My UFO sighting, and encounter in the pub.


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Too the Team,

I realise you dont really ask too many personal questions these days like you did in the 90's but there have been two instances in my life out of the ordinary that I would truly appreciate an answer for, I realise that you guys as a team have such a massive work load and I totally understand if you dont see it appropriate.

My first question is related to my introductory post in the newbies section found here,22443.msg240874.html#msg240874

Now for my interesting encounter. I was drinking with a couple of friends at a pub and playing some pool when I noticed a bloke looking at me... almost staring at me. He was an average height but quite skinny and poorly dressed (like he came from the wrong side of town) I am a regular at this pub and had not seen him before.

I do apologise but wierdly my memory of this is almost like a dream, which is unusual as i believe i have a good memory. I felt uncomfortable but ignored it at first, a while later i was in the bathroom and he came in having a leak beside me he then turned and said to me "It's all real" I was shocked and looked back at the guy and asked what he was talking about but then something came over me where the words went straight into my soul and effected me right at the core of my mind/soul. I cant even remember hearing the words he said but he new things about me that i didn't even know. (My friend witnessed this so i know im not crazy)

I asked if he was a psychic, but then he said something about something I have to do... related to awareness or something.. im not sure because it was like i was in a dream. I followed him out of the pub trying to get as much information as i could from this strange entity I asked his name he said it was not important then he told me it was dave... (Quite generic) I asked where he was going and he said to me that i cant go where he is going.

The very next night the SAME THING happened to a friend of mine but this time is was a lady at a different pub down the road. I hadn't even told him what had happened to me as yet and he told me the same stuff

I wish to know what exactly that was, if it was similar to the barfly incident or am I just mad? and did I see something normal and my brain turn it into that because of booze etc. It drives me mental thinking about it.

My next question is a UFO I spotted, it was actually the night I was reading the C's material and you guys asked a question about an Australian Pilot that disappered, (Being from AUS I naturally wanted to learn more) and quickly jumped on the net and did a search. I was horrified by the story.

I recieved a phone call and went out side to talk I was standing on a brick fence around my courtyard chatting away about god knows what when I noticed a car went past and I could see what seemed to be the cars reflection about 20-30 meters above it. Strangely I automatically ignored for a moment and went on with my conversation then Bang... Hang on a sec, I look up thinking what the f&^K is that and I saw a what I can remember being retangular prism (my memory is terrible mind you) moving along at about the same speed as the car. Startelled I gasp and it takes off in a complete different direction and disappears.

Was I abducted? what happened? why did they allow me to see it? Did I even see it!!!!? I'm struggling to let these two incidences out of my mind and I am asking for help, If on the other hand you can give me some insight from your own experiences or knowledge with out needing to chat to the C's by all means move this post. Its like a plague and I need closure :P (Please forgive my sense of humor it doesn't read as well as its said) well, either that or im just not funny :P

Best regards,

Brent Chapman.
I thought the first story sounded familiar, and found this discussion, had when you first joined the forum. In that thread, many viewpoints were offered, and many relevant portions of the C's sessions were also posted.

It would seem you are placing a great deal of importance on this event, and are having a hard time letting it go. What more do you hope to learn, and how would finding out these answers benefit yourself or others?

For me, it would answer the looming question of who it was that visited me and my friend and what was the motivation behind such actions, was to kick start a chain reaction that could lead to basically anything! Or is it my over active mind looking for these types of signs then turning it into something like this(if so I can address the issue and work on it). As I cannot answer this question myself and others in that introductory post posed ideas but nothing that really resonated with me bah, the bar fly incident.

If you read my post I too placed a link to that post as a reference to refresh people's memories,

For others, I find that anyone after reading this may be able to get invaluable awareness of this experience so if it occurs to them they may have sufficient knowledge to protect themselves. (if it was even a possible threat)

The second story maybe to know if they are good guys or bad. I'm fairly certain an evil of somekind lurks within me. I want to know if ive been engineered for this or if it's just me. So I can work on it. Awareness is the key and I just want answers. I just want truth.


Please forgive my grammar and poor vocabulary, I am terrible at getting words to paper, hope you get the gist.
Had the guy been drinking? I've often heard people standing beside me in pub toilets saying 'cryptic' things. I always just put it down to them being in some state of inebriation.
Hi Brent

Well, your meeting in the pub does sound like an interesting experience. And I'm sure (fwiw) that there's validity, both in your experience, and in what could be learnt from it. That's the first thing - it's okay to have an encounter like this, however out of the ordinary it might have been. It's unsettling of course, simply because it is a little out of the ordinary.

This does not make it a problem though, of course. Let's suggest it was a hyperdimensional experience, and that the guy you met was a representative of some sort of the grays. This, of course, is completely outlandish, but if this is what it was, it's not the strangest thing that has ever happened. And this is, of course, just a working hypothesis. You saw this guy as scruffily dressed. This might be an important indicator of what's going on. Insofar as hypnosis or suggestion might have been playing a part, you might have cloaked the entity in a form which was appropriate to it: a disreputable character, with poor and restricted thinking patterns.

So you're standing at the urinals when he makes his opening statement - or, if you like, because this is a game, opens the gambit. A man at a urinal is at his most exposed and vulnerable, so it makes sense that he might have chosen this moment for psychological reasons. Which already suggests that he's trying to play you, and that his intentions are not the best. So already we learn something: these guys attack (if that's the right term to use - but since this is like chess for them, "attack" does seem to be an appropriate term to use) - anyway, these guys attack when our defences are down. So we have to be ready at all times.

How are we to be ready at all times? Well, one's aim is probably all-important: having a clear idea of where we're headed. This has been suggested thousands of times before, of course, but I don't think it hurts to have it said once again. A second point has to do with deciding once and for all that one's aim is actually all-important: that we would do everything to fulfil this aim. A third point has to do with fun: we don't try to fulfil an aim because we're trying to be martyrs, or because we hate ourselves, but because it's FUN.

When something is fun it changes the whole aspect of the situation. It means that we can begin to stalk the predator, instead of allowing the predator to call the shots the whole time. It means we're now on the offensive, and whatever game they are trying to play is, in some regard, irrelevant. This isn't to say that their game is beside the point. It's important to them, and we must respect that. But we have an aim, with which we have associated ourselves.

The lovely thing about this working hypothesis is that, if it were a representative of the grays (or something like that), you were then face-to-face with the enemy. So a storm's a-brewin': it's very much "Game On". Obviously, you weren't able to do anything about it then, but having once had such an encounter, it would be valuable preparation for this sort of thing in the future.

And indeed such representatives are all around us. After all, who needs an overt "alien" presence when we have psychopaths and their enablers, the authoritarian personality types, who are all around us? Castaneda suggested that "impeccability" was important here. Again, so far as I understand it, this has to do with deciding on an aim, and following through on that decision, despite the fact that the whole society in which we find ourselves might consider such an aim barmy, anti-social, or irrelevant. The Aim is like diamond protection. It's also instructive that when we forget our aim, we ourselves are in danger of being agents of the STS order. So having fun with an aim is actually good in at least three ways: we stop being agents ourselves; we enjoy a level of protection; and we find an extraordinary level of freedom through pursuing what is actually for us (if we're being true to ourselves) a moral imperative.

So the thing to do now might be to reflect (and I imagine you might already have done this many times) on how you might have answered him to "break the spell". The C's said with regard to the Las Vegas barfly: "Grays and their associates are thrown off by energy flow diversions or thought pattern interruptions." Exactly: let's not engage on their own terms. They have certain rules to their game which means they nearly always win. This isn't fair, but fairness is important in the real game: the over-arching game which lies beyond and outside their own petty little game. We now have new rules, of which they're unaware. We can now engage in a healthy and positive way.

The hard stare (just think of Paddington the Bear - well I always do), the statement "We're alright here, aren't we?", the refusal to be drawn into their stupid game, the recognition that the two of you are actually equals: all these, imo, are important things. Being the questioner, rather than responding to their questions, is also useful. But just to meet and interact with these people can be a sort of joy, so your experience in the Gents at the pub does seem to be important, because they also exposed themselves and their vulnerabilities! Their vulnerability lies in the fact that they can't engage in your game, which is the following through of your own aim.

Anyway, just wanted to say I enjoyed hearing about your strange encounter. If your encounter means anything, perhaps it's just a clearer than normal example of how we're put in these game-like situations where we can't possibly win, except by remembering that we actually have a different and better and more enjoyable game to play than they have. This happens every day, of course - it's just usually not quite so explicit.

Of course, this guy, as Perceval suggests probably was just some drunk bloke. But the important thing is the meaning behind it. The fact that you were disturbed by it has relevance: your mind was perhaps telling you that there is something to be learned.

There is a relevance to what happens to you. Our society inculcates the idea that each of us is unimportant - and as you're probably aware, people sometimes respond to this in an unbalanced way by thinking that they must actually be "speshul" in some way. The point really is that no one is a no one. The drama of our lives - all those interactions we have with others - are terrifically important, and something can always be learnt from them. There is, in short, a MEANING to things - and the challenge is to respond in a way which is consonant with that underlying meaning. Even if it's some shabby drunk you meet in a pub, trying to get one over on us.

Come to think of it, it sometimes feels like the whole Matrix-reality is some shabby drunk trying to get one over on us. :D
Utterances my apologies for taking so long to reply, I'm am simply in awe of your perspective on this subject and withdraw my questions.. I am looking for something here rather than attempting to trust myself and my own judgement. Looking for "outside approval" for lack of a better term. Thankyou for taking the time to write this.


I have so much to learn and it's simply baby steps for me at the moment. Hopefully these diet improvements will assist in clearing my mind and body so I can focus more energy growing spiritually and less trying to heal myself from the many poisons I've been consuming these past years.
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