantastic sensations of a blurry mind, frustration and nervous excitability (like the teacher of Lobaczewski in it's book Political Ponerology).

So yeah, ground a lot and focus on practical thing. Guitare works magically for me, and grounding is more and more easy and very relaxing.

Good luck !
axj, grounding always helps, i try to do it when I can, specially since i love grass.

obyvatel said:
The memory experiments associated with the Challenger disaster were very interesting. One conclusion from the experiment was, like Janek mentioned, there is not much correlation between the confidence one feels about his/her memory and the accuracy of the memory. People have tried to explain the memory errors associated with the Challenger experiment as a case of flashbulb memory. The central event, the Challenger disaster, is like a flashbulb going off. The peripheral details, like what one was doing at the time when one heard the news, are very much blurred. Consequently, recall of the details is more erroneous.

Other studies have indicated that present emotional experience tends to retroactively strengthen and color the memory of prior related events.
(Paper abstract: Emotional learning selectively and retroactively strengthens memories for related events )

This means that it is not only emotional experiences that are remembered. After the emotional experience, associative links are set up which reach into the past and connect up events that were previously considered inconsequential or neutral. This is tested in the lab with images of animals and objects for a relatively short time span (hours).

If this mechanism holds true for longer term memories, I wonder if an example could be a strong negative event/experience with another person with whom there is a history. After the incident, previous events which did not ruffle feathers at the time would now be recalled with a stronger negative flavor. This effect will perhaps be stronger for negative experiences than positive ones as from an evolutionary standpoint, we are geared to take greater note of negative experiences due to survival reasons.

I am not familiar with the memory experiments of the challenger disaster, I have to look that up,
How we remember one thing is directly influenced by our present state, so if a hundred people are put to describe one event, their recollection of events becomes a combination of some details and many twists, we remember by means of association, there are memories, which are very clear, but when you try to remember the whole of the experience, the smell, the time, the heat and physical sensations with the actual thread of thoughts taking place at the time of the memory they tend to be more accurate..

I noticed it, we were taking with some people and the event of 9/11 came up in connection to someone's birthday, being 6 months and one day apart, after the comment, i asked what they were doing during the event, I usually asked that question since I live close to NY, and people usually tell, some with more emotion than others and some who you can tell don't want to remember it. This time, we shared , he was locked up in school and remembers the smoke. My response was, i saw the first tower fall because one of my brothers first saw it on TV and i was sent to get potatoes while the other one collapsed..

But that is not what actually happened, it seems our brains is more concerned with recollecting the memories they way our mind is presently adjusted, for example, i have a tendency to leave no detail out while at the same time I wanted to share the funny irony of going to buy potatoes during such event, so my brain collected beginning and end, and filled up the details somewhat similar and common knowledge and ended with a joke, for the sake of normal chit chat i did not go into perfect detail of what i remembered.

Later on I thought about it and remembered that was not what happened, "traveling back in time" I was 11 years old , my mental state then wasn't such to not leave details out, but now yes, I heard my brother say something that they attacked the tower or something like that ( i had no idea of what the twin towers were, what that attack meant, where NY was located, or any of that) we were worried about my mother who lived in the US, (again i had no idea where she lived, and where NY was and where my mom lived) so the worry started to spread, and i adopted the worry and adopted the "phone lines are down we are unable to call there" fear and shared the panic, while in reality I was worried afterwards when i understood she could have been killed, then my grandmother for some reason told me to go to the store to get something, and i remember being feeling weird about her telling me to go get something at the store like she cared more about cooking than what was happening on TV, also i remember cursing at osama bin laden, and i mispronounced his name with Uzama lol.. i was mad at him, because they said on TV he quote "attacked the towers". Then blank.

In reality i don't recall , what i went to buy, what I ate, what i did in school, what I was thinking when i got home from school, and so on.
It seems to me that the only reason why I remember the other details were other factors, such as , i remember i was the errand boy, i remember i had my uniform on throughout the whole morning before school, I remember the bridge (in which i was cursing at "poor osama") because this bridge was always on the way to the main entrance to the complex, Those are helpers.

But if you ask a question in a different way or a different memory, i will remember other things, What doesn't seem to change is the feelings associated with it, when you actually remember it.

obyvatel said:
I can say that I can remember the general flavor of the content of my past posts on this forum much better than the time when I posted them. Sometimes, I would remember that I had posted something on a topic in the past, look for it and when I find it, the date often seems older than what I would expect. I do not consider such experiences "dissociative". While scientists do not have a convincing theory about how exactly our brains process time, it is generally shown from empirical data that if any biological pacemaker type system exists in the human nervous system, it is usually bad at longer interval time keeping. Many emotionally charged events appear like "they happened yesterday". Unless otherwise connected to other significant events, time "errors" for > 1 year type event recall intervals may be common. I do not worry about them.

I believe that is because the brain cannot remember what actually happened because the brain is not built to remember everything at all times in its "normal"state , and the way we remember is not a combination of multiple factors leading to a set of outcomes in the Present, but a combination of main details. So we have a soup of information here and there, i think that is probably the best way for the brain to function efficiently in terms of recollecting all the information, what I think happens in the life of common people, including me is not that we don't receive the information but that our brain is not equipped or prepare to process and manage ALL of the soup of information.
Other influences can very well be other realities and universes passing through.

There is also the cases of autistic savants who can memorize an entire city, and entire book, or calculate the day someone was born in an extraordinary short time, where the brain is rewired differently.

Also the perception of time changes when we are focused than when we are not, when we are in pain than when we are felling perfectly sound.

Nico said:
Hello Felipe4,

It's been one month I have lots of deja vu, I feel like a loop forcing in the head area when it's happen, but it's maybe that try/force to grasp something that already happen (the deja vu). And today a coworker told a story about myself which had done an exercise that nobody of my classroom have done in the past, but I'm convinced that the entire classroom had done this particular exercise in the same time as me. The "all classroom had done the exercise" part seems so more real that the "I am the only one to have done the exercise" part told by my friend that I was the feeling of having two 'me'. My mind confused choose to believe my friend but I know that a bielief it's just a story so I release this.

It's interesting because it happens when I'm awaken and releasing some serious feelings and part of myself, and it's the time when a "teacher" came and I have these fantastic sensations of a blurry mind, frustration and nervous excitability (like the teacher of Lobaczewski in it's book Political Ponerology).

So yeah, ground a lot and focus on practical thing. Guitare works magically for me, and grounding is more and more easy and very relaxing.

Good luck !

I get these deja vu, at certain points, when i've been emotionally unstable overall, when Liam really really tired, when i visit new places, and when I've been slacking. For a second I remember when i deemed it or saw it and it soon vanishes, like when you are dreaming and wake up and remember the dream for an instant and soon it vanishes, and sometimes later on during the day something associated with the dream comes up in reality and the memory comes back.
It also has happened with deja vu, there was a time where several deja vu connected over a period of time, some from infancy and other connected with the same period of time from later on during my teen years.
Now mostly when I am sleep deprived and visit new places,

I do believe the C's mentioned other windows open when you are sleep deprived

June 9 1996
Q: (L) What is it about physicality that necessitates sleep? What are we doing while we are sleeping?

A: Body recharge.

Q: (L) Where is the body being recharged from or what is it being recharged by?

A: Rest.

Q: (L) What is the soul doing while the body is sleeping?

A: Same, it taxes the soul greatly to be embodied.

Q: (L) Is this why, when people suffer sleep deprivation, they go psychotic?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why are the results of sleep deprivation, psychosis, delirium tremens, and psychedelic drugs and some mystical states so similar in their expressions and manifestations? What is being seen?

A: Openings.

Q: (L) Well, if doing without sleep provides an opening, what is it an opening to?

A: Density levels 4 and up.

Q: (L) It would seem to me - well, why is this not good?

A: Who said it wasn't?

Q: (L) Well, apparently a lot of people who have psychotic episodes, literally go out of their minds. They can no longer function in this world. They LOCK them up!

A: Yes...

Q: (L) Why does melatonin induce these openings?

A: Gentle hallucinogen.
Yeah I remember Gurdjieff doing stuff late at night and his travel through Oural during the war (from ISOTM). So just notice what's going on but remember that everything is an illusion even an illusion in an illusion.

To ground I found that on Sott Fr :

from here, if you speak french : (The man who seeks silence)

Maybe near NY there are zone of total silence.
Nico said:
So just notice what's going on but remember that everything is an illusion even an illusion in an illusion.

I'm not sure what you mean by this exactly Nico, but taken at face value I don't think it's the best advice. We are tasked with paying as much attention to the details of reality as possible. To do that, we have to be 'grounded' in reality and take it AS reality, not some "illusion". The idea that reality is an "illusion" is for philosophical musing, and should be done with the awareness that that is what you are doing. It is not, IMO, a good approach for active daily life.
I think a better term is that a lot of one's personal life is a reflection of the inner energy state. Also, the degree of connection and living from the Authentic Self and Higher Self has a huge influence on what is 'reflected' in the events of the outer world.

It seems that larger world events are a reflection of the collective energy state of many people, which kind of ties in with the idea of humanity attracting cosmic phenomena if the state we are in as a collective is too much off balance.
well, one of the things learned from deja vu and the impact of dreams, like those that seem past life memories, future memories, and dreams with distinctive vividness and impact, like those prophetic ones is the realization of Higher emotions than the ones we commonly feel.

Higer emotions have a greater deal of information that those our body feels, that is why these emotions translate certain memories, messages and visual effects.
If we were to stand in 4D our sensations would be more unified and the flow of information would increase but i doubt we would be able to handle it.

I think in terms of the illusion, the challenge for the seeker is to untangle and decipher it as much as possible, because the illusion doesn't exists but in the mind of the viewer. The C's mentioned the physical universe is an illusion for the purpose of learning, the illusion is for us to learn, and the illusion is, wars, hunger, unbalance, fears, accidents and bear the consequences of having a physical body, work, live, grow kids and food and so on and so forth. The more we grow out of it the more we are able to see, the less restrictions for the "expression of the soul" which is the real thing.

Like the prison scene in V for vendetta.
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