Medical Hoaxes



_ About 6 years work has gone into exposing the vaccination hoax, which is the main pillar of the Allopathic medical monopoly. Smallpox vaccination is the main pillar of that, and it killed millions directly and indirectly over 200 years.

Mind control, mostly information control, ignorance, is the main way they keep the gravy train rolling _


Administrative note: John23 apparently went through this thread deleting all his posts. This activity was only terminated by the deletion of his account by the Administrators. Nevertheless, much of what he wrote is preserved in the quoted sections responded to by other posters. This forum is not a place for spamming self-promotion, or chauvinistic soap-boxing. That is apparently why John was here, and once it was exposed as such, he tried to cover up his tracks.
john23, you are clearly on this forum to promote this whale website - all of your posts thus far have contained the link. Please do a search of the forum using the search function found at the top of the page, on all of the topics you have thus far introduced - they have all been discussed, and you may find some interesting information. While there is nothing wrong with introducing links to websites that may contain pertinent information, spamming one website over and over because one is intimately involved with it is not allowed on this forum.
Uhhm, I didn't ban anything or you wouldn't still be here. I was referring to the fact that initially you just posted the link to your website - then, when that was pointed out by another forum member, you added a few lines of text explaining why people should go to your website - that is the complete content of every single post of yours, until this latest rather out of control emotional rant - which is, in the context of this forum, spamming.

If you actually took the time to READ the forum, then you would realize that you are 'preaching to the choir'. There is quite a bit of information available here on this topic, and an active search for more - but, instead of building or adding to that, you just use the forum as a billboard for your own site. It's rather unfortunate, actually.
One of the first rules of "Nettiquette" is not to advertize your room/page/site/business (no matter what it consist of) in other forums. It's not considered rude because you're not selling something, it's considered rude in the same fashion that you go to someone else's house and invite all their company over to your house, without asking the homeowner.
hey dude, your site is admirable and well done for all the info
but not that you have been plain rude now you are being offensive

if you find this forum and community appealing its high time to stay quiet and familarize yourself with what is SOTT all about
john23 said:
You did ban me, and I had to get someone to ask for me to be put back on. You, or someone else, never even gave me a reason, and banned me even from reading the forum. I don't recall adding any text in that instance just the link, which is self explanatory. I got the e mail saying someone had replied but I couldn't even see what he said.
No, I didn't ban you - another moderator may have, and, quite frankly, at this point I tend to agree with their decision.

john2 said:
Why should I get emotional, I get over million hits a month, and I would get emotional about a 100 or so readers on this forum? I don't think so.
Your aggressive and increasingly inflammatory posts are indicative of an emotional center that is out of control - I'm assuming from your response here that you do not understand that. Let me put it this way - your getting angry and offended and ranting on and on is an emotional reaction - your taking offense and feeling attacked is an emotional reaction- do you understand? I'm very glad to hear you have 'over one million hits a month' - that's great - feel free to go and enjoy them on your site.

john23 said:
If you actually took time to READ my website you would realise it is 99.99% documents, just like a library, so why wouldn't I want to inform people about a library with the largest set of anti-vaccine documents, cancer industry documents, medical industry, and orgonite documents, to name a few subjects?

"One of the first rules of "Nettiquette" is not to advertize your room/page/site/business (no matter what it consist of) in other forums."
No one here said that you 'wouldn't want to' - you are legalistically nitpicking and being obnoxious.

john23 said:
I ahve been on a dozen forums and first one I have been on where anyone has complained about whale, as they know it is just a document source.
Great, then you have a dozen other places to go and behave in this completely unacceptable manner. If you intend to participate on this forum, you need to conduct yourself with some decorum and respect - at this point I doubt you are capable of that, but we shall see.
john23 said:
And you think I am a spammer for trying to get that message out to people!

If you can give me a reason as to why I would want to 'spamm' my website, then I am all ears, for I have been on usenet for 12 years, doing this and never been accused of spamming.
I'd say yes, you are a spammer. If people want to look for something that your site contains, they will find it one way or another. Why you have to actively go to some other forum and just post a link and small blurb from your site (which is spamming) I don't know. Maybe it's self-importance. Maybe you think what you have is so great that you just have to share it with everyone. Also, the more links to your website their are, the better your google rankings are, so you could be spamming us with your linked website for self-serving purposes as well.

The fact is you came here and did not read anything that has been posted before to see if maybe what you were saying has already been discussed. So you were only considering yourself. You apparently do not care if you are wasting the people's time on this forum.

You are posting noise. That is against the forum rules. I don't care how many other forums you've been on or how long you've posted on Usenet. None of that matters here. If you feel upset, then you should return to the comfy surroundings of those other sites which allow you to spam them.
Further, what would have been so difficult about saying, "hi, my name is John and I have research that I've compiled on my website, here at .............. I'd really like to hear your impression of it if you are interested in vaccines, autism, 'theories' developed from the work of Casteneda and so forth"?

You did not do that - and from your reaction to our explanations of this forum and how it works, it seems obvious that you did not do it because you do not care -you do not care about what is going on in this forum, you do not care about anything but yourself and your 'take' on things. Your self-importance also explains the out of proportion responses you've given thus far; one gets the impression that you are not told 'no' very often and you really hate it when you are told 'no' or given direction of any kind.

Apologies, but this forum exists for a very specific purpose - if you had taken the time to read and research it, you might have found quite a lot of familiar information and you may even have contributed and learned something - but - from your behavior thus far it is apparent that you are not here to learn - you are here to increase traffic on your web site and you expected to massage your own self-importance in doing so.

That is not what we are here for.
Alright John23, welcome to Signs of the Times :)

You said:
I don't sell anything except the truth.
Thing is though John, we've come to realise that this thing everybody calls 'the truth' is a bit trickier to nail down than any given seeker might initially realise. Though you said this in jest, your words accurately betray what you're doing: selling your ware, in this case your brand of truth, to the masses through the marketplace of ideas.

You said:
If you actually took time to READ my website you would realise it is 99.99% documents, just like a library, so why wouldn't I want to inform people about a library with the largest set of anti-vaccine documents, cancer industry documents, medical industry, and orgonite documents, to name a few subjects?
C'mon now! The above position isn't yours to take: you're in somebody else's abode.

I haven't read your website nor your research; my observations are just from your posts here so far. I have no reason to judge the quality of your work one way or another. But as you feel so strongly that it could potentially bring enormous insight to people, then please, be our guest and introduce yourself and your work :)
john23 said:
Spamm is a term for someone selling something and apart from the (very recent) public service of selling a bit of orgonite I don't sell anything except the truth. Hardly a reason to ban me and my website.

Spamming the truth?
If you took the time to think about this (approximately one minute is all that is required), you might ask yourself why you were deleted and banned. After asking that question, you might then realize that, due to the nature of our work, the material on our website, we are spammed to an unbelievable extent. We simply do not have the time or the manpower to check out every single spammer who appears on this forum posting links and no comments. As the rules say: don't spam, just don't. And spamming is defined as showing up, posting links with no comments or even the courtesy of an introduction. Such posts are deleted immediately and the poster banned.

john23 said:
I have spent 12 years of unpaid work taking apart vaccination and giving it away free on the internet, work that must save the lives and health of hundreds of children, thousands perhaps, from vaccine diseases such as autism, every year. No one else even comes close to the way I have shredded vaccination---how can you say 30 books on smallpox vaccination, on line, is spamming?
See above: spamming is defined as showing up, posting links with no comments or even the courtesy of an introduction. Such posts are deleted immediately and the poster banned.

john23 said:
And you just banned this information without even looking at it! A first for me, and some forum moderators hate my guts for being anti-vaccine but still allow me to post and put my point of view.
See above: due to the nature of our work, the material on our website, we are spammed to an unbelievable extent. We simply do not have the time or the manpower to check out every single spammer who appears on this forum posting links and no comments. As the rules say: don't spam, just don't. And spamming is defined as showing up, posting links with no comments or even the courtesy of an introduction. Such posts are deleted immediately and the poster banned.


john23 said:
And you think I am a spammer for trying to get that message out to people!

If you can give me a reason as to why I would want to 'spamm' my website, then I am all ears, for I have been on usenet for 12 years, doing this and never been accused of spamming.
You obviously have not spent ten or more years running a website with up to 20 K visitors a day, multiple discussion groups, online forum, etc., or you would have some idea of the problem of spammers and psy-ops. This isn't usenet. It is a forum created for a very specific purpose: to create an environment for the stimulation, development and then the alignment of objective consciousnesses as defined and described by Georges Gurdjieff.

We are not providing the forum for any other reason.

Certainly, many subjects are discussed here in that context, but we prefer that participants in this forum at least be familiar with Gurdjieff's Fourth Way work so that they can enter into the discussion with certain concepts already in place as well as the ability to utilize the tools that such work facilitates in the psyche.

You do not seem to be either familiar with the Work, as we refer to it, or the psychological platform. This is evident from your lack of external considering and focus on internal considering, i.e. your own subjective point of view. If you wish to become familiar with it, we have a reading list. If you wish to continue to participate in this forum, it will be necessary for you to avail yourself of that material and "get up to speed."

Otherwise, you will find yourself more comfortable on usenet.
Doesn't anything said to you hit home? Been there, done that, and got the tee-shirt. What you seem to be missing is that there are ways to go about doing what you do, and it doesn't have to include barging into someone else's "house" and rambling.

I think if you had taken the time to actually read the forum rules, and the required information, you would see that. Obviously it doesn't seem to matter to you what this forum is all about.

Please read the forum rules to avoid further problems.

Thank you, in advance, for your attention to this matter,
john23 said:
I have read a few books on the subject (Ouspensky being one), the fourth way was the use of psychedelics according to one I read by Robert De Ropp, Fakir first way, yoga , 'pill' , forgot the missing one. And that bears out as Leary said Gurdjieff's wonderful wisdom was to do with psychedelics, and he should know.
Strange...If Gurdjieff was into "psychedelics" (did you even bothered to check this "fact"?), what is the logic to write the following forum rule:
Forum rules said:
please don't post messages about your illegal pastimes and habits. Signs of the Times does not wish to appear to condone such practises, for reasons that should be pretty obvious if a little common sense is applied. If you do post such stuff, expect it to be deleted immediately.
But you probably didn't read forum rules as well, even if it was adviced to you several times.
This is really unfortunate for a truth seaker as yourself.
Does the info that you've collected on your site has the same level of "credibility"? Just wondering.
john23 said:
I have read a few books on the subject (Ouspensky being one), the fourth way was the use of psychedelics according to one I read by Robert De Ropp, Fakir first way, yoga , 'pill' , forgot the missing one. And that bears out as Leary said Gurdjieff's wonderful wisdom was to do with psychedelics, and he should know. I was a bit surprised to read that, I have to say, but one of the great Indian guys Patanjali, I think in his sutras, says Perfection can be obtained by 'herbs.' Not that I would want my children to use them, and I haven't for 10 years, apart from the odd spliff.
There's also evidence that Leary was a CIA counter-intelligence agent pushing the psychedelic psy-ops agenda, so it doesn't surprise me he tried to associate drug twaddle with Gurdjieff's work. I found this interesting link at the Gurdjieff International Review about a 'gift' from Tim Leary.

john23 said:
be nice to get there without the drugs, and I will, but I am too busy at the moment having fun annoying the tyrant and one of his heads know as the medical mafia. I am rather set on killing him at the moment hence my obsession on posting links re medicine. Just one of my tasks. I completed one when I made 6 or 3 about 15 years ago, I knew everything instantly and remember being scared I would be killed for knowing everything.
Then it sounds like your purpose is not the purpose of this forum. You may find it more rewarding to spend more time on others.

john23 said:
And I prefer the eclectic style of spirituality like the Twisted Hair Medicine society. Truth comes from many directions and I don't like to close off any direction through sticking with just one set of teachings. It is absolutely amazing to see people like scientolgists not even interested in knowledge like that. Which was why Krishnamurti advised against groups.
Again, it sounds like your purpose is not the purpose of this forum. You may find it more rewarding to spend more time on others.

john23 said:
I am not looking for anything except Truth, and my main aim is to bring Christ Consciousness onto the planet, which is 12, and that will also require giving the tyrant his marching orders, which orgonite seems to be doing with the assistance of the Operators. Then we can enjoy living in Eden without having to watch our backs.
It sounds like your purpose is not the purpose of this forum. You may find it more rewarding to spend more time on others.
john23 said:
I just don't have time to look into every forum, I just assumed they were the same as all the others, and my main aim is to get the message out about the medical genocide, so I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
We just don't have time to look into every link posted on this forum and assumed that it was spam like all the rest. Sorry if you were offended.

john23 said:
You could be right about my emotional centre, but I don't think so. I just get attacked on a daily basis by pharma people in numerous forums so I just went into the usual defence mode.
You could be right that our reaction was "rather hostile," but we don't think so. We get spammed on a daily basis to a level that is unbelievable. We just spot 'em and delete em in the usual way. Saves time and energy.

john23 said:
People try and bully me all the time to shut me up and to get an emotional response so they can have an excuse to block me from threads or forums, so I don't tend to get emotional any more.
We often get gangs of forum spammers that come and try to wear us out with spam, or try to see if we are sleeping. They will post the same message in multiple forums over and over again. For all we knew, that was what was happening, so we nipped it in the bud.

john23 said:
Banning me instantly from posting and reading the forum, without an explantion, was rather hostile I think. the sort of thing to elicit an emotional response, I would have thought.
We don't usually explain to bots or psychos. Waste of time and energy.

john23 said:
This is a diet and health section so I find it strange you don't want to know about the years of research I have done on medicine, or don't want to know about any interviews I have done on the assemblage point, very strange indeed.
Like we said, how can anyone know about any of that if there is nothing but a link. There are lots of bots and psychos that post links just to lure people to click them or to beef up their web presence. If you aren't aware of these tactics and how your own post would appear to be similar, you haven't been paying attention.

john23 said:
You seem to be into Gurdjieff, I was reading Leary and he said the source of his wisdom was psychedelics, is that true? Just something I have investigated awhile back, so I can believe that.
No, it isn't true.
john23 said:
If you have trouble with 'spammers' (more like trolls actually, spamm is financial incentive), then you need to tighten up your joining up process, don't make it automatic. One forum I am on is invitation only, another you need to be recommended.
The admins and mods of this forum keep the registration process that way so that legitimate seekers can join. By doing so, they open themselves up for attacks from spammers and trolls and have to spend a lot of time and efforts dealing with those. We can only thank them for their time and efforts.
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