
The Living Force
Periodically, I go home to visit my aging parents. My father is 83 and amazing. He still practices law full-time; he conquers the crossword puzzle each evening--in ink--while watching the history channel; and best of all, he remains quite adept at discussing a wide range of abstractions and hypotheticals, as we've done for most of my 53 years.

Inevitably when I'm there, he gives me an interesting article he's been re-reading from his 45-year collection of National Geographic! Most recently, he handed me a May, 1974 issue with an article entitled, "The Incredible Universe."

I enjoyed it so much, I wanted to share the following excerpt, as well as a variety of quotes embedded in the article:

"How does one comprehend the incredible size of this galaxy-filled universe? For such awesome distances astronomers think in terms of time, and use the telescope as a time machine. They measure space by a unit called the light-year, the distance light travels in one year at the rate of 186,282 miles per second - about six trillion miles.

But even then, comprehension is difficult; how can the human mind deal with the knowledge that the farthest object we can see in the universe is perhaps ten billion light-years away?

If we imagine that the thickness of one sheet of paper represents the distance from earth to our sun (93,000,000 miles, or about eight light-minutes), then the distance to the nearest star (4 1/3 light-years) would require a stack of paper 71 feet high.

And the diameter of our own galaxy (100,000 light-years) would require a stack 310 miles high.

And the edge of the known universe would require a stack of paper 31 million miles high - a third of the actual distance to our sun!"
...and the quotes...

"Earth is but a small... planet... of a minor star off at the edge of an inconsiderable galaxy"
-- Archbald MacLeish

"Galaxies are to astronomy what atoms are to physics"
-- Allan Sandage, American astronomer

"Star to star vibrates light."
-- Tennyson in "Aylmer's Field"

"There is nothing so far removed from us as to be beyond our reach or so hidden that we cannot discover it."
-- Descartes
...and the last one, my new favorite...

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
-- Anonymous
JGeropoulas said:
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
-- Anonymous

So it appears that psychopaths like Rumsfeld need to steal even their quotable quotes from old National Geographic articles! :lol:
Here is an atom drawn to scale:

http(colon slash slash)www(dot)phrenopolis(dot)com/perspective/atom/

Shows you the distance from electron to proton, and relative size of both, all drawn to relative scale so you can really see how much "nothing" is there. Maybe it's just.. thought?
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Here is an atom drawn to scale:

http(colon slash slash)www(dot)phrenopolis(dot)com/perspective/atom/

Shows you the distance from electron to proton, and relative size of both, all drawn to relative scale so you can really see how much "nothing" is there. Maybe it's just.. thought?
Where you said thought reminds me of this:

I don't think its that strange that atoms are so full of "nothing", I mean, its the same as air isn't it? For it to be a gas, there has to be spaces. I think its possible that there is no end to space, that its endless. In other words, beyond the edge of this universe there is nothing but space unless there are other universes out there. Like its the most basic part of all of reality, space for everything to exist in - and it seems to "exist" everywhere, like a background. I thought that the reason why atoms were "hard" even though they're pretty much empty was because of electromagnetism, which is basically energy. Though I am sketchy on that ;)
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Shows you the distance from electron to proton, and relative size of both, all drawn to relative scale so you can really see how much "nothing" is there. Maybe it's just.. thought?
The proportions are quite similar when observing stars and planets. Big entities, small entities and a lot of "nothing" in between.
That makes me think - this universe could have a really tiny (by comparison) object orbiting it, or could be orbiting something really HUGE.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Shows you the distance from electron to proton, and relative size of both, all drawn to relative scale so you can really see how much "nothing" is there. Maybe it's just.. thought?
I read recently that the Celtics triple spiral design represented their knowledge of the 3 fundamental forces that compose our universe:

1) Electricity
2) Magnetism
3) Consciousness
JGeropoulas said:
I read recently that the Celtics triple spiral design represented their knowledge of the 3 fundamental forces that compose our universe:

1) Electricity
2) Magnetism
3) Consciousness
The C's say that consciousness is at the root of all existance. Also say that gravity is the binder of all reality. And RA says that first there was intelligent infinity, which became aware, and awareness resulted in intelligent infinity being focused into infinite energy which is more or less how/why everything exists. It seems similar to the 3 forces you mentioned. Gravity could be like Magnetism. Infinite energy is like Electricity. And Consciousness is consciousness. Maybe that spiral design has something there... but it all still confuses me that's for sure.
Pardon the quick interruption, but electricity doesn't seem like infinite energy to me - (of course I could be imagining things again) - but 'infinite energy' sounds like electricty and magnetism and many things we can't even pronounce, combined.

A triple spiral harkens to the third dimension - at least in my mind - most '3s in design' do -and the universe seems to be composed of much, much more than that. FWIW.
From The Lost Magic of Christianity by Michael Poynder

(page 23)
Let us now examine how the Sun affects us here on Earth. As it rotates, so energy is given off in the form of a solar wind consisting of positive and negative particles that take approximately 48 hours to reach the Earth. Solar wind particles are a by-product of magnetic activity, which arises due to the differential rotation of the polar and equatorial fields.
The Earth is also rotating once round the Sun every 365.242 days. So it has been calculated that every seven days, due to this differential rotation, the Sun's energy hits us with alternating polarity, i.e., positive to negative every week. It is interesting to note that because of this, underground water energies seemingly change polarity every seven days too. This is particularly noticeable along Stone Age 'alignments'.
The Sun's rays contain the necessary energy from within the solar wind to generate life and rebirth throughout the planet. S.A.M. [Stone Age Man] often aligned his ancient structures to the seasons of the Sun - solstices and equinoxes - to 'capture' this energy in his structures and re-energise the earth itself. He engraved the rays of the Sun on his lintle stones with lovely zigzag lozenge wavelength pictures telling us of this (black and white plate 1).
When these rays penetrated deep into the chamber of the cairn they were engraved as the triple spiral of Newgrange. This beautiful engraving (diagram 14) is of the Trinity of the creative breath itself. In India this is drawn as the sign and meditative sound of 'OM', being the three aspects of the Trinity: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the holder of reality, and Shiva the destroyer and rebirther.


(page 52)

In Ireland we have a silent secret language called 'Ogam', pronounced 'OM', depicting the same principle (diagram 15). In scientific terms the triple spiral denotes the interweaving DNA up and down the spine - the Kundalini in Eastern mythology. It also denotes the forces of electricity (the Sun), magnetism (the Earth) and light, all interacting as the creative forces of electro-magnetism. In later Christian terms the triple spiral became the Trinity of 'Father, Son and Holy Ghost', whereas it should have been 'Father, Mother and Holy Ghost'; the latter referring to divine 'light'. It also symbolises the conjunction of Sun, Moon and Venus through the sky-light of the cairn.
Quartz is a white stone looking like hunks of gleaming white cheese that occurs in blocks and seams in granite. Sometimes it also contains wisps of gold within its cracks. Quartz has been found throughout the world and has been incorporated in many ancient structures. S.A.M. used blocks of it in the construction of Newgrange, the great Irish Cairn in Co. Meath, and often in his circles and burials. It grows from this white translucent rock into 'rock crystal'...--for the crystal is clear, colourless and of perfect atomic structure. The chemical composition of quartz is Si02, It has a particular growth pattern with a structure, either right-handed or left-handed, in spiral form. This is said to be a helical growth pattern, from the Greek 'Helios', the Sun.
We have seen how the Sun and the Moon produce positive and negative spirals from an underground spring. In a like way, rock crystal, energised from the Sun and Moon, has grown in patterns over endless centuries giving off minute vibrations of energy. This energy manifests as pyro-electricity when subjected to variations of temperature and piezo-electricity when subjected to changing pressures. We can say therefore that the changing energies of day to night and season to season allow rock crystal to become alive. S.A.M. knew this and used this intuitive knowledge to energise his early structures to help the soul consciousness...
Quartz also has a unique property in the whole of the gemstone world, in that when polarised light (sunlight directed as a beam), is passed through it, it refracts or bends that light through 45 degrees i.e., it turns it. In doing so, it displays the hidden vibrations of white light or sunlight through its component parts; the seven rays of the body of light we see visually in the rainbow and psychically in the chakras of the human body.
Also, this bending produces a balance between electricity and magnetism; the energy that with consciousness makes up the triple procreative spiral forces of Planet Earth. It is not surprising that the light image of the 'figure' produced by directing polarised light through quartz onto a 'plate' is the same in cross-section as the DNA - the cerebro-spinal fluid that courses up and down the spine to give us our own personal illumination.
With that in mind, consider again those 3 forces of our universe as they may've converged at structures of standing stones, like Stonehenge:

Electricity - Standing stones of granite which contains quartz crystals with pto conduct the electrical current spiraling up from the intersection of 2 underground channels of water (dowsing was used to site these stone circles).

Magnetism - They had a system to calculate the 19-year moon cycle when the moon was the closest to the earth to increase magnetism.

Consciousness - At these time, perhaps those with enlightened, focused consciousness would sing in harmonies to create standing sound waves as they moved in circular dance formations within the electro-magnetically charged stones similar in principle to a generator.

What happened next when they sang and danced under that close moon approach every 19 years? Was it a portal to other densities, dimensions or universes--or "multiverses"?

According to a recent Popular Science article, the theory that's beginning to take hold in physics seems to be that, instead of "universes," there are "multiverses" existing parallel to each other. This is what the Cassiopaens (as well as Marcinak's Pleiadians) have both said and this is also the view of the newest physics whiz-kid, Nima Arkani-Hamed (at 30, made full professor of physics at Harvard).

Yep, he estimates there are trillions upon trillions of universes in our "multiverse". (i.e. 10 to the 500th power, or a "1" with 500 zeroes following it) That's a lot. A lot of something, 70% of which is called "exotic matter" (stuff we wouldn't recognize even if we flew through "space" looking for it).

So with all that kind of stuff, you're probably wondering, what exactly tipped off this guy to suspect we're really in a "multiverse"? Well, after much theorizing lead to many calculations, he concluded that "gravity is seeping out of our three-deminsional universe, into two exceedingly large extra dimensions that are diluting its force"

(I thought I noticed something like that happening just the other day, didn't you? ;)

Well, let's turn full circle, back to the original theme of this thread: the vastness of space.

According to the Popular Science article, if Arkani-Hamed's theory is proven by a pending experiment using the Large Hadron Collider next year, "the signifcance of our world relative to the multiverse, will be no greater than one atom relative to all the matter in our universe."
anart said:
Pardon the quick interruption, but electricity doesn't seem like infinite energy to me - (of course I could be imagining things again) - but 'infinite energy' sounds like electricty and magnetism and many things we can't even pronounce, combined.
It ain't no interruption! :D
I was speculating with respect to some other stuff C's said, namely about electricity:
Q: (L) When light is transferred to electrical energy, does it actually change density?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it from 1st to 3rd when it becomes electricity?
A: Yes.
So I was thinking that electricity is maybe just a 3rd density representation of a much more universal thing, namely energy in all its forms. Also some more related stuff:
Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle... the thing that keeps things together, like the way all the fat pulls
together in a bowl of soup.
A: Gravity is all there is.
Q: (L) Is light the emanation of gravity?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is light?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) Is gravity the same as the strong and weak nuclear forces?
A: Gravity is "God."
Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?
A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity?
Q: Getting back to my question of the passing of electrons along a circuit: what force is it that initiates the passing of one
electron to another atom that manifests as electricity?
A: Electrical energy is merely "tapped," collected, trapped, then channeled.
Q: If it is tapped, where is it tapped from?
A: Collecting electrons.
Q: What is a collecting electron?
A: Not "a" collecting electron. It is collecting them.
Q: What is collecting the electrons?
A: The utilizers. Electrons are "free" energy.
Q: Okay, but where... I am thinking that in an electrical circuit, the electrons that are there, are the ones that are started
with, the ones that are passed along, and the ones that are still there when the circuit is broken and the passing of
electrons stops. Am I wrong?
A: Yes.
Q: Okay... then...
A: There is no beginning or end.
Q: Then electricity is, in essence, a flow of electrons?
A: Yes.
Q: You say they are tapped. Where are they tapped from? What is the source of these free electrons?
A: All materials. All matter. All aether.
anart said:
A triple spiral harkens to the third dimension - at least in my mind - most '3s in design' do -and the universe seems to be composed of much, much more than that. FWIW.
"all of creation, of existence, is contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They dwell within. 11, 22, 33, 1/2, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!"
I'm not sure if above they mean in a general sense, or with respect to our current level of density and perspective, because elsewhere they said:
A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!!
Q: So, in everything there are three aspects?
A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace and anticipation.
So here they say about "3 aspects" that it's because this is the realm we occupy. Does this apply for the above quote with "1 2 3" also? I dunno.

But if you really wanna have your head spin, read session 95-05-27 with Roger Santili as a guest. Crazy stuff!
Hi! I just thought I'd throw my 5 cents in here. :)

If by "triple spiral design" you mean the triskele, Laura has written about the Celtic and other ancient philosophies and the "third element".

From "Secret History of the World":

According to Homer, the philosophy of the ancient world was that there was a third element that linked the opposing elements. Between the body and the soul, there is the spirit. Between life and death there is the transformation that is possible to the individual, between father and mother there is the child who takes the characteristics of both father and mother, and between good and evil there is the SPECIFIC SITUATION that determines which is which and what ought to be done.

In other words, there are three simultaneous determinants in any situation that make it impossible to say that any list of things is "good" or "evil" intrinsically, and that the true determinant is the situation.

In any event, the symbol of this philosphy is the triskele, representing three waves joined together.

The simultaneous existence of the third element does not mean that the notion of "good and evil" did not exist or was not reflected in the Celtic law. What was clear was that it was understood that nothing could be "cut and dried" in terms of law, that each situation was unique and the circumstances had to be carefully weighed.

Aristotle considered Gaul to be the "teacher" of Greece and the Druids to be the "inventors of philosophy." The Greeks also considered the Druids to be the world's greatest scholars, and whose mathematical knowledge was the source of Pythagoras' information. And so, we see that there is another way to consider the "three forces." This brings us back again to "perspicacity" which is a function of knowledge. The ability to "assimilate B influences" as Mouravierff describes it, depends upon the evaluation of the Impression in the specific context in which it is experieneced. A very simple way of putting it is: is it Truth or is it a Lie and if either, which has more affinity to the world of the spirit, or Love?

There are those who think that truth or lies are alwasy static, that a lie is a lie is a lie and that to be "good", one must ALWAYS tell the "truth." However, it is not always that easy. For example, consider France during the Nazi occupation. Undoubtedly, many of those involved in the resistance lied daily and regularly about their plans and activities. What was different about their lies was the INTENT and the SPECIFIC SITUATION. In such a situation, speaking the truth to a Nazi soldeier who would use that truth to destroy one's fellow resistance fighters would be "evil," so to say, and lying would be "good." This simple example ought to give the reader much to think about in terms of the socialized belief in a "black and white" exposition of "good and evil."

Going back to the example of baking bread: in some cases, the flour could be "truth" and the fire could be "lies" and the water could be the specific situation in which the two meet and interact. If Impressions are "food," then this principle ought to be carefully considered when "taking in Impressions" or "assimilating B influences" which we now know to be the process of applying the Law of Three to any given situation or dynamic in our lives and "Thinking with a Hammer." We also begin to understand that Love has many faces in Creation as does God. We realize also why such knowledge is reserved for initiates: how easy to twist and distort and misuse such an understanding.
Sorry, got carried away there. But, I think that the above quote is a very important thing to remember. Of course, we also know that according to the Way the Law of Three is the active force, the passive force and the neutralizing force, which is what Laura was refering in the above.
Other equivalent names for this electricity-magnetism-consciousness Triality could be Vacuum energy-physical spacetime-Kairos time, or antimatter-matter-lattice spacetime. It's electricity in the sense that the vaccum is the source of where electrons came from (thus sort of leaving the vacuum with an antimatter excess). It's magnetism in the sense that magnetism is a curvature of physical spacetime in response to electricity. It's consciousness in the sense of consciousness being a Kairos time jump from one lattice spacetime to another. The Christian Trintity version of this Hindu Trinity would be Mary-Holy Spirit-God the Father. Jesus would be a Hindu Avatar and kind of represents giving a from-to (past-future) Kairos time structure to Brahma/God the Father. The extra large dimensions by the way would still be smaller than a millimeter and there are other ways to reduce the strength of gravity (the strength of gravity has definitely been reduced at measurable distances). This "three" being the third dimension is related to quaternions and their three imaginary numbers. The threefold structures here are more directly related to the math concept of triality than to quaternionic imaginaries but I have seen a way to relate triality to quaternionic imaginaries (else one would not be able to add Avatar/Jesus/future Kairos time). Electromagnetism is kind of like gravity living in small spacetime dimensions (but it indirectly effects our familiar large ones else we wouldn't notice it). The Law of Three interestingly is the Christian Trinity (no Mary). This kind of represents evil in that it seems related to Laura's description where one of the Triple Goddesses was missing. Thus passive-active could be the from-to structure of Kairos time and neutralizing could be represented by the missing Triple Goddess/Mary/Vishnu/vacuum energy.
JGeropoulas said:
I read recently that the Celtics triple spiral design represented their knowledge of the 3 fundamental forces that compose our universe:
1) Electricity
2) Magnetism
3) Consciousness
It doesn't seem to be helping their game. They're losing more games than they're winning this year.
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