
Has anything been posted here about the "world is growing" ???

If the earth is expanding, it would answer quite a few questions I think. I only just heard of this fellow (via his press release, below) and he sells his books at the Wide Margin website (also below). If this is true it's as big a conspiracy as 911, bigger actually, but I can find nothing much else on it at present. If anyone knows anything else (websites, etc) I'm curious.

One thing I'll say straight up: My guess is at the "highest echelons" somebody knows something because they are most certainly not worried about global warming in those precincts. This gives Richard Guy's theories a bit of a boot up from the git-go. Consider his press release:




NEW YORK, NEW YORK, Jun. 1 -/E-Wire/-- Does it not seem strange that the United States has withdrawn from signing the Kyoto Protocol.? Why the sudden about turn to abstain from signing? In the arena of international affairs that does appear odd?. What is making the United States turn its back on this particular United Nations treaty?. You can rest assured that there are motives over and beyond the actual reasons stated. All other U.N. member nations of the world, except four, have ratified the treaty. What secret or secrets do the United States hold? What secret is the United States holding back from the rest of the world. The United States has stated its reasons Is that the real reason? Wouldn't you like to know?

First of all the Kyoto protocol is concerned with environmental issues. Greenhouse emissions and global warming are the moot points. Because of global warming the forecast is that sea levels will rise in ensuing years to swamp low countries worldwide. Smaller nations and especially Island nations scrambled over each other in a panic to sign the treaty. They fear that in a few years their tiny island states would be inundated. Just how much of this is actually based on fact.? How much of this generated fear is contrived.? Let us look at what has been happening.

Information easily available on the internet tells us that global warming is a fact of life but not a function of greenhouse gasses or carbon emissions. The available information states quite clearly that if all the carbon emissions ceased immediately the earth will still continue to get hotter. The earth is generating its own internal heat. The United States knows this and that is not all it knows.? It is for this, and a lot of other reasons, that makes the US refuse to sign. So what does the United States know? Let us probe further.

The United States has lead the world in GPS technology. Every point on the Globe is crisscrossed by satellites which pinpoint coordinates with great accuracy. The horizontal and vertical coordinates can be measured in millimeters of accuracy. This is a fantastic achievement considering that these measurements are made by satellites hundreds of miles out in space. The GPS surveillance of earth has made the compass literally useless. What has America learned from GPS surveys that they are not telling the world. Is GPS really as accurate as it is reputed to be? Lets see.!

When the United States first started sending satellites up to establish GPS certain anomalies on the earths surface became apparent. Over the long period of development of the technology it was discovered that coordinates moved around on the earth They did not remain fixed. This discovery was made in the early days. At first it was interpreted that the horizontal movement of the continental plates were responsible for the shifting coordinates. This however turned out to be only a part of the mystery. More fascinating findings were to come. There was no pattern to the movement but they moved. Following up on this discovery further anomalies were observed. Not only did coordinates move horizontally but they moved vertically. Vertical coordinates, measured successively over time, were observed to be moving upward. Could the earths surface be rising? This development puzzle the technicians, they had to make sure.

This mysterious series of observations held earth shattering implications for what was to come. The data collected over successive years posed a scientific enigma. As the vertical coordinates rose in elevation on the earth's surface the vertical coordinates of sea level fell. This mystery demanded re-examination of a plethora of data. Previously collected data was , again, scrutinized and analyzed. The findings were classified for two reasons.

The first reason was that more time was needed to study the significance of the findings. The other was that if the data was correct Global Warming would be irrelevant.

It was discovered that sea level datum was not fixed as we had been made to believe. As long as could be remembered sea level datum was assumed to be a fixed reference point. All topographical elevations on earth are taken from Mean Sea Level Datum. That datum was never supposed to move. Now GPS had shown clearly that Mean Sea Level Datum was a myth. GPS revealed that sea level was falling constantly. Not only was it falling but from all indications, had been doing so for a very long time. What was now emerging from the data was clear images of successive ancient shorelines. These shoreline images showed in wavelike fashion how far inland seas had reached in bygone eras. They were amazed at the extent of the seas encroachment. Not only did the sea encroach inland in ages past. Old shorelines showed the heights reached by ancient seas covered all the continents..

This new information brought with it a million questions. The major question to be answered was. If, as had been clearly indicated, the seas were much higher and were still falling in level. What was the engine of displacement?. Where was all that water that once covered the major part of the earth.? Where had it all gone.? Why was sea level creeping mysteriously lower and lower. It had always been assumed to be a fixed datum.?

So why have we never heard anything about all these amazing discoveries. Why no announcements of these colossal findings. The reason is simple. As more and more data came in and was analyzed more earth shattering revelations came. All that we believed we knew or for that matter perceived we knew was being disproved by GPS. The constant change in the vertical coordinates of land and sea elevations meant only one thing. It could not be denied, the data did not lie.

It was obvious that the earth was expanding. The conclusion was that the fall and retreat of seas from shorelines worldwide was a direct result of that expansion. The vertical rise of the earth coordinates indicated expansion. The vertical fall of sea levels indicated the outfall of the expansion process.

Now how were they to announce that planet earth was expanding. They definitely could not. Not at that moment, Not at that time. The multiple discoveries were stupendous. All of a sudden they were assailed by all this new information which conflicted with all that had been known, and or, taught before. In one way scientists had painted themselves into a corner. In another way the information they now possessed had tremendous implications for all sciences. Serious consideration had to be given to the information overload.


Richard Guy



Richard Guy

interesting. a few points:

Does it not seem strange that the United States has withdrawn from signing the Kyoto Protocol.?
No. The people making these decisions do not care. They are not even slightly bothered about the prospect of a barren earth, where human existance becomes more and more precarious. A future for their children? No. Empathy for another human being is not even on their radar. This is the world of the pathocrat.

The idea that global warming is not a problem just because rising sea levels may not be a threat. Well that is just ridiculous simple minded ignorance - global warming is part of a huge ecological problem regarding rapidly changing environments, chemical polution, and mass extinctions of huge numbers of species - basically a rapid collapse of large chunks of the food chain, and widespead toxification of what is left. It is most certainly NOT just about the danger of flooding for coastal areas.

I don't buy the idea of not releasing information because "the people aren't ready for it". If any suppression of information goes on, then you can bet it is because those holding the secrets wish to maintain some kind advantage over others by having knowledge that no one else has.

"We must save the population from Information overload" ? paramoralistic bullsh*t.

So, given all that, I wonder if the writer of the quoted article either does NOT have a clear idea of what is going on in the real world, or they DO have a clear idea and wish to obscure it. Either way, it is a problem. Trouble is, that doesn't necessarily make the overall premise of the article false (truth mixed with lies, and all that), but it does bring it into question. And when you make an extravagant claim, then it needs be extravagantly well backed.
I don't know hot to approach this ... so many things you say franzjoseph ar just wrong. I know without a doubt that there is more to this world than I know, and in your story you point out that the earth is growing ... okay perhaps there is a gas build-up caused by the core - I wouldn't know, but then you say that it has something to do with why the U.S. didn't sign the newest form of the kyoto agreement ... but you never adressed why ... as for the sea level being fixed no-body ever assumed that (no body EVER has) ... but you never follow up on your assumptions, I can only see a fragment of a thought process that you believe, and you seem to believe it on faith alone ... What would any of this do with why the U.S. didn't sign the kyoto agreement? Would any of this have anything to do with why the U.S. won't sign the non-prolification agreement - (regarding nuclear weaponry) - screw whatever the gov says - look around carefully - you'll see that we are the number one producer of "dirty" weaponry - look at our programs regarding the use of depleted uranium - shruggs - so what if depleted uranium is heavier and has more penetrating power than lead ... it is still radioactive ... it is poison - do you see that? Heavy metal poisoning is one thing - radiocative toxins are worse ... what planet do you come from franzjoseph? I'm a fool - without doubt and I can see the flaws in what you said ... so tell us why with reason why you think the U.S. didn't sign the kyoto accord ... and who is richard guy - has anyone heard of him? As far as your statement about the compass ... well, the north pole is still very close to 11 degress off (where I live) and a gyro-compass would still be on. My whole life, okay more accuratly since I was three it was 11 degress off (when I became aware of such things) ... you know franz some of us live in places where that kind of knowledge matters - laughs think about boat people, like what I descend from - you need to know time, direction, the flow of the water and the wind - cause if you don't you'll end up miles off course in the fog ...
so no it does not seem weird the u.s. has withdrawn from the kyoto agreement or the non-prolification agreement ... what seems weird is that you bring this up like we should expect it to be true, for reason that are hidden in vague reasons and then ... then don't bother to back up what you say ... look if it is true what you say about the earth growing - that would be kinda cool - it would force me to redefine reality ... but you didn't back that up (and hinted at evidence that was dead wrong) and only seemed to wander aimlessly in what you said, there was neither reason or depth of feeling to what you said and it only struck me as confusing foolishness ... I don't mean to be cruel to what you said, but look at what you said ... As I take what you said - well /// hey back up your jazz - or keep it to yourself
highmystica said:
I don't know hot to approach this ... so many things you say franzjoseph ar just wrong.
Not what "I say" -- my comments above the press release were asking if anyone has heard more about this theory. It's new to me.

sleepyvinny said:
I wonder if the writer of the quoted article either does NOT have a clear idea of what is going on in the real world, or they DO have a clear idea and wish to obscure it. Either way, it is a problem. Trouble is, that doesn't necessarily make the overall premise of the article false (truth mixed with lies, and all that), but it does bring it into question. And when you make an extravagant claim, then it needs be extravagantly well backed.
That was my first impusle, that parts of it could be true. The GPS issue would be one thing to address here, but other nations would be aware of any, uh... well, major expansion. I've read lots on the net; plenty of articles will start with some provocative information then the disinfo creeps in and I know I've been sucked in again.

The fellow's website is entirely devoted to selling his books, so unless you part with around $20, no more information is forthcoming. If he were to write an expanded article showing how some of these things connect he might be more convincing; conversely go the National Enquirer route and say "GPS SHOWS EARTH EXPANDING" then come up with an explanation as to how a planet would suddenly inflate.

This could be a joke. I was in the Navy and I heard worse.
CarpeDiem said:
I'm putting translation of Theoretic geography of Votyakov & Votyakov (father and son) on other thread here (chapter by chapter as I'm done with translation). I should have used more appropriate name of the topic than "Nothing serious, just an iquest game"!! It's all the other way but unserious.
Thank you for alerting me to that thread, CarpeDiem! Seeing Figure 7 (my Great Lakes hometown on the Equator) just made my night!

This part I have some familiarity with:

CarpeDiem said:
It appears that litosphere of the Earth is displaced periodically as a single unit relatively to an axis of rotation because on its two platforms (Greenland and Antarctica) ice cap increases steadily and thus formed ice "dumbbell" tends to occupy position perpendicular to axis of rotation under action of centrifugal forces. Since invention of a centrifugal regulator by James Watton, and he received patent for this invention in 1784, each mechanic, each person who has studied at least 6 classes at school, should be horrified only by one sight at the globe: on the rotating Earth it appears there are two platforms on which the snow does not thaw, turning to ice. Every year the weight of ice increases in 300 billion tons. But Earth is the same centrifugal regulator! Our planet is unstable, as soon as the weight of ice will exceed the certain size, catastrophy will happen, great Flood in which all of us will die!
Actually I believe that debate also took place when Charles Hapgood expected a planetary off balance wobble-becoming-disasterous for the same reason. He compared it to putting a heavy object in a spin dryer and speeding it up, the resultant imbalance ultimately destroying the machine. Hapgood felt the pack ice at the N pole getting thicker would do the job all by itself, if memory serves.

Coincidence: Hapgood was writing all this while we in the Navy were mapping the bottom of the Black Sea, finding out about another catastrophe, the Great Flood of 5600 BC.
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