Q source / Qanon

I still occasionally check the new Q-posts, and read the 8chan Qanon-boards, just to see what's going on, and partly for entertainment. For me, the legitimacy of the Q-source hasn't become any more clearer than it was, say a half year ago. Q is still 'playing games' and presenting things in a cryptic manner, which has always made me wonder why 'Q' would want to do it in this way. One explanation, if you think the source is legit, is that 'Q' want's to maintain a stance of plausible deniability; if the proof of being a close insider is too solid and clear, various agencies would have a cause to start an investigation of e.g. endangering national security by leaking classified information.

One thing that is good with 'Q' in my books is that s/he isn't shy to expose the usual suspects like HRC, Obama, Kerry, AJ, pedophiles etc. In other words, the people 'Q' has exposed (by giving leads) have so far been pretty much the same individuals I've considered evil/pathological for years.

Having said that, I still think that the 'proof in the pudding' hasn't yet manifested. There are still no high-level arrests, and the famous sealed indictments are at this point more a legend than reality. Since Mossad (and related agencies) is my usual suspect for these kind of psyops, I would be considerably more inclined to believe 'Q' the day s/he starts exposing the Iseaeli Zionist's dirty laundry. 'Q' has said that "Israel is save for last, for a good reason". Well, makes you wonder...

ADDED: There are many 'Q decoders' out there, but there's one guy that I recently discovered, who in my mind is in a league of his own. Very efficient, clear and goo sleuthing skills. This is his channel:

In Pursuit of Truth
That guy is truly in his own league! Intelligent, creative, and funny too! Thanks for that. Of course we remain, reigns well in hand. Observant.
New member here but a Q reader (not 'follower' or "beLIEver" nor a blind Trump supporter) pretty much from the get go when the Q team (as I refer to them since, from the manyfold YT videos, and and links 'decoding' the Q information I have listened to and read over the period since this movement was launched) started to drop their insider intel.

My take is that it is a legit insider source from within the inner circle of 'Da Donald'. The reason I started reading and becoming genuinely curious about Q and the information that came from said source is that I am Korean and back in Nov last year, when the "Q" information first started to make waves on (admittedly) very unorthodox websites, North Korea, and particularly, the whole NK issue, were part of the main focus of the Q intel. Since I was at the NK border last year in spring (as well as having met with and listened to NK refugees in Korea while there) and, since, at the time, it was considered inconceivable that there was ever going to be a reunification of the Korean peninsula, and enormous mistrust towards the NK regime, the revelations as to who was truly running the NK puppet Kim Jeong Eun, who (as those are genuinely knowledgeable, know), contrary to main stream propaganda outlets such as Constant Negative News, also known as the Clinton News Network (i.e., 'CNN') and their ilk, was educated in Switzerland under a pseudonym.

The information, the pictures, the symbology (yes...) were an eye-opener for me even though I considered myself to be quite aware and I kept a very open mind as to the veracity of what NK really is/was. The summit between North and South Korea, the meeting of KJE and our SK President Moon Jae In back in April, were absolutely historical, considering that no NK leader has ever stepped foot on South Korean soil since the Korean war ended in 1953. The PyeongYang Olympics gave way to that at the beginning of this year. That Q kept intimating that Trump had already met with KJE in China prior to the summit taking place, followed by Mike Pompeo's visit to NK proper, validated Q as a legitimate insider source (to my criteria) with the kind of information that no other internet geek or even AI could conjure up. Eddie Snowden communicating with Q via the 8chan board, also was another major give-away and proof of Q being military intel. McCain's timely 'demise' is another major precision 'timetable' prediction that is nigh impossibe to debunk since the Q team, to the month and exact minute, predicted McCain's 'passing' (from the various info sources I've since been exposed to, McCain was executed military style). The coincidences, the timing of the info, the exactitude and accuracy of the information is too precise and to the point (not just pertaining to the NK issue but the Iran nuclear deal - which was enormous for the global players) for it to be a military CIA hoax - particularly since the Q team refers to the CIA only as 'Clowns in America'. There are plenty of other 'nudges' and impossible to miss hints/signs that have - if not made me a 'believer' - certainly someone who is willing to give Q a much broader and wider range of credibility than say, an Isaac Green (if that is indeed his real name), who is a relative greenhorn and rookie to boot, who has been compromised by and tied to the infamous Mossad plant Alex Jones, a known Zionist cointelpro agent (together with Mossad agent scammer Jerome Corsi) who was ousted as a shill way back in the early 2000s by none other than William Cooper of "Behold a Pale Horse", a genuine whistleblower who was murdered for warning the American public of the imminent 9/11 attacks.

I was suspicious of Q at the beginning as well, listening to all sides of the Q movement/phenomenon, including Unirock, Lifting the Veil and a few other wannabe Q debunkers. The best sources are not even YTers but NeonRevolt and Serial Brain2 of the now banned Reddit platform. They are the single most ouststanding Q decoders I've come across - yet none of them have all the information as complete as I would like. Also, as a non-US non-white woman who is absolutely not religious, I am very uncomfortable with the whole US - "make 'murica great again" slogan (whatever that means!!) particularly by the religious zealots who prefer to instrumentalise the Q movement for their own narrow-minded, 'patriotic', self-righteous, overzealously religious, and sometimes downright pompous agenda, fuelled, to a considerable degree, by the Q team's manner of communication and reference - no matter whether they refer to the 'god entity' as Christ, Allah, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha or everything in between. It has a vibe that I prefer to move past since it has been used for too long as a tool of driving a keg between peoples - just as much as race, gender wars, politics or any other ideology, of which there are few and far between and most of which are more than flawed and have not done much to really help humanity see the bigger picture - which goes way past the whole religious diatribe and 'my god is better than yours' bickering, leading to bloody wars of 'the right gawd'.

Back to the Q movement and its main purpose: to make people realise how deep the rabbit hole is and goes. It does a vitally important 'job' (hate that term but in this context it fits like a glove). Much of what the Q team reveals (which, I suspect, will reveal its true identity once the whole movement has completed its task of rattling people from the varying degrees of being deeply asleep or - somewhat red pilled but not to the full extent needed to really grasp the enormity of the corruption that has been suppressing the peoples of this planet since pretty much its inception (which is another topic in and of itself!!). The main task of the Q movement is to bring the 'sheeple' (...) to the 'fountain of truth' to use a much over-used analogy. Again, as the saying goes - you can bring a horse to the fountain but you cannot make it drink if it doesn't want to. Those, as the Q team keeps saying, who truly want to know, will do their own research and digging and those who prefer to stay asleep will stay there no matter how much anyone will try to convince or try to get them to "snap out of it", come hell or high water.

Thus, 'beLIEving "in" Q or its movement is highly individualistic, and also, representative of the stage of the individual's/reader's journey as to how much they prefer to know and be aware of what or who runs this world - how this matrix we are moving through, works to a certain degree but still leaves considerable vitally important information out - which is why I am very interested in the updates but am not a fervent cult-like Q 'follower' - mainly because I would much rather that the powers of old (i.e., the powers that were) finally be removed once and for all - much as Kim Jeong Eun was finally set free from the CIA and the Clinton-Obomber-Bu$h stranglehold he was under, allowing him to finally move towards South Korea and make the reunification of the Korean peoples a reality that none of us could ever have even dared to think or contemplate even a year ago. I take Korea as a 'blue print' for the planet as a whole IF and when the Q team, headed by Trump, will indeed have pulled this off - which I have no doubt it will, since Trump's ego won't allow for 'failure' (failure is NOT an option for Trump, which is why the military asked him to take up the top job). It'll be the greatest achievement we will ever have the great fortitude to witness in this time and era of enormous transformations and overdue change that this planet has been longing for, even though many have forgotten that we were meant to be free, sovereign inhabitants of this big blue pearl zig zagging through space.

Welcome to the forum, CuriousCat! Where We Go One, We Go All, Trust The Plan, and Knowledge Protects! :-D

If you would like to stick around you would be encouraged to post an introduction in the Newbies forum - https://cassiopaea.org/forum/boards/newbies-important-notices-to-all-members.39/ where you will find the Forum Guidelines and other important housekeeping items.

You mentioned not being religious. If you stick around you may find that this forum approaches truth seeking from a spiritual/metaphysical perspective but not religious per se. Hopefully it's something you'll find compatible with your worldview, but the only way to really know is to dive down the rabbit hole.

I share some of your concerns with 'Q movement' people taking a self-righteous and sometimes pompous religious stance, and the same thing with patriotism. I do see many parts of the 'movement' where these have been transcended, but there are many who are lagging behind in updating their views. If Q does prove to be 'real', and they have high-level knowledge regarding such matters, maybe they just found it would be the most conducive way to get the most people on board quickly, and the people who are further along in their development could just ignore it. Coming at it from the other direction may produce more cognitive dissonance than a critical threshold would be able to handle, as people on this site are familiar with. We will see.
Hi meta-agnostic!:-)

Sorry I did not yet take the time to introduce myself properly. I cannot even remember how I ended up stumbling upon this venerable site, maybe except for the main post that mentioned Isaac Green, AJ, Unirock, Defango and Lift The Veil as if they were 'legit' sources in their own right (ha...).

That said, I would like to ask the moderators to delete my first response (to you) since I seemed to have clicked on the posting button without actually duly addressing your post. Just skimming over the introduction and also, the 'concern' of not being religious yet very much intent on having our consciousness take us to the outer egdes of what we think we know, I can assure you that I have been on this path even before I (re-)incarnated on this weird and odd 'mass of matter' called "earth". As it were, I have worked a lot with consciousness, the expansion of the mind, our seeming (in-)ability to see two or three different perspectives at the same time, much less a multi-dimensional approach or perception - which is why I find the Q movement problematic in some aspects that hold those who follow this whole movement without asking different (i.e., 'better') questions, on the very same level of the 3D matrix consciousness we need to move past if we are to evolve beyond the mundane, old-fashioned and outdated paradigm of 'patriotism, flag and father land' and all that other clap trap that comes with those dusty, rusty and outlived PoVs for planet earth as a whole.

Add to that that most of our earthen brothers and sisters are completely oblivious as to our true origins (which are not planetary), then the whole Q movement severly leaves me wanting and then some! I spent two months volunteering at Eceti (Trout Lake, WA) back in May (to July) this year and for what it's worth, their take on the Q movement is that the Q team and, Trump in particular, are massively and vitally important in bringing the truth to a wider public level of awareness that has not hitherto been made available or even thought possible on this scale (worldwide), much less with such precision and timing 'coinciding' with real life events. From the most extraordinary exoplanetary sources I have had the privilege of being exposed to via the Law of Resonance, I understand that Trump is in touch with or at least is guided as well as protected by the galactic conglomerate (not to be confused with the "Galactic Federation of 'Light'") such as the Pleiadians, Orions and their ilk. Whether that is so or not, is not a matter of debate in this context, except, to highlight the fact that there have so far, been more than 7 attempts to take out Trump and so far the cabal have failed.

There is something far beyond Castaneda, Gurdjieff or the other person mentioned (who I have not heard of as yet). Castaneda for one, was a fraud (plastic shaman) as he is know within the indigenous cultures of Central and Latin America, who was known to have invented his books as a product of his very imaginative mind based on pure fiction, which is not to say that what he shared does not have its value - however, he, from what I know, never had any real shamanic training nor did he ever meet the infamous 'Don Juan' of his books... I've moved within the shamanic circles (particularly the Ayahuasca community) and was trained as a shaman myself, so I dare venture to say that I have a semblance of at least some degree of insider knowledge, experience as well as the discernment necessary to 'appreciate' who said 'authors' are looked up to as a point of reference or 'authority'. The shysters within the shamanic circles are as manifold as they are in the truther community - same difference... Our universe is only one of a multitude of universes that exist at the same time. And, what happens in one universe affects what happens in another.

So, on that note, I would think we are now talking on a level that goes way past the boundaries of what earthlings of 'note' (i.e., spiritual masters/teachers) never moved past, or, if they did, they never talked about or mentioned it. We live indeed in most interesting times. Times are indeed changing, and with that, the timelines, the dimensional interrelationships and the role our little rocket plays in the whole cosmic theatre and evolutionary progress of this galaxy... ;-)
Hi meta-agnostic!:-)

Sorry I did not yet take the time to introduce myself properly. I cannot even remember how I ended up stumbling upon this venerable site, maybe except for the main post that mentioned Isaac Green, AJ, Unirock, Defango and Lift The Veil as if they were 'legit' sources in their own right (ha...).

That said, I would like to ask the moderators to delete my first response (to you) since I seemed to have clicked on the posting button without actually duly addressing your post. Just skimming over the introduction and also, the 'concern' of not being religious yet very much intent on having our consciousness take us to the outer egdes of what we think we know, I can assure you that I have been on this path even before I (re-)incarnated on this weird and odd 'mass of matter' called "earth". As it were, I have worked a lot with consciousness, the expansion of the mind, our seeming (in-)ability to see two or three different perspectives at the same time, much less a multi-dimensional approach or perception - which is why I find the Q movement problematic in some aspects that hold those who follow this whole movement without asking different (i.e., 'better') questions, on the very same level of the 3D matrix consciousness we need to move past if we are to evolve beyond the mundane, old-fashioned and outdated paradigm of 'patriotism, flag and father land' and all that other clap trap that comes with those dusty, rusty and outlived PoVs for planet earth as a whole.

Add to that that most of our earthen brothers and sisters are completely oblivious as to our true origins (which are not planetary), then the whole Q movement severly leaves me wanting and then some! I spent two months volunteering at Eceti (Trout Lake, WA) back in May (to July) this year and for what it's worth, their take on the Q movement is that the Q team and, Trump in particular, are massively and vitally important in bringing the truth to a wider public level of awareness that has not hitherto been made available or even thought possible on this scale (worldwide), much less with such precision and timing 'coinciding' with real life events. From the most extraordinary exoplanetary sources I have had the privilege of being exposed to via the Law of Resonance, I understand that Trump is in touch with or at least is guided as well as protected by the galactic conglomerate (not to be confused with the "Galactic Federation of 'Light'") such as the Pleiadians, Orions and their ilk. Whether that is so or not, is not a matter of debate in this context, except, to highlight the fact that there have so far, been more than 7 attempts to take out Trump and so far the cabal have failed.

There is something far beyond Castaneda, Gurdjieff or the other person mentioned (who I have not heard of as yet). Castaneda for one, was a fraud (plastic shaman) as he is know within the indigenous cultures of Central and Latin America, who was known to have invented his books as a product of his very imaginative mind based on pure fiction, which is not to say that what he shared does not have its value - however, he, from what I know, never had any real shamanic training nor did he ever meet the infamous 'Don Juan' of his books... I've moved within the shamanic circles (particularly the Ayahuasca community) and was trained as a shaman myself, so I dare venture to say that I have a semblance of at least some degree of insider knowledge, experience as well as the discernment necessary to 'appreciate' who said 'authors' are looked up to as a point of reference or 'authority'. The shysters within the shamanic circles are as manifold as they are in the truther community - same difference... Our universe is only one of a multitude of universes that exist at the same time. And, what happens in one universe affects what happens in another.

So, on that note, I would think we are now talking on a level that goes way past the boundaries of what earthlings of 'note' (i.e., spiritual masters/teachers) never moved past, or, if they did, they never talked about or mentioned it. We live indeed in most interesting times. Times are indeed changing, and with that, the timelines, the dimensional interrelationships and the role our little rocket plays in the whole cosmic theatre and evolutionary progress of this galaxy... ;-)
That's great! It sounds like you will be right at home here. I only mention the introduction because the mods and admins like to have some reference point for new users, both so the users know what they are getting into and so the mods/admins know who is getting into it. As you can imagine, on a forum like this there are sometimes people who show up posing as 'seekers' but are really intent on stirring up trouble in a stealthy way. All of the stuff you've mentioned so far fits pretty well with what we talk about here, and would be likely to spark some fascinating discussions in an introductory post.

I assume in your Q researching you have probably encountered Jordan Sather by this point. He's probably the most metaphysical and ET-oriented of the Q-tubers I've encountered so far. I don't know if he's aware of this forum but he talks like he's familiar with some of the material here and/or Pleiadean, Ra, etc. A few weeks ago there was a twitter back and forth where Jordan and some of the more 'Jesus'-oriented Q followers were getting into it about whether he worshiped ETs instead of Jesus, or some such nonsense. It seems needlessly divisive on that level, but it does seem like those discussions are being had as they can be. If all of this is set to go down as it is being portrayed, there might not be enough time for everyone ultimately on the 'good' side to get completely caught up on all the esotericism before it goes down.
^I like Sather a lot, he's heavily focused on the ET/Secret Space Program side of things. One thing I don't understand though is that he's quite intent on disregarding or glossing over the possibility of negatively-oriented ETs. He's constantly quick to attack the "all aliens are demons" narrative, but he seems to ignore (and I've asked him multiple times) about the dangerous ones. Just one red flag for me. I've also mentioned the C's to him and in his group, he didn't comment and only a few of his members had heard of them or follow them. I thought that there would be a lot more of them that resonated with the material.

CuriousCat - thank you for your input. The NK situation really was surprising.
Although I missed the Q confirmation you mentioned regarding McCain's exact time of death? I guess that one isn't verifiable (yet) but it's very interesting if he indeed was executed by military.

Also thank you Aragorn for linking In Pursuit of Truth - he's my new favorite Q decoder and definitely the most entertaining. I'll mostly watch him and PrayingMedic for useful decoding. Also Dustin Nemos is good but his delivery is kinda slow. I was surprised to see that Q linked one of Nemos' videos, which could be a type of approval or endorsement. Not long after that, Nemos commented on Q's post about Alex Jones being Mossad-linked, and Jones then further exposed himself as lacking substance by trying to blast Nemos, calling him "brainless, dead-eyed zombie" and even "satanic" (and then removing his own video later on). This was Nemos' disappointed reply:

That's great! It sounds like you will be right at home here. I only mention the introduction because the mods and admins like to have some reference point for new users, both so the users know what they are getting into and so the mods/admins know who is getting into it. As you can imagine, on a forum like this there are sometimes people who show up posing as 'seekers' but are really intent on stirring up trouble in a stealthy way. All of the stuff you've mentioned so far fits pretty well with what we talk about here, and would be likely to spark some fascinating discussions in an introductory post.

I assume in your Q researching you have probably encountered Jordan Sather by this point. He's probably the most metaphysical and ET-oriented of the Q-tubers I've encountered so far. I don't know if he's aware of this forum but he talks like he's familiar with some of the material here and/or Pleiadean, Ra, etc. A few weeks ago there was a twitter back and forth where Jordan and some of the more 'Jesus'-oriented Q followers were getting into it about whether he worshiped ETs instead of Jesus, or some such nonsense. It seems needlessly divisive on that level, but it does seem like those discussions are being had as they can be. If all of this is set to go down as it is being portrayed, there might not be enough time for everyone ultimately on the 'good' side to get completely caught up on all the esotericism before it goes down.

I met Jordan Sather during the July Eceti Conference. Jordan is a young 'un who is a more toned-down version and less blabberous (if that is a term) 'loud mouth' than Isaac Green. Unfortunately, the young uns often get carried away with their own sense of (self-)importance and although they like to 'think' themselves to be "aware" and 'knowledgeable' (...), they lack the maturity necessary to put things into the context of the broader, and also, wider scope of people that have been at this for much much longer and have had first hand experiences with what is generally referred to as 'aliens'. 'Ra' (David Wilcock's favourite gawd) and other such notable 'figures' of "worship" (ahem) are just a 21st century version of the 'gawd in da bible'. The "aliens are only positive" is extremely problematic as well as proof positive that young Jordan is a green horn and like many of the younger generation of the "troofer" movement, still wet behind the ears. Again, those who come from the military background, although compromised (of which there are more than we have fingers on each hand to count on, alas!), are often the more solid sources. Kerry Cassidy comes to mind, as does Alex Collier, who is what is referred to as a genuine experiencer. Steven Greer (who I intuit, young Jordan is 'leaning on' when it comes to his "aliens are only positive/benevolent" angle, much like Joe Martino, the owner of the Collective Evolution site) is on the CIA payroll and has mingled with such questionable figures as Bill Gates and the Rothschilds/Rockefeller cabal - facts that ought anyone half-awake make go "hmmmm...". Doing the background research on who is 'supported/aided/funded' by whom and questioning said "in the public eye's" agenda ought to be a rule of thumb when it comes scrutinising why they say or make the claims they do. Like anyone in the truther community, they need to be listened to with an open mind but with a good solid dose of salt before granting them a pass. Jordan's ok but he's still a baby compared to say Jeff Rense or David Icke. Which is not to say I endorse either - I just find it worth listening to every once in a while to get their take. Both are hard to take over an extended period of time since both end up making me want to just pull the trigger and blast my brains out. Rense was instrumental in my waking-up process way back in the early 2000s after 9/11 but like Icke, he isn't exactly my favourite radio webhost.

When it comes to the alien material, Mel Fabregas has a better scope and is more even-handed. Kerry Cassidy, too, has some highly interesting interviewees and genuinely knowledgeable, first-hand experienced people she talks to - a definitive chunk and cut above Jordan Sather's level of so-called 'insider' knowledge (he doesn't - he's just an average kid who is interested in UFOs and the SSP). I find it ironic, too, that Sather was invited by the now (but overdue, IMHO) Infowars AJ back in Oct or Nov last year to talk about Q.

Any kind of worship is out-of-date. That is one of the main problems with such movements as Q (follow the leader!!) or Trump as the 'figure-head' of the Q movement. The age of Pisces is over and the age of Aquarius which rules technology, outer space, the bigger group consciousness and the greater group mass movements while maintaining one's individuality is calling on the world's population to own their power, their co-creative abilities and also, their part in taking responsibility in co-creating our reality in a holistic, congruent and ethical fashion that does not need an outer figure as 'sign post' or "saviour" but instead realises that we each are part of the greater "Is"-ness from whence everything has been coming forth long before this universe even existed and was created.
^I like Sather a lot, he's heavily focused on the ET/Secret Space Program side of things. One thing I don't understand though is that he's quite intent on disregarding or glossing over the possibility of negatively-oriented ETs. He's constantly quick to attack the "all aliens are demons" narrative, but he seems to ignore (and I've asked him multiple times) about the dangerous ones. Just one red flag for me. I've also mentioned the C's to him and in his group, he didn't comment and only a few of his members had heard of them or follow them. I thought that there would be a lot more of them that resonated with the material.

I apologise but would you mind elaborating and expanding on what you mean with "C's"? I'm not sure what you are referring to. As to my take on Sather, see my reply to meta-agnostic. :-)

CuriousCat - thank you for your input. The NK situation really was surprising.
Although I missed the Q confirmation you mentioned regarding McCain's exact time of death? I guess that one isn't verifiable (yet) but it's very interesting if he indeed was executed by military.

Interesting - 'slip' of the tongue? As of 0:22-0:24

Here's a broader take on said 'tongue slip'.

Also Dustin Nemos is good but his delivery is kinda slow. I was surprised to see that Q linked one of Nemos' videos, which could be a type of approval or endorsement. Not long after that, Nemos commented on Q's post about Alex Jones being Mossad-linked, and Jones then further exposed himself as lacking substance by trying to blast Nemos, calling him "brainless, dead-eyed zombie" and even "satanic" (and then removing his own video later on).

Nemos bores me stiff. He's another one of those young 'uns who have not cast their net of research wide enough and given his 'mind' (slow though it is) and power away to one single figure. There are no heroes, only those who do something extraordinary in/under extraordinary circumstances.

Aragorn, I wanted to share this video by Praying Medic pertaining to your query a few days ago as to why there have not been any 'big name' arrests as yet. This video breaks it down in a very logical and matter-of-fact fashion and it is one of the reasons why I prefer PM to IPoT's somewhat flippant approach. He's a bit too superficial for my liking whereas PM delivers the meat and bones to make sense of what needs the work proper (i.e., research) to put the puzzle pieces in the right place.

FISA is the Foundation

My personal take on the Q team is that they consist of 5, max 7 people (Q have mentioned this themselves), with at least 2 of them being from the NSA-military intelligence, notably, Admiral Rogers and the other being Mike Flynn. If I were British, I'd be £20 that they are part of the Q team. What I also find highly interesting and extremely worth researching (if one is inclined to go there), is to contemplate the fact that Q's style of communication is at times the exact same as Trump's, hence, my hunch that Trump is part of/heading the Q team. Another worthwhile, if rather more unobvious aspect to this entire Q thing and Trump being the centre of the 'storm' (so-to-speak), is Trump's birth chart. Those who know astrology well enough to read a chart can see at first glance why he is such a 'communicator' extraordinaire (not that that is always a compliment, though!!). His Mercury (the planet of merchandise, communication, dealing, absorbing and passing on information) is extraordinarily strong powerfully placed (notably, sun in Gemini and Virgo rising). Add to that that his 11th house (i.e., the house of group activities) overlaps with the US's birth chart (Cancer sun sign - 4th of July), one can just get a glimpse of why he plays such a pivotal part in the US's process. His 12th house of hidden enemies is also extremely significantly aspected and 'occupied' by Pluto and Mars. I studied astrology for over 25 years and became intrigued enough to look it up and his astrological placements don't surprise me one bit.

Astrodienst - Astro-Databank chart of Donald Trump born on 14 June 1946

Another way of looking at what is happening in the US political 'landscape' with Trump at the helm.

I apologise but would you mind elaborating and expanding on what you mean with "C's"? I'm not sure what you are referring to. As to my take on Sather, see my reply to meta-agnostic. :-)
I will take a stab at this since it certainly needs to be addressed, though I also welcome Rhythmik's response to the matter.

C's refers to Cassiopaeans, the self-described source(s) channeled by Laura Knight-Jadcyzk and others that are the ultimate basis of the discussions on this forum. Apologies for not clarifying this sooner but it's generally assumed that people who find their way to this forum have at least some awareness or familiarity with this work, or start getting up to speed on it soon after they arrive here. I guess with Q research having people go every which way for information, all bets are off now. Detailed familiarity is not a prerequisite for participation but it's generally expected that forum members at least familiarize themselves with the material as they go, so they understand where the discussions are coming from and things make sense. From what you have posted so far, it sounds like you are familiar with many of the concepts they discuss already and it wouldn't be too likely to rub you the wrong way.

Transcripts of the C's sessions can be found here:
Cassiopaean Session Transcripts
and Laura's distillation of them in the Wave series can be found here:
The Wave Volume 1 | Cassiopaea
Hmmm... Verrry interesting. But I read it was photoshopped. Oh well. In other news, the Q team are revving it up though. :-)


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Yeah I think that an O on her dress was photoshopped.
Though I saw that General Flynn was signing autographs with "WWG1WGA"

Thank you meta-agnostic for answering.
The way that Q initially asked a lot of questions and motivated people to research things for themselves reminded me of the Cassiopeians.

Kasich's Freudian slip was very interesting, along with Graham going into detail with Kavanaugh about executing traitors via military tribunals.
Here is a picture of a dress without Q:
Has no one figured out that the "Q" business is just 4chan people trolling "normies" on the right like they troll "normies" on the left with pepe the frog etc.?
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How many 4channers hang out with the President?

A LARP would have been exposed by now, or given up.

Also a LARP wouldn't have attracted all these concerted MSM attacks - which the Q group predicted back when they were relatively unknown.
How many 4channers hang out with the President?

A LARP would have been exposed by now, or given up.

Also a LARP wouldn't have attracted all these concerted MSM attacks - which the Q group predicted back when they were relatively unknown.

Personally, I wouldn't spend too much time on this thing. I once read through the Q pages and found it very draining. I also find all the craziness and news on Twitter and Facebook draining, but less so. I kind of use this "draining effect" as a measure as to what I should refrain from or at least only consume in moderation.

Point being, it's easier than ever to get sucked into the culture wars. I know I get lost there sometimes and need to pay attention to my psychic hygiene. Because if you join a war, you are likely to die in war. So just a word of caution about all this hoopla with Q, right, left, Trump, Deep State, triple-reverse-psychology, hatred and paranoia on all sides. At the end, common sense and basic understanding of other human beings based on good-will and personal experience will save the day, or not. IMHO
How many 4channers hang out with the President?

Eh....that's the point. None.

A LARP would have been exposed by now, or given up.

No chance of exposure with so many swallowing it, and why give up on a good thing?

Also a LARP wouldn't have attracted all these concerted MSM attacks - which the Q group predicted back when they were relatively unknown.

Well, "all these" is probably overstating it, but 4chan trolling of the left attracted plenty of media attention, until they finally understood they were being trolled.
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