Sol (Sun) and its phenomena

We’ll also see if there is a phenomenon like the Quebec grid down situation. One normal CME hit, then our shields went down, and another somewhat normal CME immediately followed on and knocked out Quebec’s grid. We have a lot of protons heading our way, and the cumulative effect of them all, their relative speed, etc, could have a similar knock-on effect.
Here are the characteristics (strength) of the 2 cme at the time. Will the grid hold here in Quebec, they think so as they strengthened it and have operational option.

The sunspot that hurled the CMEs toward Earth, region 5395, was one of the most active sunspot groups ever observed. In the days around the Quebec blackout it produced more than a dozen M- and X-class solar flares. Two of the explosions (an X4.5 on March 10th and an M7.3 on March 12th) targeted Earth with CMEs.

“The first CME cleared a path for the second CME, allowing it to strike with unusual force,” says Boteler. “The lights in Québec went out just minutes after it arrived.”

Above: Auroras over Pershore, England, during the March 13, 1989, geomagnetic storm. Credit: Geoffrey Morley.
Among space weather researchers, there has been a dawning awareness in recent years that great geomagnetic storms such as the Carrington Event of 1859 and The Great Railroad Storm of May 1921 are associated with double (or multiple) CMEs, one clearing the path for another. Boteler’s detective work shows that this is the case for March 1989 as well.

The March 1989 event kicked off a flurry of conferences and engineering studies designed to fortify grids. Emanuel Bernabeu’s job at PJM is largely a result of that “Québec epiphany.” He works to protect power grids from space weather — and he has some good news.

“We have made lots of progress,” he says. “In fact, if the 1989 storm happened again today, I believe Québec would not lose power. The modern grid is designed to withstand an extreme 1-in-100 year geomagnetic event. To put that in perspective, March 1989 was only a 1-in-40 or 50 year event–well within our design specs.”

Some of the improvements have come about by hardening equipment. For instance, Bernabeu says, “Utilities have upgraded their protection and control devices making them immune to type of harmonics that brought down Hydro-Québec. Some utilities have also installed series capacitor compensation, which blocks the flow of GICs.”

Other improvements involve operational awareness. “We receive NOAA’s space weather forecast in our control room, so we know when a storm is coming,” he says. “For severe storms, we declare ‘conservative operations.’ In a nutshell, this is a way for us to posture the system to better handle the effects of geomagnetic activity. For instance, operators can limit large power transfers across critical corridors, cancel outages of critical equipment and so on.”

The next Québec-level storm is just a matter of time. In fact, we could be overdue. But, if Bernabeu is correct, the sun won’t bring darkness, only light.

I hope they still follow the space weather channel and are aware of the 6 cme or more, I lost count, coming toward earth otherwise, me and my spouse may have a romantic dinner with candles in the coming hours, day. :lol:
Here's what it says on Spaceweather:

Crazy! I also wonder how it will affect us all. 😅

The Sun's activity is pretty consistent lately, i'm wondering if it could be related to the astronomical phenomenon and the flowing of the current that will lead eventually to the leveling of the playing field the C's have mentioned in the below session:
Session Date: May 23rd 2020

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia

Q: (L) Today is May 23, 2020. [Review of those present] So I guess we begin. Hello, is anybody out there? I feel a Pink Floyd moment coming on...

A: Hello children. Hinokiaea of Cassiopaea. It has been an interesting five months has it not? More to come!
(L) Alright... Now let's go back to our intro. You said there were lots of interesting things in the last five months, and there's more to come. Last time, you said there are going to be weather issues.

A: Soon astronomical phenomena.


(Joe) Do you remember that video of a shimmering wave that went up through a cloud that was over the Middle East? How long ago was that?

(Niall) February.

(Joe) We asked about that, and they said something was coming through. I think they said it was some kind of a breach in the realm curtain or whatever. Did that have anything to do with this pandemic business?

A: Only partly.

Q: (Ark) I have one more question about gravity. Should gravity respect the speed of light, or it's instantaneous or something?

A: Supersedes.

Q: (Ark) Okay.

(Andromeda) Do you want to ask about that smell?

(L) Several places: Los Angeles...

(Andromeda) North of France.

(Niall) Paris

(Joe) A lot of places in France, actually.

(Andromeda) That was about 2 or 3 weeks ago?

(Joe) Yeah.

A: Realm curtain breached.

Q: (L) Remember that the devil is supposed to be accompanied by the smell of sulfur... and Bigfoot!

(Niall) And window fallers.

(Joe) It's a chemical byproduct of trans-density movement?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, that's actually something interesting that should be looked into. What are the properties of sulfur? Why would that be involved in a realm curtain breach?

(Andromeda) Yeah.

(Joe) So what was breaching the realm curtain? What was coming through in Los Angeles and France and wherever else at the same time?

A: Invisible to you as yet, but 4D STS energy beings.

Q: (Artemis) Yeah, so you can kind of see what's going to happen. Pandemic, aliens are real, celestial stuff, 4D STS beings... Put it all together and you know what's gonna happen.

(L) We're in deep doodoo!

(Niall) They're preparing for the eventuality that people will see them.

(Joe) Well, hang on. They said soon astronomical phenomena... Can we know what kind of phenomena?

(L) Wait and see!

(Joe) Is it two arms and two legs, or rocky?

(L) Astronomical. Sky, stars, planets, comets.

(Joe) Supernova!

(Artemis) Didn't something zoom by Earth recently?

(L) Asteroids and stuff. Several came pretty close recently. That would be astronomical.

(Ark) But when is a supernova going to come out... Any moment now.

(L) We should have a supernova. Any other questions?

(Artemis) There was the sulfur smell. Then there was also a glow in the sky that people are reporting. What about this glow in the sky?

A: EM energies stirring comet dust.

Q: (L) Well, I was just reading that the Earth's magnetic shield has dropped even lower, and it's causing problems with satellites. Is that going to be a big issue in the days to come?

A: Oh indeed. Best laid plans fail?

Q: (L) So in other words, the powers that be that are running the show aren't really as smart as they think they are...

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.

(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations. It's a failing of the electronic control system.

A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!

Q: (L) So in other words, we're all going to get electrocuted!

(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such radiation.

(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?

(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...

A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.

Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Electromachining means basically arcing...

(Joe) Moving lightning along the ground.

(Pierre) Long-lasting moving lightning.

(Joe) Chasing people!

(Andromeda) That's coming soon?

A: Soon enough.

Q: (L) Soon enough, but not right away.

(Pierre) Usually this electromachining occurs between our planet and a highly charge body like a comet. Will a comet be the source of these discharges?

(Joe) That's what I just asked.

A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena!

Q: (Andromeda) So with all that stuff going on up in the sky it's probably a good thing there aren't so many people up in airplanes.

(Pierre) For all we know, the source might be even a craft. A big craft.
I don't feel like this is going to cause problems in general.

I don't think it's going to be something serious, but it's better to know.

Thanks for informing.
I don't know how serious it is, on the one hand NOAA and the MSM give the version of auroras here and there and on the other hand, like Ben, of what it can affect, and with post like this:

My attention is drawn to the psychological effects of the decision makers and their possible effects on the population.

Recently the UN approved Palestina to be a member, Israel's Embassador:
Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, shreds the UN Charter in protest at Palestine's acceptance as a member state of the UN. This makes it clear that Israel is a threat to the entire international community.
It doesn't take a geomagnetic storm to bother the Israelite authorities, but I still think it's worth observing.

Severe G4 geomagnetic storm (Kp8)
Threshold Reached: 16:28 UTC
That was in March 2024, so we will keep observing, It is difficult to pinpoint what happened at that time of the effects on both, people and the environment, I guess is just like a snowball that is accumulating
Yes, it can hit in some places with out problem.
That too, and especially because in some countries that suffer from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, sometimes it is also better to think about just what you say 😂

Change emoticon, of those nervous smiles, because in this country we suffer from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
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Residents of Russian regions share photographs of aurora flashes in the sky.
This is a consequence of a strong magnetic storm, the solar matter on Earth. As reported the disturbance in the magnetic field of the planet has reached G3 (“strong”) level.
Near Snezhinsk. Voskresenskoye village, Chelyabinsk region.
Now the IMF Bt: 71.48 nT

Solar wind speed 730 km/s at 22:05 UTC (Normal speed <400 km/s)


A severe geomagnetic storm continues with the Kp index nearing the Extreme (G5) storm threshold. Aurora is happening now across many locations even at lower latitudes where it is dark outside. SolarHam

Will we reach kp9 ?

Meanwhile in Austria

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