some advice


Jedi Master
hi, I'm a member of another forum and there is this guy who is a racist, homophobic etc. Basicly if your not white, proddy/christian, straight, british, conservative etc, then your one of 'them' and a threat. I'm sure you know the type. Now he posts quite a lot of hate filled crap drumming up 'debates' etc and (he's a smart lad) promoting his own ideologies. He's backed up by some loyal friends and others who dont agree with him usually dont have the knowledge or writing ability to challenge the guy, so he spends a lot of the time sprouting his crap and promoting it pretty much unchallenged. When he's not posting stuff like that he is posting jokes and telling funny stories so with one hand he makes friends thru humour and then 'BAM' some post about some voiceless group responsible for our ills etc, but does in a calm and 'reasonable' way if you know what I mean.

Anyway let me put up some quotes of his so you get the idea. About homosexuality.


"Blind/deaf people are not second class citizens and they have an even more alarming deficiency.

I don't think homosexuals should be made to be second class citizens - however, I don't think thier condition should be celebrated and made for perhaps vounerable, weak, children to think it's an alternative lifestyle for them - as extreme and as unlikely as that may sound. "

"I'm going to play devils advocate here.

If you have nothing against them, then what's so wrong with letting your kids learn about them and thier ways?

It's kinda like when you call someone gay as an insult and the person you say it to regards it as an insult, yet the same person thinks homosexualty is ok on the other hand.
Then why did they get offended? if there's nothing wrong with being gay?

If you know what i mean? "


"You sat there and told me I was being harsh saying what these people are born with is a hormonal defect.

I even made the point about there being research clinics set up and funded to help put these genes right, the same way other defects are and how the doctors and scientists would get labeled nazis. "


I remember a couple of years ago all sorts of people got upset at the very notion of this being a gene/hormonal deficiency instead of the assumed belief that there's 2 natural born sexualitys - straight & gay.

I am delighted with this.

I must admit to feeling sorry for the gay people who feel ashamed and unhappy about the way they are. I really do feel for them.

I am still proud, however, that the country and state does not recognise same sex marriges and there are all sorts of restrictions on same sex couples adopting.


Anyway, I feel uncomfortable with it, I think it's wrong so I was gonna post a reply. I had a good look on the SOTT's search about homosexuality. And have written this as a reply but would like some feed back before hand.

"Why do people even care what gay people do privately in their own homes? I'm not disgusted by gay sex, I dont even think about it. It's none of my business nor my place to judge what a couple (hetero or otherwise) get upto, whether it's genetic, hormonal or a chosen lifestyle that lies behind their and our own sexual preferences.

I dont understand why people would want it outlawed, cause the problem doesnt lie with gays it lies with people who are intolerant to gays.

As for what makes people gay, reports show that genetics and environmental factors (which are specific to an individual, and may include biological processes such as different hormone exposure in the womb), are important determinants of homosexual behavior. There seems to be no single gay gene or a single environmental variable that could be used to select out homosexuality. And we are not simply talking about homosexuality here - heterosexual behavior is also influenced by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.

Men become gay or straight because of different developmental pathways, not just one pathway.

Anyway, it seems to me that there are growing segments in society that are behaving like they are under threat, backs to the wall and fists up, and all that. An 'us' vs 'them' world view. White, proddy/christian, british, conservative, straight and racists fighting for survival."

It's pretty lame reply, so any advice would be nice.

I absolutely know that type of forum posters.. Quite annoying and energy-sucking.

I don't think you can do much about it. You would never be able to get such a person, to reflect on himself, atleast not via a forum or the internet.

Don't reply to any of his posts, and simply ignore him would be my best guess.

I'm curious as to what kind of forum, would allow such ignorant behaviour though?

hi and thanks,

Oh, I know I couldnt change him, not interested in that whatsoever. Just dont like to see him spouting of his hate pretty much unchallenged. He does it in a way that makes it seem ok and reasonable and I dont like that. I tend not to reply or look at posts he's involved in anyway.

It's just that when you do promote hate and make it seam rational and more, a good thing, then you also promote intolerance, and all the stuff that comes with it including violence. Even if thats not what's meant.

It's a football (soccer) forum.


Homer* said:
I like my beers cold and my homosexuals flaming.

We all like and dislike things. We tend to strongly identify with our likes and dislikes. You can totally disagree about say, a movie and still stay friends.

Disliking gays, jews, muslims, men or women on the other hand is a reflection of either a pathology, brainwashing or ignorance.
There are a number of very quotable great essays on homosexuality by Gore Vidal (in case you think it`s worth it).
Depends on your forumite being mentally unbalanced, manipulated or stupid and to what degree.

Unfortunately the internet, and the world at large, is full of such ignorant nonsense. But I totally understand how such lies and bigotry are begging for truth. Maybe you could add something like this:

What's the difference between treating homosexual people differently and treating people of other races differently, or treating men and women differently? The same empty justifications used to rationalize racism, sexism, and depriving others of human rights in the past are now being used against homosexuals. In all cases they are completely unjustified and simply a result of ignorant bigotry. There is absolutely no reason to treat people differently based on which gender they choose to be romantically involved with.

And while people are so busy focusing on what's "wrong" with other races, genders, or sexual preferences, religions, political ideologies, they are fully distracted from the only real enemy of mankind - psychopaths. In their ignorance people are so easy to brainwash into fighting others who are no different from them at all, while letting the REAL enemy right in their own backyard get away with murder - literally. Psychopaths are simply those without conscience. They have no empathy whatsoever. They are the real cause of misery and suffering in the world and they exist in every race, religion, gender, and sexual preference equally. And the only way they have of hiding from everyone else is by inventing fake "enemies" to keep everyone else distracted. So while one religion is busy fighting another, or one country is busy fighting another, and while people are busy pointing fingers at those who are just like they are except for some superficial difference like sexual orientation or race, the psychopaths on both sides are kept invisible and we continue to be manipulated into a state of constant misery and fighting with other good people just like ourselves for absolutely no good reason.

Then you could give some links to good books about psychopaths like:
Myth of Sanity
The Narcissistic Family
Trapped in the Mirror
Unholy Hungers
In Sheep's Clothing
The Mask of Sanity
Without Conscience
Political Ponerology

(the above order is Laura's idea in another thread)

Then maybe reiterate that treating others differently for differences like skin color or sexual preference makes absolutely no sense. But what does make sense is to learn about psychopaths, who are manipulative, dangerous, and completely heartless - and they are equally distributed in all nations, races, genders, and sexual orientations. Most of them are not violent but they are very clever manipulators that lie, cheat, and brainwash others and just cause misery all around them for no reason but simply because they can and there is no conscience to stop them. THOSE are the kind of people you don't want adopting children or having any positions of power or influence at all in the world, and yet those are the kind of people that have most of the positions of power and the most influence in this world!
SAO said:
Unfortunately the internet, and the world at large, is full of such ignorant nonsense. But I totally understand how such lies and bigotry are begging for truth.

Well, it's a football forum - so it might be best to consider the amount of energetic draining that might take place if you engage such a mental midget. It's been my experience that you can't win in that situation - as my father used to say, 'you can't win a pissing match with a skunk'. Just realize that time and time again, it has been shown that those most alarmed by homosexuality are often so vehement due to their own underlying homosexual inclinations. He doth protest too much - one need look no further than the male members of radical right in this country being arrested in mens restrooms cruising for anonymous sex to see that it happens all the time.

I would suggest that it's not worth your time or energy to respond and to leave the ignorant to their ignorance - but it's up to you.
thanks for the great replies. Infact thanks just for replying. lol. It's the other members I feel for, I just dont like to think of him having free reign to dictate reality to the other members. You made a great point anart about those that protest too much. I'll use that. ;)
Maybe you can pinpoint that Football (and most only male oriented group sports) may have strong homosexual overtones while at the same time displaying strong anti-homosexual and sexists attitudes.

_,9171,946181-1,00.html (old one from the seventies)

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