Sol (Sun) and its phenomena

The geomagnetic storm has subsided for two hours now and is minor (G1) with a planetary index Kp5

▪︎Solar wind speed: 469.2 km/sec
▪︎density: 19.9 protons/cm3

CME IMPACT SPARKS GEOMAGNETIC STORM (UPDATED): As predicted, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on April 14th. Its impact sparked a moderately strong G2-class geomagnetic storm, which peaked around 1800 UTC. The storm is subsiding now (currently G1), but the respite may be short-lived. Earth is moving into the CME's strongly magnetized wake; "tail effects" could boost storm levels back to G2 during the night of April 14-15 -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids


▪︎Last Solar wind speed record: 547.5 km/sec
▪︎density: 10.1 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: still 37
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +6.9% High
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp4 unsettled
▪︎3 Active Regions 2989, 2990, 2991
▪︎A very active sunspot is only days away from emerging at the circled location this morning has produced two M flares: M1 28, M2.2 (two weeks ago it was AR2975 A strong solar flare measuring M9.6 erupted from Active Region 2975 on March 31, 2022)
▪︎AR2991 Produced a M1.9 this morning
AN ACTIVE SUNSPOT ON THE FARSIDE OF THE SUN: Debris is flying over the sun's eastern limb--a sign that an active sunspot is approaching. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught the latest eruption during the early hours of April 15th
Magnetic loops from the same region (AR2975... waiting for a new designation)

The source of the blast is so big, it has been affecting the way the whole sun vibrates. Helioseismic soundings reveal a large region of intense magnetism just behind the sun's eastern limb. It is probably a complex sunspot group. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

▪︎Last Solar wind speed record: 529.8 km/sec
▪︎density: 0.2 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: 35
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +7% High (cosmic rays has been high lately¡¡)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp1 quiet. Geospace calming down but solar wind at 529.8 km/s having exceeded 650 km/s earlier.
▪︎Former Active Region 2975 should begin to emerge during the next 12 hours on the east limb.
Old sunspot region 2975 is currently on the east limb and the solar X-ray flux has been in the M-class now for over 3 hours! The flux is bobbing up and down in the M-class range triggering an M-flare alert every time. Wow, welcome back 2975! @_SpaceWeather_

SOMETHING FLARE-Y THIS WAY COMES: A potentially large and very active sunspot group is about to emerge over the sun's northeastern limb. For the past week it has been hurling CMEs and plumes of plasma into space from its location on the farside of the sun. Now, it is turning toward Earth. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

Image of a prominence getting ready to erupt on the northwest limb

CME WATCH - 2022.04.15: There are 3 blasts off the E limb which are associated with all the M flaring activity. There are also 2 fainter CMEs off the N & SW limbs. Note the different speeds of the CMEs. The high-velocity CMEs are too far east to affect Earth.
Current conditions

ANOTHER M FLARE: An M1 flare from the northerly of the two regions happened at 14:58 U.T.. That makes a grand total of 20 C flares and 6 M flares in just the last two days. Those trying to persuade us that the Sun is going into hibernation are having an increasingly tough time!

BIGGER THAN EARTH! The 2 leading spots of the regions in the NE have now come into view. They are large, see the comparison to Earth at the same scale. They are probably the return of AR2975 & 2984, there is a third region (AR2976) due back in another day and at a higher latitude.

AR2975 is the lower sunspot

Former region 2975 now reassigned AR2994

A major solar flare measuring at least X1.1 is currently in progress around newly reassigned AR 2994 towards the east limb. A Strong (R3) level radio blackout is affecting the Asia/Pacific region of Earth.
X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE:Earth-orbiting satellites have just detected a strong X1-class solar flare (0334 UT on April 17th). The source is a big sunspot group now emerging over the sun's northeastern limb

:rotfl: AR2994 will be in front of the earth next week!

Remember the prominence getting ready to erupt on the northwest limb? It did
It was a very gentle eruption but did produce a coronal mass ejection

▪︎Last Solar wind speed record: 489.8 km/sec
▪︎density: 7.9 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: 78 (SN 35 apr 16)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +6.9% High
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp3 quiet.
▪︎new assigned regions AR2993 AR2994 growing as they come over east limb.
▪︎X1.1 flare from AR2994
▪︎M1.9 flare from AR2993
Image from @drkstrong (twitter)

X1.1 solar flare observed around newly reassigned AR 2994 (ex 2975) towards the east limb. CME likely, but due to location near limb, will likely be directed mostly away from Earth.
A partial halo coronal mass ejection was released into space but it is not expected to arrive at Earth.
This animation shows where the M1.8 and X1.1 flares occurred with respect to the sunspots of AR 12993 (north) and AR 12994 (south). This shows AIA 94 images (flares) on HMI continuum (spots). It also shows only the X1.1 was eruptive.
Increased solar activity continues with a fairly impulsive M4.4 solar flare detected at 22:34 UTC (Apr 17). This time it was AR 2992 nearing the southwest limb getting into the action. Other than a brief radio blackout, no major effects are expected from this quick solar flare.

Minor R1 radio blackout in progress (≥M1 - current: M4.13)

Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a coronal hole .

Solar wind speed: 527.8 km/sec
density: 7.5 protons/cm3
Geomagnetic conditions Kp2 quiet

▪︎Last Solar wind speed record: 565.8 km/sec
▪︎density: 10.3 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: 74 (SN 78 apr 17)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +6.9% High
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet.
▪︎Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a coronal hole .
▪︎Minor R1 radio blackout in progress
X Ray absortion over Africa, Asia and Europe
▪︎Moderate M1.1 flare from sunspot region AR2993

MORE SUNSPOTS ARE COMING: Active sunspot complex AR2993-94, which unleashed an X1-flare on April 17th, may be just the beginning. NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft is monitoring another potentially large active region right behind it.

The CME from the X1.1 flare won't hit earth

2_xflare_anim_crop_strip_opt.gif -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
Minor R1 radio blackout. X Ray absortion over Asia due to an M1.09 flare from sunspot complex AR2993-94

An updated look at the cluster of sunspots in the NE quadrant, including a new region now turning into view off limb. Three low level M-Flares detected today. A chance for an isolated major X-Flare will remain possible during the next 24 hours.

Current conditions
Solar wind speed: 499.9 km/sec
density: 6.2 protons/cm3
Planetary K-index Now: Kp= 3 quiet

▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 514 km/sec
▪︎density: 7.2 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: 79 (SN 74 apr 17)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +7% High
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet.
▪︎Emerging new region in the northeast limb

ANOTHER HUGE SPOT: New region coming over the NE limb of the Sun with a leading spot much bigger than the Earth. Looking at the magnetogram (right), I am beginning to believe that the AR2993/4 complex is actually three separate regions. Twitter @drkstrong

CHANCE OF FLARES TODAY: NOAA forecasters say there is a 75% chance of M-class solar flares today, April 19th, and a 25% chance of powerful X-flares. The most likely source would be sunspot complex AR2993-94, which is crackling with flares as it turns toward Earth -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
Minor R1 radio blackout. X Ray absortion over Pacific Ocean due to an M3.7 flare from sunspot AR2992 in the southwest limb 1 hour ago (21:04 UTC)

PROMINENCE GETTING READY TO ERUPT: A prominence on the southeast limb of the Sun looks as if it is about to erupt. We have been fooled by similar antics in the past but we need to keep an eye on this one. It will probably go today if it going to go at all. Should produce a CME. (2 hours ago)

Filament eruption in the southeast limb (2117 UTC) check out the plasma off the southeast limb! Image by GOES-16 SUVI.


▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 514 km/sec
▪︎density: 7.2 protons/cm3
▪︎Sunspot number: 68 (SN 79 apr 19)
▪︎ Neutron Counts today: +7.6% High
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp2 quiet
▪︎Solar flare X2.2 class from AR2992 largest flare so far this cycle. (Since january 2020)
X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: The sun just produced another X-flare. Earth-orbiting satellites detected the X2.2-class explosion on April 20th @ 0357 UT. Remarkably, it came from a farside sunspot. The source of the flare is AR2992, which yesterday rotated over the southwestern limb of the sun.​
Image by SpaceWeather
The sunspot is no longer visible at all. It is hidden behind the edge of the solar disk. Because the blast site was eclipsed, the actual flare was almost certainly stronger than its nominal rating of X2.2.
Shortly after the flare, the US Air Force reported a Type II solar radio burst. This suggests that a CME will emerge from the blast site. Type II radio bursts are caused by shock waves in the leading edges of CMEs, and this could be a big one.
Radiation from the flare caused a shortwave radio blackout over southeast Asia (0430 UTC)
Here is an animation of running difference images of the latest X2.2 flare from AR 12992. It turned out to be more global than I thought on looking at intensity images. This eruption resulted in an electron event (ACE/EPAM). I am curious if SOHO/ERNE has caught protons.
Updated Top 10 solar flare list for Solar Cycle 25.
SOLAR ACTIVITY IS INTENSIFYING: In the last 24 hours alone, the sun has produced more than 19 solar flares. The tally includes five M-class explosions and a powerful X2.2-class flare The fusillade is likely to continue as colossal sunspot complex AR2993-94 turns toward Earth in the days ahead.
Strong M9.73 solar flare from AR2993 just detected at 01:59 UTC Apr. 21 leading to a moderate radio blackout R2 over Pacific Ocean

A near X-Flare (M9.6) just peaked at 01:59 UTC (Apr 21) around Earth facing sunspot region 2993 in the northeast quadrant. This region is now in a good position for Earth directed eruptions. More to follow regarding this event. Stay tuned.
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