More questions about Cheney shooting

Mr. Premise

The Living Force
This from George Ure I don't know anything about guns. Does anyone who does have any comment?

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Public Goes Ballistic

No doubt about it, a few people are still armed with a few brain cells, despite the constant dumbing down efforts of mainstream media, the administration, and those who would be rulers of their own brand of new world order. Take for example Dick Cheney's War on Quail. Our Houston Bureau offers this:

Why does anyone take anything the "Administration" says as truth? One would think with all the lies over Iraq and 9/11, that anything said about a hunting accident would immediately be suspicious.

#7 birdshot, .28 gau., at 30 yards does not penetrate to the heart. At most, one would get a serious rash and perhaps some minor bleeding.

Furthermore, the tight pattern on the head and neck of Whittington are not indicative of distance with shot. Even with no choke at all, the pattern should have been widely disbursed over Whiitington's left side at 30 yards.

Even 0-0 buck, .12 gau., at 30 yards with medium choke would not do life-threatening harm to a human. A quick trip to any shooting range to see how close shotgun targets are will tell any thinking person what they need to know.

It does seem odd - and at variance with reports - to hear that the shooting victim has shot lodged near his heart and that he's still in the hospital. But something's out of kilter in the reports and the public's not liking it one bit.

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Hi Donald and All, I just had a thought that maybe this is a 4D 'manoever' to discredit and remove Dick Cheney from politics. It doesn't matter what Dick does now, he will have done something wrong in the eyes of the public, somewhere along the line, as they start to question what really happened.

Its kind of ironic how even the best plans of entropic idividuals are all for naught when they cease to be of use to the PTB. Or perhaps their demise is of 'use' to the PTB.

The question I have is whether Dick Cheney's possible demise will enable Lord George to declare himself God Emperor. Or, maybe they need to keep Lord George at the 'top of the heap' for the moment and Cheney is expendible.

Its really a 'no win' situation for anyone up against 4D sts.
Yep - as I wrote yesterday: "If he dies, we'll never know the true story, now will we? How does birdshot (supposedly from 30ft away) get lodged in the heart? I suppose if a little lead ball got into a large enough vein, it could travel to the heart and get lodged, but that doesn't sound like much of a "good peppering" to me, that sounds more like a point blank shot to the face."
Even considering that a 78 year old man's skin is usually much thinner than, say, a twenty eight year old man's skin, and that, judging from the photos of him I've seen on the news, he is a fairly slim individual, using the shotgun they have listed and the birdshot cartridges that they have listed, it really is almost impossible to have inflicted the wounds this man has.

On another aspect of this story, the fact that Cheney is even out 'hunting' in his deteriorated physical condition is just plain idiotic. I have read that he has a history of going to these "bird hunting ranches" where the birds are kept in captivity until they are released to be hunted - leaving the birds barely able to fly away or to know what to do to get away, since they've been kept in pens until the fateful day when some old, balding white fat man with a bad heart decides to lumber out of his limo to pull the trigger in their general direction. The man apparently feeds off of death - not that we couldn't have surmised that from his previous behavior regarding humans. I apologize at the bitterness in this post, I suppose that I'm just a bit more than fed up with this monster that is Dick Cheney. =(
World Socialist Website has a speculative narrative of what might have happened with the Cheney shooting:

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Last Saturday, Vice President Dick Cheney, an experienced hunter, was hunting quail with several well-heeled Republican acquaintances, including Texas lawyer Harry Whittington. The two men had been drinking throughout the afternoon, and at one point began to quarrel about a business venture of mutual interest which had gone awry. The argument became heated. Whittington sneered at Cheney’s declining public standing and the most recent disclosure, by Cheney’s former chief of staff Lewis Libby, that Libby had leaked classified information to the press at Cheney’s direction. When Cheney responded with an obscenity-laced remark, Whittington, a man who knows where many bodies are buried in Texas politics and business, suggested he might arrange for certain facts of a sensitive nature to become public knowledge. Cheney, enraged, stormed away, then turned, lowered his shotgun and discharged it, hitting Whittington’s face and upper body.

Is that what happened on February 14 at the Armstrong Ranch in southern Texas? We have no idea, but it is no less likely than the official explanation. And the “angry drunk” scenario would more plausibly explain both the long delay in reporting the event—which made it conveniently impossible to perform the blood alcohol test that would otherwise be routine in such an incident—and the obvious disarray in the White House for days afterwards.

For all the media attention to the Cheney affair, it is remarkable that with virtual unanimity the official claim that the shooting was accidental has been uncritically accepted and reported as though it were established fact, despite the lack of any serious investigation or public presentation of the actual circumstances in which the vice president of the United States shot and seriously wounded another man.

[end quote]
I rather like this quote:

The Vice President is standing by his decision to shoot Harry Whittington. Now, according to the best intelligence available, there were quail hidden in the brush. Everyone believed at the time there were quail in the brush. And while the quail turned out to be a 78-year-old man, even knowing that today, Mr. Cheney insists he still would have shot Mr.Whittington in the face. - Rob Cordry (‘The Daily Show’)

I read a lot of blogger opinions that Americans should ignore this "insignificant" event and focus on more important issues. The fact remains, however, that many people in the US can relate to such an event at a more personal level than to more abstract political issues. The media, after all, does seem to focus more on how one child is saved, for example, from drowning rather than how thousands of children die in a pointless war.

It seems, however, that this tendency of the media to personalize disaster, and to condition people to react to "human interest stories", rather than issues with a more collective importance, has come back to bite them. The emotional impact of Mr. Cheney's obvious crimes is all focused on the more personal and concrete "hunting accident" event, which is taking on symbolic proportions.

If Mr. Whittington succumbs to his wounds, and the justice the neocons constantly rant about is not served, it will be blatantly and undeniably obvious to the US and the world that Mr. Cheney can indeed get away with murder (by whatever legal term anyone wishes to call it).
Well, it seems the point is moot. According to this link:

...all's well that ends well...
The whole event strikes me a weird, or at least odd to the point of weirdness.

Why do I get the feeling that Bush may actually be scared of Cheney? Could this be some sort of subliminal message to Bush similar to the one given to him by the demise of the Space Shuttle Columbia over Texas (Palsestine to be exact)? Perhaps if the public didn't spend so much time lampooning Cheney or writing off what happened as an accident, they might see how trully dangerous he is. They might even be scared of him too.

I did wonder what part Columbia had to play (literally rather than figuratively). It seems like Columbia's President is just the sort of friend guys like Bush and Blair need (as well as the CIA and any local drug lord). Now that's pretty amazing.
DonaldJHunt said:
I don't know anything about guns. Does anyone who does have any comment?
I don't know much about guns either, but Dave McGowan has evidently checked in with some experts, and his latest newsletter at The Center for an Informed America at is entitiled Cheney's Got a Gun - Part 1. In it he concludes the spin doesn't match what the experts say. Here is an excerpt:

It will be recalled that when the story first belatedly broke, countless experts were quoted in the press offering up the opinion that the damage from a 28-gauge shotgun loaded with birdshot would be relatively minor if fired from that distance. This initial report from the Los Angeles Times was typical:

Dr. Marshall Morgan, chief of emergency medicine at UCLA Medical Center, said the severity of shotgun injuries depended on the distance between the gun and the person hit by it. "A shotgun injury to a person, unless it's at close range, is unlikely to produce a lethal injury that a handgun or a rifle would," he said. When a shotgun goes off, the pellets are in a relatively tight pattern, able to inflict severe damage within 20 feet, Morgan said. But as they travel, the pellets spread out and slow down. "The really controlling factor is the distance," he said.
(Alan C. Miller and James Gerstenzang "Cheney Shoots Fellow Hunter," Los Angeles Times, February 13, 2006)

Since Mr. Whittington's injuries were considerably more severe than originally reported, we are left with two possibilities: either all the experts who weighed in initially to claim that Whittington's reported injuries were consistent with a shot fired from 30 yards were lying (or simply mistaken), or the shot was actually fired from a much shorter
distance. And while it is not uncommon for the government and the media to trot out a series of scripted experts (consider, for example, all the 'experts' who have
'validated' various aspects of the official 9-11 story), that does not appear to be the case here. According to the gun owners and hunters that I have spoken with, Mr. Whittington's injuries as initially reported would have been consistent with a shot fired from 30 yards. His actual injuries, however, clearly are not, as was noted by
the International Herald Tribune:

Veteran hunters and shooting experts said Thursday that they still don't understand how the vice president injured his fellow hunting partner so badly if he was actually 30 yards away as Cheney says. "It just doesn't add up," said John Kelly, a quail hunter from New York with more than 36 years of experience. "With a shotgun, the pellets spread out the further you get, and for that many pellets to hit such a small part of
this man's body means that Mr. Cheney was far closer" than the 27-meter distance cited. (Ian Urbina "Cheney Account Questioned," International Herald Tribune, February 16, 2006)
Of course, Dave has a whole lot more to say about Cheney and his gun, and does so with a fair amount of wit, style and thoughtfulness. He even provides some photos of Cheney shooting a shotgun and a sort of 'mental musical prelude' for us to hum to ourselves as we read.

Cheney's got a gun
Cheney's got a gun
Harry's face has come undone
How's Karl gonna spin this one
What would Kate Armstrong do
If Cheney popped a cap in you?
Here's another excerpt:

(I realize that this story is now old news, because when the Vice President of the United States shoots someone in the face from close range with a shotgun, it's
only newsworthy for a few days at best. Even so, I didn't want to be the only irresponsible journalist in the country to fail to weigh in on this non-story.)
Now, no one is suggesting that Cheney did anything wrong here, or that this was anything other than an obviously accidental shooting. At least, no one in the media is suggesting any such thing, even though no one in law enforcement or the media has bothered to conduct any sort of a real investigation to verify the official version of events, and even though the official story is laced with very obvious lies and inconsistencies. It is a foregone conclusion, in this case, that taking such rudimentary steps as visiting the scene of the shooting, examining and testing the firearm used, or questioning witnesses (including the shooter and the victim) as soon as possible after the incident occurred, would just be a waste of everyone's time.

In this country, in case you haven't heard, we are all about "The Rule of Law." And The Rule of Law clearly states (Article 7; Paragraph 12): "No investigation shall be necessary when a man occupying one of the highest elected offices in the land shoots another man in the face with a shotgun under questionable circumstances, but a lengthy and costly investigation followed by Articles of Impeachment shall be mandated if someone occupying such an office receives a blowjob from an intern (though other, far more serious crimes committed by said blowjob recipient shall be ignored)." Paragraph 14 goes on to say that "Anyone suggesting that an investigation is in order shall receive a public flogging; if such suggestions persist, repeat offenders shall, under provisions of the USA Patriot Act, be subject to immediate arrest and imprisonment as suspected terrorists."

Though not readily acknowledged, The Rule of Law also states the following (Article 9; Paragraph 7): "Those dedicated public officials engaged in the noble pursuit of drafting and passing laws to regulate the behavior of the masses shall, at all times, be held above the law, while mere mortals shall be subject to warrantless searches, illegal surveillance, indefinite detentions without access to legal counsel, extra-judicial torture, and, at times, such as when attempting to de-board a plane in the state of Florida, summary execution."

So clearly Mr. Cheney was in no way criminally negligent in shooting Mr. Whittington, regardless of the circumstances. If it had been a commoner doing the shooting, then things would be different. [...]

To read the entire newsletter go to:
In my opinion, "Cheney's Got a Gun" is worth taking the time to read all the way through.

Lucy Wrote

"In my opinion, "Cheney's Got a Gun" is worth taking the time to read all the way through. "

Hi Lucy,

I agree. Great sense of humour as well.

Ruth said:
Why do I get the feeling that Bush may actually be scared of Cheney? Could this be some sort of subliminal message to Bush similar to the one given to him by the demise of the Space Shuttle Columbia over Texas (Palsestine to be exact)?
I agree that this incident is truely bizarre taken at face value. Discounting all that Cheney has done politically, does anyone want politcal leaders who go hunting and shoot humans they are hunting with?? Maybe it was a subtle mesaage to Bush...
Was trying to look up some information on Judge Harry, but instead found the following blog:-

Love the song and perhaps as the song suggest, it was 2 long time buddies falling out perhaps??
Ruth said:
Why do I get the feeling that Bush may actually be scared of Cheney?
Well, I'm afraid of Cheney. If Bush has any sense at all (and I'm not saying he does!) he is too!

Justin said:
I agree that this incident is truely bizarre taken at face value. Discounting all that Cheney has done politically, does anyone want politcal leaders who go hunting and shoot humans they are hunting with?? Maybe it was a subtle mesaage to Bush...
Or a subtle message to all of us? After all, the guy obviously loves to kill things, and isn't satisfied with doing it by proxy...he's a hands-on killer.

Just imagine-- if something should 'happen' to Bush, he's next in line for the throne.

Dave McGowan has released parts two and three of
Cheney's Got a Gun. Here are the links for
those who are interested:
Center for an Informed America

Cheney's Got a Gun: Part 2

Cheney's Got a Gun: Part 3
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