Session 30 January 2010

Megan said:
When I first saw the the psychopath percentage numbers this morning, I had two thoughts, both at once:
1. The numbers seem high compared to what I encounter personally day to day, and
2. They seem about right, all things considered.


So if these percentages seem high, perhaps part of the reason may be that we tend to avoid areas (and jobs) where the concentration of psychopaths is high.

Laura said:
Lobaczewski talked about pathocracy where 100% of the psychopaths were eventually involved in the government. So if you think about all the places where they can be employed - because they are attracted by the system and feel no conflict about what they are doing - then I think we'll find that the numbers fit. Corporations, drug companies, teachers, doctors, psychologists, lawyers and judges, government workers (like IRS), police forces, military, city and county governments all over the country, and so on.

I too was surprised at the number but after reading Daniel's detailed breakdown (thanks!) it seems to fit quite well.... I wonder what the numbers are for Japan...

I think what Laura wrote above is the reason we don't personally encounter them as often as we'd think. Especially in politics and large corporations - It's not often we are around these 'high profile' people (and not that we'd want to) so that's good. Unfortunately their influence due to having such authority brings along with that ponerization of society as Lobaczewski details... it's quite disturbing to see the whole process unfold before our very eyes!

jubazo said:
For schematic pic. of Tesla's oscillator, please go to:


I don't think these guys ever finished their project! Last update was more than 10 years ago so I can imagine how well an entity (or entities) with unlimited amounts of money can perfect this technology... :osama:

dantem said:
There's a modern one here - from a T.Meyssan article on voltaire site:

Hey that looks like and interesting video... is that vid only in French?
“Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea. Let us call this typical expression the schizoid declaration.”

Great, I just realized that first 19 years of my life I lived in country inspired with schizoid way of thinking (oh my..7D, we had to read, learn and recite all these CRAZY paroles connected to Leninism, Marxism and Titoism.....,... for me they looked like empty words glorifying world of "red" utopia, oh boy I was wrong.....),and now I'm living in society organized by psychopath, this can't be called progress at all.

Past on the side, we are able to follow 3 similar fruits of one single tree: narcism (garden psychopath), schizoid ("feeling" monster) and psychopath (T-Rex) (from now on NSP for: narcism- schizoid- psychopath ). We are openly talking of them, reading elaborate works of science related to same interesting thematic, having great inputs from Cs about them, but one question is bothering me from the last night actually. What if T-Rex (psychopath) is not major predator with human face in 3D (all upper densities excluded, so only counting current 3D)?

I mean, we can recognise "MASK OF SANITY" so if we know NSP aspects, than NSP models are getting oldfashioned, obsolete?

We can dodge them, we are now MORE THAN COLATERAL damage, we start to hunt them down, so if initially stealthy predator is becoming more and more hunted, exposed, this predator is losing his natural function, would it be logical to conclude that we could allready have in our environment enhanced, augmented model of NSP family?

Disturbing but.................
Are the Cs referring to genetic psychopaths?

If I recall correctly, the psychopath gene is hypothesised to be hereditary and passed semi-dominantly via the X chromosome, which results in almost all genetic psychopaths being male, with about a 1 in 100 rare example of a female with the psychopathy gene actually expressed instead of being passed along. Is this correct? If so, this would mean just a fraction below 46% of men in the US are psychopaths.

If I were a woman and living in the US, I'd want to read up on all the recommended psychopathy books before I even started thinking about dating!
Laura said:
Fifth Way said:
I probably understood this wrong but I though Lobaczewski said that in the end 100% of the governing elite would be psychopathic not that 100% of the psychopaths were eventually involved in the government. However as a final result one does not have to exclude the other I guess...

You understood it wrong.

Lobaczewski said:
Pathocrats’ achievement of absolute domination in the government of a country would not be permanent since large sectors of the society would become disaffected by such rule and find some way of toppling it. Pathocracy at the summit of governmental organization also does not constitute the entire picture of the “mature phenomenon”. Such a system of government has nowhere to go but down. Any leadership position, (down to village headman and community cooperative managers, not to mention the directors of police units, and special services police personnel, and activists in the pathocratic party) must be filled by individuals whose feeling of linkage to such a regime is conditioned by corresponding psychological deviations, which are inherited as a rule. However, such people become more valuable because they constitute a very small percentage of the population. Their intellectual level or professional skills cannot be taken into account, since people representing superior abilities are even harder to find. After such a system has lasted several years, one hundred percent of all the cases of essential psychopathy are involved in pathocratic activity; they are considered the most loyal, even though some of them were formerly involved on the other side in some way.

Under such conditions, no area of social life can develop normally, whether in economics, culture, science, technology, administration, etc. Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything.

Right. Thanks for the quote. :)
Laura said:
I'll have to go back to listen to the tape to see what we were talking about. My general impression was that there was intense interest in our activities in 5 D for a variety of reasons even including just "dead relatives" of all those attending being present to cheer us on. But, after reading some of these comments and questions I started to mull the thing over and went to bed last night thinking about it. During the night, the answer came - I woke up in the darkness with "the voice of SEEing" explaining to me that the fate of humanity is very important to 5 D because that will determine whether or not the Earth continues to be useful as a place for souled individuals to incarnate to work out their issues. In other words, if STS takes over completely, they will actually spoil their own plans because souled individuals will no longer find Earth to be a congenial "school" and will have to find a more suitable place for soul development activities. And, apparently, there are not so many places where all the conditions are just right and it could put a serious crimp in soul evolution.

So, yeah, they are really interested and feeling hopeful that somehow things will get sorted out by our activities.

Session 29 December 2009 said:
(L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!

Q: (L) You said that before... years ago! (laughter)

A: Build it...

Q: (Joe) ...and they will come!

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it was up to us to take steps to make it possible for help to come. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So there has to be a matching frequency.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see.

(Scottie) And we don't have very long to do it.

A: There is no "time"!

Q: (laughter) (Scottie) Yeah, yeah...

(L) We've heard that, too! (laughter)

I've been wondering about the 'help is on its way' since the last session....and it dawned on me that perhaps 5D rooting for us is the help? That is to have (as a group perhaps) a partial 5D overview of everything here on the BBM? I posted an observation during an E-E session at the start of January regarding the impression that help is there if you ask for it.

RedFox said:
So I continued reciting the POTS myself in the portion after Laura finishes talking.....and something slowly dawned on me.
I'd noticed the first time I listened to the POTS that I could hear the odd little noise at the end....the mic was still open and recording. I had thought in the past that perhaps this should be edited out??
I wondered why it was left recording this time? I had an image of Laura sat peacefully (but also looking slightly serious) with her eyes closed in the sound recording room (where she does the videos)....and it dawned on me that she was doing the meditation with us all....something else came to mind too (the exact quote I cannot seem to find), in a thread discussing the wave Laura replied (along the lines of) "I'm trying to save your lives".
Help is there in the open mic part for all who request it. It suddenly felt like I was in the same room as Laura, or Laura was in the same room as me....but not just Laura, the whole of 6th density was rooting for us. I felt quite overwhelmed by this....and quite small and humbled and embarrassed. Why would anyone be rooting for me? I dismissed that thought as self important.
I was still reciting the POTS through all this, and the presence/energy/connection I felt built up like a tidal wave forming (it felt huge) peaked at 'carried in the heart'...and washed over/through me at 'live in me today'.
It amazed me that Laura (and 6th density?) would be rooting for us so deeply (I guess I didn't get it until now), and it felt like she was going through everything with us feeling everything each of us does....each pain and sadness and heartache and.....I burst into tears at the thought.
Maybe it was 5D I felt then? I honestly have no idea....other than it was overwhelming (felt massive) and not overwhelming (gentle) at the same time.
Then I forgot about all this....and forgot how to ask for help....
RedFox said:
Your post reminded me of something I forgot to add regarding help. For me at least it seems I need to be aware that part of me thinks it can do all this by myself (I have been a bit of a loner in the past, and tended to isolate myself...then think other are rejecting me). The last session I felt quite down and a little isolated, only to read forge's post regarding his perception of a buildup of energy that day......reading that I realised I'd not been aware of any (weather there was one or not I don't know), more so I was focus/fixated on my pain to the exclusion (and that's the important part) of everything else.
I don't think it was to quite the level of self pity/self importance as I've tended to get lost in in the past...but there seemed to be just enough (despite trying to keep everything below my neck) to block any help I had asked for.....which seemed to exaggerate the depression.
I think the mindset I was in demanded help be 'my rescuer'....where instead you should be open to help in any form during the POTS. osit

jubazo said:
Some shrewd reporter asked Dr. Tesla at this point what he would need to destroy the Empire State Building and the doctor replied: "Vibration will do anything. It would only be necessary to step up the vibrations of the machine to fit the natural vibration of the building and the building would come crashing down. That's why soldiers break step crossing a bridge."

Isn't that how the walls of Jerico came tumbling down?

I remember recently seeing a video showing numerous earthquakes at the 10kms depth. Were they the result of just practicing their skills? I would think they better be careful or they might accidentally collapse some of their underground bases - or is 10kms too shallow for that?!

It's hard to absorb all this terror - innocent children already traumatized by earthquake being stolen for human trafficking, organ stealing, or worst; earthquake as a weapon on command; psychopaths 100% in control of everything?!! And all those cops with tasers! It's only been one month and Happy New Year is over! :cry:
RedFox said:
Laura said:
So, yeah, they are really interested and feeling hopeful that somehow things will get sorted out by our activities.

Session 29 December 2009 said:
(L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!

Q: (L) You said that before... years ago! (laughter)

A: Build it...

Q: (Joe) ...and they will come!

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it was up to us to take steps to make it possible for help to come. Is that it?

A: Yes

I've been wondering about the 'help is on its way' since the last session....and it dawned on me that perhaps 5D rooting for us is the help? That is to have (as a group perhaps) a partial 5D overview of everything here on the BBM? I posted an observation during an E-E session at the start of January regarding the impression that help is there if you ask for it.

So, it seems to be useful to go with the attitude that for now 'we are the help'. We have to do whatever is in us to do, work with what we've got. Whatever else may or may not happen we have to do what we're doing anyway, because it needs to be done.
I don't know what to think about the 5D issue. Tonight I made a dream where my daughter (i always dream I have a daughter I don't know why, but this time she was like older) was dead (she had a car accident in the dream) and that she continued to send me emails... I then felt arms touching me and woke up with that sensation:-[
The dream continued when I slept back but I do not remember what happened next but it was disturbing.
In any case, even if the psychopaths number is mind-blowing!!!!, I find this session very optimistic.
Jeep quote:

jubazo quote: Some shrewd reporter asked Dr. Tesla at this point what he would need to destroy the Empire State Building and the doctor replied: "Vibration will do anything. It would only be necessary to step up the vibrations of the machine to fit the natural vibration of the building and the building would come crashing down. That's why soldiers break step crossing a bridge."

Isn't that how the walls of Jerico came tumbling down?

I remember recently seeing a video showing numerous earthquakes at the 10kms depth. Were they the result of just practicing their skills? I would think they better be careful or they might accidentally collapse some of their underground bases - or is 10kms too shallow for that?!

It's hard to absorb all this terror - innocent children already traumatized by earthquake being stolen for human trafficking, organ stealing, or worst; earthquake as a weapon on command; psychopaths 100% in control of everything?!! And all those cops with tasers! It's only been one month and Happy New Year is over!

Not bad, Cs mentioned in one session (it's so frustrating to have only Croatian translation of Cs sessions) that earthquake was reason for devastation of Jericho's walls, was it induced or natural? I don't know but if we corelate it with destructions of Sodom and Gomorrah (pulverized by EM pulse), it seems pretty possible that 3D minions of 4D "gods" could have been assisted with nicely arranged earthquake in order to show "power of the god" or 3D minions had technology borrowed from 4D in order to be more efficient in terrorizing of normal human beings and again doing fantastic propaganda "in god's name" why not if we have in mind that "rent a 4D havoc" happened with 4d battery or popularly known as the Ark of the covenant.
Awesome session Laura and crew.

Lots of information and nice follow up discussions.

Thank you all.
Thank for the session and to every one who contributed in this tread, I'm amaze to see all the individual mind working collectively, how fast the information is proceeded and how strategic every question to the C's are.
manitoban said:
Gad, I too am horrified at the number of psychopaths - they're everywhere!!! And what they've done in Haiti - ugh, what an ugly, ugly thing to do to innocent people.

Although what we have learned is pretty horrific, gaining knowledge about what is actually going on somehow helps to bear it.

Thank you for another very important session!
Remember that WW II was just a practice run,

I wasn't surprised that the earthquake was induced, too much coincidence as stated by Rolyateel

e: Session 30 January 2010
« Répondre #67 le: Hier à 04:49:25
What shock me the most, is that the psychopath are now using weapon of massdestruction that were once considered act of got (earthquake), now those same act can be perceive as act of war and even more,that any tragedy considered as an act of god (cometary impact for example) could trigger a war. No wonder that the U.S. and it middle east ally are running toward destruction. There is just a limit to the amount of power those 2 country will be tolerate to hold. My 2 cents here.

Ailén) Anything for EE? For the forum? Church?

A: Things are developing very nicely. Keep your eyes and ears alert for signals that you are having a real effect.

Q: (L) Okay. So, I guess if there was anything in the wrong direction, you would tell us now?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) There IS something we're doing in the wrong direction?

A: No.

Q: (L) Oh, you would tell us. So, I guess we can assume "carry on". Carefully. Have faith.

A: Hello Goodbye.

It is good to know that the C’s support our recent move and decision, I was wondering if you were going to ask that question. So far so good, and knowing that more people who join bring more support from 5th density who can infuse more energy to the “wheel” really sheer me up.
Laura said:
During the night, the answer came - I woke up in the darkness with "the voice of SEEing" explaining to me that the fate of humanity is very important to 5 D because that will determine whether or not the Earth continues to be useful as a place for souled individuals to incarnate to work out their issues. In other words, if STS takes over completely, they will actually spoil their own plans because souled individuals will no longer find Earth to be a congenial "school" and will have to find a more suitable place for soul development activities. And, apparently, there are not so many places where all the conditions are just right and it could put a serious crimp in soul evolution.

If STS forces managed to take over the earth completely, where would STS get food if nobody were incarnating there anymore? Considering that STS have their hybrid programme, they certainly need incarnating souls.
Laura said:
Shijing said:
I wanted to say really quickly that I am so glad that Obama was asked about in this session -- I knew that the prognosis couldn't be good, but I've been very curious about the particulars. I am not as knowledgeable as some people here about psychopath typology, but I was curious about what 'schizoid' meant, so I looked it up on wikipedia -- here is an interesting excerpt ( <snip>

Actually, I think that Lobaczewski's description of the schizoidal psychopath is a little different.

OK, thanks for the appropriate reference there -- I'm really happy to have this, since Bush was always so easy to figure out, and Obama seems a bit more complicated (in the finer details, not in his basic orientation).

Perceval said:
Flashgordonv said:
Thanks for the session in such a timely manner. Much appreciated. just a couple of observations:
Q: (Belibaste) In Samoa there's quite a strong ethnical specificity.

(L) I don't know anything about Samoa.

(Joe) I think they're the same as the Maori.

Hey Joe, if you were to say this to either a Maori OR a Samoan, you would have a fight on your hands. :rolleyes: While they are both considered of Polynesian extraction, they are very definitely not considered the same. Different language different culture, different everything.

The other point I have been thinking about was that with the stressful and fearful deaths of over 150,000 people caused by, it seems, an induced earthquake, while it obviously serves the purposes of the Secret government to do that, it is also a huge "quality feeding opportunity" for 4D STS.

Yeah, I can imagine I would! But I would hope to be able to explain that I meant from a genetic point of view. Of course, I'm not sure this is true.

It is, more or less -- the Samoans and Maori are both part of the Austronesian expansion into the Pacific. There are probably some differences at the micro-level between the populations, but at a larger scale they can be considered to be closely related genetically and culturally.
Kasimir said:
... Considering that STS have their hybrid programme, they certainly need incarnating souls.

I don't remember that one. Could you tell me where I can look that up?
Great session, Thank You all.

From watching and reading news broadcasts of the Haitian earthquake and aftermath, I could not help but question if this was a human made event. Sure pick a country as poor as Haiti to show the world how powerful you are. As I observed all the money and aid pouring, from CNN telethons to small US church groups going in to "rescue" Haitian orphans, I thought about how much food was being offered up to the 4D STS' "They" sure did raise a lot of money. Wonder where it all goes?

Observing those around me in my small part of the US, it did not surprise me much that there is such a large percent of psychopaths here in the US. China's number did surprise me though, because I associated (assumed) the percentage by populations. How incorrect I was. Thank you to all who calculated these numbers.

Laura said:
(Psyche) I have a question. When we were discussing with I**** some type of cells that are located mainly in the frontal lobe of the brain, it seems that nobody knows what they are for. They are called spindle cells or "von Economo neurons" if I remember the name correctly. What are their function?

A: Consciousness orientation.

Q: (Ailén) Hmm.

(Andromeda) So I guess having a lot of those would be good?

(Burma Jones) So, is that like a registration bin for consciousness to figure out how to keep itself...

A: Energy directors.

Q: (Joe) Can you get more of them?

A: You may.

Q: (Joe) I wonder if those cells have anything to do with the third eye, like when you do the breathing and you look up...

A: Close, more like a "homing device".

Q: (Joe) A homing device for aliens?

A: Wave reader. {Cs refer to souled humans as “Wave Reading Consciousness Units.}

Q: (Ailén) I**** was saying that they're huge cells. Right? (Psyche) Yeah. She was wondering if they could be related to psychopathy, like the lack of those cells...

A: Oh yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Hmm...

(Ailén) She said there were some studies about schizophrenics not having so many of them also.

(Psyche) They have been studied in whales too.

Thinking about this a bit and reading Ultra Mind Solution, The basic American diet consisting of fast foods, pesticide heavy foods and etc... might be a cause for these spindle cells death. Utilizing detox and a healthy diet, along with the EE mediation's may be the way to gather more of these types of cells..?...

Again thank you for the hard work and for all who have inspired me to keep moving on with the work. We all just have to be especially more "watchful" of all around us.
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