Snakes and ladders


Padawan Learner
It just occurred to me that this whole cycle of life is like a cosmic game of snakes and ladders, only what we perceive to be ladders are really snakes in disguise. It is just a game, and there is no losing, just returning to the beginning again. That thought amused me and I thought I'd share it with you :) that's all
Yes, it's essentially a game of "morality" in it's earlier forms.

This ancient race game, like Pachisi, originated in India although the author isn't sure when. It is a game of morality with the bases of the ladders being located on squares representing various types of good and the more numerous snakes coming from squares representing various forms of evil. The squares of virtue on the original game are Faith (12), Reliability (51), Generosity (76), Knowledge (76), Asceticism (78); the squares of evil are Disobedience (41), Vanity (44), Vulgarity (49), Theft (52), Lying (58), Drunkenness (62), Debt (69), Rage (84), Greed (92), Pride (95), Murder (73) and Lust (99). The game is Hindu and was used to teach children about the religion in that the good squares allow a player to ascend higher in the league of life whereas evil will reduce a player back through reincarnation to lower tiers of life. Presumably the last square, 100, represents Nirvana.
HA that is cool! So I guess that's another sign of our times that the moral aspect to the game has been discarded - its just all about winning these days; doesn't matter how you get to the top so long as you get there! Sad..
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