Opinions about my experience with geobiology ?


The Living Force
For several weeks now, my husband, my daughter and I have been feeling really bizarre. The best way to describe it would be ‘foggy’, I guess. We have trouble sleeping (sometimes only sleeping 3 to 4 hours, and when we do sleep, we feel like we haven’t).
We have trouble concentrating, he lacks creativity, I lack focus, my daughter is very moody, everything seems too hard, too far. First I attibuted this to end-of-winter syndrome, the lack of sunshine, etc. Because we haven’t changed anything to our diet, our routine, etc., so I was wondering what else it could be. We considered other things, like EMF, HAARP, what have you.

And then, two days ago, I remembered that several weeks ago, when we had repainted our living room, I did not really want to put back a special geobiology drawing that was on the wall behind the furniture. This drawing has been there almost ever since we moved in, as at the time, I had asked my Health Kinesiology teacher what was going on with me always being so tired, etc. She had muscle-tested that our apartment really needed some geobiology work and she told me a series of things to do in the apartment. It had worked, I hadn’t really thought of it since, except, once I got to know the SOTT, that this thing may well have been autosuggestion, or some sort of ritual. So I did not put the drawing back on the wall, behind the furniture.

So, I put the drawing back and lo and behold, within a matter of hours we were actually feeling better! And we also slept better than we have for a long time.
So, I wanted to ask forum members: how does that work? I mean, some will argue that it is autosuggestion, that I know that I put the drawing back and so, now I feel better, but the thing is, my husband did not know about the drawing. Nor did my little daughter. And they were feeling so weird. The only person who knew was me and I had forgotten about it. I even went as far as to think that, my unconscious knew that the drawing was not there, I got sick because I unconsciously really believed in it (because conciously I actually don’t) and my distressed state was ‘picked up’ by those around me (my family) and they began feeling like that too?
But I don’t believe that I’m that powerful! Especially since when I feel really overjoyed, my family is not particularly in the same mood.

Several years ago, I had a cat with behavioural problems (like pooing on the sofa, attacking people). Geobiology changes had the instant effect of him stopping this behaviour. How could my unconscious have convinced him then?

So, my question is : how can a drawing, albeit muscle-tested, can change anything to a room, and more importantly, to one’s health or one’s behaviour??
Have some of you experienced similar things?
I’m really interested to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Your post begs the question; What is geobiology, as you are using the term here?

Wiki says:

Broadly defined, geobiology is an interdisciplinary field of scientific research that explores interactions between the biosphere and the lithosphere and/or the atmosphere. Investigators from numerous fields are involved in geobiologic research, including, but not limited to, such disciplines as: paleontology, paleobiology, microbiology, mineralogy, biochemistry, sedimentology, genetics, physiology, geochemistry (organic and inorganic), and atmospheric science. One major subdiscipline of geobiology is geomicrobiology, an area of study that focuses on investigating the interactions between microbes and minerals. Another related area of research is astrobiology, an interdisciplinary field that uses a combination of geobiological and planetary science data to establish a context for the search for life on other planets.

The first geobiological laboratory in the world was founded by Slovenian scientist Ivan Regen. One example of geobiological research in a modern context is the study of bacteria that "breathe" metals such as manganese and uranium. These organisms use metals as terminal electron acceptors in the same way that humans use oxygen. These processes hold promise as tools for environmental bioremediation.

Geobiology also includes investigations of biosphere/geosphere/atmosphere interactions throughout Earth's history, as preserved in the sedimentary rock record. One example of such an interaction is the Archean era introduction of oxygen into the atmosphere by photosynthetic bacteria. This oxygenation of Earth's primoidial atmosphere (the so-called Oxygen catastrophe) may have resulted in the precipitation of banded-iron rock formations.
... but somehow I can't relate this definition to what you are discussing in your post.

As for your symptoms, have you considered paint fumes or a mycoplasma infection? Restless sleep and brain fog are two key symptoms in such mycoplasma related ailments as CFS, fibromyalgia and Lyme. HAARP and EMF could also be causal factors in the "foggy" feeling.

Perhaps an explanation of how one muscle tests a drawing is in order also. Does this mean how you muscularly react to viewing the drawing? Does this imply that everyone in your household will react similarly, companion animals included?
Hi Rabelais,

Apparently, geobiology in English and in French are two different things! Thank you for letting me know.
I read the Wiki definition you put here, and as you stated, it has nothing to do with the kind of geobiology I was referring to.
"My" geobiology is géobiologie in French and it would be better called geopathic stress in English, it's true. Wiki has a definition for it (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Géobiologie_(radiesthésie)). In this definition Wiki links géobiologie with dowsing, and I don't agree, as both disciplines have very different ramifications.

Fogginess can be a symptom of a lot of ailments, so I muscle tested and that's what directed me to the drawing. So I am sure that the symptoms were not linked to anything you were suggesting (paint fumes or mycoplasma infection) because it completely disappeared within hours of the drawing was put back on the wall, like the muscle test said it would.

As for the muscle test of the drawing, I unfortunately cannot go too much into details, as the techniques used in Health Kinesiology have a copyright on them. But let's just say that the drawing is made inch by inch according to the muscle's responses. It is destined to "correct" problems encountered in a room, a building, etc. and so, is not linked to someone in particular. Anybody who would be tested for the room/the building would test the same. Also, drawing is only one the many, many things can be done to fix geopathic stress. Some of them involve copper coils, metal plates, magnets, etc.

I posted about this because I know a little bit about geopathic stress, have tested about it numerous times with positive feedback but I still don't really understand how and why it works.

I hope this has made it clearer for you and for the rest of the members.
Mrs.Tigersoap said:
For several weeks now, my husband, my daughter and I have been feeling really bizarre. The best way to describe it would be ‘foggy’, I guess. We have trouble sleeping (sometimes only sleeping 3 to 4 hours, and when we do sleep, we feel like we haven’t).
We have trouble concentrating, he lacks creativity, I lack focus, my daughter is very moody, everything seems too hard, too far. First I attibuted this to end-of-winter syndrome, the lack of sunshine, etc. Because we haven’t changed anything to our diet, our routine, etc., so I was wondering what else it could be. We considered other things, like EMF, HAARP, what have you.
same symptoms here Mrs Tigersoap, but I blamed it on the daylight saving time, every since the clock change I am totally screwed

I am not convinced you can blame geopathologic stress as I gather you have been living in that place for a long time, if there were harmful influences you would feel run down constantly not like this all of the sudden

nevertheless please do send me the drawing - I need it badly these days :)
Hi Deckard,

Like I said in my first post ( you didn't pay attention there, dear Deckard ;) ), the drawing has been there practically since the day we moved in, because as soon as we moved in we began to feel really tired, foggy, etc. It was a long time ago, I was starting to consult a kinesiologist for another problem and she tested that i had geopathic stress in my apartment. We did the drawing, everything was fine until several weeks ago, when I removed it, did not put it back, and then began feeling (me and my family) really foggy again.

As for sending you the drawing, I'd do it gladly, but as I said in my second post (;) ), it has been tested inch by inch and is tailor made for my apartment and the sick building it is in, and it wouldn't do you any good.

I know that from the outside, it must seem a bit like i'm this poor crazy woman feeling a bit tired who thinks some lines on her wall make her feel better but I assure you that I'm not.... I hope.

I know that there is geopathic stress in my building (i've known for years thanks to the muscle test but it was later confirmed by the landlord who had a team of architects come and check why the building had undergone such damage in so little time - the walls are cracked, the underground parking has a huge crack several metres long, almost all neighbours have reported loud banging noises IN the walls (yes, a bit like poltergeist activity), etc.

I'm not trying to convince anyone, really, just wanted to see if anyone had similar experience.
I admit, I misunderstood your post- and yes everything you are writing makes sense as I have heard similar stories.

Don't worry nobody will take you for a poor crazy woman, I am not an expert on reiki but I think reiki is also based on different symbols, and also some believe that crop circles are drawings which are supposed to heal our planet - so no the idea is not so preposterous at all
Dowsing works and this is scientifically proven, and I think most of the geopathologists use dowsing as their diagnostic tool. Plus my chiropractor is using applied kinesiology with wonderful results.

It is quite a coincidence we are talking about this as recently I had a client who is a breeder of exotic birds. In most of the parrots it is impossible to determine sex without DNA testing as there is no sexual dimorphism, still this man is pairing his birds with 100 % accuracy and his busness is renowned for this. So, recently I found out that his secret is nothing but simple pendulum i.e. wedding ring on a piece of string, if it starts making circular motion over the bird it is the female. If it swings back and forth it is the male. This method has been successfully employed in his family every since his grandfather started the business way back in Alexandria years ago.
I decided to test this on the birds whose sex is already determined through DNA as soon as I have some extra time to conduct proper experiment.

As for sending me the drawing I was obviously kidding but it would be interesting to know how the drawing looks like, is it mandala of some sort?

In any case I think you and mr. tigersoap along with little miss tigersoap should just move the house ASAP ;)
Mrs.Tigersoap said:
Have some of you experienced similar things?
I’m really interested to hear your thoughts on the subject.
I have no knowledge of "geobiology" or "feng shui", but I find your story extremely interesting. Obviously, what you're talking about is a lot more complicated, but I know I have always had an extreme sensitivity to the "energy" of a room or space. I walk into a room, and immediately want to move things around, out, and/or in, so that it feels "correct" -- not in an aesthetic, visual sense, but in an energy balance and flow sense. And sometimes I walk into a room, and it immediately feels "right" to me. The Seth Material talked about each room or space having an energy "centre", that can be sensed, and suggested that for optimum well-being objects, furniture, etc. should be arranged in relation to that centre. That makes sense to me.

My cousin and I decided to share a house about two years ago, but until recently did not have the funds to properly furnish it. For those two years I moved our existing furniture about, this way and that, and sometimes achieved small improvements in the "feel" of the house, but it always felt "unsettled" and "off-kilter"; and we both experienced a lot of general health and fatigue problems. About a month ago we bought all new furniture and also did some slight renovating; my cousin (wisely) left it all to me, and I was finally able to put things "right".

Now everyone who comes into our house raves about how "peaceful" and "comfortable" it feels, and my cousin and I have never felt better. Obviously, this could be due to many other factors and variables, and I could simply be "projecting" my feelings and emotions onto the space. I would love to know if there have been any serious studies/experiments done that attempted to measure well being in relation to the spacial elements of a living space. It would be most interesting.
Hi Deckard,

You're right, I had forgotten about reiki using symbols to help people out. I still don't really understand how this works, though. Maybe a certain symbol or drawing has a way of naturally balancing one's meridians, just like some symbols have a way to do the opposite. Thank you for reminding me, it does bring me comfort that I'm not a total looney.

Dowsing and parrots: oh yeah, I'm sure you can get quite accurate answers, as it works like a muscle test, and i've tested several times to know the sex of the baby carried by pregnant friends, etc. It's more difficult with human beings, though, because sometimes the woman wants a boy or a girl so much, that her energy is almost "wired" to give you that response, so you need to try and circumvent that.
As a matter of fact, Tigersoap's grandmother used to use the exact same method (with her wedding ring) to tell if someone was having or boy or a girl and she was 100 % accurate.
The only thing I don't understand about dowsing is this: in health kinesiology, it is hammered in our heads that we must always be meridian-balanced to muscle test otherwise the answers are not reliable. I've seen this to be true dozens of times, and usually when I get "off" answers, if I check, sure enough, I'm out of balance. To balance one's energy system, we hold points, etc. How does a dowser do that? I heard some say that they "ground" themselves, so to speak, to be in line with earth's energy. But I found this technique to be, in my case, flimsy and my balance was quickly off.
If your client could tell you how he does it, I'll be really interested to know.

The drawing: no, the drawing reflects a bit the chaotic energy of the building and the apartment, it is weirdly shaped and not symetric at all. When you look at it, you might think that a child tried to draw a bird with a ruler (I don't know if I'm making sense here).

Thanks for your input!

Hi Pepperfritz,

Wow, it's great that you feel energy that way. Have you ever thought of using reiki, kinesiology or some sort of energy techniques? People who are sensitive like you usually have great results.
I didn't know about the Seth material talking about that, but I have always wondered if, when Castaneda talks about finding his "place of power" in room, etc., that's what he was talking about.
The energy of a place can do wonders on your mood (i should know!!), and it's not just psychological, as more than one experiments with myself, my family or clients has proven. If you are interested in the subject of geopathic stress, Jane Thurnell-Read has written a great book about that called 'Geopathic Stress & Subtle Energy'.

Thanks for sharing Pepperfritz!
Mrs.Tigersoap said:
Have you ever thought of using reiki, kinesiology or some sort of energy techniques? People who are sensitive like you usually have great results.
I would need to be "trained" by a very good practitioner, because I have problems "controlling" my energy exchange with people. It has been suggested to me by "psychics" and friends/family that I have practiced massage techniques on, that I have an ability to effectively relieve other people's physical and psychic pain, which seems to have a direct correlation with the degree of compassion I am feeling towards them during the "session". The problem is I don't seem to know how to "release" it, and instead download it onto myself. The other person ends up feeling great, while I feel like I've been run over by a truck.

I had a spiritual "mentor" in my life at one time who pointed out that I needed to be more "careful" about touching and being touched by other people, especially strangers, to avoid this kind of unwanted downloading, which turned out to be extremely valuable advice. I hadn't realized to what degree I did that and how much it affected my own energy. Through him I learned to quickly identify what was "my" energy and what I had simply downloaded from someone else. But I've never really progressed beyond that.

I love working with other peoples' space energy though, it seems to fill me with a positive energy. I've "reorganized" spaces for friends and family quite a bit, and really enjoyed it.

Mrs.Tigersoap said:
If you are interested in the subject of geopathic stress, Jane Thurnell-Read has written a great book about that called 'Geopathic Stress & Subtle Energy'.
I am *definitely* going to check that out, sounds right up my alley. Thanks for recommending it.
PepperFritz said:
The problem is I don't seem to know how to "release" it, and instead download it onto myself. The other person ends up feeling great, while I feel like I've been run over by a truck.
This happens a lot to 'energy sensitive' people so it's a good thing you know that and you're taking steps to protect yourself (by avoiding contact until you are ready).
I used to be like that, in fact, because I used to have a teacher who was really into Love & Light, visualization, etc. and she would tell me to protect myself in a bubble, to visualize walls around me, etc. and I actually used to do that. Only once I came to the SOTT did I realize that this was bogus, potentially dangerous and probably the very reason why I was tired when I worked on people and so I stopped. The only protection I'm taking now is my knowledge, especially of how energy works, on which I'm trying to build every day. And I feel fine, even after several sessions in a row. As for my ex-teacher, last time I checked, she had stopped working for a while because she had a burn out! As she's really reluctant to hearing anything which is not 'positive', I didn't even try to tell her why she feels this way.

Keep practicing with energy (if only with people's space), as sensitivity increases with practice. It's great fun and soon enough you'll be able to help out other people!
Mrs.Tigersoap said:
The only thing I don't understand about dowsing is this: in health kinesiology, it is hammered in our heads that we must always be meridian-balanced to muscle test otherwise the answers are not reliable. I've seen this to be true dozens of times, and usually when I get "off" answers, if I check, sure enough, I'm out of balance. To balance one's energy system, we hold points, etc. How does a dowser do that? I heard some say that they "ground" themselves, so to speak, to be in line with earth's energy. But I found this technique to be, in my case, flimsy and my balance was quickly off.
If your client could tell you how he does it, I'll be really interested to know.
Hmm, I am not at all sure how the dowsers balance themselves-I noticed that most of them hold another hand in a weird posture as if they were tuning into some frequency,
re asking my client
I am not sure if he knows what dowsing is to begin with, let alone balancing. I think he just learned technique from his grandfather and that was it . In any case I heard before that dowsing can be very dangerous and that some people who were abusing it -literally burned out- meaning ended up in mental institution.
Mrs.Tigersoap said:
... it's a good thing you know that and you're taking steps to protect yourself (by avoiding contact until you are ready)....
Yes, the most important thing seems to be that I make a very conscious decision to do that work with another person -- rather than just leaving myself wide open to every energy-sucker passing by (so to speak). In general, this has been my learning curve over the past decade, learning to not waste energy, to only "help" when there has been a sincere request, and to create boundaries around the experience. It was very hard for me to do at first, because I was so heavily invested in my "helper" program, my ego was so closely identified with it. Of course, it was only then that I realized how much it was a distraction from the real Work on myself.

Mrs.Tigersoap said:
I used to have a teacher who was really into Love & Light, visualization, etc. and she would tell me to protect myself in a bubble, to visualize walls around me, etc. and I actually used to do that. Only once I came to the SOTT did I realize that this was bogus, potentially dangerous and probably the very reason why I was tired when I worked on people and so I stopped.
I'm glad to hear you say that, because that visualization has NEVER worked for me, and I have always felt slightly ridiculous doing it.

Mrs.Tigersoap said:
The only protection I'm taking now is my knowledge, especially of how energy works, on which I'm trying to build every day.
That makes sense. I'm sure you could teach me a great deal.

Mrs.Tigersoap said:
Keep practicing with energy (if only with people's space), as sensitivity increases with practice. It's great fun and soon enough you'll be able to help out other people!
I'm very conscious of how much I have tended to over-estimate myself in the past, and often create more problems for myself than I have really helped others, so I am perhaps now overly cautious and reticent. But hopefully in time I will feel confident enough in my own knowledge and boundaries to expand myself in this area. I am very appreciative of your support and encouragement, you have given me a great deal to think about. Thank you.
PepperFritz said:
That makes sense. I'm sure you could teach me a great deal.
I don't think that I could teach you anything because you seem to know as much as I do! So it's more like we're both students taking the same class, I guess ;)
Deckard said:
I am not sure if he knows what dowsing is to begin with, let alone balancing. I think he just learned technique from his grandfather and that was it . In any case I heard before that dowsing can be very dangerous and that some people who were abusing it -literally burned out- meaning ended up in mental institution.
The success of pendulum dowsing, imho, is largely a function of the interest level of the dowser, and is coloured by the dowser's programs and natural inclinations.

Let me explain.

Sig Lonegren, in his book, 'The Pendulum Kit', presents a map of the world with a grid overlay. The idea is to practice your dowsing skills by using the pendulum to find in which of the grid squares oil has been found. I had virtually no success with this exercise; in fact I was quite bored with. Yet, I have great success in using the pendulum to choose colours to create a harmonious living space, a subject I find deeply fascinating. I also successfully dowse for music, homeopathic remedies, and Bach flower remedies (which some practitioners consider close to heresy!).

I always dowse for the best healing modality when I need healing, sometimes with quite surprising answers. For example, as a twenty-year user of homeopathic, herbal or Chinese remedies, I was surprised when my dowsing suggested Nurofen (ibuprofen) for an aching stiffness in my right hip. Then I discovered this from a Cassiopaean transcript:

Cass session 960120 said:
Q: (S) I have been having some serious problems with joint pain in my fingers and I would like to know what to do to make this better because I think that taking pain pills is something that hides the symptoms and does nothing for the cause.

A: Not true, S, sometimes pain killers cure cause as well as symptom. This is simply reversal of therapy. The symptom dies, thus cutting off the energy flow of the causative problem. Then the root cause dies if its "fuel supply" is interrupted for an adequate duration.
Well, in this case dowsing turned out to give me the correct answer, where homeopathy (my usual approach) had failed.

I've experimented with rod dowsing but much prefer pendulum dowsing. One can in fact dowse for geopathic stress lines, using either rods or a pendulum. I found a line in my flat. It is about 16 inches/40 cm wide. My daughter had been keeping her pet hamster's cage in the line, and this hamster died after only a few weeks. After I discovered the stress line, the next hamster's cage was kept out of it; the animal lived for much longer. It's not a definitive result by any means, only suggestive. Such an experiment would have to be repeated many times, at a great cost to the hamster population of the world.

I'm not sure how dowsing could be dangerous. Where did you read about this? Perhaps over-reliance on it as a means of finding answers, when one should be thinking for oneself, could lead to a kind of mental collapse. Dowsing for answers is only a tool for selecting 'yes or no', 'this or that', or 'one of many'.

Since coming to Laura's work I have often wondered if dowsing can be influenced by fourth density factors as a means of control or manipulation. I don't think that question can be answered satisfactorily. If one dowses for a yes or no answer to the question, 'Is my dowsing being influenced by fourth density entities?' yes or no can both be lies. So I think dowsing results need to be backed up by research, observation and experimentation.

Dulwich Health (_http://www.dulwichhealth.co.uk/) make a device called the RadiTech, which they claim neutralises geopathic stress. You simply plug it into an electrical socket in your house or office. My mother bought one several years ago and it certainly removed an almost subliminal element of 'tension' from the atmosphere or 'aura' of their house. The air in the house became 'sweeter'. She told me that she and my father had less arguments and lived together more harmoniously after installing the device.

Dulwich Health publish a book called 'Are you sleeping in a safe place?' which discusses geopathic stress and its relation to cancer and a whole host of other diseases and conditions.
Well I suppose it all boils down to what Laura wrote some time ago (its buried somewhere in forum threads and I cannot find it now ) about necessity of accomplishing complete mental and psychological or emotional health (which is hard work in itself) before engaging in any type of esoteric work.
It turns out it is very hard to find some factual evidence on detrimental effects of dowsing. It seems this notion is mostly based on hear say and I am glad you questioned it as this made me realize that I have unconsciously adopted the same stance. If you look into it there is ample evidence of propaganda against dowsing but it exclusively comes from theologians and different bible groups:

adventists said:
The Christian dowser who wrote us the letter we discussed in Chapter IV was so certain that dowsing was harmless, he defied us to show differently. Yet the record is there for the reading. We can start with the convulsions during witching of peasant herdsman Barthelemy Bléton of the eighteenth century and list the present-day known nausea, dizziness, convulsive pains, muscle spasms, loss of memory, fainting and headaches during and after the simplest type of dowsing—water witching. Some dowsers do not recover their sense of well being for hours or many days after witching. This does not include the physical discomfort of some types of dowsing; bleeding hands, burning feet, the rod flying back to slap the dowser in the face as the water is located (we know of one dowser who wears a crash helmet to take the force of the blow).
Then there is this:

Dr. Kurt Koch a German theologian has told us of dowsers who, although apparently suffering none of the above effects, have fallen prey to severe psychic disturbances at a later date. Dr. Koch has also recorded case histories of severe psychological and psychic trauma by recipients of medical dowsing. We have written of the harm a dowser can cause a 'victim' at will, but it is obvious that if this occult power is used to cause harm, it will seldom, if ever, be confessed.
but then this Dr. Koch In Occult Bondage and Deliverance also argues that every sin connected with the occult cuts a person off from God, and that the effects of this transgressing of God’s laws make themselves felt in different areas of a person’s life.

I suppose Dr. Koch is referring to Yahweh's laws which pretty much disqualifies him.
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