Not so sacred geometry - paper


FOTCM Member
I have finished a paper dealing with "not so sacred geometry" - quantum fractals in four dimensions. As it is mostly math, though with illustrations at the end, probably it is too technical to be of any use except of few experts :). The new paper, with the title "Quantum fractals on n-spheres" can be downloaded as pdf from

Here I am only quoting the Abstract and part of the Introduction from this paper, as it can be read independently of the math:


Quantum fractals on n-spheres

(submitted for publication in "Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra")

Arkadiusz Jadczyk


Using the Clifford algebra formalism we extend the quantum jumps algorithm of the Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT) to convex state figures other than those stemming from convex hulls of complex projective spaces that form the basis for the standard quantum theory. We study quantum jumps on n-dimensional spheres, jumps that are induced by symmetric configurations of non-commuting state monitoring detectors. The detectors cause quantum jumps via geometrically induced conformal maps (Moebius transformations) and realize iterated function systems (IFS) with fractal attractors located on n-dimensional spheres. We also extend the formalism to mixed states, represented by ''density matrices" in the standard formalism, (the n-balls), but such an extension does not lead to new results, as there is a natural mechanism of purification of states. As a numerical illustration we study quantum fractals on the circle (one-dimensional sphere and pentagon), two--sphere (octahedron), and on three-dimensional sphere (hypercube-tesseract, 24 cell, 600 cell, and 120 cell). The attractor, and the invariant measure on the attractor, are approximated by the powers of the Markov operator. In the appendices we discuss the Hamilton's ''icossian calculus" and its application to quaternionic realization of the binary icosahedral group that is at the basis of the 600 cell and its dual, the 120 cell.


''The accepted outlook of quantum mechanics (q.m.) is based entirely on its theory of measurement. Quantitative results of observations are regarded as the only accessible reality, our only aim is to predicts them as well as possible from other observations already made on the same physical system. This pattern is patently taken over from the positional astronomer, after whose grand analytical tool (analytical mechanics) q.m. itself has been modelled. But the laboratory experiment hardly ever follows the astronomical pattern. The astronomer can do nothing but observe his objects, while the physicist can interfere with his in many ways, and does so elaborately. In astronomy the time--order of states is not only of paramount practical interest (e.g. for navigation), but it was and is the only method of discovering the em law (technically speaking: a hamiltonian); this he rarely, if ever, attempts by following a single system in the time
succession of its states, which in themselves are of no interest. The accepted foundation of q.m. claims to be intimately linked with
experimental science. But actually it is based on a scheme of measurement which, because it is entirely antiquated, is hardly fit to describe any relevant experiment that is actually carried out, but a host of such as are for ever confined to the imagination of their inventors."
So wrote Ervin Schrodinger fifty years ago [1]. Today the standard scheme of q.m. is as antiquated as it ever was, and provides no answer to the most fundamental questions such as ''what is time?", and how to describe events that happen in a single physical system, such as our Universe.

Footnote: Nowadays the defenders of the ''antiquated scheme" of q.m. go as far as to assign ''crackpot index'' to those who question this scheme. So, for instance, 10 points (on the scale of 1--50), are assigned for each claim that quantum mechanics is fundamentally misguided, and another 10 points for arguing that while a current well-established theory predicts phenomena correctly, it doesn't explain ''why" they occur, or fails to provide a ''mechanism" [2].

The present paper follows the line of ideas developed in a series of papers that has led to the Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT), as summarized in [3], and recently extended in [4], but we now go beyond that framework. While, following von Neumann, we keep the algebraic structure as one of the most important for the mathematical formalism of q.m., and we propose to dispose of the concept of ''observables" and of ''expectation values" at the fundamental level. We also dispose of the concept of ''time", understood as a ''continuous parameter", external to the theory. Our philosophy, concerning ''time" is that of the German social philosopher Ernest Bloch:

''Zeit ist nur dadurch, dass etwas geschieht
und nur dort
wo etwas geschiecht.
So, time is only then, when something happens, and only there where something happens. Therefore the primary concept is that of an event, and of the process - that is a sequence of events. Time, as a continuous, global variable, comes in only in the limit of a large number of events. The primary process is that of ''quantum jumps". It is an irreversible process in an open system, and every system in
which the ''future" is only ''probable", rather than determined, is necessarily an open system. The mathematical formalism of the
standard quantum theory is based on complex Hilbert spaces and Jordan algebras of self--adjoint operators. It involves interpretational axioms for expectation values and eigenvalues of self--adjoint operators as ''possible results of measurements", yet it does not provide a framework for defining the measurements [5,6]. In view of these considerations, Gell-Mann would certainly score a high crackpot index [2] for this statement:

''Those of us working to construct the modern interpretation of quantum mechanics aim to bring to an end the era in which Niels Bohr's remark applies: 'If someone says that he can think about quantum physics without becoming dizzy, that shows only that he has not understood anything whatever about it'."
The same can be said about the last paragraph of Schrodingers paper [1], where he wrote

''We are also supposed to admit that the extent of what is, or might be, observed coincides exactly with what quantum mechanics is pleased to call observable. I have endeavored to adumbrate that it does not. And my point is that this is not an irrelevant issue of philosophical taste; it will compel us to recast the conceptual scheme of quantum mechanics."
The need for an open--minded approach is well noted by John A. Wheeler, who ends his book ''Geons, Black Holes & Quantum Foam"
[7] with the following quote from Niels Bohr's friend Piet Hein:

I'd like to know
what this whole show
is all about
before it's out.
Alain Connes and Carlo Rovelli [8] proposed to explain the classical time parameter as arising from the modular automorphism group of a KMS state on a von Neumann algebra over the field of complex numbers C

Footnote: C.f. also \[9], where a similar idea, based on a KMS equilibrium state is discussed in a broader, philosophical framework

But their philosophy applies, at most, to equilibrium states, while ''quantum foams" before the Planck era are certainly far from equilibrium. David Hestenes [10,11] proposed to understand the role of the complex numbers in quantum theory in terms of the Clifford algebra. This is also our view. L. Nottale, in his theory of ''scale relativity" [12] proposed an alternative idea, where the complex structure arises from a stochastic differential equation in a fractal space--time. We think that our approach may serve as a connecting bridge between fractality, the nontrivial topology of dodecahedral models of space--time, as discussed by J--P.~Luminet et al. [13] (cf. also [14].), and the late thoughts of A. Einstein [15], who wrote:

''To be sure, it has been pointed out that the introduction of a space-time continuum may be considered as contrary to nature in
view of the molecular structure of everything which happens on a small scale. It is maintained that perhaps the success of the Heisenberg method points to a purely algebraical method of description of nature, that is to the elimination of continuous functions from physics. Then, however, we must also give up, by principle, the space-time continuum. It is not unimaginable that human ingenuity will some day find methods which will make it possible to proceed along such a path. At the present time, however, such a program looks like an attempt to breathe in empty space."
The present paper is a technical one. It fills the empty space with discrete structures, and it deals with the discrete random aspects of quantum jumps generated by the algebraic structure of real Clifford algebras of Euclidean spaces, and of their conformal extensions. The jumps are generated by Moebius transformations and lead to iterated function systems with place dependent probabilities, thus to fractal patterns on n--spheres. Our ideas are close to those of W. E. Baylis, who also noticed [16] the similarities between the Clifford algebra scheme and the formal algebraic structure of q.m.


Sec. Examples contains the results of the numerical simulations of IFS of Moebius transformations that lead to ''quantum fractals". We study quantum fractals on the circle (one-dimensional sphere and pentagon), two--sphere (octahedron), and on three-dimensional sphere (hypercube-tesseract, 24 cell, 600 cell, and 120 cell). The last section contains the summary and conclusions and also points out some open problems.

In the appendices we discuss the Hamilton's ''icossian calculus" (in particular we quote in extenso the original Hamilton's paper published in 1856), and its application to quaternionic realization of the binary icosahedral group that is at the basis of 600 cell and its dual, the 120 cell.

And here is one of the illustrations from the paper

Wow, beautiful. And I only scratched the wrapper on the surface. I'm starting to see a glimpse of why you like this so much :)
Congrats on finishing your paper! I really liked the wave thing in figure-9, ever thought of putting something like that into terragen for fun? It's a fractal landscape generator in case you don't know. You can find it at . They do have a free version if you want a fun little toy to play with ;) It does take a bit of time to learn how to really use it, but it isn't as difficult as some [similar] programs.
Did you ever notice that fractals are actually orbits on symplectic manifolds projected onto a lower dimension space? That is, a view of non-linear dynamics missing one dimension (where that missing dimension can be thought as the difference between QM and String theory...)

Well - not quite alway true. When you're dealing with Fermions the projection is more complex since the knots are unwound (going from torsion-free symplectic manifold to normal measurement space) onto octonions (caused by strong interactions - binding of Bosons?), where the projections must be some sort of polygon (and some background constant acceleration).

Doesn't a polygon shaped state space always imply a quantized particle...
Newton said:
Did you ever notice that fractals are actually orbits on symplectic manifolds projected onto a lower dimension space? That is, a view of non-linear dynamics missing one dimension (where that missing dimension can be thought as the difference between QM and String theory...)

Can you show how this applies to my quantum fractals on S^2 and S^3. I do not see any symplectic manifold playing any role here.
My point was that homotopy spheres (your S^2 and S^3 manifolds) don't have anything to do with fractal dynamics since S^2 or S^3 manifolds don't support (non-trivial) Hamiltonian flows (which are required to write any Lagrangian for QM).

Ever notice that all gauge theories have non-linear PDEs? Why? Hamiltonian flows require symplectic manifolds (well known) which result in non-linear PDEs (like Navier-Stokes in simple mechanics).

Also, S^3 manifolds shouldn't be used because of the zero divisor problem (That's why Hamilton invented quaternions!) unless you're very sure you're in a zero torsion environment (eg infinitely thin disk gyro, or Gibbs' vector space EM theory, etc).
Newton said:
Also, S^3 manifolds shouldn't be used because of the zero divisor problem
I do not have any problems whatsoever with my S^3 and I do have fractals on it. So, what is the relation between your comments and my fractals on S^3? Can you explain your point in details?
Fractals can only be generated with div algs, that is on a symplectic manifold. You can view them on from any manifold with torsion. Let me take a closer look at what you're doing.
Newton said:
Fractals can only be generated with div algs, that is on a symplectic manifold.
What about the Cantor set? It is one of the the simplest example of a fractal. And yet it lives happily in just one dimension. It does not need a symplectic manifold to be happy :)

Newton said:
Let me take a closer look at what you're doing.
I will be more than just happy if you do it!
Here's a quick thought on fractals and the Cantor set...

The Cantor set is a harmonic function. And all harmonic functions are projections from symplectic manifolds (a special case of a symplectic manifold is the Kahler manifold where the harmonic functions are sine and cosine). l-functions are also harmonic functions (and they are also fractals).

This is very much related to number theory! Now think about harmonic functions mapped to the octonion manifolds - helical looking polyhedrons ???

This geometry is definitely scary and sacred...
Newton said:
The Cantor set is a harmonic function.
Why is Cantor set a function? It is a set, not a function. A function is a map from one set to another. Can you explain your statement im a precise way?

Also this: you wrote:

Fractals can only be generated with div algs, that is on a symplectic manifold.
Is it a theorem or is it your hypothesis? If it is a theorem - please provide an explicit proof, including all the necessary definitions (because your definitions may happen to be very personal). If it is a hypothesis - also provide precise definitions, and formulate your hypothesis precisely. Otherwise we are not talking precise science.

The value [0,1] of the Cantor set at n is a Legendre polynomial (mod 3). The Legendre polynomial is the solution to a 2nd order PDE with periodic coefficients. I believe the manifold (state-space) is symplectic and the projection is an elliptic function.
But you seem to be avoiding answering my question. Please provide a proof that the Cantor set is a harmonic function. But first, please, define a harmonic function precisely, because your definition may happen to be quite original :)
Harmonic function = solution to Laplace's equation.

But the coordinates of the partials by x, y, and z can be transformed (canonical SUSY xfrm) so that x' is a function of x and x's Fourier dual. Same for y and z.

Depending on the direction (and speed) of the rotation in the transform, the solutions are one of the usual polynomials, like Legendre polynomials, Bessel functions, Gauss-Hemite polynomials, etc. Or even a Green's function!

So if we sample from the infinite dimensional manifold (polynomials in n) at rate n from the right coordinates we get the Cantor set.

If we map differently - we could get the L-functions or even exp^-it, when the projection is Kahler.


The cantor set is a [0,1] function of n with Pn(3)(mod3) as it's nth value, where Pn is a Legendre polynomial.

Legendre polynomials are the solutions to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates when the problem is axially symmetric.

Therefore, the cantor set is a harmonic function since each member in the this ordered set is a solution to Laplaces's equation.

Any questions?
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