Meet Molly


Jedi Master
This is Molly our 16 week old Welsh Terrier puppy - been meaning to post a photo of her for a few weeks now,
but in a busy household with a young pup etc......anyway here she is,

Cute, fearless and stubborn in equal measures, and keeps us very busy!

Nice to meet you, Molly - she's so cute! Thanks for sharing, alphonse.
Now I don't really count myself as a naturally 'doggie' person, but Awww, that is so sweet!
she is sweet Alada, and I figured as I was losing so much hair these days we needed something to compensate!
always had a soft spot for terriers, congrats on your new family member
She is beautiful!

A friend of mine who raises Jack Russel terriers affectionately calls terriers the " the piranha of the dog world." :lol:

Hide your shoes! ;)
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