Sarah Palin live on SNL


The Living Force
For those of you that missed the real Sarah Palin on SNL here is the vid. I have to say watching that, although it was humorous made me sad and go :scared: at the same time. It is as if America really knows their entire election and political figures are a joke to laugh at. kind of disturbing...


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Will do, thnx mods for heads up :)
I thought the show was hysterical. It showed Sarah Palin as attractive, self deprecating, pleasant. It showed her as shallow, mindless and singularly ill prepared to step into the Presidency of the United States of America. I think that ultimately it will prove to be the last nail in her proverbial coffin.

However, Sarah, you need to know that SNL wasn't laughing with you, they were laughing at you. You just couldn't see it.
Seems that the McCain/Palin campaign organisers have decided something along the lines of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" and fully embraced the farce that Palin is. It's like they have decided to promote Palin's best side - shallow and vacuous, in order to win votes??

The US presidential elections have become totally surreal at this point. I'm totally gobsmacked.
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