Strange dreams

  • Thread starter seekingObjectivity
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The past couple of weeks I have been having some odd dreams.

1. I had just went to bed and was almost asleep and then suddenly I felt as if I were jerked up and felt as if being carried away. As I opened my eyes I noticed that I was sort of "flying" towards my closet and then felt a "thud" as I hit the wall at the back of the closet. However, as soon as I hit the wall I felt myself being carried back towards my bed then and as I lay there on my bed "paralyzed" I felt, and I apologize for the description, intense pain as though something was clenching onto my testes and basically "raping" me. This lasted for about 10 - 15 seconds or so before I was able to move again. (However, knowing of the STS possibility I did not allow any instance of fear to "radiate" from me.)

2. I was lying in bed and once again I found myself unable to move. I opened my eyes and though I could see that my physical body was not moving I could still perceive the motion of my hands and arm as both a blue irridescence and invisible as though I was peering through a stream of water. I reached below me (through the bed) and I felt another's hand grab onto mine and once again I had this terrible squeezing pressure "down under" so to speak and of course feeling as though I should resist it I managed to physically move once again.

3. I'm lying in bed feeling paralyzed once again. I feel something from behind wrap their "arms and legs" around me and squeezing me. I turned to my side and hear a sort of crackled growl with the definite sensation of descent followed by a voice telling me that "we're almost there" while church bells are ringing in the distance.

4. Lying in bed followed by another episode of paralysis with the feeling of someone/something grasping onto both of my hands from behind arm to arm, head to head, leg to leg, feet to feet, etc...I ask (by thought) "What are you doing?" with a response in a female's voice "Shhh....I'm helping you....guiding you..." in this particular instance there wasn't any sensation of being "jerked" around, zero pain and zero fear. This lasted for about 30 - 45 seconds or so before I could manage to move again.

5. A lucid dream where I found myself with both my older and younger brother in a car. My older brother was driving the car, I was in the passenger seat, and my younger brother was in the back seat. I could see that my older brother was driving rather wrecklessly and I was telling him to watch out for the car in front of us to the right. He seemed not to listen and he clipped the car's back bumper before arriving at a stop light. As we were stopped I looked over to my right expecting the car we just hit to also drive up to the light and angry that we had just hit them. I told my brother that we ought to get out and talk with them and call the cops etc. However, when I looked back to my left my brother was rolling down the window to talk to the people in the vehicle to our left and doing so hit the left-side rearview mirror of the car that we had just hit! I then said that maybe I should drive. We exchanged seats and I drove to the police station. While there my brothers seemed to have disappeared and I found myself talking to an obese, bald-headed, and greasy officer sitting at his desk. Apparently he was too busy to deal with our situation as the room was full of a bunch of old drunken men! I offered to help watch over these men and while doing so one of the men vomited all over me. I didn't really mind too much after all it's just vomit and I realize I'm dreaming. I help the poor drunken man to the bathroom and help him get "situated" at a stall. As I walk back to the bathroom door another old man bursts in, vomits on me as well, and falls to the floor. I help him to his feet. He then walks to the same stall as the other guy, pulls down his pants, opens the door and starts yelling blasphemies at this guy. I look over at him and I realize that it is my grandfather on my Dad's side! I then walk back to the room full of drunks saturated with the putrid stench of vomit and decided to decide to "manifest" a nice clean dry shirt to replace this nasty wet one! I walk into the room to find that all the drunken men have "gone" and found the obese, bald-headed guy sitting at his desk smiling at me and telling me that "they" should be here pretty soon. I sat down in a chair at the opposite end of the room to wait and to "pass the time" I decided to be creative "manifest" things as gifts for the other non-drunken people in the room. I decided I would create a balloon animal that was really a hybrid of different vegetables. I started with a green balloon, blew it up and twisted into a peculiar shape and then turned it into a cucumber. At one end of this cucumber I turned it back into a balloon, blew it up (by sunction) and then turned it into a pumpkin. I then did the same to another "end" but turned it instead into a watermelon!. By the end, I had created a horse shaped animal made out of various vegetables and plants and I gave it to a lady waiting in the office. Somebody then wanted an entertainment system, complete with speakers, TV, etc...and a "cool" coffee table. So I created all of this to their liking and I was surprised at the engineering of the coffee table. Though it was very sturdy while sitting on the ground, if you were to pick it up it would become very flimsy as it was all held together by rope made taught by various placed springs. Curiously, it could be adjusted to any size. By pressing the ends together, the "middle" wooden slabs would slide under the adjacent slabs and could be "fixed" at that length by notches made for the many loops that were present on the rope.

6. Another lucid dream, I found myself with someone (I can't remember who) walking outside along a street where many vehicles were parked along the curb. Apparently, the sky had become increasingly revealing because we found ourselves observing this cloud that was shaped like a "UFO" As we were observing, it suddenly turned towards us so we ducked down to "hide" in front of this truck. In my head I was thinking that this was a pathetic attempt. I knew that I was dreaming so I decided to see if I could somehow think of something that I could perceive as to successfully counter any moves to beings capable of any degree of physicality. However, I had no time (I believe my mistake was not thinking of how to "freeze" the moment) as soon as I had the thought of "deciding" I could perceive one of the beings coming towards me (although it was somewhat invisibe) all I could think to do was walk up to it and "push it away" which was a big mistake. As soon as I "pushed" I became paralyzed (I suppose it/they know how to freeze "time" much better than I) I then woke up aware of my physical body but still paralyzed. I then "heard" a huge amount of information streaming "through"/"to me" telling me my different aspects of my future ( I immediately thought STS), my children and their education(I don't have any), the different illnesses/diseases/cancer that will afflict me and others around me, and much more information that I had a hard time in processing it all. I resisted as much as I could and eventually was able to move once again.

7. Another lucid dream, I found myself at a bar with my younger brother and we were eating, of all things, gummy worms, my brother was eating some sugar-coated kind, and mind were some bland tasting kind. My mother then showed up and she sat down at a table with these girls that I know (though have not seen in a while) with her back to them. The next scene I found myself at my grandparent's house (Dad's side) in the kitchen. I turned to walk out of the kitchen but found myself facing a huge spider-web with a huge brownish spider in the center. I sort of yelled at the spider "hey!" it turned its attention towards me and started running in my direction. Feeling that its intention might be to attack me I "shrunk" it and smashed it with my shoe. However, my shoe then turned into a tarantula and for some reason I felt like this tarantula, of all things, was friendly so I didn't pay any attention to it. So I made my way out of the kitchen and when I turned around I saw that the web had formed again. Except this time there was not a brown spider, nor a tarantula, but a huge black-widow spider. Still feeling that it was nothing that I should really fear I started to walk in the other direction. At that exact moment the black-widow "jumped" off the web onto the lower part of my stomach to the left side of my navel and bit down really hard! I looked down grabbed onto it and tried to "peel" it off of me (it felt like it had basically leeched into my skin!). However, right as I managed to free myself I woke up paralyzed for a brief moment before I was able to move.

If anyone has some insight into what one or more of these dreams may mean I would definitely appreciate it!
It strikes me how often you are "playing nice" when you are met with the nastiness, filth and exploitation. Maybe it somehow illustrates your real life attitudes? It would partly explain those dreams where you are overtly sucked out of energy.
I defintely understand your perspective about the "playing nice" but from my current perspective I am not "playing" at all as there did not reside within me (at that "time") any feelings of anger towards anyone or anything, thus, not requiring of me to "cover-up" anger by "playing nice" but only being nice as I did not perceive it any other way. With regards to being sucked out of energy, I certainly agree that this is probably the case. However, realizing that STS feeds off of negative energy should not one strive to maintain neutrality in such situations, thereby, minimizing net transfer of energy that is being taken from me? I realize how naive I may sound but at the moment I am still trying to understand how anyone may successfully counteract such energy draining attempts from STS beings. I know I should anticipate attack always as it is the "mother of preparedness" but I am failing to understand how anticipation prevents draining of energy when attacked. What possibilities have you considered that could successfully prevent someone from either being attacked or once attacked minimizing the draining of energy? I have given it some thought and it seems to me that if negative energy feeds, and positive energy (is vomit to them) then being neutral might be the best course of thought in action. I suppose I should stop being nice (it's hard to see another way) and be neutral. What are your thoughts on this?
J0da said:
It strikes me how often you are "playing nice" when you are met with the nastiness, filth and exploitation. Maybe it somehow illustrates your real life attitudes?
Here's a section of articles on 'being nice' but in regards to relationships - i.e. being a 'nice guy'

I've found them to be helpful. - remove the space after the first b in the link above.
I should add, how may someone realize that attack is occurring when it is not as obvious as in the content of those few dreams mentioned above?
The spider dream's maybe telling you to extricate yourself carefully from the General Law? Show anything less than firm inner resistance and the predator will exploit that weakness and come back at you stronger than before.
SeekingObjectivity, I don't think there is so much difference (in terms of energy exchange) between "acting being nice" and "being nice" when facing some STS entity/being. First one is ignorant, second one is abysmaly ignorant in broader terms.

Acting "neutral" during confrontation with STS forces is just another form of acting "nice", eg - one's plays right into their hands. STO/STS is a DUALITY, therefore when we consider INTERACTION with another being there is no sitting on the fence...I'm afraid "middle path" doesn't apply here.

SeekingObjectivity said:
I am failing to understand how anticipation prevents draining of energy when attacked
Anticipation is not enough. Knowledge is crucial too.

SeekingObjectivity said:
I should add, how may someone realize that attack is occurring when it is not as obvious as in the content of those few dreams mentioned above?
Laura's Wave and Adventures Series cover a lot of ground in this regard. As for other reading, look into this section: Do not expect to know everything at once, learning is a process, so it takes some time. However, after reading Wave and Adverntures series, you'll probably beef up your defences considerably.

Regarding attacks during lucid dreaming - I have a method, which works pretty well for me. When I encouter some really nasty son-of-a-gun, I transform into even nastier one. Huge spider scares you to death? Become even bigger one and show him what's pain! They usually don't wait that long to see what happens...
Having considered your interpretation I agree to those two notions that "acting nice" and "being nice" was an error via ignorance on my part, though having had many lucid dream experiences prior to learning about the info. within this site I seemed to have conditioned myself to see only that which I desire to see, thus, failing to realize the potential ramifications of its content. The general result is that when faced once again with such a lucid dream this conditioning seems to override my ability to perceive the "big picture" which fogs my ability to think clearly/objectively about the information presented to me. However, in regards to your interpretation that being neutral as 'nice' is playing into STS' hands that I will also agree, but in terms of true neutrality would such "action", as it were, still be considered playing into their hands? That is, is neutrality as non-interaction even possible as all are connected at some level to all others? May any action no matter how far removed from the "source" involve interaction from another perspective? If so, then neutrality may still be maintained by interaction in the sense that STO involves interaction with STS no matter how evil or hostile another may perceive it to be. I understand that this perspective is only valid to the extent that freewill is not compromised and I also understand that we are STS but we are striving to be STO so should we not act in accordance to such principles now even if situations may seem from our perception to be very grim and almost without hope? Should I when faced with such situations merely observe? Or should I interact via questions? How would you deal with those situations as presented above such that attack could be prevented? It would help me a great deal in broadening my possible perceptions I may have when I am inevitably faced once more with such situations.
jOda, for some reason, when reading your response I didn't scroll all the way down to read your whole response. Thanks for your input, I'll keep your advice in mind and I'll read about the info. you provided.
seekingObjectivity said:
I defintely understand your perspective about the "playing nice" but from my current perspective I am not "playing" at all as there did not reside within me (at that "time") any feelings of anger towards anyone or anything, thus, not requiring of me to "cover-up" anger by "playing nice" but only being nice as I did not perceive it any other way.
Well, if I had some of those dreams where I was being treated like that, I'd be very angry and I'd want to stop it. I'd also be disgusted, angry and shocked at those aspects of myself which the dream revealed. You don't seem to be any of this, does this mean you enjoyed it or that anything that 'they' do to you is alright with you? :O

seekingObjectivity said:
With regards to being sucked out of energy, I certainly agree that this is probably the case. However, realizing that STS feeds off of negative energy should not one strive to maintain neutrality in such situations, thereby, minimizing net transfer of energy that is being taken from me?
4D STS feeds off all energy. What makes you think they weren't feeding off your negative energy... and you allowed it... 8| Getting angry with a thing and starting to resist it, isn't automatically an expression of 'negative' energy, it can be a defence as well. Fear and pain may be 'negative', but they sure are instructive. If you don't take action on these or at least, figure out whats causing them, you may not have heeded a warning and are a 'sitting duck' as far as 4D sts is concerned.

seekingObjectivity said:
I realize how naive I may sound but at the moment I am still trying to understand how anyone may successfully counteract such energy draining attempts from STS beings.
Resistance is not futile and start fighting!

Somehow, they have managed to convince you that this is expressing 'negativity'. Well, they sure got you fooled, didn't they?

seekingObjectivity said:
I know I should anticipate attack always as it is the "mother of preparedness" but I am failing to understand how anticipation prevents draining of energy when attacked. What possibilities have you considered that could successfully prevent someone from either being attacked or once attacked minimizing the draining of energy? I have given it some thought and it seems to me that if negative energy feeds, and positive energy (is vomit to them) then being neutral might be the best course of thought in action.
No, it just makes you a 'sitting duck', which is what they want, of course. Start 'fighting' and start trying to take charge of your dreams or at least influence them in a way you want. You may not 'like' this process, but you know, 'they' will 'like' it even less....

seekingObjectivity said:
I suppose I should stop being nice (it's hard to see another way) and be neutral. What are your thoughts on this?
I would suggest you start heeding the warning you have been given - fear as well as the 'nastier' side of life. Something very disturbing is happening to you and you seem to want 'reassurance' not to react. I'm not sure if this is a good thing.
Ruth said:
Well, if I had some of those dreams where I was being treated like that, I'd be very angry and I'd want to stop it. I'd also be disgusted, angry and shocked at those aspects of myself which the dream revealed. You don't seem to be any of this, does this mean you enjoyed it or that anything that 'they' do to you is alright with you? .
I suppose it is necessary to describe my childhood as a means to convey my current perceptions regarding anger and possibly those other aspects of myself you have described that may be reflected in my reactions to such situations. I hope the following may illuminate for you, and anyone else who may be so inclined to help me in the process/progress in The Work, my current perceptions via a retrospective description of my childhood.

At the age of four I was diagnosed as having a severe articulation disorder and as such I developed a tendency to become very frustrated with anyone whom had difficulty in understanding my speech. I could properly process incoming information and assimilate it with regard to my current level of understanding as well as formulate an internal response that I knew contained the information I wanted to convey. However, it seemed that there seemed to be a processive glitch in my ability to express such information externally. Thus, not having the ability to clearly express what I felt/thought, and I suppose anyone else may agree, would be very frustrating.

Such frustrations, then, led me to become very angry in childhood and adolescence as during those times I did not understand that what I was saying did not accurately reflect to those around me my internal thoughts in terms of the syntax of the language and its associated "emotional analogs" not to mention my limited understanding of the intricacies of the "outside world". Having experienced this frustration at such a young age, and the responding emotion as anger, developed within me a pattern to resolve misunderstanding with anger that eventually became an associated, rather, a defining characteristic of my personality.

Having been conditioned to develop anger as a "response" to such associations, and having been confronted with many such frustrating situations, I must have, for lack of a better explanation, transferred/inverted this "response mechanism" to become angry/emotional when faced with external-to-internal communication "errors" of my "reading instrument". Such "inversion", then, led me to become quite emotional (frustrated/angry) when faced with external "cues"/information that I had difficulty in understanding and/or internally assimilating to my current views of how I thought the world/environment operated. Having been or being a somewhat "shy" person by nature (or maybe as a response), and the tendency of nature to seek the "path of least resistance" I must have sought to minimize the frustration of the former (pre-inversion), thus, emphasizing the latter.

By kindergarten, the time most children in the United States learns to read, I found such refuge by seeking knowledge in books, thereby, strengthening in me this external-to-internal affliction, albeit, in a more "locally internal" way. Though my initial reading was that of children's books, I quickly became bored and chose to read books that dealt more directly with the world around me. Thus with such curiosity, I became enthralled with books about science as it illustrated for me both "cause-and-effect" and, the then "satisfying" explanations to those "nagging", children-will-be-children questions "Why Mommy? Why? Why? Why?". (My Mother's, rather, most adults mechanical response(s) to such curious children is/are, "just because". Though that's another interesting, albeit, still somewhat associated subject in and of itself.)

The result was a "locally internal" progression in understanding outside world "causes and effects" being validated via observation. Such “locally internal
seekingObjectivity said:
As of now, I have resolved my emotional state to the degree that I am always positive about everything(...)
Could you elaborate on this sentence?
I wrote: As of now, I have resolved my emotional state to the degree that I am always positive about everything because I realize the hope we all have to help each other but lacking in spiritual knowledge I find myself incapable of objective interpretation of dreams and that is why I observe without reaction to initial emotions because they always seems to cloud but to respond only after having observed and controlled the state of my emotions to prevent a possibly false initial reaction which may lend itself towards the clouding of objective reason and the ability to ascertain the nature to “cause and effect� within such perspectives.
Yes. I see among the various interpretations that I am now able to perceive, one that may seem to indicate an error in reasoning because there still exists conflict and much much more work to be accomplished. For example, "I am always positive......lacking in spiritual knowledge.......incapable of objective interpretation."

From experience of contemplating now to help shape whatever may come after it, having formed a pattern of realization from current "data" that indicates to me a "hint" of "progress" in the work, responding to observation as a means to "take the reigns" of my emotion via knowledge, having "shifted" the pendulum of constant frustration/negativity to constant "happiness"/"peace of mind", realizing this difference, realizing the process of how such shifts may take place, the cause of negative influences inwardly or outwardly as a means to effect a cause within that effects perception both inwardly and outwardly, how this cause and effect relies on this duality that serves others as a generator of such a shift in relation of knowledge to a persistance of seeking for eventual realization, I perceive the possibility within this great school (universe, earth, this site, other sites with the same honest motivations) vast potential for change, exponential growth of networking as a generator for such change, vast potential of realization for those who receive knowledge and apply it consistently, suffering as good when one realizes how it may be utilized to shift awareness via knowledge, that knowledge does indeed protect, that networking is accumulating knowledge, that there is much evil inwardly/outwardly but very little good inwardly/outwardly, that this may be the beginning of the fall of the pendulum, that this networking will help shift it, thus, minimizing the food that STS desires, and though evil is evil KNOWLEDGE PROTECTS, intentional suffereing is a means to discover more knowledge, thus, more protection if applied. Perceiving such possibilities I can not help but to find myelf positive most of the time, we have so much potential for change and this site is a STO generator that increasingly aids those who realize their suffering and seek it out. How is it that with such perceptions may I see otherwise?

[Edit: Those who seek out the Truth, thus, are aided by STS by their insatiable greed and inability to see but only as they wish. If Truth is known to all, GAME OVER for them and we are free. If we seek truth, they must stop it, as such, they will try everything in their "accumulated power" to instill fear, confusion, conflict by using our own "linearly-caged" mind against itself. Thus we lead ourselves into a sleep unaware of our suffering. The beauty is that this same suffering that they use to encage us can be used to weaken their grip. By realizing that suffering may be used as a generator of the discovery of knowledge, protection, and a progression of awakening, we free ourselves from their grip. Knowledge sucks the energy out of them for that is the energy they suck out of us to stay alive. We seek knowledge, they seek us, we suffer, we discover, we suck knowledge from them but as 3D STS striving to become 4D STO i.e. GAME OVER.]
Speaking frankly, I have the problem with understanding you, seekingObjectivity.

It may be partly my fault, since english is not my native language. But, on the other hand, I've read your last two posts in this thread, then snooped around in other threads you created and my impression is that when you write longer posts, you do it in a very convoluted way. It's like you go on the talking spree, bursting thoughts with the speed of a machinegun without much consideration for others, who would be reading it.
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