

Jedi Master
I am curious to know more about this character called "Ogmios" in Nostradamus' quatrains. I know, I know, I know the future is OPEN and that prophecy, therefore, can be a misleading business. Moreover, prophecy has multiple levels of meaning. With that in mind I will just go ahead and ask: In the quatrains, as far I can understand them, Ogmios is referred to as the nemesis of the "Antichrist" who the Cs have said is not necessarily a human but the consortium of the STS 3rd & 4th density beings:

A: No. The "Antichrist" is not an individual, but consortium.
Q: (Barry) Who is the Consortium?
A: Term refers to idea of large body of individuals.

In Celtic mythology Ogmios is a Hercules-type figure who defeats enemies by eloquently speaking the truth rather than via brute strength. The quatrain is:
Ogmios will approach great Byzantium,
the barbarian league will be driven out.
Of the two laws the pagan one will fail,
barbarian and freeman in perpetual struggle

I was rereading Dolores Cannon's "Conversations with Nostradamus" (I know that many of her views on the "ETs" are either consciously or unconsciously disinformation) and the Ogmios character seems be portrayed as an actual person from central Europe who is critical in defeating the Antichrist. On the other hand, Ogmios seems to be a grassroot movement of individuals who know the truth re: the Antichrist and are the spiritual counterbalance to the Antichrist's' STS goals.

My question for the Cs would be then: you said before that the "Antichrist" represents the consortium and not necessarily just one 3rd density human. Who/what does Ogmios represent, if Nostradamus was on the right track?
The theory is that a great leader under the name of Ogmios is supposed to lead the forces of the light in large scale battles against the forces of the dark resulting in a new golden age. I have heard of this prophecy but we have to understand that the prophecy Nostradamus talked about is not as literal as what true reality dictates to what is happening in this linear timeline.

Briefly to describe Ogmios is talk about the Celtic deity of elegance. It is said that the deity Ogmios is an older version of Hercules, & he was a master of manifestation. Those who bind with Ogmios will follow him to the underworld. You can research what little information is available on the site:


I also found something very interesting in the energy manifestation matrix (numerology) that most of us must consider when considering whether to ask about the deity Ogmios & whether it does exist or has a meaning to the world that we live in:

Consortium = 3651692934 = 48/12/3 (10 letters) =10/1
Soul Urge = ooiu = 6693 = 24/6 (4 letters) = 4
Personality = Cnsrtm = 351924 = 24/6 (6 letters) = 6

I bring the calculation of the word Consortium to the forefront to show the intertwined destiny with the Quorum, now I will let you know what this has to do with Ogmios.

Quorum = 836934 = 33/6 (master #33 with 6 letters) = 6
Soul Urge = 363 = 12/3 (3 letters) = 3
Personality = Qrm = 894 = 21/3 (3 letters) = 3

Ogmios in comparison with Quorum:

Ogmios = 674961 = 33/6 (master #33 with 6 letters)
Soul Urge = Oio = 696 = 21/3 (3 letters) = 3
Personality = gms = 741 = 12/3 (3 letters) = 3

Nostradamus prophecies are such that ciphers tend to think along the lines of the literal, it is not easy for any of us to completely understand all of the codes without the original interpretations given to us from the author. So let us assume that there is a purpose to the term Ogmios, well we never heard of such a group but there is a group called the Quorum. Notice the similarity of the numbers between Ogmios & Quorum therefore from a literal point of view I have to conclude that Ogmios is one in the same as the Quorum.
Read Lethbridge's book on "Gog, Magog" for clues.
That was my first thought too, gog-magog. Also Ogmios represents "eloquence", not "elegance" :D
Wikipedia said:
Physical Description

Ogmios was recorded by Lucian, a satirical writer in 2 A.D. Rome, as resembling an older, tanner version of Heracles, the Greek hero of strength. Ogmios and Heracles both wear lion skins and carry a bow and club in their hands. However Ogmios is depicted with long chains through his smiling mouth that pierce his tongue and attached to the ears of a group of men that willing and happily follow him.[1][2][3] According to Celtic belief wisdom increases with age and dark skinned supernatural beings are often powerful.[4] Since Ogmios has both features he too possesses great wisdom and great power. The most striking aspects of Ogmios' image are the thin, long chains running from his tongue to the ears of his followers. The chains, made of precious metals, represent Ogmios using his powers of persuasion and eloquence to bind his listeners to his every word.[1][5] From the description it appears that Ogmios' followers willingly follow him with cheerful faces and try to get as close to Ogmios as they can. This shows that he has the power to change and influence men’s minds so that they want to follow him to the ends of the earth.[1][3]

That's a most interesting description. It sounds to me like there's a certain gloss in this image of Ogmios, and that it has been written from a particular viewpoint, that of the archaeologist/anthropologist who considers himself to be a part of 'civilization' – and that what is currently called civilization is the pinnacle of human development – and inevitably considers a two thousand year old deity as primitive.

The writer implies that Ogmios has somehow seduced or brainwashed his followers into staying with him, by his 'powers of persuasion and eloquence'.

However one could also say that the chains of precious metals represent highly valuable words, words of truth, and that truth binds the followers to Ogmios. Note that these chains are described as being thin: they don't sound very strong. We here know that it takes work to follow words of truth, and the link with truth can be easily broken. Who is to say that the 'followers' are in fact followers, in the usually accepted sense of the term? Perhaps they are students, in Gurdjieff's sense of the term.

The writer states that Ogmios possess 'great wisdom and power'. If Ogmios possesses these two attributes together, then he will not be brainwashing people into following him.

Trying to get as close to Ogmios as possible can then be seen as students trying to grow as close to truth as possible . . . and doesn't all this sound rather like a description of the work we do here on this forum? Laura is very eloquent and so are many of the people who contribute to SoTT and the forum!

candasiri said:
Who/what does Ogmios represent, if Nostradamus was on the right track?

How about us – the network?
mkrnhr said:
That was my first thought too, gog-magog. Also Ogmios represents "eloquence", not "elegance" :D

Yes. And two other books give clues: "The Key" by John Philip Cohane and "Gods of the Cataclysm: A revolutionary investigation of man and his gods before and after the Great Cataclysm" by Hugh Fox. Just imagine the drift in the opposite direction...
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