Separation of CHURCH and State (SCOTT STYLE :P)/Site Improvement Ideas


The Force is Strong With This One

I have been noticing trend in the design of the signs website. There is no longer the HEAVY Cassiopaean presence. I have nothing against Cassiopaean but, when I previously tried too show anyone this site they are like " Cassiopaeam= cULT", OR THIS IS WAY TO OUT THERE FOR ME. Now it is more in line with the flash video of the site.

Best news gathered from all over
Top notch commentary and highlighting of key points
Monthly roundups of news

A fair and objective view on the world news and how things are going and why. We do not need it to be heavy relating to Cassiopaean, you can relate the news to cassiopaean on the cassipean site/yahoo group. You would have a much better target audience for it there. WE should be trying to get a target audience here of the GENERAL public. The Cassiopaean aspect of site use to dissolves any of the credit the site had. I love it now i can cite the site to everyone, no one thinks it some whacked out crazy persons site anymore.

Now, I know some of you might be mad at me for saying this, but we should continue this trend on the site.

The front page is nearly all but striped of the Cassiopaean'ishness that we had in the old days. , the links page has been greatly improved, notice no Cassiopaean links anymore???

Easy areas to fix

The Glossary at

I love the content here. Having the word Cassiopaean can stay in it no problem. Just MOVE IT TO THE MAIN SCOTT SITE rather then being under the cassiopaean domain. Also, redo graphics to match current SCOTT style? SHOULD BE the domain

the "What's New "that links to

For the most this has very little to do with cassiopaeanNESS.

It just is a useless link on the page. Remove it, adds nothing to the site. READERS DO not CARE. Just more clutter on the main navigation bar.

1.After removing WHATS NEW, rename this to "News Archives" , MAKES ALOT MORE sense to a new person
2.Bring the color skheem in line with the main page

"Site Map"
Just remove this page, highly un needed. Latter on, add a new section Must reads... or simply title it Articles.
Stick the best articles there.. scotts economic commentary/special articles must reads. The site is so straight forward it does not need a map. The map there is not EVEN A SITE MAP in the normal respect people think of site maps. Like I said before general public, leave it on cassiopaea. THINK about our target audience..

Also, perhaps a new page called "STAFF"

List everyone from the pod casts/those who do economic commentary articles /ark/laura/webadmin's

Give everyone... little description and or picture

LET US KNOW YOU and perhaps a staff email addy people can reach you at.

My last easy one...
DONATIONS, we know you need donations.. dont give us just the sob story.

Tell us facts... provide cost of server per month(We can use who hosts you.. i have done it and calculated how much it costs per year)

One thing i REALLY hate is sites lieing... just state how much you need off the bat and how much you have collected if you want donations . Otherwise site losses creditability. I am not being mean just looking out for this site I want to be able to spread its wisdom to everyone and NOT HAVE THEM pick it apart for being some sham of a site.

Tad bit more work would be needed to fix the following

the "Quick Guide " link that goes to
I suggest the following be edited or revised on this page

Introduction of page
"Further Reading: Shocks and Signs of the Times, The Lies of our Leaders, Is Signs of the Times In Sync with Cassiopaea?

This does not need to be here, stick it on the cassiopaean site. IT is a whole sperate universe.
Cassiopaean people are the ones who would be interested.. not our target audience the general public. It will just freak them out. Remember they are taking baby steps cassiopaean is TO FAR of a leap for anew comer to take off the bat.

Scrolling down the links...

Under "9/11"
That Old 'BLACK MAJIC' Doesn't Have Me In Its Spell - How About You? linked too

Why not have that on the actaull SCOTT PAGE? not linked to cassiopea?

Cosmic COINTELPRO Timeline

Move it to scott again

Chemical Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado

Who Wrote the Bible?
Truth or Lies

New Age:
Why You Don't Create Your Own Reality
A Survey of Channeling
The Adventure Series
Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich
Cult-ivating Terror
Truth or Lies

Matrix, JUST REMOVE THIS i had someone tell me u got some QUARK site that has some religion based off the matrix site.. PLEASE REMOVE THIS.. omg like i said TARGET ADUIENCE>>> DOESNT BELONG HERE

Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad?
The Causes of Hostility Towards Jews: A Historical Overview

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Who Wrote the Bible?
The Psychopathology of Politics

The Denver Airport Material

Why so much focus on psychopathology?
Special Report on Psychopathy
The Mask of Sanity
"Official Culture" in America: A Natural State of Psychopathy?

Why do you encourage readers to send in reports?

What are the Signs Supplements about? I did say get rid of site map, perhaps remove this part of Guid?

What are these 'A' influences and 'B' influences mentioned in the commentary?

I tihnk you get my idea.. 4am to tired to go through them all.. i miss some.. of the links on guide. you the idea though.



Wow, first time I've come across the C's in the descriptive tense!

Dude, I'm afraid you're entirely missing the point: this isn't about trying to 'capture markets' so as to APPEAL to people - that is the way of the manipulator. This is about aligning a world view as close to the objective universal truth as possible - if 'people' don't like it... too bad! Don't get me wrong; I'm sure the good folks at SotT welcome reader feedback on the websites' set-up... alas, unless you really grasp what is being done here, your comments, such as the following, will be ignored.

"You would have a much better target audience for it there. WE should be trying to get a target audience here of the GENERAL public."

"The Cassiopaean aspect of site use to dissolves any of the credit the site had"

"THINK about our target audience"

"One thing i REALLY hate is sites lieing... just state how much you need off the bat and how much you have collected if you want donations"

Hmm, I wonder just how familiar you are with the Cassiopaean Experiment at all... do YOU get the idea, that's the question!
Hhhmmm, well that's an interesting interpretation of what we're trying to do here, erik2k, and, while suggestions are always welcomed and often acted upon, I'm afraid that you might be missing the point. Your post displays an unsettling level of ignorance about the Work we are doing here, and your concern with what other people think about the Cassiopaean aspect of the work seems to be based on a concern with how it reflects on you personally. I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to reconcile this issue with you, however. I'm sure that one of the members of the SotT team will be able to explain the purpose more eloquently and in more detail than I, so I will leave that to them. I would like to say, however, that it sounds like you're embarassed about the basis of the work presented here, and since you don't grok it, you want that aspect to 'go away' so you can link the site to your friends without having to 'not explain' the Cassiopaean aspect. I find that absolutely fascinating since without the Cassiopaeans, none of us would be here presenting or discussing these topics today.
I want to address some of the things you said here, you say some things that make me seem like some EVIL and completely ignorant and blind person ..sigh...

1.When I stated "Cassiopaean'ishness & cassiopaeanNESS" I was sort of using a slag English, sorry I could have termed that better perhaps, but being a teenager I slip more then the rest. Typing late at night tends to make me not think as hard, but I had a chain of thoughts and had to type it all out before bed. I am not trying to put anything into a " descriptive tense! ". I personally have been reading the Cassiopaean website since 2003 and the materials there. I am just not into it as much as this actual news aspect of SCOTT and what it accomplishes. I have no real direct interest in Cassiopaean project, but I love what it adds to the news analyzing and explaining the world shifts going on.

2."Dude, I'm afraid you're entirely missing the point: this isn't about trying to 'capture markets' so as to APPEAL to people - that is the way of the manipulator. This is about aligning a world view as close to the objective universal truth as possible - if 'people' don't like it."

"unless you really grasp what is being done here, your comments, such as the following, will be ignored. "

I said
"A fair and objective view on the world news and how things are going and why"

You stated

"aligning a world view as close to the objective universal truth as possible"

IS that not the same idea or message as I was trying to convey but with much better wording.


This site is about mass appeal, think back... The 9-11 flash??? It drew MASS audience to the site. Is that not Capturing the market. If confused people world wide who want REAL answers and information and giving them that flash is not CAPTURING A MAEKET i don't know what is. You make it seem like its a bad thing, all i am doing is suggesting more ways for this site to allow for people to be "aligning a world view as close to the objective universal truth as possible" . Just trying to help more people an not have any turn offs that initial visitors might get, after they use the site for awhile and realize more then the Cassiopaean Experiment will be of DIRECT interest to those people.

The same thing happened to me, at first I read the scott page news. I saw felt somethings where weird but me being me i am a tad more open and took it as a grain of salt but kept it in mind. As soon as my reality became aligned. and i started looking at things all differently i took the onus on myself to read all about the Cassiopaean Experiment and it made way more sense then when i first read bits and pieces that made me think this site is sort of out there.

Think of it in this way, We as people we are first in our moms wombs... think of that as what we see in regular NEWS(FOX NEWS CHANNEL/news papers), then we realize its fake or want more to what we are told so then we begin "crawl" then we stumble trying looking for sources as we try to "walk" then we are walking as soon as we FIND SOMETHING LIKE SCOTT and begin our first scary steps. THEN comes along the Cassiopaean Experiment when we reach an all out 100 meter sprint RUNNIng.. Thats sorta how i see it.

My comments and suggestions for the site have not been ignored in past. I am a regular to this part of the forum. Way back when we had that email suggestion filling in form.. i suggested looking at news site, BEST ONE out there.) I suggested some ideas from that site and i now find them here.. i think my ideas are practical and work. SO sorry for being to BOLD and trying to RUN when you guys are still crawling. I always use the site and try to think up ways to fix it and improve it more. This was one big sum up of things i was feeling for some time.

I hope i am not coming off as offensive or disrespecting. I am not trying to disrespect the Cassiopaean Experiment or Quantum Future, i have the greatest respect for Ark and Laura's work on their respective projects.

Moving on

"I would like to say, however, that it sounds like you're embarassed about the basis of the work presented here, and since you don't grok it, you want that aspect to 'go away' so you can link the site to your friends without having to 'not explain' the Cassiopaean aspect. I find that absolutely fascinating since without the Cassiopaeans, none of us would be here presenting or discussing these topics today."

I am not embarrassed. I just want to give more opportunity to allow more people to get into the site. (my baby in womb/ crawling/stubmling/walking/running analogy) Think about it, FOX news to this news source is has a far reaching effects on people. Trying to go FOX NEWS to The Cassiopaean Experiement WOW......

At least fox to-SCOTT is a change.. but bearable one hard at first but not so hard and scary that it turns you off after reading a few lines.
Even if i did not make my suggestions about how to give scott an update in regards to the Cassiopaean aspect, what i said holds up and actually makes sense.

I was awhile back going to post just about moving the parts of the site on Cassiopaean/quantumfuture onto this main site and make it streamlined. THIS SEEMED TO BE THE way the site was going after last update. I thought I should give a little reminder and expand well beyond my initial post ideas.

Anyhow, if you wont agree with me or even hear my opinion on the Cassiopaean ideas i have been bouncing around here. PLEASE at least look at some of my other ideas that wont be deemded as far reaching. I was going to post these seperatly, but i decided to sum it all together linking it all into one big post.

1.Streamlining web domain(moving all of it to scott domain)
2.Streamlining the look of the sites archive and glossory
2.RENAME "archive" to "News Archive"
3.Removing from top NAV bar "What's New"(I WAS GOING TO POST about this when i posted about economic times
article pages issue.)
3.Staff page(This is really needed)(Then you can make the page more professional and remove that JKM part of banner and list work by people on a staff page)
Like i said in post 1, if you read my points I raised regarding the site map.

Something should be done with the page.(I sort of re thought this today)
1.Rename And REMOVE Site map. Replace with Editorials being on NAV bar (Current form IS NOT A DAMN SITE MAP, not in any sense of what people have used in past for normal site maps.)

2.REMOVE THE PAGE with no replacment from Editorials (good idea too since editroials has its left side of page, save the room it takes for Staff and allowing the Archive name to be "news archive" or add something else )

5.Donations page, Give the specifics of how much you need, what it is spent on and how much you raised each month and have an archive. Perhapses a shout out for donaters, Very doable if we make it by month the goal/what its spent on/who donated+there shout out. I SEE NO REASON why outlining the exact details is not a good thing. Perhaps it would allow for tech heads that know a thing or two and can help you get CHEEPER hosting that will give you more recourses for SCOTT? Or maybe one of us works in a data center and can host the bandwidth intensive pod casts and save you money. COME ON THIS MAKES COMPLETE sense, being accountable/outlining needs/allowing user interaction, it allows those who feel weary too donate with confidence in there donations to a site.

Site donations bug me,unless they are properly outlined and state goals needed and we know our contributions are being spent wisely. THE BIGGER issue is all those who would try and bad mouth the site, O look... donations pfFFT this is a fake site just want $$$ By Setting up an accountable/outlining needs/allowing user interaction system you squash all that, It is truely WIN WIN for you and everyone.

ANYHOW... I am now the black sheep for questioning Cassiopaean... sorry guys, but I am not a fanatic about all aspects Cassiopaean Project. I can not think the same way as you well versed people.

On the other hand I LOVE SCOTT and what it does and its purpose. The way it presents the news and I CAN GO ON AND ON, . I JUST LOVE THIS SITE You guys not be like me there so we differ, but i can understand your point of view, i hope you can see mine and we can take some middle ground to make the best SITE EVER. To me this site is a breath of fresh air and i enjoy reading the news because of it. I can write an essay on why i like this site and what it does for me, LOL it is Just that damn good of a site.

I WANT OTHERS TO beable to experience this and not be scared away before they even take there first dip in the pool(OR go back to my baby analogy if u like) So... yeah post a rebuttal of you own guys... I like talking/having 2 points of view.. Creates some nice middle ground that is neither to fat left or right on any given subject. Usually ends up being good for all..
Well, while I agree that current world conditions suggest that we need to make the objective perspective as accessible as possible, and we strive to do that, anart is right that there would be no SOTT page without the C's. So, while we have tried to make a clear separation, keep in mind that the C's are quite scientific and it is not really a question of "separation of church and state." In fact, your post has inspired me to write an entry to my blog here:

You might enjoy this one.
I'd just like to mention that I came to this site Because of the Casseopean material and not initially because of the SOTT news. Then I came to understand what a wealth of information there actually was and am learning so many new things I wouldn't have even thought of - BUT I might never have found this site if the Casseopia material wasn't there. I understand the need to get the info out there, but lets not forget the C's stuff might not just scare people - it might attract them too!
manitoban said:
BUT I might never have found this site if the Casseopia material wasn't there. I understand the need to get the info out there, but lets not forget the C's stuff might not just scare people - it might attract them too!
Exactly, and thank you! What we want to do more than anything is "normalize" the totally open-minded discourse, to help people understand that there is more than just political secrets being kept from them. It's all of a piece, a whole gigantic fraud and deception and you really can't talk about one part without making reference to the other.

After all, the ultimate reasons for the political manipulations are hyperdimensional...
Laura said:
manitoban said:
BUT I might never have found this site if the Casseopia material wasn't there. I understand the need to get the info out there, but lets not forget the C's stuff might not just scare people - it might attract them too!
Exactly, and thank you! What we want to do more than anything is "normalize" the totally open-minded discourse, to help people understand that there is more than just political secrets being kept from them. It's all of a piece, a whole gigantic fraud and deception and you really can't talk about one part without making reference to the other.

After all, the ultimate reasons for the political manipulations are hyperdimensional...
I, too, wouldn't have found the SOTT site without the Cassipaean material (specifically the Wave and Adventures series). In fact, I had absolutely no interest in politics/current events until I read the material here, and realized that my ignorance was doing me and others no good. I made the choice to learn as much as I could to understand what is really going on in this world, and SOTT has been essential to this process.

It's interesting how the "cass-oriented" readers have seemed to think that sott was "un-cass" (re: the many clarifications in past years), and that the "sott-oriented" readers think that sott is "too cass". I think that this is what's great about sott; that it manages to 'walk the razor', without falling into blind belief in channeled material or into the 'hard' materialism of human politics. The objectivity factor makes sott one-of-a-kind. Other alternative news sites are critical of politics, but accept Christian propaganda (e.g. Alex Jones, Wing TV, Texe Marrs, etc.), others accept government-sponsored UFO propaganda (Icke on the "believer" end, Ruppert on the other). Only sott manages to maintain objectivity regarding ALL of these issues.

Any way you look at it, you're going to have groups who disagree. When you present material without any sacred cows, and actively promote exposing ALL of the lies, most people will find something they cannot grok. I know I had similar thoughts when I first found the site. I thought it was absurd to think that suicide bombings might be false-flag ops, that Bush and gang were behind 911, that elections could be stolen, etc. I'd already come to be open to UFOs, channeling, psi, etc, but this stuff was WAY OUT THERE. ;) I know there are probably readers that are the opposite of me, who see the nature of "terrorism" but for whom aliens and spring-heeled jacks are just too out-there. Maybe we should let them decide on their own if they will choose to do their own research and possibly tip a few cows in their inner sacred pasture.
Laura said:
In fact, your post has inspired me to write an entry to my blog here:

You might enjoy this one.
Excellent post Laura! I'll give it the full treatment, spreading it as far and wide as I can. :cool:
The problem with marketing appeal is that it is "appeal", and not necessarily truth. The point here is to expand horizons, not to give people reflections of their current limited views. If someone reads Ponerology and finds it reasonable and enlightening, and reads the channeled material and cannot relate to it, let them stick with Ponerology. Why would they stop from telling a friend to read Ponerology just because the channeled material exists right there with it? Are they afraid they will somehow be "infected" by the "out-there" information?

If they are so afraid then they are defensive, biased and mired in preconceptions, and it would be a boon to than if they realized that fact.

If the SOTT people thought in terms of marketing appeal, they would be no different than the mass media. On the contrary, to attract people you have to appeal to a wide audience, not just those who want to see one side of the coin, and have an adverse reaction to anything else.

Besides, most channelers do not tell you to examine what they say or even give you an option of considering it in your own way. I can understand not wanting to consider anything beyond certain belief limits, but the fear that somehow alternate beliefs are dangerous if one comes in contact with them is beyond me, other than that it is a fear of thinking beyond a the current box, and a lack of trust in one's own ability to make rational choices.

And in this supply and demand motif, the supply addresses the demand not just for truth, but for learning to think beyond the box, and for that you need to challenge conventional beliefs in a rational way. Rense actually has a lot of UFO material, and relatively few people question his combining that with political commentary.

Yet Rense only places these topics on the same page. SOTT, on the other hand, is the only site that not only provides both ends of the spectrum, but also does so in a way where one can go from one end to the other without having to make leaps of faith. It is the only site that provides a link between the convetionally probable, and ideas that radically challenge convention without losing rational continuity.

This will obviously challenge those who do not even realize they are conditioned to see reality a certain way, and it will unavoidable generate some cognitive dissonance. SOTT, however, is not responsible for people's refusal to think outside the box. On the other hand, it does provide the opportunity and challenge to put together pieces of understanding that society encourages us to keep apart.

The ability to be an example of the reconciliation of the conventionally irreconcilable is the inspiration SOTT provides, and it would benefit everyone if they were able to follow that example in all aspects of their lives instead of shunning the opportunity.
hkoehli said:
It's interesting how the "cass-oriented" readers have seemed to think that sott was "un-cass" (re: the many clarifications in past years), and that the "sott-oriented" readers think that sott is "too cass".
This made me realize of how along this line certain people think about children: e.g. not enough like your father, should be more like your mother, etc.

I look at SOTT and I see a child that is growing, that surprises me, makes me smile and sometimes sad.

Now let us all contribute to its college fund ;-)


PS nothing like seeing some tadpoles yesterday to remind me of nature's cycle, the perseverance of life and slow but definite growth.
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