My Strange Family History


Jedi Council Member
As I mentioned in my introduction on the Newbies section (,34132.0.html) I have been working on writing a book about an obscure Peruvian relic called the Raimondi Stela and the esoteric teachings I believe it contains that are related to the Fourth Way and the alchemical work, specifically Fulcanelli. The book delves into many topics, and the relic is only the central thread that ties them all together, and was pretty much the starting point that opened all of the necessary doorways for me, all of which led me to LKJ's work and this forum.

In the book I have an entire chapter devoted to LKJ's research and other research about the UFO/abduction/contactee phenomenon. In this chapter I wrote a section about my family's paranormal history, and I really want to share this part with the rest of you, although it will be published in the book when it is finished. I know everyone on this forum will be very fascinated by this section so I couldn't wait that long for you to read it. I really hope you enjoy it, and any feedback is welcome!


My grandmother has had specific psychic precognition events when she was young, predicting things like plane crashes in her neighborhood and deaths. She even claims to have seen a glowing disk—a Frisbee-shaped light—hovering over the park across the street from our house around the time we first moved here. It vanished instantly, as if a switch was flipped and turned it off.
My uncle, her oldest son, Richard (who we called Uncle Ricky), was diagnosed with schizophrenia at a young age, and led a life of seeing, hearing, and even tasting things that others could not. This drove him to very dark places, resulted in committing crimes, and living on various medications before his untimely death in our house in Elizabeth, NJ, in 2002, after he came from California to live with us for a while to get off the streets. He even hung himself in jail at the age of 19, but my grandma, who knew he was mentally unstable, decided to call in to check up on him; because of this, they found him hanging in his cell just in time and took him down before he died.
Her oldest daughter, my aunt Doreen (who we always called Aunt Sissy growing up) claims to see ghosts and spirits (stories I've been hearing all my life growing up, but was always skeptical about). She claims to have had psychic experiences as well, recounting certain "gut feelings" preventing her from doing certain things that later proved would have turned out badly, as well as a story of being “caught by an angel” after falling down the stairs as a little girl.
Doreen also claims that she has repressed memories of a "recurring dream" from when she was 5-10 years old, in which she was paralyzed and/or controlled and guided out of her house or lifted up through the ceiling, going "passed the telephone pole wires" and on a "roller costar ride". She vaguely recalls being on a table surrounded by other beings “who smelled like sulfur”, and describes it as “being raped”.
Some psychiatrists claim abduction stories are merely psychological dramas created by a victim to mask repressed traumatic memories of molestation. Doreen does recall an early memory of molestation as a child, but the memories of her ‘odd dreams’ are clearly not being used to mask the trauma from that experience because she clearly acknowledges this molestation and has dealt with it, and it took place after she claims to have had these dreams. It is also a common side-effect of "close encounters" for the experiencer to acquire temporary psychic abilities! And Medieval demons were often described as smelling of sulfur; this is a common characteristic of other modern abduction cases, where the entity (typically in the form of a Gray alien) is described as having a foul smell like ammonia, sulfur, or a lit match.
The strangest family story of all is of my grandfather, Frank D. Barnes. My grandmother and aunt both claim that something in him changed before he left my grandmother and his three children (my aunt, uncle, and my father, Stephen) for another woman, eventually moving away to Arizona with her. No one heard from him for fifteen years until my aunt tracked him down and reconnected with him again. Around the time he started seeing this woman, both began to experiment with mystical and occult practices, learning about ‘meditation’ and psychic phenomenon from a spiritualist guru. My aunt claims Frank started wearing red contact lenses, and my grandmother, on separate occasions, told me his eyes turned red (I’m not sure which it is, but they both had experienced these red eyes). My grandmother told me another story from around this time when he came into the house and his own dog, who knew him very well, did not recognize him at all and began to bark at him fiercely. She was convinced it was because of how much he had changed (although I recognize the chance that the dog could have smelled another animal on him) and she was also convinced he was “possessed by something”. It is well known that animals behave oddly during UFO encounters and around their occupants.
Later in his life, when he was older, my grandfather started writing a book. When I was ten I really liked to draw, and when my grandmother told him about this, he asked her to give me the telephone and he requested that I draw the cover of his book. He was my grandpa, so I obviously couldn’t say no. The cover was a badly drawn picture of Moses and Elijah, each with an arching rainbow behind them, and a crude dove and crucifix above in-between the rainbows. I didn’t think much of this at the time, but simply thought it was ‘cool’ that my grandfather liked to write, because I also wanted to be a writer. He sent my grandmother a rough copy of the book—spiral-bound with my drawing on the cover—because he wanted her to help him edit it. She made a lot corrections and notes of criticism, but never sent them to Frank because she was afraid she would hurt his feelings, because he was pretty much a terrible writer and very sensitive.
Years later, when I asked my grandmother about the book again, before the writing of this chapter, she said he was "pretty much trying to rewrite the Bible". I asked her if I could read the book, knowing that he believed he was some kind of ‘prophet’, and after reading Jacques Vallee’s Dimensions in the summer of 2013 at my aunt’s house in Massachusetts, I was very curious if Frank had any strange encounters that instilled this mentality in him.
When I finally found the book and my grandmother’s notes at home, its significance hit me like a ton of bricks—he had “Noah Syndrome” and “Messiah Complex”! Just like Laura Knight-Jadczyk described. He was interested in eschatology and the Christian Rapture, and apparently he believed himself to be some kind of divine prophet from God, sent by Moses to pass on an important message of salvation before the Rapture. Here was another common side-effect of encounters with the Others—self-righteous prophetic narcissism implanted by the Others, which is how they are at the core of the development of organized religions and the resulting pathological personality fixations and conflicts religions produce. These beliefs are stimulated by simulating ‘divine imagery’ and experiences presented by the Others to the contactee, the ‘Chosen One(s)’, initiating a form of wishful thinking that then distracts us from the highly probable and terrible Truth: that we are their food! Such imagery is most likely screen memories to hide far more sinister activities by the Others.
In this self-published and unfinished book called The Alpha Concept, Frank writes about how Moses began to appear to him and teach him about Yahweh and Jesus, and told him that he and his fiancé, Dorothy (the woman he left my grandmother for), were chosen to share their prophetic visions with the world. Moses then strips Frank of his name and renames him “Alpha”. The beginning of the book is biographical, although he does state the book is written as a fictional account of how he envisioned the Rapture would take place, but it’s hard to tell when the biographical part ends and the fiction begins. Regardless, his supposed encounter with Moses—which my grandmother confirms that he did testify actually took place—sounds eerily similar to modern UFO occupant encounters and abductions, angelic and demonic encounters, the fairy and gnome abductions of Irish and Scottish folklore written about by Jacques Vallee, as well as Joseph Smith’s encounter with an ‘angel’ that started Mormonism, also written about by Vallee.
Here is what my grandfather wrote in the prologue:
My servnt name from YAHWEH
is Alpha
Prologue 9/21/00
It all began on July 18, 1974, I was living in an efficiency apartment with my fiancée in New Jersey. We were both attending classes on psychic development with a teacher who was a spiritualist minister. She taught us how to meditate and how to touch the spirit world.
At 6:00 p.m. as I sat in meditation I saw a swirling purple form. I became part of the swirl and found myself elsewhere. I saw my body in the chair and my fiancee seated on the couch [my emphasis].
Everything was purple, and across my body was a purple energy. It was an angel who identified himself as Moses, the law-giver of the Old Testament. He said he was my teacher and had been with me a long time [my emphasis].
At that time I worked as a bus driver, with a route from northern New Jersey to New York City. When I reached the stretch of the New Jersey Turnpike, the lectures would begin, with Moses talking to me and teaching me [my emphasis].
He spoke about GOD and JESUS, about this world and the next world. Paul speaks of 3 worlds, and I saw myself this highly evolved spirit experiencing them. He spoke to me about GOD’S world and His plan for our world, and this was all foreign to me at that time.
After several months of lectures Moses told me to open the Bible to Exodus, to read of him. He said all GODS [sic] servants have a new name. He named me. “Alpha,” which represents a new beginning.
I questioned if he was really Moses or a demon? [my emphasis] I never had faith enough to go forward. He said I must help prepare for the two witnesses of Revelation in the last days. Myself and others were to be forerunners of the second coming. The knowledge Moses would bring would involve the teaching of the new body and the New Jerusalem.
I knew many would criticize this work, but sometimes you must step out beyond public opinion. All the old prophets of the Bible did it, some at great cost and suffering. Alpha is to glorify GOD and JESUS CHRIST, who are both Creators.
Since 1974 we have had many prophecies given by Moses, which were fulfilled. They were not publicized but rather were for our own faith to grow stronger. Moses spoke of things so foreign to us, so outrageous at the time, but now they exist.
I was told I would teach and preach to the world and I thought this meant travel, but instead my words go out on the Internet, via satellites that were not known in 1974. I do communicate with the whole world. So the story of Alpha will be a fictional work, but containing prophecy and truths [my emphasis]. Maybe this story will serve as a wedge to pry open the minds that are closed to such things [sic] Alpha hopefully, will gather many until the real day comes, and this story will be presented to the world without fiction.
I am Reverend Frank D Barnes, but my real name is Alpha.
Transcribed by:
Dorothy G. Barnes
Principal Scribe.
Notice the similarities to Frank’s ‘encounter’ with ‘Moses’ and historical encounters with the beings associated with UFOs and alien abductions: psychic phenomenon—sending messages into his head (just like alien contactees); the appearance of a strange form of light; being taken into a different realm—a timeless realm—which can happen physically (in the case of Travis Walton, for example) or ‘spiritually’, having the soul/consciousness of the individual taken out of the body, as described in my grandfather’s account; being told that you are ‘special’ and ‘chosen’ for some kind of mission or prophetic purpose. Also take note that in the prologue he recounts this story as the initiating factor for writing his book, stating at the end that his story of Alpha “will be a fictional work, but containing prophecy and truths”, clearly separating most of what is to follow from this initial experience of being ‘taught’ by Moses, which he clearly believed to have actually happened. Whether or not it did is hard to say for sure, but whatever happened changed him dramatically, and he certainly believed it was real.
The first chapter describes a second event, years later, which demonstrates more parallels to alien encounters:
I had been waiting 26 years for the promise given in 1974, to be anointed as “Alpha” and healed of my arthritis. Lately I was discouraged. Had this been a dream or in my mind? Was I really going to be a prophet? Was it Satan who spoke to me and not Moses, playing mind games to take away my understanding of the Scriptures.
My wife heard me speak and she asked who I was talking to. I asked for her judgment of what we had received, and she said she believed in it. Once again, I had a tremendous feeling within to continue writing, working on my computer, creating Christian oriented web pages. I do a local TV program on the “new word” but there is not much response from the public. I do get e-mail questions about my work, from around the world. Still, I am encouraged and pushed to continue.
Sometimes I am without faith in my abilities and I search the Internet for answers. I ask YAHWEH for advice and wait for the HOLY SPIRIT to tell me what to write.
Suddenly I felt heat on my body like something was in the room. I felt comfortable with this energy. The room glowed and smelled of roses [my emphasis]. A voice said “Have faith, have faith.” I looked around but saw no one. Then there was a haze in the room and a sound like thunder. I became concerned. Was this a fantasy? There appeared two men, both dressed in white robes. One said “you know who I am, Alpha, don’t you?” It was difficult to speak. My heart pounded and sweat poured from me.
I knew these persons were Moses and Elijah, the two witnesses in the Bible, Revelation chapter 11. They know my thoughts [my emphasis] and the questions were coming so quickly. They said “Quiet down and we will answer you.” I said “I must bring my wife in here to see this. They said” [sic] she has been a good and faithful servant all these years.”
They called out to my wife to enter the room. She was very pale and said “you finally kept your promise you told me one day you’d visit me and speak to me.” We were both in tears with excitement at the realization there is a spirit world where angels dwell and the old prophets live. He said “Look behind me”. It was a vision of one heavenly home to come. All one [sic] friends and family members who had passed on were there, including a child my wife miscarried many years earlier.
He said “ its time now to do the work I promised you, for you to be given the power of the new body. You will be part of the new world. All your pains and suffering will be removed [my emphasis]. All language barriers will be removed, the barriers of mobility and the curtain before your eyes will be removed. You will then clearly see your creator. The language you speak will be heard by all nationalities and understood.”
“Are these gifts? It is up to you to decipher. You must get in touch with others like yourself, and you will continue to receive these gifts as you proceed. As you need these gifts they will be a part of you.”
Then the energy left the room. The color of purple began to dissipate along with the scent of roses. There I sat in joy, to know I was a servant of YAHWEH and His child. My wife and I stayed there in the room and didn’t say a word.
The next day after the visit I was waiting impatiently and couldn’t thing [sic; think] of anything else. For sure, the work would start now. My wife and I still have arthritis and other health problem [sic], are they going to cure us, or are we to continue in pain? I believed the new body was without pain. We are the same as before except for the vision, so I guess I must be patient and wait upon YAHWEH, JESUS and the two prophets. I’ll keep doing my writings and preaching the word, even without the power.
It was now 6:00 p.m. and I was watching TV Dorothy was reading the newspaper. “Love,” I said, “do you think our work is about to start?” She smiled and said “We’ve been waiting a long time. Maybe they’ll be back tonight or tomorrow.”
Suddenly the TV screen went blank but the lights were still on. A cloud appeared in the room, thunder rumbled, and a soft voice spoke [my emphasis]. “Have more patience and I will fulfill all the promises. Be still and know that I am YAHWEH. Rise up early in the morning and I will take you on a trip.”
Now I couldn’t wait to go to sleep and get up early! Dorothy was amazed at the cloud, and the voice spoke to her. He told her she would receive a new language to write, understood by all who believed in YAHWEH and His son JESUS. The HOLY SPIRIT would decipher the language to all, and Dorothy would be His appointed Scribe YAHWEH’S secretary ! [sic] This was amazing!
Dorothy was overcome. YAHWEH’s presence was wonderful and we, [sic] could feel the HOLY SPIRIT telling us to believe and be still because we were in the presence of the creator. I felt like Moses in the book of Exodus, when he had the cloud there to encourage him. Things were moving, and Alpha was coming to life after 26 years of hoping and waiting. Most of my work has been seen by the world.
The cloud remained and knew my thoughts. He said “You are going to receive for the two witnesses. You will prepare for their coming and they in turn will prepare the way for my Sons return to earth.”
“In the morning I will take you where I took the other prophets before you. I will show you the New Jerusalem and the Garden of Eden.”
I sat on the chair and couldn’t move, my heart pounding. The cloud dissipated and the TV snapped back on. I guess He wanted my full attention! Dorothy asked “will He change my name too?” She was so happy to be His scribe, which was a honored profession of old. Most of the population could not read or write, so a scribe was highly respected.
I wondered where I would meet these other prophets, I couldn’t find it in the Bible. But, this is a “new word.” The Testament was a “new word” to the Torah in that day. I imagine I will meet other prophets when I go to the council meeting tomorrow. I can’t wait!
What a bizarre story! Notice how the TV went blank—this reminded me of the various cases in which cars and other electronic devices suddenly die in the presence of UFOs only to return to functionality after the experience.
Also take note of how Moses promised Frank a “new body”, which is clearly based on the Bible in which those who are saved after the Rapture would be resurrected in a new body. A similar promise is often made in alien contacts and abductions. For example, a couple of the women in Karla Turner’s case studies written about in Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda (and in cases recorded by other abduction researchers) report a similar promise by the Others. This book contains the case studies of eight women, and little to none of information was obtained through hypnosis, but from the consciously recalled memories of the abductees that they had to live with everyday. Here is what Turner wrote regarding the case study of a woman named Pat:
Of the memories which have surfaced in the past several years, none raises more questions than the "cocoon people." "I can't remember when the actual event might have occurred," Pat told me. "All I recall is being in a large room with soft white lighting, and one of the Grays was there. I vaguely recall seeing a human male there, but not what he was doing."
Part of the large room was filled with what looked to be sarcophagus-like boxes, and in these boxes were human forms. "They were alive," Pat recalled, "but not animated. There was white misty stuff all over them, and I knew the misty stuff kept them alive. I knew they were waiting to come to life in the future."
The being asked Pat, Do you want to see yours?
Pat said, "Yes," and was shown a human female body in one of the containers. "Don't ask how I knew it was female," she continued, "I just felt it. I saw a little bit of human face through the mist, like a nose mouth, eyes, definitely human. I knew this was connected with the 1954 visit, because I remembered they told me they were making a 'new me.' I felt this cocoon was the new me. I felt that they are waiting for the resurrection," she said, "or reanimation, and we will all be able to see and talk with them here on earth. If I were to die now, I believe that my 'other body' will house my soul when Jesus says it is time, and I, too, will come back. If I live through all the destruction (to come) into the new world, I will still need my other body, as this one I have will die anyway."
And then again in the case study of a woman named Lisa:
The second controversial area reported by Lisa involves, as with the case of Pat in the previous chapter, the viewing of "new bodies." She told me that her memory of seeing a new body occurred sometime in late 1992. Although she was keeping a journal by that time, which recorded UFO sightings, conscious events, and dreams, both alien-instigated and the normal, self-generated variety, she refused for some reason to include this event in the record.
Lisa recalled lying on a table aboard a craft, with her "new body" beside her. "I got out of my old body," she said, "and stood next to it. I was looking it over, and I even looked at my teeth. The body was perfect, but it had my long hair that I used to have. Somebody said they could make people believe that was me," she continued, "even though it was perfect and with long hair. I wanted so badly to get in it, but I did not. I don't remember who the beings were in the room with me, just being overwhelmed seeing the body. I don't remember how I got back in my old body."
Later, in 1993, Lisa had experienced another dream-event about this situation. "Dreamed of showing my new body to some friends," her journal records, "and reading to them from a special book about humankind. I was reading with some clear instrument like a triangle. Don't remember what I was reading." This scenario of reading a book during an encounter, by the way, is a little-known detail reported in a number of separate cases.
Similar dreams recurred in which she found herself displaying the new body. In one briefly recalled episode she was showing it to her doctor, and in a much more involved dream, Lisa felt as if she had actually died in order to get into the new body, which she then showed to her husband and some other people. There were other details of this dream that suggest it may at the very least have been a screen memory of an actual event. She insisted on keeping her son with her, for example, explaining to her husband that the son "is one of us, like me." Lisa had been told in a past encounter that the aliens were interested only in her and her son, not the entire family.
The encounter in the new body was followed by a more familiar situation, in the exam room. "A doctor and a nurse were giving me an examination," she recalled, "and telling me I had hepatitis. But they were giving me some sort of vaginal exam. I told them to leave me alone, that they weren't my doctors, [but I] don't remember more."
The second chapter of The Alpha Concept describes the trip Frank and Dorothy were promised to be taken on. Before going to bed, Frank ponders why he was “chosen” and after falling into a dream state around 5:00 AM, the room “lit up” and a set of stairs appeared before him. He stood up and his arthritis pain was suddenly gone and he no longer needed a cane. The stairs took him up like an escalator and a “city suspended in space” appeared before him—a paradise. Here is another characteristic of alien abductions: to be shown a paradise or Utopia.
Another common aspect of alien abductions is to be completely immersed in a strange liquid, which is one of the patterns that Turner describes from three of her case studies in Taken. She writes: “In a different dream, Beth was made to immerse in ‘a heavy liquid’ and was surprised to find that she could breathe in it. This scenario is so familiar now that it is often included in the list of most frequently reported abduction events.” Here is a more detailed description of this event:
Puerto Rico, 1978...
Two aliens took Beth down a curved hall and through a door, into a different area. It looked like "a surgery room," and she became afraid they were going to kill her there. A third entity, holding a black box, moved to a position behind Beth. She could not see what he did, but she felt as if her head was being opened and her brain removed, all without any sensation of pain. After she was "all put back together again," a cold liquid was poured over her head.
When this procedure was finished, the aliens stood in front of her, and Beth realized that mentally she was different. Her thoughts about everything were changed, and she was filled with new ideas about God and the unity of all life within that supreme source [my emphasis].
This very spiritual moment was followed by a quite physical exam, as the aliens took samples from her skin and hair. A human-looking man with a widow's-peak hairline entered and made a full examination of her body, including a gynecological procedure. Then he explained many things, telling her that she and other humans had been "chosen" to carry out certain "jobs" in the future [my emphasis].
Now read this passage from chapter two of my grandfather’s book:
“There was a castle to my left and a round building next to it. “That’s where the council meets. Would you like to visit the Garden of Eden?” Moses said. There was a lake and I began to walk around it, but Moses said, “You must walk through the lake. When you enter you must be cleansed of all your frailties, purged of all the evil within. It is a baptism. Only pure souls are allowed into the Garden of Eden.”
I walked through the lake, the water around me, but Moses and Elijah walked over the water, two inches or so. The water rose and approached my head. Moses said, “you must cleanse your whole body.” I kept walking as the water washed over the top of my head.
Then I couldn’t remember any bad things I did in my life, not the first or the last. I felt reborn into a new body. As I came up out of the water I felt tremendous peace. All my pain was gone, and it seemed a curtain had been removed from my mind. I understood who I was, who YAHWEH and JESUS were. It was far beyond human thought. I had entered the realm of inter-dimensional thought.
Studying abduction cases has shown us that it is very possible that screen memories can be implanted into the abductee in order to mask what really happened to them, and even under deep hypnotic regression, these may be mostly what we’re actually accessing. This obviously makes studying and understanding the phenomenon problematic, which seems to be the intentions of the Others—to confuse us and make us back off. It certainly works at keeping most legitimate scientists at bay from examining these cases and some of the physical traces they leave, such as implants and marks on the body, specifically in the shape of equilateral triangles.
I don’t know if Frank’s arthritis actually went away, but if it did, it must have only been temporarily because everytime I met him in my childhood, when he came to Jersey from Arizona to visit the family, he was in terrible health and his arthritis was the worst I have ever seen. His hands were practically stuck in a scrunched up position, and he could barley even write anymore; his handwriting looked like chicken scratch. There are, of course, many cases of miraculous healing associated with UFO/occupant encounters, such as the case of the anonymous “Dr. X” in France on November 1, 1968. But for someone who claims to have received a “new body” from angelic messengers of God, his health declined very quickly and he could hardly walk, yet my grandmother (who was older than him by a few years) was in much better health. Even after all these years of aging since he passed away, she is still in phenomenonal health compared to the condition he was in when writing this book. It was as if he began to age faster.
Turner addressed these miraculous healings in her lectures, because many abductees who experienced such healings saw this as an example that the aliens must be good and here to help us. She dispels this notion by using the example of a cow farmer: when a cow gets sick, the farmer tends to the cow immediately. Why? Because he knows what he really needs the cow for—as a resource, as sustenance. Just because an entity heals us may not exactly mean they are trying to help us; they could just be a “concerned farmer” according to Turner.
There are more strange encounters in Frank’s book, but these examples should suffice for the time being in demonstrating the similarities between my grandfather’s experiences, which he perceived as positive and enlightening, to alien abductions and contacts that are often perceived as positive and enlightening, but which are obviously deliberately deceptive apparitions projected onto the abductee and contactee for nefarious purposes. Remember what Karla Turner said? “Through the past decades the aliens have made various predictions and promises and given a number of very specific warnings about impending events. …[Aliens are] not a reliable source.” The prophet-pattern has been associated with UFO occupant encounters since the 1950s: ‘You’re special! We chose you for these revelations. You have an important message to pass on to the rest of humanity! We’re here to save you and humanity, and we’re concerned about your well-being and the impending destruction of your world.’
The Others can obviously appear in all different forms, as Vallee has made quite clear. But just because we encounter so many different kinds of entities does not exactly mean we’re dealing with different species of extraterrestrials, especially because these different forms of modern-day encounters appear in all sorts of combinations together. In Taken, Turner writes:
In the "Contacts" category there are eight different situations reported, and seven of these eight have been reported by all of the women. These include UFO sightings; missing time as a child; missing time as an adult; consciousness of an encounter; virtual-reality events; telepathic communications; and the extension of alien involvement into lives of other family members. Three of them experienced missing time or abductions with other people.
The data indicates, then, that the phenomenon is not imaginary or self-generated, that it is linked to the UFO sightings, that it involves a generational interest on the part of the aliens, and that contact can be made by remote means.
The "Aliens" category contains a surprising variety of physical types reported, including some that are rarely mentioned elsewhere. While all eight women encountered the Gray aliens, the Whites (insectoid) and the hooded figures are almost as common, turning up in seven accounts. Blond humanoid figures have been seen by six of the women, as have the cat-eyed or reptoid type. Half of the women reported a wrinkle-faced entity similar to a tall Gray or White, as well as a shorter, often hairy creature variously referred to as a "troll" or "dwarf." And both a blue entity and a "Jesus" figure have been witnessed by three of the women [my emphasis].
In addition to noting the variety of physical types, it is important to realize that every combination of these different entities have been reported working together in abduction scenarios. It is hard to conclude, then, that the various types are really separate groups carrying out separate functions or missions.
As Turner makes very clear, even religious figures like Jesus have appeared in these contact and abduction cases! This fact makes it obvious that Frank wasn’t actually visited by Moses or Elijah (setting aside the fact that such characters cannot be proven to have even existed historically) but by entities masquerading as such.
My grandfather’s experiences sound similar to those of Ted Rice, who Turner wrote about in her third and last book, Masquerade of Angels, before she died of a mysterious fast-acting cancer. Ted was also a proclaimed psychic, and a spiritualist minister; if you recall my grandfather’s words, it was a spiritualist minister who had ‘taught’ him and Dorothy about meditation and psychic abilities. These Others appear as angels, prophets, and other religious figures to trigger a specific response to them as ‘divine messengers of God!’ or in the cases where they are perceived as extraterrestrial rather than angels, as our ‘benevolent space brothers’. The pattern between both types of encounters is the same, and we are clearly dealing with the same entities, and they are deliberately deceptive. A lot of this type of material also came through, and continues to come through, channeled sources (contactees) rather than abductions. My grandfather seems to be more of a contactee, but as you can see, parts of his story sound a lot like abductions masked by screen memories.

I haven't written about it in my book yet, but I also noticed right away a connection to The Greenbaum Speech in my grandfather's story: the fact that he was stripped of his name and renamed "Alpha". Very, very curious!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this excerpt from my book. I will most likely share other parts of it on here for feedback.
I started working on this section of the book again after posting it here last night, and added a new paragraph and example in the middle of it that you guys might also find intriguing.

What a bizarre story! Notice how the TV went blank—this reminded me of the various cases in which cars and other electronic devices suddenly die in the presence of UFOs only to return to functionality after the experience.
Then there is the “scent of roses” Frank describes accompanying the purple light; this scent is often associated with ‘angelic’ encounters. But are there any cases that can link it with the UFO/abduction phenomenon? It just so happens there is. In an article written by UFO researcher Grant Cameron, he writes about the UFO encounter of U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich:
In a newly released book, “Sage-Ing While Age-Ing,” Hollywood actress and author Shirley MacLaine makes a short reference to a UFO close encounter by 2008 presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.
In her book MacLaine wrote that Kucinich “had a close sighting over my home in Graham, Washington, when I lived there. Dennis found his encounter extremely moving. The smell of roses drew him out to my balcony where, when he looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. It hovered, soundless, for ten minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn’t comprehend. He said he felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind.” [my emphasis]
Also take note of how Moses promised Frank a “new body”, which is clearly based on the Bible in which those who are saved after the Rapture would be resurrected in a new body....
Alchemy, Fulcanelli, Shirley MacLaine and JK Rowling? You have got be kidding... or COINTELPRO.

This is a fairly tolerant forum for those who are honest and sincere. I'm not a moderator or admin, but my personal opinion is that you are neither, and therefore you should go away.
Why the emotional reaction? A new member is offering his perspective on the cosmic cointelpro. If you disagree with any given points, you can argue rationally. and offer a more objective perspective if any. However, you emotionally driven attack is uncalled for.
mkrnhr said:
Why the emotional reaction? A new member is offering his perspective on the cosmic cointelpro. If you disagree with any given points, you can argue rationally. and offer a more objective perspective if any. However, you emotionally driven attack is uncalled for.
What 'points'? The posts are just a few vague mentions of 'new age' themes mixed with tales of weird family members including a grandfather who apparently was not only an adulterer but a megalomaniac religious nut with a narcissistic messiah complex, which the writer improbably links to ultra-terrestrials.

My bullsh.t meter began clanging at his or her references to alchemy, Fulcanelli and Shirley MacLaine, along with the citation of JK Rowling, the author of childrens' fantasies, in the signature. What rubbish.

So grandpa was a jerk and a mental case. The poster should get over it and move on, as I suggested, and this thread should be moved to Baked Noodles, in my opinion.
Hello again griffin,
I don't know Shirley MacLaine or JK Rowling, but Fulcanelli and Alchemy are very good readings :)
Many here have fathers or grandfathers who are jerks. Talking about it can heal some internal wounds. Again, if you have constructive arguments, you're welcome. Vague and subjective opinions on the other hand are just noise that paradoxally, can help conceal any nefarious agenda if there is one. Our best enemy is more often inside than outside.
Thanks for hitting the nail on the head, mkrnhr.

griffin said:
Alchemy, Fulcanelli, Shirley MacLaine and JK Rowling? You have got be kidding... or COINTELPRO.

This is a fairly tolerant forum for those who are honest and sincere. I'm not a moderator or admin, but my personal opinion is that you are neither, and therefore you should go away.

Frankly, I'm very confused by your comments. What about the piece I wrote isn't "honest and sincere"? I did not state anything in it as a fact, but was simply relaying the stories told to me by my family members and also the experiences written about in my grandfather's book. In doing so, the point was to demonstrate the parallels in my family's paranormal experiences to supposed interventions by hyperdimensional beings, which is a major factor in LKJ's research. And are you sure you're even familiar with her work? Because last time I checked, Fulcanelli and alchemy are also major subjects that she includes in it, BUT they were not referenced in regards to this section of my book.

And I did not cite Shirley MacLaine directly (nor have I read her book or advocate her work), I cited Grant Cameron's article which cited her, only because it gave a first-hand account of Dennis Kucinich's supposed UFO encounter which was accompanied by the "scent of roses" that drew him onto the balcony when he saw the craft, which was another parallel to my grandfather's experiences. It's a common description of how 'angels' smell, but as LKJ and other researchers demonstrate, angelic encounters are also paralleled in abduction/contactee encounters:

And as you stated, the J.K. Rowling part has to do with one of the quotes in my forum signature, which clearly has NOTHING at all to do with the subject of my original post, so using her as an example to discredit my story is a personal attack and does not address the original post. Regardless, since when does someone having an interest in Harry Potter or any other kind of fiction make them dishonest and insincere, or "COINTELPRO"? It's called literature, which contains themes relevant to reality. I could argue this point further, but I'd rather not focus on it.

You stating "this is a fairly tolerant forum" is directly contradicted by "and therefore you should go". As you yourself said, you are NOT a moderator or admin, and a moderator has already responded to you and made it very clear that there's no reason why I should not be able to share my story, and that your attacks on me are unfounded and emotionally charged for no reason. You do not speak for this forum. "...but my personal opinion is that you are neither..." also makes absolutely no sense to me, because I did not claim to be a moderator or an admin, so I'm not quite sure what you mean by stating this.

griffin said:
What 'points'? The posts are just a few vague mentions of 'new age' themes mixed with tales of weird family members including a grandfather who apparently was not only an adulterer but a megalomaniac religious nut with a narcissistic messiah complex, which the writer improbably links to ultra-terrestrials.

My bullsh.t meter began clanging at his or her references to alchemy, Fulcanelli and Shirley MacLaine, along with the citation of JK Rowling, the author of childrens' fantasies, in the signature. What rubbish.

So grandpa was a jerk and a mental case. The poster should get over it and move on, as I suggested, and this thread should be moved to Baked Noodles, in my opinion.

The 'point' was to demonstrate parallels in hyperdimensional encounters and UFO/alien abduction encounters and my grandfather's experiences that had a very real and dramatic affect on him. I did not state this link to ultra-terrestrials was definitive, but that there were simply similarities between his experiences and those who have had encounters with such entities, as shown in Karla Turner's research (another major source used by LKJ) that also involve screen memories and virtual reality scenarios projected onto the victim to make the experience appear benevolent. I'm not sure what "new age" themes you speak of--it'd be helpful if you actually pointed something specific out instead of making generalizations.

Telling me to "get over it" also shows how truly intolerant you are, especially because I did not write this account based on being personally affected by my grandfather (nowhere was that stated) but because I found that his story was very strange and seemed to indicate ultra-terrestrial interventions in my family when coupled with the stories of the other family members mentioned. Simply calling it "tales of weird family members" sounds very dismissive and insulting. My grandmother is one of the most amazing and down-to-earth people I've ever met, and she has been the foundation stone of my whole family. My uncle had a very tragic life and does not deserve such conduct. And my aunt is an amazing woman and mother, and has done more for me growing up than you can imagine.

Once again, I posted this merely to share the story and receive legitimate feedback, not to make a conclusive argument. If you don't like it or agree, then that's fine, you don't have to believe me or consider me "honest and sincere". Yes, I asked for feedback, but what you provided is nothing more than emotionally charged leaps-of-assumption and judgments of me and my personal character, someone you don't even know, based on surface-level things like a J.K. Rowling quote in my signature that had nothing to do with the post. Sorry, buddy, but I think you need to get off your high horse and get over yourself.

I respect your freedom to have an opinion, but don't try to pass it off as anything more than "vague and subjective" as mkrnhr has already stated. And don't insult me and tell me to "go away"--I have no intention of doing so. Your condescending attitude won't help anyone on this forum.
There are those who say that we cannot surmise or conjecture what the purpose of the Alien presence on our planet might be because we are dealing with an intelligence so far in advance of our own that human logic cannot apply. I think we need to make a distinction between alien intelligence and intelligent aliens. Occam's razor holds that when seeking to understand a phenomenon, what can be done with fewer [assumptions/concepts] is done in vain with more.

The Bible may have a clue for us in Matthew 24 where Jesus says:
"For then there will be great tribulation – affliction, distress and oppression – such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now; no and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would endure and survive; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. If any one says to you then, Lo, here is Christ, the Messiah! or, There He is! do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect... So if they say to you. Lo, He is in the wilderness, do not go out there; if they tell you, Lo, He is in the secret places or inner rooms, do not believe it... Wherever there is a fallen body, there the vultures will flock together." (Vs 21 -28, Amplified, Zondervan, 1985).

Mankind is, indeed, a fallen body. A fragmented soul unit. When an animal in the wild becomes weakened, the vultures begin to sail around in great sweeping circles overhead, waiting for collapse. At that point they move in to feed, leaving nothing but bones. We have raped and plundered our planet to the point that it cannot long support us. In spite of the efforts at consciousness raising by the proponents of the New Age, we continue to hate and fight with our brother until nearly every society on the face of the planet is on the verge of collapse.

Science has postulated a slow and gradual evolutional process and has striven with all its might to conform all data to that mold. That which does not fit is reinterpreted or ignored. It is assumed that not only have we evolved as human beings from some primate ancestor, but that we are evolving as a culture as well. Science has given us the space program, laser, television, penicillin, sulfa-drugs, and a host of other useful developments which would seem to make our lives more tolerable and fruitful.

However, we can easily see that this is not the case. After three centuries of domination by science, it could be said that never before has man been so precariously poised on the brink of such total destruction. Our lives, as individuals and groups and cultures, are steadily deteriorating. The air we breathe and the water we drink is polluted almost beyond endurance. Our foods are loaded with substances which contribute very little to nourishment, and may, in fact, be injurious to our health. Stress and tension have become an accepted part of life and can be shown to have killed millions. Hatred, envy, greed and strife multiply exponentially. Crime increases nine times faster than the population. We swallow endless quantities of pills to wake up, go to sleep, get the job done, calm our nerves and make us feel good. The inhabitants of the earth spend more money on recreational drugs than they spend on housing, clothing, food, education or any other product or service. (This amounts to half a trillion dollars annually.) Multiplied millions of people are without adequate food or shelter. Two hundred forty million children will starve to death before the year 2,000 while we pay entertainment idols millions of dollars to perform for us while we hustle to obtain the cream, soap or toothpaste which will make us sexy and appealing. It is no wonder that we have attracted the vultures of the cosmos!

An Alien presence on our planet is real. Those who choose to close their eyes to this reality do so at their own peril. In recent times, major motion pictures and television shows have increased public awareness of the subject. However, the approach taken by the media has generally tended to place the subject in the realm of science-fiction entertainment. The news media systematically ridicules reports and the tabloids exaggerate the reports to the point of absurdity so that the public has no idea that the stakes in this game are real and it is being played for keeps. The book, Clear Intent, by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood (Prentice-Hall, 1984), provides massive, overwhelming and irrefutable evidence based on the government's own documents that our highest public officials and the elite of our security and intelligence organizations have been deliberately and persistently lying to tax-paying citizens on the subject of Aliens for the last 40 years or more.

I am not going to say that any protection against this kind of invasion is practically possible. All of the research is not in and what I have examined makes me think that these beings can plunder our world, our lives, our very minds, at will. But, one must wonder why they are going to so much trouble to persuade us to accept their total control if they could take it at will. Perhaps they can only plunder us physically. I have encountered cases where the aliens seemed to come off very badly in the interaction and no further contact ensued. It is still too early to reveal the methods used to repel or control the events without further research, but, suffice it to say that I do believe that a certain process is singularly effective.

I am finding more and more evidence that those who think they are psychic or who have prophetic "dreams" or visions, or other psychic experiences are, in fact, being regularly visited by aliens. Jaques Vallee extrapolates on the great number of possible sightings and/or contacts. He conjectures that there must be literally millions including those unreported for fear of ridicule as well as those unremembered, perhaps because of mind control techniques. He then goes on to say that he finds it difficult to believe that members of a civilization with space/time travel capabilities would come in such numbers to do "stupid" things like abduct people and perform primitive experiments or examinations on them. I have to agree. Our doctors and scientists can perform many of the procedures attributed to the aliens with far less pain and trauma.

It is my point that we are not dealing with materialistic, earth based technology here! For God's sake, these guys walk through walls, float people out of their bodies, control minds, paralyze bodies, influence weather etc. etc. All of these abilities are those we have historically attributed to angels or demons or vampires.

When we look at the alien problem we repeatedly see terms describing "light" or "lights" or related phenomenon. This tends to make the percipients regard the experience as "good for them."

The Apostle Paul wrote in II Corinthians:
"...for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light, So it is not surprising if his servants also masquerade as ministers of righteousness. Their end will correspond with their deeds."
This gives us a direct injunction to observe the deeds, or fruits rather than the appearance or what is being told to us by said beings.

Added to this Jesus says in Matthew 12:33:
"Either make the tree sound and its fruit sound, or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten; for the tree is known and recognized and judged by its fruit."

The point of all that is that it seems that the only criteria we may have by which to judge any phenomenon is the fruit it bears since it is possible for things to present as a positive and not be so in fact. Nearly without exception, individuals who have had "abductions", when the surface or screen memories have been probed in a competent way, reveal memories of events so chilling in their implications that the first interpretation must be looked at carefully. The fear evoked in these experiences is tangible. Yet, the Aliens somehow convince the experiencer that it is "for their good" or for "the good of the planet" or "the enhancement of our race." But Jesus told us that Satan was a liar and the father of lies.

II Timothy 1:7 says: "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity – of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear – but of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control." and I John 4:18 tells us: "There is no fear in love – dread does not exist; but complete perfect love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror." Yet the cumulative effect of alien interference has been fear, confusion and distortion of reality to the point that the lives of many are irrevocably torn asunder.

Now, I suppose it may be argued that we are being challenged to love our alien abductors to fully test our capacity for complete perfect love. However, I think there are many other issues to look at before that conclusion is adopted.

What does this mean for us in practical terms, here, on earth, today?

It may mean that Alien intelligences, following a pathway of service to self, have influenced the leaders of our societies to guide us down a pathway of self-destruction so that they, the Aliens, might gather around the fallen body of our race and feed on our emotions, our energies, our very flesh. They are here, they are deliberately terrifying us in every way they can to keep us confused and off balance. They are feeding philosophical lies and distortions into our culture to lead as many astray as possible. They control the lions of industry, government and culture so that what exists in our world is perverted by a "twist", a peculiar upside-down, disjointed, askew existence governed by deception and falsehood. We are living in a frightful, topsy-turvy world where everything we cherish as good, noble, honest and right has been disrupted, soiled, deformed and made ugly. And, more horrible than this, we accept it as normal! And even more chilling, we refuse to look at these things and even go so far as to claim that they do not exist except in our minds. And, it seems, they can plunder our reality at will without our consent.

In looking at the UFO/Alien phenomenon, we see things which just do not mesh. The level of confusion in this field is horrendous. It seems to be all lies and deception. Layer after layer of lies. Confusion, confusion and more confusion.

It is time for the world to wake up to this phenomenon. In the past, we dealt with discarnates and demons. We are dealing with discarnates and demons now, only we are calling them "aliens." They probably always WERE "aliens!"

The assault of these beings is slow, careful and insidiously deceptive. The only defense we have is knowledge: to be able to identify moment by moment where we stand, what is going on, and which choice to make. "If you abide in My Word; hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them... you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." That truth includes the reality of spirit and demonic possession.

We were warned that there will be forces in play in these times which will be so confusing and so deceptive so as "to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect..." I take that to mean that the elect may, in fact, be primary targets. And, my work with alien abductees bears this out in certain cases.

But, the greatest deception of all, as I have stated before, is the teaching that there are no negative forces, and if there are, in any case, we haven't to worry about them because, if we just think nice thoughts, meditate regularly, and use our affirmations nothing icky will ever enter our reality.

After thirty-five years studying and teaching metaphysics, including an in-depth analysis of demonic possession, I can assure you that evil insinuates itself into our lives in the guise of goodness and truth. The difficulty in talking about evil nowadays lies not in the weird or bizarre, but rather from the insistence by the media that religious views of good and evil are outdated. The problem is further exacerbated by the New Age teaching that "evil" simply does not exist unless an individual creates it in their reality. This is an important point because the process of evil follows the line of erosion of our spirituality through the erosion of knowledge. What better way to protect evil activities than to deny that they exist? It is true, in an absolute sense, that evil is "self-created". But very often the selves which create evil and wish to perpetuate it are those at higher density levels and against whom we have no defense except through knowledge of who they are and how they work. We must learn about the lies in order to perceive the truth.

-Laura Knight-Jadczyk
griffin said:
Alchemy, Fulcanelli, Shirley MacLaine and JK Rowling? You have got be kidding... or COINTELPRO.

This is a fairly tolerant forum for those who are honest and sincere. I'm not a moderator or admin, but my personal opinion is that you are neither, and therefore you should go away.
Griffin, you're right, you're not a moderator or an admin. So why are you trying to do that work? Your reaction is extreme and uncalled for to the point of being insulting. Is anything going on with you right now that would explain this?
griffin said:
mkrnhr said:
Why the emotional reaction? A new member is offering his perspective on the cosmic cointelpro. If you disagree with any given points, you can argue rationally. and offer a more objective perspective if any. However, you emotionally driven attack is uncalled for.
What 'points'? The posts are just a few vague mentions of 'new age' themes mixed with tales of weird family members including a grandfather who apparently was not only an adulterer but a megalomaniac religious nut with a narcissistic messiah complex, which the writer improbably links to ultra-terrestrials.

My bullsh.t meter began clanging at his or her references to alchemy, Fulcanelli and Shirley MacLaine, along with the citation of JK Rowling, the author of childrens' fantasies, in the signature. What rubbish.

So grandpa was a jerk and a mental case. The poster should get over it and move on, as I suggested, and this thread should be moved to Baked Noodles, in my opinion.

Have you read the thread on the Odyssey, Griffin? There's some good lessons there about hospitality, and would probably be useful to read through or review. There this one too, along similar lines: External Considering and Good Manners. It's hard enough for new posters to put themselves out there - no need to make it more difficult or to be hostile. I also agree that your response seems to be a big overreaction, so it could serve a useful purpose to try and see if there might be something going on underneath.

I've seen PhoenixToEmber on FB and he seems pretty engaged with the work here, so I think you should give him a chance.
Griffin, PhoenixToEmber has titled the thread "My strange family history" which tells us right away that it is a personal story. It is posted in "Ultra-terrestrial Activity" which, considering the speculations within the post, is nearly appropriate. I think that "Creative Acts" might be better since it can't be said with great assurance that it is Ultraterrestrial and not mental illness on the part of the grandfather and his alleged contacts.

As for Shirley MacLaine, I read her books way back when and I think she was a victim of the New Age and sincerely believed that she was on a quest for truth; as often happens, the reality morphed in response to the energy she put into it. That, in itself, is a data-point.

If you feel that your time was wasted reading the text, that's no reason to be rude or insulting. There are certainly nicer ways to critique.

Finally, PhoenixToEmber, you might want to consider creating a blog to post your story. For forum purposes, it would be better to have a distilled synopsis of the situation and a link to said blog for those who might wish to read details. Most of us, myself included, do not have time or inclination to read such long posts unless there is some compelling reason to do so. As it is, I have quickly scanned what you have posted here ONLY because there is an issue and thus, my recommendations.
Thanks for your response, Laura.

Laura said:
I think that "Creative Acts" might be better since it can't be said with great assurance that it is Ultraterrestrial and not mental illness on the part of the grandfather and his alleged contacts.

The only reason I included it here is because there have been multiple strange experiences reported from different family members (as the beginning of my story describes) and the only one who was officially diagnosed with mental illness was my uncle. Also, my grandfather's second wife was party to his prophetic "encounters" and thought she was also "chosen". I figured that meant he wasn't mentally ill, unless they both were and had the same hallucinations. Also, he was, for the most part, normal when he was with my grandmother. It wasn't until he started messing around with this "spiritualist" guru and seeing this other woman that he completely changed.

Laura said:
Finally, PhoenixToEmber, you might want to consider creating a blog to post your story. For forum purposes, it would be better to have a distilled synopsis of the situation and a link to said blog for those who might wish to read details. Most of us, myself included, do not have time or inclination to read such long posts unless there is some compelling reason to do so. As it is, I have quickly scanned what you have posted here ONLY because there is an issue and thus, my recommendations.

Next time I'll consider this, thank you. I only included a large chunk of the piece because I figured the forum would appreciate having more details, but I understand if it was too long. Next time I'll post a synopsis and the rest on a blog, like you said.

Anyway, I hope you still get around to reading it when you get the chance. I'd very much appreciate your feedback on the story as well.

Thanks for all the support, everyone! You've made me feel very welcomed here. :D
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