

Jedi Master
Almost a week ago I dreamt about Sarkozy. He and his new wife and I were in some vacation resort in France (I have never been to France) and the women were asked to take part in an entertainment/ contest of some sort. Well we have to paint our faces - one of us white and the other black. (I do not remeber what color I was to paint my face) The paints were given to Sarkozy and before he gives mine to me he just mixes the two colors making them unusable. I think I asked him why - but the funny thing is we do not speak, it's telepathic communication. Well I sense that he does not want any competition for his wife. Then I think he also senses or feels my emotions of shock and disgust and again I can feel him thinking that while I leave France he will notify the police to give me some real hard time. And all the while he is smiling with a queer smile on his face. Then I woke up.

In the past I've had dreams of famous people and it was as though there was a warning of some sort. Like when I saw Atatürk where he never spoke but was only smoking, and the ashes from his cigarette were falling on his tie and I try to find an ashtray for him. He seemed very concerned and then he lied down - saying telepathically that he was very tired . That was the time when there was a coalition in Turkey by mrs. Tansu Ciller (the woman prime minister with the Islamic party). That coalition did not last long and was abolished - the islamic party was abolished by law.

Then I had seen Kenan Evren's wife in a wheelchair (Kenan Evren is the general that made the c'oup deta in 1980 (the man Cia called our boy and the reason for most of the problems we live today) A week after that dream his wife died.
Maybe your dream has to do with not mixing up things and remember that things are not always black and white ?
As for the "famous" characters maybe it has to do with wanting to be more "recognized" in your life for what you're doing ?

Just a few thoughts.
Tigersoap, thanks for your thoughts. I agree with your first thought but as your second thought, I do not want to be famous but may be recognized for a good cause - but I am not doing anything of that sort, either. Anyway I was really annoyed by his arrogant and fake smile.
aurora said:
Tigersoap, thanks for your thoughts. I agree with your first thought but as your second thought, I do not want to be famous but may be recognized for a good cause - but I am not doing anything of that sort, either. Anyway I was really annoyed by his arrogant and fake smile.
Sure, I did not imply to be famous in a show-business manner, maybe just a desire to be recognized at your true level of skills for example.
I may be wrong in my whole interpretation of course, as dreams are usually very personal and can only be deciphered by the dreamer osit.

And I agree that Sarkozy smugness is very annoying :)
Had the same idea about the black and white tigersoap.....perhaps its also symbolic of masking things and/or labelling a person good or bad?
If its the smile I think it is (like a smile thats says 'you just fell into my trap and you don't know it').....I recognise that from interactions with people...mostly it is that...its todo with psychological 'games' and manipulation. Whether the person instigating it is conscious of the fact or not.
The fact that its sarkozi (I’ll read ‘person of power who is untrustworthy)….and the mention of leaving the country….either it’s a general worry about sarkozi, or its someone in your life that has power in some way…so you are worried is going to paint things a certain way…and make trouble if you try and leave the situation (his country)…as it had sarkozi’s wife…its probably todo with relationships too….
Does that fit anything?

It reminds me a bit of CarpeDiems post here _
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