Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

It's complete nonsense. They've just translated something from RIA FAN. There are a few reasons why someone would post stories this dumb on a regular basis, and all of them are good reasons to ignore the poster

an d it does appear to be at the National Gallery, rather than the "London Gallery"
Thank you for exposing this lie, I deleted my initial post.
It looks like history is repeating itself.
During the Great Patriotic War, the Germans had popular animal names of tanks from the cat family: tigers, panthers. In the Red Army, closer to the middle of the war, the ISU-152 self-propelled gun appeared, which was called "Zveroboy" due to the fact that not a single German tank could withstand a shell hit from this self-propelled gun. The caliber of the gun was 152 mm .
Now perhaps a similar meeting is brewing. All our ears were buzzed by German Leopards, delivered to Ukraine, and now a new tank with the same caliber of cannon is coming towards them. Well, let's see how he manifests himself. Will it be worthy of that terrible name.
In the second half of April, unique Russian tanks "Black Eagle" will appear in the zone of its own
Today it became known that in the second half of April the newest tanks "Black Eagle" will appear in the zone of the SVO. These tanks were developed back in the late 90s, but only now they are ready for mass production. Information on this subject was voiced by Mikhail Polynkov.

The main difference between the Black Eagle and other tanks is the new turret and gun. The tank is equipped with a 152-mm cannon, which allows you to hit both tanks and fortified structures at long distances. Also mounted on the turret are twin 7.62 mm machine guns and a remote anti-aircraft gun with a 12.7 mm Kord machine gun.

The new gas turbine engine with a capacity of more than 1500 hp allows the Black Eagle to reach high speed and have excellent dynamic characteristics. With a combat weight of 48 tons, the specific power of the tank exceeded 30 hp / t, which significantly exceeds the Western tanks of the third generation.

According to Polynov, mass production of these tanks has now begun and they will be delivered to the troops in the coming months. The Black Eagle will become a reliable and effective weapon for the Russian army, providing it with an advantage on the battlefield. Nevertheless, there are no official statements on this matter from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Black Eagle is a modern tank developed in Russia in the late 1990s based on the T—80U tank and introduced in 1997. The tank got its name due to the black color of the tower and roof. However, according to official data, only two samples of such tanks were produced in total.
Во второй половине апреля в зоне СВО появятся уникальные российские танки "Чёрный орёл"

Похоже история повторяется.
Во время Великой Отечественной Войны у немцев были популярны звериные названия танков из семейства кошачьих: тигры, пантеры. В Красной Армии ближе к середине войны появилась САУ ИСУ-152, которую назвали "зверобой" из-за того, что ни один немецкий танк не выдерживал попадания снаряда из этой САУ. Калибр орудия был 152 мм.
Сейчас возможно назревает подобная встреча. Нам все уши прожужжали немецкими Леопардами, поставленными на Украину и вот им навстречу едет новый танк с тем самым калибром пушки. Что же посмотрим как он себя проявит. Будет ли он достоин того страшного названия.
All residents of the former USSR had this experience and I perfectly remember how it became free to breathe when the "guiding and guiding" ideology disappeared. Unfortunately, what they tried to replace it with turned out to be no better and sobering up from this imposed liberal "freedom" came very quickly. Already during the Yugoslav events, when, under the slogans of "human rights", "democracy", "freedom of speech", etc., the life of an entire country was destroyed, it more or less began to become clear how much all this
The whole western "civilisation" and modern western world could be described as lie upon lie upon lie upon lie . . . .
Nevertheless, western civilization has brought much development of knowledge too, or do the decrepit states of some old people take away past achievements?

Think of Christianity, where the ardent opponents will eagerly file a case revealing the many lies and inconsistencies, the abuse of power and much more. Still there really is a worthwhile message, as demonstrated by Laura Knight-Jadczyk in From Paul to Mark where she analysed the research done by numerous biblical scholars and added her own findings showing that the teaching of Paul was the inspiration for Mark and that Paul's Jesus had several striking similarities with Julius Caesar. The information in this book is built on top of the efforts and works of many others, but who kept the scriptures intact, with the occasional edit and addition, but which still survived for centuries? Where did all these custodians and researchers down through the ages live and work, where were they educated, what did they believe themselves, and who financed the efforts?

And how many inventions and discoveries have been made since 1453? Imagine the nearest car, computer, book or smartphone ripped of inventions made in the US, the UK, France, Germany and many other western countries. There will still be something left, but how much? We could go on taking other creations and deconstruct them according to who invented what, when and where and find out they linked to people, groups, and organizations all over the planet. Maybe we do not think about all these connections, but if we do, can we not agree that our lives are very interconnected, and that it is not all lies? Or is the way forward for those who subscribe to the west as lies, lies and nothing but lies, some twist or competition to the latest cancel culture. Will they in a mindless anger rebrand what is hard to show is a lie as invented somewhere else, or go a step further and destroy it? Will they mirror the taking down of Soviet monuments, the removal of Dostoevsky and much else in a spirit similar to that of Ukrainian Nationalists and aligned Russophobes?
You write about nuances, and of course they are present, but the most important thing here, it seems to me, is that without looking at any nuances, using total lies, like the fence I wrote about here, terrible things are being done. The iconic figure was given a little higher.
For context, at "here" there is:
All this large mass of people seemed to be confined by a fence. Over time, those who installed this fence began to move it, i.e. narrow the space in which all these people reside. This fence has such properties that if you just raise your head, you can look through it, and if you make a little effort, you can climb over this fence altogether. However, all these people do not even bother to raise their heads and look around. They are comfortable inside the fence. As a result, we can say that they imposed restrictions on themselves. How to name such people? I called them jerks, which of course is not entirely accurate because most of them are quite normal in a general sense. Some probably know how to solve differential equations and do other non-trivial things, but they are all behind the fence, inside.
Yes it is terrible, but fortunately the statistics, and personal observations show that there are sections in every western society that disagree. And even for those who don't, or especially those who are not old enough to yet have the chance of understanding, does it not take time to grow out of such a situation even if there is a potential? I wrote western society, but it includes many in the Ukrainian diaspora, whose lobby groups since 2014 have made good efforts for publicity, aid, more military and political assistance. Actually, I am curious to know how the diaspora sees it now. Do more migrants from Ukraine realize their country to a very large extent has and is being used by the West in a proxy war, because saying that might help to lift the veil and broaden the minds of the people in their new country.
Now perhaps a similar meeting is brewing. All our ears were buzzed by German Leopards, delivered to Ukraine, and now a new tank with the same caliber of cannon is coming towards them. Well, let's see how he manifests himself. Will it be worthy of that terrible name.
I think that this might be a joke. Black Eagle doesn't exist. It's an abandoned project.
I think that this might be a joke. Black Eagle doesn't exist. It's an abandoned project.
This of course can be, because it was published on April 1, but it is known that 2 pieces were still made and it will be fun if these two pieces snap a hundred leopards:cool:

Nevertheless, western civilization has brought much development of knowledge too, or do the decrepit states of some old people take away past achievements?

Think of Christianity, where the ardent opponents will eagerly file a case revealing the many lies and inconsistencies, the abuse of power and much more. Still there really is a worthwhile message, as demonstrated by Laura Knight-Jadczyk in From Paul to Mark where she analysed the research done by numerous biblical scholars and added her own findings showing that the teaching of Paul was the inspiration for Mark and that Paul's Jesus had several striking similarities with Julius Caesar. The information in this book is built on top of the efforts and works of many others, but who kept the scriptures intact, with the occasional edit and addition, but which still survived for centuries? Where did all these custodians and researchers down through the ages live and work, where were they educated, what did they believe themselves, and who financed the efforts?

And how many inventions and discoveries have been made since 1453? Imagine the nearest car, computer, book or smartphone ripped of inventions made in the US, the UK, France, Germany and many other western countries. There will still be something left, but how much? We could go on taking other creations and deconstruct them according to who invented what, when and where and find out they linked to people, groups, and organizations all over the planet. Maybe we do not think about all these connections, but if we do, can we not agree that our lives are very interconnected, and that it is not all lies? Or is the way forward for those who subscribe to the west as lies, lies and nothing but lies, some twist or competition to the latest cancel culture. Will they in a mindless anger rebrand what is hard to show is a lie as invented somewhere else, or go a step further and destroy it? Will they mirror the taking down of Soviet monuments, the removal of Dostoevsky and much else in a spirit similar to that of Ukrainian Nationalists and aligned Russophobes?
I personally didn't want to go that deep. I meant more the charm of slogans and the rottenness of reality. Is pure communism really bad? It is beautiful, in my opinion, but what the corrupt leaders turned society into in the late USSR. The same thing happens with the modern West, where society is fascinated by beautiful slogans, but in reality there is nothing left of it. It's also stupid for me to argue with computers and cars, because I write this text on a Western computer and I also ride a Western car, however... I will mention only three or four facts and make a guess. My meager abilities and lack of time do not allow me to do any serious research, but it would be very interesting. So these are the facts.
Culture of the so-called The Etruscans in southern Europe, apparently had nothing close to the same in those territories at that time. For a long time it was believed that the remnants of their writing could not be read, until one scientist tried to read in Old Slavic. It turned out everything was perfectly readable. It is still believed that it is unknown what kind of people they were, where they came from and where they went. This is deliberate silencing.
Whole lands in Germany are covered with toponyms of Slavic origin. There are studies on this, but no one talks about it widely either.
The Orthodox Church uses the chronology not from the Birth of Christ, but from the Creation of the World, and now 7531 is the year according to this chronology, but there is no written, documentary evidence earlier than 900-1000 years according to our modern chronology. The question is where did 6500 years go? That there was total darkness? After all, there is no and the latest archaeological finds say that in Novgorod places about 600 years, ordinary people used writing in everyday life. Even the children wrote notes to each other on birch bark! This is organized silencing again.
As they say, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, such as what would happen if... However, I dare to make an assumption that if all these things were not suppressed, then perhaps we would not need any computers and machines, and if this assumption is true at least in some way, then all the "achievements" of the West look like a diversion or a regression.
I do not pretend to any historicity, just thoughts based on some facts.

Это конечно же может быть, ведь опубликовано 1 апреля, однако известно что 2 штуки все таки сделали и прикольно будет если эти две штуки перещелкают сотню леопардов
Я лично не хотел так углубляться. Я больше имел ввиду прелесть лозунгов и гниль реальности. Чистый коммунизм разве плох? Он прекрасен, на мой взгляд, но во что превратили общество продажные лидеры в позднем СССР. Тоже самое происходит и с современным западом, где общество очаровано прекрасными лозунгами, а в реальности от этого уже ничего не осталось. С компьютерами и автомобилями мне спорить тоже глупо ибо пишу этот текст я на западном компьютере и катаюсь я тоже на западном автомобиле, однако... Я упомяну только три-четыре факта и сделаю предположение. Сделать сколько-нибудь серьезное исследование мне не позволяют скудные способности и дефицит времени, а было бы очень интересно. Так вот эти факты.
Культура т.н. Этрусков в южной Европе, по видимому не имевшая близко ничего подобного на тех территориях в то время. Долгое время считалось, что остатки их письменности невозможно прочитать, пока один ученый не попробовал читать по древнеславянски. Оказалось все прекрасно читается. До сих пор считается, что неизвестно, что это был за народ, откуда они пришли и куда делись. Это намеренное замалчивание.
Целые земли в Германии покрыты топонимами славянского происхождения. Об этом есть исследования, широко об этом тоже никто не говорит.
Православная церковь использует летоичисление не от Рождества Христова, а от Сотворения Мира и сейчас по этому летоисчислению идет 7531 год, однако письменных, документальных свидетельств ранее 900-1000 годов по нашему современному летоисчислению нет. Вопрос куда делись 6500 лет? Что там была сплошная тьма? Ведь нет же и последние археологические находки говорят, что а Новгородских местах около 600 годов обычные люди использовали письменность в быту. Даже дети писали друг другу записки на бересте! Это опять организованое замалчивание.
Как говориться, история не терпит сослагательного наклонения, типа что было бы, если... Однако я осмелюсь сделать предположение, что если бы все эти вещи не были бы подавлены, то возможно никакие компьютеры и машины нам не понадобились бы и если это предположение справедливо хоть сколько нибудь, то все "достижения" запада выглядят как увод в сторону или как регресс.
Не претендую ни на какую историчность, просто мысли, основанные на некоторых фактах.
This of course can be, because it was published on April 1, but it is known that 2 pieces were still made and it will be fun if these two pieces snap a hundred leopards :cool:
I read some time ago that they were only contemplating the idea of making tanks with 155mm guns to be able to be used as mobile artillery pieces, but as I said, their feasibility has to be determined.
As they say, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, such as what would happen if... However, I dare to make an assumption that if all these things were not suppressed, then perhaps we would not need any computers and machines, and if this assumption is true at least in some way, then all the "achievements" of the West look like a diversion or a regression.
I do not pretend to any historicity, just thoughts based on some facts.
There are many Controls without a doubt and it is not allowed to go over many things, but consciousness makes its way naturally and eventually causes changes, computers may not be the best to say the least, but they are more than enough for many things... now to follow thorbiorn's idea, I suggest looking at it also in a practical way, take statistics from, for example, the recent covid event, there were many that showed things that were not mentioned in the headlines of the investigations or the data was published without further ado problem since nobody made too much of a fuss, and of course there were many independent voices doing their own studies and analyzes and part of the population maintained a certain distrust and suspicion, which is not exactly nothing, see?, something of truth can be found.
This of course can be, because it was published on April 1, but it is known that 2 pieces were still made and it will be fun if these two pieces snap a hundred leopards:cool:

I personally didn't want to go that deep. I meant more the charm of slogans and the rottenness of reality. Is pure communism really bad? It is beautiful, in my opinion, but what the corrupt leaders turned society into in the late USSR. The same thing happens with the modern West, where society is fascinated by beautiful slogans, but in reality there is nothing left of it. It's also stupid for me to argue with computers and cars, because I write this text on a Western computer and I also ride a Western car, however... I will mention only three or four facts and make a guess. My meager abilities and lack of time do not allow me to do any serious research, but it would be very interesting. So these are the facts.
Culture of the so-called The Etruscans in southern Europe, apparently had nothing close to the same in those territories at that time. For a long time it was believed that the remnants of their writing could not be read, until one scientist tried to read in Old Slavic. It turned out everything was perfectly readable. It is still believed that it is unknown what kind of people they were, where they came from and where they went. This is deliberate silencing.
Whole lands in Germany are covered with toponyms of Slavic origin. There are studies on this, but no one talks about it widely either.
The Orthodox Church uses the chronology not from the Birth of Christ, but from the Creation of the World, and now 7531 is the year according to this chronology, but there is no written, documentary evidence earlier than 900-1000 years according to our modern chronology. The question is where did 6500 years go? That there was total darkness? After all, there is no and the latest archaeological finds say that in Novgorod places about 600 years, ordinary people used writing in everyday life. Even the children wrote notes to each other on birch bark! This is organized silencing again.
As they say, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, such as what would happen if... However, I dare to make an assumption that if all these things were not suppressed, then perhaps we would not need any computers and machines, and if this assumption is true at least in some way, then all the "achievements" of the West look like a diversion or a regression.
I do not pretend to any historicity, just thoughts based on some facts.

[ сотню леопардов
Я лично не хотел так углубляться. Я больше имел ввиду прелесть лозунгов и гниль реальности. Чистый коммунизм разве плох? Он прекрасен, на мой взгляд, но во что превратили общество продажные лидеры в позднем СССР. Тоже самое происходит и с современным западом, где общество очаровано прекрасными лозунгами, а в реальности от этого уже ничего не осталось. С компьютерами и автомобилями мне спорить тоже глупо ибо пишу этот текст я на западном компьютере и катаюсь я тоже на западном автомобиле, однако... Я упомяну только три-четыре факта и сделаю предположение. Сделать сколько-нибудь серьезное исследование мне не позволяют скудные способности и дефицит времени, а было бы очень интересно. Так вот эти факты.
Культура т.н. Этрусков в южной Европе, по видимому не имевшая близко ничего подобного на тех территориях в то время. Долгое время считалось, что остатки их письменности невозможно прочитать, пока один ученый не попробовал читать по древнеславянски. Оказалось все прекрасно читается. До сих пор считается, что неизвестно, что это был за народ, откуда они пришли и куда делись. Это намеренное замалчивание.
Целые земли в Германии покрыты топонимами славянского происхождения. Об этом есть исследования, широко об этом тоже никто не говорит.
Православная церковь использует летоичисление не от Рождества Христова, а от Сотворения Мира и сейчас по этому летоисчислению идет 7531 год, однако письменных, документальных свидетельств ранее 900-1000 годов по нашему современному летоисчислению нет. Вопрос куда делись 6500 лет? Что там была сплошная тьма? Ведь нет же и последние археологические находки говорят, что а Новгородских местах около 600 годов обычные люди использовали письменность в быту. Даже дети писали друг другу записки на бересте! Это опять организованое замалчивание.
Как говориться, история не терпит сослагательного наклонения, типа что было бы, если... Однако я осмелюсь сделать предположение, что если бы все эти вещи не были бы подавлены, то возможно никакие компьютеры и машины нам не понадобились бы и если это предположение справедливо хоть сколько нибудь, то все "достижения" запада выглядят как увод в сторону или как регресс.
Не претендую ни на какую историчность, просто мысли, основанные на некоторых фактах.

This of course can be, because it was published on April 1, but it is known that 2 pieces were still made and it will be fun if these two pieces snap a hundred leopards:cool:

I personally didn't want to go that deep. I meant more the charm of slogans and the rottenness of reality. Is pure communism really bad? It is beautiful, in my opinion, but what the corrupt leaders turned society into in the late USSR. The same thing happens with the modern West, where society is fascinated by beautiful slogans, but in reality there is nothing left of it. It's also stupid for me to argue with computers and cars, because I write this text on a Western computer and I also ride a Western car, however... I will mention only three or four facts and make a guess. My meager abilities and lack of time do not allow me to do any serious research, but it would be very interesting. So these are the facts.
Culture of the so-called The Etruscans in southern Europe, apparently had nothing close to the same in those territories at that time. For a long time it was believed that the remnants of their writing could not be read, until one scientist tried to read in Old Slavic. It turned out everything was perfectly readable. It is still believed that it is unknown what kind of people they were, where they came from and where they went. This is deliberate silencing.
Whole lands in Germany are covered with toponyms of Slavic origin. There are studies on this, but no one talks about it widely either.
The Orthodox Church uses the chronology not from the Birth of Christ, but from the Creation of the World, and now 7531 is the year according to this chronology, but there is no written, documentary evidence earlier than 900-1000 years according to our modern chronology. The question is where did 6500 years go? That there was total darkness? After all, there is no and the latest archaeological finds say that in Novgorod places about 600 years, ordinary people used writing in everyday life. Even the children wrote notes to each other on birch bark! This is organized silencing again.
As they say, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, such as what would happen if... However, I dare to make an assumption that if all these things were not suppressed, then perhaps we would not need any computers and machines, and if this assumption is true at least in some way, then all the "achievements" of the West look like a diversion or a regression.
I do not pretend to any historicity, just thoughts based on some facts.

Это конечно же может быть, ведь опубликовано 1 апреля, однако известно что 2 штуки все таки сделали и прикольно будет если эти две штуки перещелкают сотню леопардов
Я лично не хотел так углубляться. Я больше имел ввиду прелесть лозунгов и гниль реальности. Чистый коммунизм разве плох? Он прекрасен, на мой взгляд, но во что превратили общество продажные лидеры в позднем СССР. Тоже самое происходит и с современным западом, где общество очаровано прекрасными лозунгами, а в реальности от этого уже ничего не осталось. С компьютерами и автомобилями мне спорить тоже глупо ибо пишу этот текст я на западном компьютере и катаюсь я тоже на западном автомобиле, однако... Я упомяну только три-четыре факта и сделаю предположение. Сделать сколько-нибудь серьезное исследование мне не позволяют скудные способности и дефицит времени, а было бы очень интересно. Так вот эти факты.
Культура т.н. Этрусков в южной Европе, по видимому не имевшая близко ничего подобного на тех территориях в то время. Долгое время считалось, что остатки их письменности невозможно прочитать, пока один ученый не попробовал читать по древнеславянски. Оказалось все прекрасно читается. До сих пор считается, что неизвестно, что это был за народ, откуда они пришли и куда делись. Это намеренное замалчивание.
Целые земли в Германии покрыты топонимами славянского происхождения. Об этом есть исследования, широко об этом тоже никто не говорит.
Православная церковь использует летоичисление не от Рождества Христова, а от Сотворения Мира и сейчас по этому летоисчислению идет 7531 год, однако письменных, документальных свидетельств ранее 900-1000 годов по нашему современному летоисчислению нет. Вопрос куда делись 6500 лет? Что там была сплошная тьма? Ведь нет же и последние археологические находки говорят, что а Новгородских местах около 600 годов обычные люди использовали письменность в быту. Даже дети писали друг другу записки на бересте! Это опять организованое замалчивание.
Как говориться, история не терпит сослагательного наклонения, типа что было бы, если... Однако я осмелюсь сделать предположение, что если бы все эти вещи не были бы подавлены, то возможно никакие компьютеры и машины нам не понадобились бы и если это предположение справедливо хоть сколько нибудь, то все "достижения" запада выглядят как увод в сторону или как регресс.
Не претендую ни на какую историчность, просто мысли, основанные на некоторых фактах.
The calendar (kolodar) dating 7531 years was used parallel to the Cristian and was finally abandoned by Serbian Orthodox Church after enormous presure in 1881.
The same calendar was used in Russia and abolished by Peter I the Great.
Same calendar was used in Eastern Roman Empire by order of Vasili II in year 988.
I understand your frustration.
Culture of the so-called The Etruscans in southern Europe, apparently had nothing close to the same in those territories at that time. For a long time it was believed that the remnants of their writing could not be read, until one scientist tried to read in Old Slavic. It turned out everything was perfectly readable. It is still believed that it is unknown what kind of people they were, where they came from and where they went. This is deliberate silencing.
Without giving you a very long answer, here are some links to earlier posts and older threads as a way of acknowledging some of the ideas you put forward.

On Etruscan, see discussion in History of Russia - История России where this post has quotes from the Sessions.

See also this post in Session 21 June, 1997, which begins:
Today I came across a perspective on the Cyrillic alphabeth and Etruscan that reminded me of this exchange: About the Etruscan and its relation to Cyrillic and the Runes "Lada Ray" has got some comments,
In Secret History of the World, see page 125-126 about the Etruscans.

About the old Slavic calendar, there is a post in the History of Russia thread, but I wrote more in Predictions and prophecies

About Slavic languages in what is now Germany, see this post:
History of Russia - История России
...with locations in Northern Germany and also presents links to the history of ancient Russia, I found some videos in Russian, that put ancient Slavic/ancient Russian influences in Germany on the map in still more details like: Сидоров Г.А. Славянская Германия (Часть 1 Почему немцы такие...
Session 9 December 2017
...and the area of Northern Germany along the Baltic sea just south of the Danish Islands, where there supposedly are 500 locations with names of Slavic origin. If that is the case, then no wonder this bioweapon experiment is going to backfire. See also the map from Большой Синташтинский Курган...

Prominent Russian military blogger killed in St. Petersburg blast

"At least 15 people are reported injured by a suspected IED explosion in a city center café"

"An explosion that rocked the ‘Street Bar’ café in St. Petersburg, Russia on Sunday has claimed at least one life and left 15 people injured, authorities reported."

"Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maksim Fomin), a military correspondent and blogger, was killed in the incident, according to emergency services."

Video of the blast:

More info and links in the ZeroHedge report below:

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