Oil Hits New High! Cui Bono?


The Living Force
Who Benefits indeed.

Crude Oil Hits Fresh Intraday Record High
Apr 20, 7:00 AM (ET)

SINGAPORE (AP) - Oil prices hit a record high of $72.49 Thursday after weekly data showed a drop in U.S. gasoline stocks, raising worries that refiners don't have an adequate inventory cushion ahead of the peak summer driving season.

Traders also are anxious that U.S.-led efforts to stop Iran, OPEC's second-largest member, from pursuing a suspected nuclear weapons program could lead to a disruption in Persian Gulf oil supplies.

(cut, rest available: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20060420/D8H3MJS83.html)
I mean, isn't it obvious at this point both Iran and Bushes buddies benefit from sabre rattling? Sure, Bush and his Neocon buddies are itching to drop the bomb in the middle east, but i've come to believe they conned the Iranian elite to go along with the sabre rattling just to jack prices. It's typical of "the jackal" to manipulate, to create a question wrapped in an enigma. Iranian and Saudi interests are foaming at the mouth over this recent high, filling their coffers with riches unimaginable to most ordinary world citizens.

Thus the neocon's convince their pals in the mid east that the sabre rattling is just that, and they all benefit from increased prices. At the same time the US is brainwashing its populace into believing Iran is a real threat by simply saying it over and over again in the media. Then when they're ready, they may actually go ahead and attack iran, destablizing the region permanantly, setting the stage for whatever's next.
Who benefits ultimately from the whole process, is what I am interested in. It is clear that previous manipulations on a grand social scale by STS forces resulted in diverse benefits for them, killing many birds with one stone. Does the Middle East hold some key that we are not aware of yet, has anybody got any ideas about this? Or does this process have but one ULTIMATE goal - grand scale war?
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