Star Trek: "The Day of the Dove" portrays our predicament uncannily


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I simply must mention today's episode, #66, The Day of the Dove, as a tremendous example of the insights revealed by this program. Who could have come up with this?

A pure-energy being that feeds on negative emotions (violent thoughts, hatred, bloodlust), and can manipulate matter and minds, draws a Klingon vessel and the Enterprise via a distress signal to a Federation colony on a planet. The entity had already destroyed the colony and it damages the Klingon vessel upon arrival, leaving only 40 alive. These are two perfect, false flag attacks that cause the Klingons and the shortly arriving Enterprise to blame each other for apparently brutal, unprovoked acts of war.

Once the 40 Klingons are taken aboard the Enterprise as prisoners, the ship again becomes a microcosm to reflect our reality here on Earth. The entity, which is unseen, unknown, and stealthy, traps all but 40 Enterprise crew below deck and replaces all weapons with primitive ones that require the most intense kind of fighting (hand-to-hand and bloody), arming both sides equally, creating a perfect balance of power. Shocked and horrified, the two sides begin to battle, each believing the other to be bloodthirsty killers, as they try gain control of the other's portion of the ship.

Spock reasons, and determines that the material transmutation of the weapons is beyond each's technology, and so theorizes existence of an unseen third party. But the provoked violence escalates, thus the entity's power begins to grow, and it agitates minds with thoughts of hatred and bloodlust, even implanting false memories among some crew that beckon them to vengeance. Chaos ensues as bloodlust reigns and injured crewmen recover only with thoughts of hatred, racial bigotry, and eagerness to return to battle. There is even a scene in which Chekhov, under influence, is inspired to attempt rape of a Klingon prisoner.

Spock, as usual, because of his emotional control, keeps stays objective and reasoning. He analyzes the history and begins to crack the assumptions that they're all under by determining that at the time of the attack on the colony, the Klingon ship was too far away to have done it. He builds a case for existence of a third party. They scan the ship and detect the pure-energy being, but still have no clue what it is or what its motives are. Spock recognizes the "influence" of the entity and Kirk conquers it by self-examination, but others don't. The dialog is amazing.

Kirk, representing the peacmaker, proposes convincing the Klingons of the manipulation and trying a truce.
McCoy, agitated, representing the warmonger, sounding just like a furious Zell Miller: Truce? Are you serious? ... This is a fight to the death. We'd better start trying to win it!
Kirk: We're attempting to end it, by reason...
McCoy, unswerved: But this is war!!
Kirk, using facts to advance the theory of a setup: There isn't any war! ... Two forces aboard this ship, each of them equally armed. Has a war been staged for us, complete with weapons and ideology and patriotic drum beating? Even race hatred?
Spock, representing those who begin to see: Recent events would seem to be directed toward a magnification of the basic hostilities between humans and Klingons. Apparently, it is by design that we fight. We seem to be pawns.
Kirk: But what's the game? And whose? And what are the rules?
Spock, theorizing that exposure of truth will solve the problem: It is most urgent that we locate the alien entity immediately and determine its motives and a method for halting its activities.

Each side begins to realize that as they nearly checkmate the opposing side, something mysteriously foils it, causing the balanced fighting to continue. The Klingon commander suspiciously ruminates, "What power is it that supports our battle, yet starves our victory?"

So many great quotes. When they finally encounter the alien and figure out that it feeds on negative emotion:
Kirk: It subsists on the emotions of others.
Spock: This one appears to be strengthened by mental irradiations of hostility, violent intentions.
Kirk: It exists on the hate of others.
Spock: To put it simply. And it has acted as a catalyst, creating this situation in order to satisfy that need. It has brought together opposing forces, provided crude instruments in an effort to promote the most violent mode of conflict. And kept numbers and resources balanced so that it can maintain a constant state of violence.
Kirk: It's got to have a vulnerable area. We've got to get rid of it.
Spock: Then all hostile attitudes on board must be eliminated.
Kirk: The fighting must end and soon, or we're a doomed ship... We've got to pool our knowledge and get rid of this thing.
Spock: Soon it will become so powerful, none of us will be able to resist it.
Kirk: Stop the war now, or spend eternity in futile bloody violence... pawn against pawn! Stopping the bad guys. While somewhere someone or some...thing sits back and laughs, and starts it all over again.

And finally, when McCoy suggests to Spock that they stop the Klingons by force, Spock says, "Those who hate and fight must stop themselves, Doctor. Otherwise, it is not stopped."

If interested, I recommend reading the whole script, to recognize the full extent of the insights here. It's an easy read -- and the whole episode plays itself in your head as you go:
I was recenly thinking about that episode and how it fit the current situation as well,
I haven't seen a Star Trek episode in ages, but I remember just about all of them.
Programming anyone?
A few fascinating quotations from Mr. Spock:

"Curious. Your people glorified organized violence for forty centuries, but you imprison those who employ it privately." -- Spock, Dagger of the Mind

"I'm frequently appalled by the low regard you Earthmen have for life." -- Spock, The Galileo Seven

"I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose." -- Spock, The Squire of Gothos

"Insufficient facts always invite danger." -- Spock, Space Seed

"Insults are effective only where emotion is present." -- Spock, Who Mourns for Adonais?

"May I point out that I have gotten a chance to examine your counterparts closly. They are brutal, savage, uncivilized and illogical. They are in evey way examples of homo-sapians, the very flower of humanity." -- Spock, Mirror, Mirror

"Military secrets are the most fleeting of all." -- Spock, The Enterprise Incident

"It would be illogical to assume that all conditions remain stable." -- Spock, The Enterprise Incident

"Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth." -- Spock, "Or by misleading the innocent." -- McCoy, And The Children Shall Lead

"Without followers, evil cannot spread." -- Spock, And The Children Shall Lead

"No one can guarantee the actions of another." -- Spock, Day Of The Dove
A while ago I saw a web page about a book called "The Cryptic Secrets of Star Trek". I never bought the book, and the website doesn't exist anymore, except on the Internet Archive. Here's the link to it in the archive if you want to check out the scattered remains of it:*/ said:
The Cryptic Secrets
of Star Trek


The Cryptic Secrets of Star Trek is a book based on the television series Star Trek, the greatest phenomena of the 20th Century. We take you where no analysis has gone before, into the cryptic secrets hidden in these original episodes of Star Trek.

This little book is what you have been waiting for all these years - the next step in the Star Trek saga. Where Gene Roddenberry left off is where the Cryptic Secrets of Star Trek picks up.

What Plato tried to tell us is that everything which exists in the world is but a crude representation from a long-ago existence of ours. That which has existed in the past, that which exists today, and what will exist in the future comes from stored knowledge in our subconscious - knowledge we have brought with us.

In each successive lifetime here on the planet, the conditions have evolved in just the right way to make the reminiscence and objectification of specific ancient memories possible. It has not been until this present "technological age" and the advent of the computer whereby we are now able to comprehend the scope of this reality and understand the mysteries of life.

Yes, it is in this age of technological enlightenment that Gene Roddenberry has been able to come forth, create Star Trek and sow the seeds of Plutonic wisdom into our minds . . . which in turn has created this mystical allure to his creation. Gene Roddenberry has used Star Trek as the vehicle to sow the seeds and re-awaken the latent memories in our subiconscious. Once shown the ancient Esoteric knowledge hidden in Star Trek, and the subsequent understanding thereof is attained, a whole new reality unfolds.
Yes, I remember this episode, and t is very interesting and surprising. Before I learned
of esotericism, when I watched it then, it was another interesting episode, cool, and
anticipated the next episode... like chain smoking I guess. ;)

But having been in this forum, read L/A's books, articles, O,M,G, and other esoteric topics
it certainly puts a different light on things, and you might say; WHOA! It makes it THAT
much more interesting! BTW: Star-Trek reruns are still running (with caption) that I did
not have then, when I watched it!

Now that I/we have learned (and continue to learn) of estoericism, it makes me/us want
to try and remember my/our past of missed esoteric road signs?

I just reread my own transcript above and got something else out of it. The power staging the war << provided crude instruments in an effort to promote the most violent mode of conflict. >>

I happened to see CBS News 60 Minutes last week, in which the non-lethal microwave weapon was profiled. Here is the link:
The Pentagon's Ray Gun:
Four pages long.

The interesting part of the story was the admission by the US military that non-lethal weapons are frowned upon and vastly more difficult to (A) get funded, and (B) get approved for transport to and use in an actual theater of conflict. One comment, "A major came up to me and said that the Marine Corps wasn't overly thrilled with the whole non-lethal concept. And his idea was, is that the Marine Corps’ idea of force escalation went from M-16 to F-16. How many people we could kill and how fast we could do it." This is, IMO, probably not really true because that would shorten or end conflicts too easy. I got the feeling that the culture of death in the military was threatened by the use of non-lethal forces. Naturally, we suspect that non-lethal weaponry is being kept "at home" for use in domestic disturbances.

Believing that the PTB has far more advanced technology than they ever use suggests that truly, "crude instruments... to promote the most violent mode of conflict" is fully intentional.
Yes, that is true. BTW: I saw 60 Minutes too.

We learned a LOT more along the way, both lethal and non-lethal: PSYOPs
techniques, crowd-control techniques, people management techniques, torture
techniques, weapons of various forms: soft/hard energy delivery systems (from
space or ground based direct, directed, focused, or dispersal beams of various
frequencies using most of the EM spectrum causing everything from mood changes
to total disintegration, chemical based delivery systems (fast/slow air,water,food,...)
and the list goes on and on.

We can see that the PTB are going to throw "everything they have" towards total
domination and conquest (as their aims) in the coming harvest, but like the Witch of
the West said: "No! Fool that I am. I should have remembered. Those slippers (soul)
will never come off, as long as you're live. But that's not what's worrying me. It's how
to do it. These things must be done delicately, or you hurt the spell (awareness)."
I could be remembering wrongly, but wasn't Star Trek (the original series) or Gene Rodenberry mentioned in the transcripts as having some inside knowledge?

mudrabbit said:
I could be remembering wrongly, but wasn't Star Trek (the original series) or Gene Rodenberry mentioned in the transcripts as having some inside knowledge?

960921 said:
Q: (L) And was this subliminal activity with the movie designed to create an opening for this further...
A: Not for you, but for others.
Q: (L) Why? Do you mean me, personally, or us as a group? (T) Well the movie didn't affect me.
A: Group.
Q: (L) What made us immune?
A: You already have the knowledge.
Q: (T) The movie wasn't meant for us; we already know. The movie was meant for all of those who don't understand.
A: Say hello to Gene Roddenberry.
Q: (L) Is Gene Roddenberry present?
A: No.
Q: (L) In other words, say hello to him because he was doing that sort of thing a long time ago?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is Gene Roddenberry one of these people from Thor's Pantheon...
A: No.
Q: (L) Why did you bring up Gene Roddenberry? (J) Because he was doing it in Star Trek?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) He was doing a whole different thing with Star Trek... (L) Well, lets not get too far off track, hang on, hang on...
A: It's not the exact "Slant," it's "the concept, stupid."
Q: (T) Well ,they don't have to get insulting here! (L) They weren't. Ok...
A: "Its the economy, stupid."
Q: (J) We knew that!! (T) I was just teasing. Mirth!! Mirth! (L) Hold everything. When you say influencing high level creative forces, do you mean as in gathering,
what would you call it, gravity waves...
A: No.
Q: (L) What are these high level creative forces that are needing to be influenced, or desirable of being influenced?
A: Those in the creative arts.
Q: (L) So in other words, I see, this group is using their projecting ability to influence those in the creative arts to do creative things that will therefore influence the
people on the planet. Is that it?
A: Yes.
mudrabbit said:
I could be remembering wrongly, but wasn't Star Trek (the original series) or Gene Rodenberry mentioned in the transcripts as having some inside knowledge?
I found the following on the net. I am making no comment about the validity of the channel in question, as I have not researched it. But I thought you might be interested in this as a potential source of ideas for his work.



"In a way, The Enterprise and the optimistic future in which it exists might be thought of as a reminder of what we can achieve when we really try." -- Gene Roddenberry, 1991

Critics of individuals who support The Ashtar Command on this planet have accused them of "playing Star Trek." What if they found out that the actors on "Star Trek" were actually playing Ashtar Command? Have you ever noticed that the Star Trek insignia looks like the letter "A?"

It is documented in The Only Planet of Choice, compiled by Phyllis V. Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins (Bath, England: Gateway Books, 1993), that Gene Roddenberry attended channelling sessions led by Ms. Schlemmer and "Tom" of the "Council of Nine"

"Council of Nine: Tribunal Teachers governing our immediate super-galactic and galactic region, subject to change in evolving 'new programs' of the Father's kingdom.). It has been alluded to from other sources that Roddenberry had been a Commander or received his inspiration from sitting in on channelling sessions."

(The Book of Knowledge:The Keys of Enoch (Los Gatos, CA: The Academy for Future Sciences, 1977)

The following is an exerpt from The Only Planet of Choice (p. 95-99)

Gene: There's a question that I cannot avoid asking: why do you not give strong and definite signs of your existence or proximity, on top of approaching humanity by indirect means such as these channelings, or other ways? Obviously, you have your reasons, but this question does matter to me.

Tom: It is of great importance for you to understand that your governments of your world of Earth have refused to publicly believe, or convey to the people, our existence. If there were an attempt by civilisations to land upon Planet Earth in a mass situation, which in truth will come to pass in the course of time, the people upon Planet Earth would panic, for they have not the understanding, the knowledge, that we would mean no harm tothem.......

...It is important that there is no panic amongst those that exist on the Planet Earth: that the knowledge be brought to them in gentleness, that those of the Twenty-Four civilisations mean no harm to them. This is of great importance, for if there were panic, humans may then attempt to end their own life, and also the lives of their families and neighbors, which would not serve any purpose. The governments of your world have refused to accept publicity that there are others of a higher intelligence , and in truth of a more spiritual intelligence than those that exist upon the planet Earth.

We need to convey to the people that there are others that mean them no harm, but have an interest in saving Planet Earth....We do not come to control, we do not come to hold in bondage, we will come with love and patience and understanding - but since there is the denial of our existence, how can those of Planet Earth accept that the civilisations of Altea, Hoova, Ashan, and the rest of the Twenty-Four mean well?

Gene: I have another question that I think people will wonder about: on previous tapes of your conversations I heard you explain that you constantly know the thoughts of either all of us or those who communicate with you, am I correct in this assumption?

Tom: If we have the wish to help you, yes. But we wish you to understand that we do not invade the mind, we do not control the will, we do not interfere with freedom: we do not interfere. It would not be of service......they may have the abilities within them, but it would not benefit Planet Earth to use them - nor would it benefit them. That would be an invasion of a soul.

Gene: I have been most impressed by the communications, the expressions and atmosphere that surround all the people here, but I do have some difficulties in understanding why, if you are in the minds of humans at times, and your representatives have visited Earth, and you have a knowledge of human affairs.... I find it difficult to understand how you have difficulty speaking with us, and understanding our basic colloquial English? Could you help me with that?

Tom: We will explain that. The Civilisations have indeed visited Earth, but do you understand that when you have communication with your mind, it is not necessary to have words? It is difficult from where we are to give explanations in your words. We have concepts that cannot be explained in your language, for you do not have the words to explain.

If you could read our mind...if we could communicate with your mind in the essence of pure telepathy, then we could convey to you what we are trying to transmit....

Gene: Thank you. You mentioned that at some stage there might be a large-scale landing of the civilisations. I think the next questions involve who and where, how and why; the first such question most people would ask is 'how?' In other words what method of transportation would be used in such a landing: are we referring to physical vehicles?

Tom: Yes. They would be in the nature of a physical vehicle. If you have the desire to go and touch it, as you have with an automobile, you would be able to touch it.

Gene: Can you tell me anything about the relative size and shape and so on? Will they hold a large number of people, or....

Tom: There would be vehicles of different sizes and different designs. There would be some with the appearence of a glass top, but it is not in truth a top, it will just have an appearence... There will also be those that will remain in your atmosphere that are very large, that will then send our smaller ones... you have, upon your oceans, carriers that send out ships that fly, is that not so?

Gene: That is correct.

Tom: It would be similar, but instead of being upon your oceans, it will be in your sky.

Gene: You're saying that smaller craft will exit and come down to Earth from this carrier craft?

Tom: Yes. There will also be those that have the appearance of what you call saucers. There will be those that are pointed, as with a "V."

Gene: Will these vehicles pass through the time dimension, or another dimension in order to arrive here at Earth?

Tom: The intelligences that exist in the civilisations have the ability to come into your dimension - they have the technology, yes.

Gene: A very common Earth question would be how these vehicles are powered? By what method?

Tom: It resembles the reversal of a spinning top.

Gene: Would these vehicles remain on Earth after such a landing, and would humans be permitted to inspect them?

Tom: They would have permission to visit the interior. The craft woudl remain for a period of time. Not a great length of time - not for years, for example.

Gene: Because of many stories we have of flying saucers, people will be intersted to know if humans would be permitted to travel in any of these vehicles?

Tom: It would be necessary, before they could travel in a vehicle, to have a vehicle around them.

Gene: Does this mean that the atmosphere within your vehicles will be different, or that the stress of the movement would be dangerous?

Tom: The stress of the movement. It would be possible to move within your Earth atmosphere, but to take them out would require another vehicle inside a vehicle, but it could be done.

Gene: Landings would undoubtedly be judged by humans and governments in a variety of ways, which includes the almost certianty that some would view your landings as a threat. Do you have a method of defending yourself from attack?

Tom? We wish you to know that we are talking about civilisations, not us, the Council of Nine. We do not need to manifest in the physical.

There would be a method to stop people from attempting to destroy those of the civilisations. It would be done in love and gentleness. Those of the civilisations that are in service to us will not attempt to destroy, nore harm in any manner, any physical being on Planet Earth. We will have a way of preventing them from attempting to destroy us. But we would wish not to come without giving some prior knowledge, for otherwise people would begin to believe that we would seek to control them. We have not the desire nor the need to control we come only to benefit.

If an Altean were to appear at an entrance of his vehicle, and were stepping onto Planet Earth, and if there were a group that attempted to destroy that Altean, he has only to hold out his hand in an upright manner, and not in great extension, to bring calmness, and also to render them into a state in which they would not have the desire to harm, and would put down their weapons. Hoovids would operate in a different manner: if they were in the same situation, and they cam out and raised their arms, those humans with weapons would become totally stationary for a period of time.

So there are different methods. But none of these methods would harm a physical being. Do you understand?

Gene: Yes, I understand, and I certainly understand why you would not want to land showing force, because this would create great fear.

Pepperfritz, if you can't vouch for the validity of a channel, or source, please don't leave a live link in your post to their website. The forum goes to great lengths to minimize linking to sources of dubious information and for that reason, 'dubious until proven valid' is the general 'live linking' mindset.
anart said:
Pepperfritz, if you can't vouch for the validity of a channel, or source, please don't leave a live link in your post to their website. The forum goes to great lengths to minimize linking to sources of dubious information and for that reason, 'dubious until proven valid' is the general 'live linking' mindset.
I apologize. I only meant to provide some information about where Roddenberry might have gotten some of his "ideas", just as one might reference a work of science fiction, or some religious guru, or a conversation he had with someone. I thought I made it clear that I was not in anyway validating the material. I mean, we're talking about a TV series here.

Should I not have quoted the allegedly-channeled material either? Or not mentioned it at all? What if we were discussing a song by the Beatles, and I wanted to mention that Paul McCartney might have gotten the lyrics from something the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said to him in India? Would that also be off-limits? Or is it just "channeled" material?
PepperFritz said:
anart said:
Pepperfritz, if you can't vouch for the validity of a channel, or source, please don't leave a live link in your post to their website. The forum goes to great lengths to minimize linking to sources of dubious information and for that reason, 'dubious until proven valid' is the general 'live linking' mindset.
I apologize. I only meant to provide some information about where Roddenberry might have gotten some of his "ideas", just as one might reference a work of science fiction, or some religious guru, or a conversation he had with someone. I thought I made it clear that I was not in anyway validating the material. I mean, we're talking about a TV series here.

Should I not have quoted the allegedly-channeled material either? Or not mentioned it at all? What if we were discussing a song by the Beatles, and I wanted to mention that Paul McCartney might have gotten the lyrics from something the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said to him in India? Would that also be off-limits? Or is it just "channeled" material?
Nope - quoting it is fine (and siting the source) if you're commenting on it - the only thing that needs to change is leaving the link 'live' - to fix that, just put an _ right before the beginning (underscore mark- like I did with the link in your post) - it disables the link so that it's not picked up by search engines and such. A small point, really, but one we try to stay on top of.
anart said:
Nope - quoting it is fine if you're commenting on it - the only thing that needs to change is leaving the link 'live' - to fix that, just put an _ right before the beginning (underscore mark- like I did with the link in your post) - it disables the link so that it's not picked up by search engines and such. A small point, really, but one we try to stay on top of.
Ah, OK, that's very reasonable. I misunderstood. Thank you for clarifying that.
Hm, Tom wasn`t exactly the most trustworthy channel with his "will mean you no harm" - spin, was he?
Also of interest should be Gene Roddenberry - The Last Conversation by Yvonne Fern (University of California Press, 1994),
which I`ve read many years ago, when my reading english wasn`t so good.
I remember it as not easy to read and spiritually interesting and quite dense for a 220 pg interview with the creator of a tv show.
I think he saw Spock as his Alter Ego. Might reread it actually, with SOTT perspective.
You can get it almost for free on, as I`ve seen.
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