Keith Knox and UFOs


A Disturbance in the Force
This is only mt second post here,I have been following SOTT very closely for over a year
and have alot of respect for the info on this site.
And to Laura ,Hats off for the most inspiring
honest, site I have 6 years of surfing.
Thank you

I noticed this offhanded comment, that may be of interest.
The way the comment is made, leads me to believe, it is not an attempt to mislead

At 26:15 in video clip
The speaker refers to Keith Knox
One of the men that developed the multi spectrum analyses method,
to reveal hidden text, in an old book.

He states Keith Knox is now at the Boing maui
“He spends most of his time looking at small objects in the sky that
“we can not talk about”

My thought this could be incoming objects? Or chemtrails?

I’m thinking that this could be a small piece, that leads to learning more important things..

Here is the link


Good Day
Rob B.
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