Paul Laffoley's Odyssey


Padawan Learner

First post on SOTT forums. :D

I would like to suggest that those interested in visual arts, painting, architecture, and visionary artwork check out Paul Laffoley's homepage at

There is a LOT to digest in all of his works, as well as his biography.

Link to his biography on the Wik'

And here's an exerpt for your reading pleasure:

By Laffoley's account, he spoke his first word ("Constantinople") at the age of six months, and then lapsed into 4 years of silence.
In 1963, he attended the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and apprenticed with the sculptor Mirko Basaldella before being dismissed from the institution. Thereafter, he moved to New York to apprentice with the visionary architect Friedrich Kiesler. He was also hired for the design team of the World Trade Center, but was soon after fired by the chief architect, Minoru Yamasaki, for his unconventional ideas. In 1964, Laffoley began work in an eighteen- by thirty-foot utility room to found the Boston Visionary Cell, where he has produced the large majority of his work.

During a CAT scan of his head in 1992, a piece of metal 3/8 of an inch long was discovered in the occipital lobe of his brain, near the pineal gland. Local Mutual UFO Network investigators declared it to be "an alien nanotechnological laboratory." Laffoley has come to believe that the "implant" is extraterrestrial in origin and is the main motivation behind his ideas and theories.
Here's one of his works. Dig it:

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