Russell Brand: From Actor and Entertainer to... Truth-teller and Enemy of the State?

He says : "Something occurred in the process of baptism that was incredible" ... "I felt so changed; transitioned" ... "I feel as if some new resource within me has switched on" ... "My resources are coming from somewhere else, and someone else now"

It is amazing what belief can do.

He actually believes he is now somehow imbued with some new power, bestowed upon him by some external, magical source. Well, good for him I guess - wishful thinking maybe ?

Also - what better strategy for our 4D STS friends to use, now that more and more people are losing trust in the powers that be, but to influence the influencers ?

Maybe if people such as him can make his followers believe in a messiah who will come down and "save" everyone, then a false Christ will be even more successful.

I feel like he would’ve said the same thing if he went to a new restaurant and had a good meal! It seems like everything he does is a religious experience.
Brand is in a twelve step programme. 'surrender' to an external authority is baked into the programme of recovery at the third step; 'turned our will and our lives over to the care of god as we understood Him.' this development is entirely in keeping with that mindset.

As someone who spent 9 years in twelve step programmes, I can say with some confidence that developing beyond the learned helplessness intrinsic to that environment is impossible without leaving it altogether.

It's an insidious programme that convinces people they are helpless and must let 'God' run their lives, and in so doing probably deliver a juicy meal to the usual suspects.

Brand is in a twelve step programme. 'surrender' to an external authority is baked into the programme of recovery at the third step; 'turned our will and our lives over to the care of god as we understood Him.' this development is entirely in keeping with that mindset.

As someone who spent 9 years in twelve step programmes, I can say with some confidence that developing beyond the learned helplessness intrinsic to that environment is impossible without leaving it altogether.

It's an insidious programme that convinces people they are helpless and must let 'God' run their lives, and in so doing probably deliver a juicy meal to the usual suspects.

Well, looking at the big picture, I wouldn't be surprised if something that should be helpful actually has harmful functions.
Brand is in a twelve step programme. 'surrender' to an external authority is baked into the programme of recovery at the third step; 'turned our will and our lives over to the care of god as we understood Him.' this development is entirely in keeping with that mindset.

Excellent point.

As someone who spent 9 years in twelve step programmes, I can say with some confidence that developing beyond the learned helplessness intrinsic to that environment is impossible without leaving it altogether.

There's some truth to that. Originally, I believe they (founders) understood that the steps, if taken successfully would allow the hopeless drunk to 'step' back into society as a "usefully whole" individual. But there's no denying many become obsessed with the program and never really graduate to other social activities and organizations. They could be said to be 'addicted' to A.A. I can also tell you that I successfully used the twelve step program all the while developing my understanding from many other sources of knowledge such as this. So it's quite possible, but perhaps somewhat rare. I could also tell when I came across others in the program who were similar to me in makeup. So not impossible.

It's an insidious programme that convinces people they are helpless and must let 'God' run their lives, and in so doing probably deliver a juicy meal to the usual suspects.

In some cases, yes. For many, surrendering to a higher power allows them to overcome the closed cycle of addiction which is solely self focused and begin to experience how self is better served through serving others. If undertaken with sincerity, this can lead to a change in frequency (FRV) which would mean they are less likely to be 'food for the moon.' OSIT
Excellent point.

There's some truth to that. Originally, I believe they (founders) understood that the steps, if taken successfully would allow the hopeless drunk to 'step' back into society as a "usefully whole" individual. But there's no denying many become obsessed with the program and never really graduate to other social activities and organizations. They could be said to be 'addicted' to A.A. I can also tell you that I successfully used the twelve step program all the while developing my understanding from many other sources of knowledge such as this. So it's quite possible, but perhaps somewhat rare. I could also tell when I came across others in the program who were similar to me in makeup. So not impossible.

In some cases, yes. For many, surrendering to a higher power allows them to overcome the closed cycle of addiction which is solely self focused and begin to experience how self is better served through serving others. If undertaken with sincerity, this can lead to a change in frequency (FRV) which would mean they are less likely to be 'food for the moon.' OSIT
well put genero81 - I agree .
I am organising my thoughts to reply to responses I’ve received, it is a matter of fact that I’m extremely sleep deprived (8 month old is not the sleeping kind, my brain is fried) and have a boat load of family commitments.
I can read and post small replies in dribs and drabs but this of mine needs more attention and consideration.

I shall open a new thread so not to commandeer this one.
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