Our country's being sold out from under us too!


The Living Force
Yes, I know our population isn't significantly large compared to the area that we inhabit, but I'm definately starting to feel like I KNOW what our Australian aboriginals felt like when they had this land stolen out from under them. Mightily ticked off and disgusted!!! I also have the added dimension of FEAR because I am not as asleep as the unsuspecting easily victimised masses. Who knows, maybe I have just 'woken up' to the threat, just now. Doesn't make it any less real, however.

There must be something karmic in this. Previously, the 'invaders' were white Europeans who thought they were socially and morally superior just because they had technological superiority.

Now our media whores and their (usually foreign) big business bosses and their (usually foreign) political pimps are about to sell Australia down the river.

Maybe even as a 'staging post' for a war in Iran. I read an article recently that mentioned a time frame for an attack on Iran. That being March 06. That coincides rather nicely with the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Perhaps we should ask some Israelis over - since they have such 'experience' with terrorism at sporting events. Oh wait, No! We're all supposed to believe that they're allies - aren't we....? I don't suppose they really care one way or the other, as long as we are all looking the other way when they 'get up to' something. ASIO take note: You're supposed to be chasing wolves, not Easter Bunnies!! Otherwise, I'm simply going to have to start calling you all Keystone Cops... again. It is my opinion that people need to start looking under some rocks of their own rather than waiting to be told what's going on via 'other' sources. And other people need to start thinking for themselves too. Is THAT too much to ASK?!
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