Session 13 January 2024

Also, @seek10 another reason is that there is the chance that whatever tech they used to gather power, perhaps it needed good source of water near by to make it work, this is just a speculation of mine of course, but take for example the Giza pyramids, that had the Nile near by and apparently there is also water underneath of it, that is suspected that it helped the entire building overall to work generating a type of electromagnetic energy.
I encountered this story, relevant to this and recent sessions, from Karin Wilkinson, somewhat cloaked as an NDE account, but is really more about a woman's lifetime of being abducted by ETs, countless times since childhood, and being used in the hybrid breeding program. I couldn't find another reference to her on the forum. She credits her NDE with increasing her understanding of timelessness, other realms of existence, and what it's like to feel love as opposed to the feelings she gets from these ETs she's encountered.

Hybrids are being created, she says because humans have the birthright to Earth, and these ETs want the planet, so they are trying to "become" us through interbreeding and eventually replace us. They need to inherit our birthright. Hybrids are said to be underground waiting to take over.

She talks about Grays (says they are like biological robots that can be "inhabited" like empty suits, and behave as "worker bees"), Nordics (those that are likely to presented to us because of human-like appearance), and Reptilians. She also talks about various "craft" that she's been aboard and also been taken to places underground. She mentions some of the powers of these higher-order ETs, including the ability to paralyze or put to sleep humans at will, and the ability to mask their true appearance, as well as what sounds like the ability to move effortless in space, time, and dimension.

She wrote a book about her experiences called Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest, which I did not find available on Amazon.

She says this ET activity is negative because it violates her (and others') free will. These entities are not kind, not benevolent, and are involved in deception, she says, including her own hybrid children. She explains that these entities are vastly stronger, more powerful, more intelligent than we are, and they operate mostly outside our space, time, dimension, etc. She thinks that the recent media revelations about UFOs are the result of something forcing the hand of the PTB. She says these entities want to convince us that they are "benevolent space brothers," but are no such thing. She says they never "said" they were aliens or from another planet or from space. And she thinks it's all leading to some sort of confrontation.

Whether true or whether she has put her story together from others' recorded accounts, it is an interesting account.

Another interview with Karin Wilkinson is here:

Fwiw… this seems to me to be a significant reason for coastal dwelling. There seems to be a good bit of evidence of oceanic crossing and trading going back millennia. I recall the pottery found in South America that had cuneiform writing on it, the purported evidence of Egyptian artifacts in the Grand Canyon.

The mentioned article's theme is Grand canyon has Egyptian artifacts, U.S Govt. don't want us to know and will not allow any body to enter the those caves in Canyons.

As per Cayce:
  • During Atlantean destructions (2nd Destruction around 28K BCE , last destruction around 10K BCE), lot of people moved first to Yucatan and then to Arizona. Grand Canyon is in Arizona.
  • During the last destruction, Atlanteans moved to Egypt, had conflicts with local under-developed Egyptian population, Cayce's incarnation of that time, helped them to bridge the gap and harmonize the situation.
these posts may of interest Link Link
Here: Alligator (Tom Otterness, 1995) · 2 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201, Vereinigte Staaten

From what I've read, it's connected to the myth of alligators in NY sewers.

The statue is a weird depiction anyway... It looks to me like the legend was an excuse to depict something else. Notice that the child's head is a money bag - child trafficking comes to mind.
Ahh, it is in Brooklyn! Interesting.
Fwiw… this seems to me to be a significant reason for coastal dwelling. There seems to be a good bit of evidence of oceanic crossing and trading going back millennia. I recall the pottery found in South America that had cuneiform writing on it, the purported evidence of Egyptian artifacts in the Grand Canyon.

We currently survive on coastal cities and harbors.
I encountered this story, relevant to this and recent sessions, from Karin Wilkinson, somewhat cloaked as an NDE account, but is really more about a woman's lifetime of being abducted by ETs, countless times since childhood, and being used in the hybrid breeding program. I couldn't find another reference to her on the forum. She credits her NDE with increasing her understanding of timelessness, other realms of existence, and what it's like to feel love as opposed to the feelings she gets from these ETs she's encountered.

Hybrids are being created, she says because humans have the birthright to Earth, and these ETs want the planet, so they are trying to "become" us through interbreeding and eventually replace us. They need to inherit our birthright. Hybrids are said to be underground waiting to take over.

She talks about Grays (says they are like biological robots that can be "inhabited" like empty suits, and behave as "worker bees"), Nordics (those that are likely to presented to us because of human-like appearance), and Reptilians. She also talks about various "craft" that she's been aboard and also been taken to places underground. She mentions some of the powers of these higher-order ETs, including the ability to paralyze or put to sleep humans at will, and the ability to mask their true appearance, as well as what sounds like the ability to move effortless in space, time, and dimension.

She wrote a book about her experiences called Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest, which I did not find available on Amazon.

She says this ET activity is negative because it violates her (and others') free will. These entities are not kind, not benevolent, and are involved in deception, she says, including her own hybrid children. She explains that these entities are vastly stronger, more powerful, more intelligent than we are, and they operate mostly outside our space, time, dimension, etc. She thinks that the recent media revelations about UFOs are the result of something forcing the hand of the PTB. She says these entities want to convince us that they are "benevolent space brothers," but are no such thing. She says they never "said" they were aliens or from another planet or from space. And she thinks it's all leading to some sort of confrontation.

Whether true or whether she has put her story together from others' recorded accounts, it is an interesting account.

Another interview with Karin Wilkinson is here:

Thanks for sharing the interview, she's a good speaker.

I liked her focus on two main positive points - (1) that there is a higher power that one can tap into in order to defend against abduction phenomena and (2) that we are not alone in this, we always have each other so long as we reach out and connect.
She wrote a book about her experiences called Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest, which I did not find available on Amazon
Also available here…

caballero reyes said:
What if blood is not what we or scientists think it is.
I wonder if anyone knows about blood on the outside of the human body. I mean when the blood comes into contact with elements from the outside, in contact with the air for example, there may be a change in its components, that is, it may not be the same as that which circulates inside the bodies.
So it's a good reason not to "give" these medicines to the pharmacy, but to keep them for ourselves, because maybe one day we'll need them. Or for other people in need of them.
Definately a good idea to keep them. In the last few years a few family members have died and we kept all the medicine, which included various things from painkillers to heart medicine etc. Some is fairly ancient like a first-aid kit from the 50-60ies with tables against pain, fever and also diarrhea. One never knows when some of this can come in handy, if not for oneself then for others. The only thing, I am not so sure about is eye drops. Do they keep or is it potentially dangerous to the eyes to use them after their use by date?
Definately a good idea to keep them. In the last few years a few family members have died and we kept all the medicine, which included various things from painkillers to heart medicine etc. Some is fairly ancient like a first-aid kit from the 50-60ies with tables against pain, fever and also diarrhea. One never knows when some of this can come in handy, if not for oneself then for others. The only thing, I am not so sure about is eye drops. Do they keep or is it potentially dangerous to the eyes to use them after their use by date?
I have also heard that Lugol's solution loose its power pretty quickly.
My 2 cents
I have also heard that Lugol's solution loose its power pretty quickly.
I did a quick check and one site says yes and no depending in what form it comes, what it is diluted with and storage conditions etc etc.

Whether you’re thinking of the wound disinfectant, water purifier, or radioactive pill, many sources of iodine do expire eventually. Luckily, most can last anywhere from five years to indefinitely, depending on the form and how well you store it.
So perhaps the power diminishes somewhat, but better to have it than not at all, I think. As far as Povidone-iodine, (for external use), then the shelf life is pretty much indefinite according to some people, says the website.
A session so soon! And of this quality. It really hit the spot. I want to renew my gratitude for the work of the group. It is often both enlightening and bittersweet.

Q: (L) So we create our own theme park and hold it in our mental space. Is that it?
Well, the people that do not wake up to this masquerade of a World are forever lost at this point. One has to take care of the people around them that could be help in some capacity but I certainly would not expect more for now...

I guess, I will roleplay some adventure away from the darkness of the World. Let the thing slowly die out, while maintaining a stern and balanced control of the emotions that the next crises will inevitably trigger.😒
Just dropping in a big thanks for this session. I can't tell if I'm expericing a desensitized perspective or what exactly is going on in my brain. Just basically a "what will be will be" feeling.

In the meantime though, I've put myself into a massage therapy program recently with expected graduation in the next 3 weeks. In addition to hopefully finding a new "career" I've been particularly excited about the opportunity to learn more about the human biologic body and the opportunity to be able to reduce the levels of stress of my fellow humans.

I'm curious, again now as I've been in the past, I've always held an unshakable interest in Reiki as an available pathway to help trasnduce energy into this realm, but @Laura's warnings about the current state of Reiki have had me hesitant about providing the "wrong" approach to people. Is there any advice other than the warnings about pursuing this type of modality? I'm located in Texas, and I'm curious if anyone knows of a reliable source of continuing education around Reiki that isn't corrupted?

Lately I've been feeling a bit dejected, though I can't quite pinpoint where the feelings have arisen from. And my only reasoning on response has been to give to others what you yourself has been lacking. I remember vaguely a quote from an earlier session that this was perhaps the best form of giving one could aspire to, to give to those what you yourself have not. And I know I have a long way to go. But in lack of knowing how to "give back" fully I find myself grasping for something, no matter how small, otherwise I fall into the trap of taking; consuming. Giving nothing in return.

Thank you again to Laura and Andromeda and all others who continue to pour into this investment. Really, truly, thank you. It means more than you know, and more than I may ever be able to express or repay, and I'm working on this.
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