Session 14 October 2017

Laura said:
Actually, I don't think they intended to say that the TABLE of hydrogens was useful, but rather the IDEA of the hydrogens/foods for different purposes. That is to say, that there is food that we eat that induces growth and changes in the body, and there are other kinds of foods that can induce changes, but that the way these changes transpire is via neurochemicals and hormones, etc. Impressions and thoughts can be "food" in that way. But, I guess we'll have to ask a follow-up question or two to be sure.

Yes, it may just be the general idea and not the specific mechanics of the table that the Cs suggested was clever. One of the aspects of the table that I was trying to figure out was the transformative steps -- how it was that certain hydrogens combined with other hydrogens to produce a third type, why they moved between the different 'stories' of the organism, and what real-life correlates might be. Gurdjieff's system might turn out to be entirely made-up with no practical value in terms of the specifics, but follow-up questions would be appreciated if you are so inclined in a future session.

Bluelamp said:
Yeah Casswiki relates hydrogens a lot to centers and elements and the Cs/Ra related centers, chakras and densities so what you are doing in general is interesting.

It's interesting that the question of the information/material divide was already approached in the CassWiki entry:

In the Fourth Way cosmology, all that exists is seen in the context of a table of hydrogens, where the term 'hydrogen' simply means substance in general. Some hydrogens are material, some are information, others are spiritual energies for which there is no general description in human language.

It was during the initial stages of research and application of iodine that I was trying to figure out if the Table of Hydrogens could be applied in any kind of practical way. As part of this project, I compiled a list of the elements and found as many sources as I could which related their effects to the human body. One interesting thing I noticed was that when looking at the more complex elements, the lanthanoids (first row of the F block, also known as 'rare earth minerals') appeared to be quite good for us overall -- they had a general group property of stimulating metabolism and promoting longevity. But when moving to the actinoids (second row of the F block), the elements suddenly became lethal, largely because of their radioactivity. It was as though there was a clearly-defined cut-off for 3D (and lower) organisms where their biology was equipped to metabolize the lanthanoids, but not sophisticated enough to do the same with the actinoids, almost as if the latter were too information-rich. Since many of the actinoids only appear temporarily in our reality, and that only with the help of highly technical and energy-costly processes, I wondered if they might straddle the line between 3D and 4D; if so, perhaps 4D biology (however it is constructed) is able to properly metabolize them.

I'll attach one more spreadsheet within which I compiled the data and was looking for patterns -- if nothing else, there should be some facts of practical value on the 'Health' tab.


  • Elements.xlsx
    124.6 KB · Views: 23
Rien n'a disparu à ma connaissance récemment, par contre j'ai retrouvé, après l'avoir cherché pendant des années, un collier que ma Maman m'avait offert, Maman nous a quittés le 07/03/2015... Je vous assure que je l'ai cherché partout, plusieurs fois et bien sur là où je l'ai retrouvé, très bien emballé dans ma boite à bijoux... J'étais remplie de joie et de reconnaissance car je m'en voulais de ne plus l'avoir... Je ne m'explique toujours pas son retour...

Nothing has disappeared to my knowledge recently, however I found, after looking for years, a necklace that my Mom had offered me, Mom left us on 07/03/2015 ... I assures me that I searched everywhere, many times and of course where I found it, very well packed in my jewel box ... I was filled with joy and recognition because I was angry with no longer have it ... I still do not explain his return ...
riclapaz said:
After reading the session repeatedly, I would like to come up with some ideas, please take them with a pinch of salt,

Your post is a good example of how attempting to read things into a conversation that you were not a part of is always problematic.
Laura said:
Session Date: October 14th 2017

Q: (Joe) Oh, well that leads to another question! [laughter] How many?
A: 3
Q: (Joe) How many were in the hotel room?
A: 2
Q: (Joe) Did Paddock do any shooting, or was he dead already?
A: Dead
Q: (Joe) There was a security guard who came up to the floor. Is that security guard, Jesus Campos, a legitimate security guard?
A: He is and is not
Q: (L) In other words, he was hired as a security guard, although he wasn't licensed?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) But was he one of the conspirators?
A: No
Q: (Joe) Okay, so he's a useful idiot in a certain sense. And the drilling sound that he allegedly heard in the room, was that these shooters inside the room drilling in order to escape unseen?
A: Yes.

I tend to feel sorry for the guy (Jesus Campos). He saw too much and it wouldn't surprise me if he disappeared, forever, especially if he was not a co-conspirator. It's also interesting that the Casino's own security (presumably) hired him without knowing he wasn't licensed, and the union represented him without him being licensed either. Very odd for people dealing in security. Seems a bit unprofessional actually.
Riclapaz, as Joe said, your post is a prime example of reading your own stuff into things; probably more of a self-mirror. Let me point out things that are missing:

riclapaz said:
Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this session :flowers:

After reading the session repeatedly, I would like to come up with some ideas, please take them with a pinch of salt, and a little patience, i really have faith in the process:

If I had to put a name to this session, for me it would be a MIRROR session, mainly for Laura and the group, who are the ones who would take the responsibility of the conduit to SAO, it seems to me that the hidden message could start with the greeting, similar salutation and I have not found it (it is appreciated if someone is kind enough to find it) it is as if another energy were present, some answers seem that they were already in the subconscious of the present and were not the Cs who were giving the answers:

You protest too much; you have NO faith in any process.

Laura said:
Session Date: October 14th 2017

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Mikey, Scottie, Niall, Opal the Majesticat, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia

Q: (L) This is October 14, 2017. [Review of those present] Anyway, here we are.

A: Good evening kinder! Zillineaea of Cassiopaea family.

Quoting the above is something of a non-sequitur considering your preface. However, we had recently had a visit from a whole crew of German speakers and Data, being Austrian, speaks German as his first language. The Cs have also many times used similar greetings.

So, what's your point other than an effort to criticize because you have a beef?

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Ark) We had these strange events... There were a number of events recently, like 10 days or so, which were kind of unusual. Sometimes for me they were mysterious, like disappearing things … like in a different reality or something. And then we had our cat that somehow went on the tree and we didn't see her for an entire day. Well, finally she was found in the tree. There were booms, explosions; breaking of electrical lines by digging; Cherie injured; the peacock sick. So, nothing really terrible happened, but it could happen. So, the question is: Is there any meaning that we should be aware of in this sequence of events?

In many cultures cats are represented as beings who see everything, does it seem that the cat really felt something "evil" in the house?

What you are missing here is the fact that the cat was in heat.

I would be embarrassed if I were you.

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Pierre) The Enneagram the way the C's define it finally, is similar to the whole cosmogony that Gurdjieff developed, this mechanistic cosmogony. I find two major flaws in it. First, everything is reduced to mechanics. There's no more soul, consciousness, or spirit. Plus there's a breach of free will in his way of trying to spread this knowledge. Not hypnotizing people without their informed consent is of prime importance, and he did not respect the free will of his followers.

I think this point is quite important for the work of this forum.

Laura said:
(Mikey) How much of Gurdjieff's teachings came from mediums as opposed to transmissions of a tradition?

A: 83 percent

Q: (Andromeda) That's a lot.

(Joe) 83 percent from mediums that he didn't have any real control over.
I wonder if there is any type of "shielding" when making contact with the Cs, ie the contact can be made for either side, for both SAS or SAO?
The game becomes more and more interesting, if it is not certain that it is SAO, is it possible that the contact is with SAS ? Or a combination of both?

So, basically, you are saying that it's not the Cs, it's STS coming through based on what?

Again, I'd be embarrassed if I were you assuming you have done the recently assigned reading exercises.

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
Q: (Ark) He was a really tragic figure for me because he was smart. He was observing things. He was so above all these people that he had NO HELP from anyone because...

(L) No one was equal to him.

(Ark) Yes. But on the other hand, he was not looking for help I don't think... He thought he was above everybody.

(L) He WAS above everybody, but because he knew he was, he cut himself off from the help that he could possibly have gotten. A network of others to give feedback is invaluable. That is one thing the Cs have taught us.

And this includes us all.

So, basically, in a not so subtle way, you are saying that the critique of Gurdjieff is STS??? That we are all way below him, so how dare we question him?

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Joe) He defined the human problem really well, but he didn't have a proper context in which to put it. A spiritual context.

(L) Well, let's face it: neither did we. When we started talking to the Cs, the kind of stupid, ignorant, New Agey, Madame Blavatskyite kinds of things I would ask...

And if we continue incarnated here, apparently there are still more lessons to learn.

No doubt, but following on from all you have written thus far, you seem to be pointing this at me/us specifically.

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Pierre) You know, if you put it back in the context of the 1930s... Gurdjieff's alone, doing all what he did, writing those ideas he had, by himself... In this context, it's an amazing achievement. This guy is a genius.

(Joe) Yeah.

(Pierre) But maybe he fell for the main threat that looms over the heads of geniuses: ego.

Without the help of the Cs, would I really follow the ego so high in us? If we remove the Cs, what's left? what would be the lesson?

See previous response. And that induces me to ask: why are you even here?

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Artemis) Since you spoke of dreams, I wanted to ask: I had a dream about somebody trying to break into our house. Was that a vision, or just symbolic, or what was that dream about?

A: Reflective of attempts of agents to direct negative energies of chaos.

Has anyone noticed that they are giving the same answer from the start?

Has anyone noticed that you are suggesting the same things over and over from the beginning? So I'll do the same and ask: why are you here?

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
Q: (Artemis) Can the same be said about the dreams I've been having - and I don't want to creep anybody out - about the devil coming?

A: Yes

And again the same answer? If I dream of a demon, I would be looking for something more than just say that they are the energies of chaos, that would be to enter a bubble where only angels exist and demons never exist?

So, maybe you should do that? Our experience has been that asking these sorts of questions and receiving answers has acted as a great protection under conditions you can't even imagine. When you have a body of work and a track record of working for others 24/7 for 20 years, come back and have SURVIVED, come back and talk to me.

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(L) Keeping late hours, never sleeping... Oh, and that was another thing! He thought that sleeping was a complete waste of time, and we know that sleeping is when your soul recharges itself. He thought that dreams were a sign of something wrong, and we know that dreams are important. Yes, dreams can be used to program negatively like via 4D STS or whatever; but we also know that they are big clues or cues. They can be prophetic, they can be profoundly revealing. Jungian analysis demonstrates the value of dreams.

(Niall) Dreams can tell you that something's wrong, and it's not that they, in themselves, are wrong.

(L) Yeah, these wonderful Jungian explorations. That's when you come into contact with the greater part of your soul or soul group. So Gurdjieff got a LOT of things really mixed up because...

We are supposed to be experiencing duality in incarnations, that is, the battle between "good" and "evil" is always in us, if at certain moments we lose the battle and it is the evil who wins, as would be the answers given by the Cs, what orientation would the Cs be? Even further away who would be giving the answers? I ask because there are several clues on this, for example Barbara Marcianick, that the Cs confirmed that they were no longer with her what would be the reason?

Obviously, your recent experiences in the private forum, from which you were removed, have colored your perceptions, opinions, etc. That's understandable. But then, to quote Gurdjieff:

"It often happens that, having stopped before some barrier, usually the smallest and the most simple, people turn against the work, against the teacher, and against other members of the group, and accuse them of the very thing that is becoming revealed to them in themselves.

"Sometimes they repent later and blame themselves, then they again blame others, then they repent once more, and so on. But there is nothing that shows up a man better than his attitude towards the work and the teacher after he has left it. Sometimes such tests are arranged intentionally. A man is placed in such a position that he is obliged to leave and he is fully justified in having a grievance either against the teacher or against some other person. And then he is watched to see how he will behave. A decent man will behave decently even if he thinks that he has been treated unjustly or wrongly. But many people in such circumstances show a side of their nature which otherwise they would never show. And at times it is a necessary means for exposing a man's nature. So long as you are good to a man he is good to you. But what will he be like if you scratch him a little?

"But this is not the chief thing; the chief thing is his own personal attitude, his own valuation of the ideas which he receives or has received, and his keeping or losing this valuation. A man may think for a long time and quite sincerely that he wants to work and even make great efforts, and then he may throw up everything and even definitely go against the work; justify himself, invent various fabrications, deliberately ascribe a wrong meaning to what he has heard, and so on."

"What happens to them for this?" asked one of the audience.

"Nothing—what could happen to them?" said G. "They are their own punishment. And what punishment could be worse?

Mari said:
Thank you for sharing! :flowers:

I've also noticed disappearing things but I toughed that I'm just with head in the clouds and not seeing right.
I.e. going to the table knowing that I've put something there - and it wasn't there; turn the house upside down to find it and after 5-10mins I look back - and there it is, the thing I'm looking for, right where I've put it in the first place..... :huh:
I was even joking every time with my man that things are dropping in another dimension and come back....

I lost a pack of cigarettes that I remember leaving at home. I've looked everywhere but it's like they never existed.

Also on the topic of the veil thinning and things going bump in the night,about a week or so ago I had an experience of ''something'' going bump in the night.
Basically I was dreaming,but the dream began to change into a nightmare with a black eyed child.He then began to annoy me and took away my voice,all standard nightmare stuff.At that point I gathered all of my will and told him to stop.What happened was,as I said stop in the dream I also said it in real life,which woke me up.As soon as I did however,I heard a child's voice in my room gasp. The frightened gasp was so crisp and clear I thought a child broke in.Then I decided to get up and check the house,I looked at my (cheap electronic) watch and the numbers on it were all corrupted and unreadable and I heard a ringing in my left ear.I walked around the house just to check that there's no one there and look at the clock,5 am.

The watch has stopped working completely now,I'm not sure if it's just a coincidence or what,anyway thought I'd share this with you guys.
Thank you for the session. Most interesting . Finished Collingwood's "Idea" and starting "G and hypnosis' by Tamdgidi
My observations in life thus far have shown me that people tend to make statements that apply to themselves. G is quoted as saying; "everyone does good according to their understanding."- And I bet he was surprised! Also, it makes sense to me that he's preparing to incarnate into 4D. C's have told us that it's "karmic and simple understandings" that are the precursors of 'graduation' I would say G had a good grasp on the true nature of this reality. He just had it framed in the wrong context/ cosmology. He was a remarkable man and there are things that he taught that have helped me on my path. But we 'see through a glass darkly' here at 3rd level STS land. We are incredibly fortunate to have Laura and Ark and the C's and each other to combine efforts. Personally I think we're doing just fine! The world is crazy. Everything is in flux. There's great opportunity in that I think.

Great session and thanks!
Laura said:
Riclapaz, as Joe said, your post is a prime example of reading your own stuff into things; probably more of a self-mirror. Let me point out things that are missing:

riclapaz said:
Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this session :flowers:

After reading the session repeatedly, I would like to come up with some ideas, please take them with a pinch of salt, and a little patience, i really have faith in the process:

If I had to put a name to this session, for me it would be a MIRROR session, mainly for Laura and the group, who are the ones who would take the responsibility of the conduit to SAO, it seems to me that the hidden message could start with the greeting, similar salutation and I have not found it (it is appreciated if someone is kind enough to find it) it is as if another energy were present, some answers seem that they were already in the subconscious of the present and were not the Cs who were giving the answers:

You protest too much; you have NO faith in any process.

It is not a protest, in fact you can do an exercise even more interesting, it could be replaced in the whole session where the name of Gurdjieff's appears to place his name and see if it is possible to find some more hidden clues in the session?

Laura said:
Session Date: October 14th 2017

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Mikey, Scottie, Niall, Opal the Majesticat, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia

Q: (L) This is October 14, 2017. [Review of those present] Anyway, here we are.

A: Good evening kinder! Zillineaea of Cassiopaea family.
Laura said:
Quoting the above is something of a non-sequitur considering your preface. However, we had recently had a visit from a whole crew of German speakers and Data, being Austrian, speaks German as his first language. The Cs have also many times used similar greetings.

So, what's your point other than an effort to criticize because you have a beef?

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Ark) We had these strange events... There were a number of events recently, like 10 days or so, which were kind of unusual. Sometimes for me they were mysterious, like disappearing things … like in a different reality or something. And then we had our cat that somehow went on the tree and we didn't see her for an entire day. Well, finally she was found in the tree. There were booms, explosions; breaking of electrical lines by digging; Cherie injured; the peacock sick. So, nothing really terrible happened, but it could happen. So, the question is: Is there any meaning that we should be aware of in this sequence of events?

In many cultures cats are represented as beings who see everything, does it seem that the cat really felt something "evil" in the house?
Laura said:
What you are missing here is the fact that the cat was in heat.

I would be embarrassed if I were you.

Which means that you are embodied on this planet, but you are not experiencing duality? like all of us? what better way to play on the part of SAS elevandonos of rank presisamente some resemblance with Gurdjieff's? again?

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Pierre) The Enneagram the way the C's define it finally, is similar to the whole cosmogony that Gurdjieff developed, this mechanistic cosmogony. I find two major flaws in it. First, everything is reduced to mechanics. There's no more soul, consciousness, or spirit. Plus there's a breach of free will in his way of trying to spread this knowledge. Not hypnotizing people without their informed consent is of prime importance, and he did not respect the free will of his followers.

I think this point is quite important for the work of this forum.

Laura said:
(Mikey) How much of Gurdjieff's teachings came from mediums as opposed to transmissions of a tradition?

A: 83 percent

Q: (Andromeda) That's a lot.

(Joe) 83 percent from mediums that he didn't have any real control over.
I wonder if there is any type of "shielding" when making contact with the Cs, ie the contact can be made for either side, for both SAS or SAO?
The game becomes more and more interesting, if it is not certain that it is SAO, is it possible that the contact is with SAS ? Or a combination of both?

So, basically, you are saying that it's not the Cs, it's STS coming through based on what?

Again, I'd be embarrassed if I were you assuming you have done the recently assigned reading exercises.
because it repeats so much the word shame?

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
Q: (Ark) He was a really tragic figure for me because he was smart. He was observing things. He was so above all these people that he had NO HELP from anyone because...

(L) No one was equal to him.

(Ark) Yes. But on the other hand, he was not looking for help I don't think... He thought he was above everybody.

(L) He WAS above everybody, but because he knew he was, he cut himself off from the help that he could possibly have gotten. A network of others to give feedback is invaluable. That is one thing the Cs have taught us.

And this includes us all.

Laura said:
So, basically, in a not so subtle way, you are saying that the critique of Gurdjieff is STS??? That we are all way below him, so how dare we question him?

Not in fact, the opposite, that there really is nobody above anyone and that one thinks or says he is shooting a bullet in his own foot.
riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Joe) He defined the human problem really well, but he didn't have a proper context in which to put it. A spiritual context.

(L) Well, let's face it: neither did we. When we started talking to the Cs, the kind of stupid, ignorant, New Agey, Madame Blavatskyite kinds of things I would ask...

And if we continue incarnated here, apparently there are still more lessons to learn.
Laura said:
No doubt, but following on from all you have written thus far, you seem to be pointing this at me/us specifically.
Laura really does not see it? includes us all

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(Pierre) You know, if you put it back in the context of the 1930s... Gurdjieff's alone, doing all what he did, writing those ideas he had, by himself... In this context, it's an amazing achievement. This guy is a genius.

(Joe) Yeah.

(Pierre) But maybe he fell for the main threat that looms over the heads of geniuses: ego.

Without the help of the Cs, would I really follow the ego so high in us? If we remove the Cs, what's left? what would be the lesson?
Laura said:
See previous response. And that induces me to ask: why are you even here?

quick response could be that at some level comes the help? I suspect that we will soon know ;)

Laura said:
So, maybe you should do that? Our experience has been that asking these sorts of questions and receiving answers has acted as a great protection under conditions you can't even imagine. When you have a body of work and a track record of working for others 24/7 for 20 years, come back and have SURVIVED, come back and talk to me.

And for your work, are you special? has self-importance so high? does that ego give you the right to insult and humiliate people? do you think that SAO orientation Cs will be able to continue in a low vibration?

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
(L) Keeping late hours, never sleeping... Oh, and that was another thing! He thought that sleeping was a complete waste of time, and we know that sleeping is when your soul recharges itself. He thought that dreams were a sign of something wrong, and we know that dreams are important. Yes, dreams can be used to program negatively like via 4D STS or whatever; but we also know that they are big clues or cues. They can be prophetic, they can be profoundly revealing. Jungian analysis demonstrates the value of dreams.

(Niall) Dreams can tell you that something's wrong, and it's not that they, in themselves, are wrong.

(L) Yeah, these wonderful Jungian explorations. That's when you come into contact with the greater part of your soul or soul group. So Gurdjieff got a LOT of things really mixed up because...

We are supposed to be experiencing duality in incarnations, that is, the battle between "good" and "evil" is always in us, if at certain moments we lose the battle and it is the evil who wins, as would be the answers given by the Cs, what orientation would the Cs be? Even further away who would be giving the answers? I ask because there are several clues on this, for example Barbara Marcianick, that the Cs confirmed that they were no longer with her what would be the reason?
Laura said:
Obviously, your recent experiences in the private forum, from which you were removed, have colored your perceptions, opinions, etc. That's understandable. But then, to quote Gurdjieff:

were eliminated? you threw me a stone and hid your hand? allow me one more idea: you can erase what you want here in the forum, but the universe does not, coming out of this reality, we are all the same, and all the bad energy that I get from you? where he went?

Do you really think that the SAO guidance Cs applauded you standing, after how you "outraged" my being? still think the Cs are still with you?
riclapaz said:

Laura said:
Obviously, your recent experiences in the private forum, from which you were removed, have colored your perceptions, opinions, etc. That's understandable. But then, to quote Gurdjieff:

were eliminated? you threw me a stone and hid your hand? allow me one more idea: you can erase what you want here in the forum, but the universe does not, coming out of this reality, we are all the same, and all the bad energy that I get from you? where he went?

Do you really think that the SAO guidance Cs applauded you standing, after how you "outraged" my being? still think the Cs are still with you?

Oh puh-lease. Not only are you being snippy, rude and condascending, now you're straight up lying. You were removed from the private forum at YOUR request. You chose not to stay and make the required efforts once it was put forth to you. If anything, all your "rhetoric" says is that you have no interest in being here even the public forum.
riclapaz said:
Do you really think that the SAO guidance Cs applauded you standing, after how you "outraged" my being? still think the Cs are still with you?

Ricaplaz, and, I thought you let sink and contemplate, understand what Laura and Joe commented, but NO, you just have to dig yourself deeper ... and, by the way, is more considerated if you use the term of "SAO" - as is it in English: STO ... here, all people know it by that term ... and, I really think your'e ignorance and ego is which talked here ... Laura "outraged" your being???? ....
riclaplaz, it is quite clear that you have done very little reading of any of the recommended material or have very little understanding of any of the material you've read.

riclapaz said:
Laura said:
See previous response. And that induces me to ask: why are you even here?

quick response could be that at some level comes the help? I suspect that we will soon know ;)

What does that mean? That you are the help? You're not helping at all by making all kinds of assumptions and by being quite rude.
Thank you for this fascinating session and the insightful discussion!

Just something that caught my eye:

SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
of course Gurdjieffs work deals Mostly with mecahnical things,
99% of Activity on Earth is mechanical.

Says who? I don't think it's that simple. What I see in this reality is an epic battle between good and evil on every level. Yes, we humans tend to be "mechanical" by default, but that's only an analogy, and one specific to G's time. And the fact that it's important to work on our mechanicalness doesn't mean we can neglect the "spiritual" aspect, because Materialism is almost certainly false, to quote Thomas Nagel. In fact, the world of thought isn't mechanical at all, although it can be. Besides, if you don't have a "spiritual" perspective, the question is: to what end are you overcoming your own mechanicalness? What's the purpose?

SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
And of Course he Hypnotises people.

(L) He made it clear that he was experimenting, but that the people he was experimenting on would benefit as a side effect of his objectives. And he said that clearly in his book Herald of the Coming Good.

What else can you do with people who are Hypnotised by nature and the world around them ?
But put them under a lesser form of Hypnosis ,
one that they can perceive and fight their way out of.

I find this line of thought a bit problematic. Regardless of what Gurdjieff did or didn't do, I think we need to be careful not to speak of "those mechanical people", "the sheeple" etc. that you can mess with "for their own good". This reasoning is actually close to how the psychos in power operate: we have the master plan, and those idiots are just too dumb to understand it, so we just lie to them for their own good and wreck havoc to the planet, because only we know how to protect them! It seems that free will really is of prime importance, and you can't just reason it away with noble intentions. OSIT
[quote author= riclapaz]Not in fact, the opposite, that there really is nobody above anyone and that one thinks or says he is shooting a bullet in his own foot.[/quote]

Some people are higher up the ladder than others. That doesn't mean that they are ''better'' in a certain sense. It means that they learned more lessons. And yes that also means that they are more capable of carrying out certain responsibilities you might not be ready for as of yet.

It would be wise to be able to consider others as superior in this regard. Since you can learn a great deal from them.

Perhaps they went through an awful lot of suffering to learn those lessons. So be thankful whenever they give advice. Because they might ease your suffering so that you can learn those same lessons with less pain. Lessons that might caused them a lot of pain to learn.

[quote author= riclapaz]quick response could be that at some level comes the help? I suspect that we will soon know ;)[/quote]

Sometimes people act cryptic so that they can be rude in a subtle way. Does this sounds familiar?

[quote author= riclapaz]]we are all the same, and all the bad energy that I get from you? where he went?[/quote]

We are not all the ''same'' Technically that only happens when we all learned our lessons. You are 3DSTS. And we are not all in 7D as of yet. New Agers like to oversimplify and distort esoteric truths just so that they can life a live of bliss and ignorance and without responsibilities.

Try to take responsibilities of yourself and see that you are not perfect. And try to see that others know more then you do.

Perhaps then you can start to understand that we are not sending you bad energy. But put energy in you because we essentially care. But it's up to you to accept it as such.

[quote author= riclapaz]do you think that SAO orientation Cs will be able to continue in a low vibration?[/quote]

Since you already know what low and high vibration entials, perhaps you should search for a place you consider ''higher''
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