Just impressed to share these thoughts today

Al Today

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The morning drive to work, at first takes an eastern path, then heads north, northwest. In going towards the east, there is this big gully, dip in the road, because of a large creek at it’s bottom, a river tributary, the car goes down into and then up, and lo, facing right up into the sun. Seemed like a launch pad directly to good ole Sol. Needles to say, the sky is clear and the sun was brightly shining. Not a cloud in the sky. Ever accidentally stare directly into the sun? Maybe just me, but as a child playing outside, baseball or something, I would catch myself looking directly at the sun. Accidentally, but mesmerizing yes? But in looking at the sun, I’ve ALWAYS seen a vortex like thingy. The sun seems to spin like a pinwheel. Anyone else see that? Well anyway, in having the sunlight slap me in the face, giving me an afterglow, like a photoflash gives ya blue dots that stay in your vision for a while and slowly fade away. I couldn’t help but think how WHITE the sun appears. The color white, not golden like a childhood drawing. Not like pictures/drawings a few years back. Not like I remember… I don’t know if my mind/perceptions messing with me, but the sun just doesn’t look as “gold” as I remember as a child. And it’s not just today I feel this. I have wondered this for some time. I have only my recollections to rely on, and of course they can be wrong.!.!.! So what’s a guy to do? Anyway, all this zipped through my mind when I thought of my grandmother. She was in her upper 80’s way back in the 1960’s. She told me many, many times that when the sky turns WHITE the end will be near. I remember trying to remember what the sun/sky looks like when she told me. I wanted to remember the sky, the sun, the colors. Weird eh? And even back in the 60’s, I’m sure she had no thoughts of bar codes, or RFID implants, but she used to tell me that to live on this BBM, you will have to have the number of the beast under your skin. Maybe she was thinking of a tattoo, but that’s another story…
Anyone have scientific evidence as to atmospheric reasons the sky & sun appear whiter to me and my perception is hosed up, please let me hear. Thank you very much
there was a thread about perceived increase in sunlight some time ago:


all i can say is that sun seems to shine much more intensely than 2-3 years ago. there are days when (clear) sky appears very bright, almost silver. often i get impression of sunlight literally washing my skin.

i also hear people complaining about sun's brightness making difficult to drive.
lostinself said:
all i can say is that sun seems to shine much more intensely than 2-3 years ago. there are days when (clear) sky appears very bright, almost silver. often i get impression of sunlight literally washing my skin.

i also hear people complaining about sun's brightness making difficult to drive.
Well, I have to agree with this observation. Many people here, including myself noted that sunlight intensity increased significantly during the last years.
Although “Is earth axis of rotation started changing ?” is interesting, I don’t think this thread addresses the change of color. In February 15, 2001, NASA came out with the following article: _http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast15feb_1.htm.
You can't tell by looking, but scientists say the Sun has just undergone an important change. Our star's magnetic field has flipped. The Sun's magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south.
Oh they said you can’t tell by looking, but scientists haven’t been correct all the time ya know. It’s an occupational hazard, not being correct that is.

And then there is this United Nations article: _http://www.gcrio.org/ozone/ozoneFAQs.html#b where they said:
How strong is the evidence that UV-B radiation causes skin cancer in humans?
The evidence is strong. The earliest experimental evidence that UV-B radiation causes skin cancer was acquired with animals; in humans there was a clear association between sun exposure and skin cancer, but that did not point specifically to UV-B. In recent years the advancement of molecular biology has provided us with analyses that produce direct evidence that genetic alterations found in human skin carcinomas are indeed caused by UV-B radiation.
And this: _http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Sun4spec.htm
Isaac Newton showed that not only can a triangular prism separate a beam of sunlight into rainbow colors (that had already been known), but also that, when a second prism brings the different colors together again, white light is once more obtained. Therefore white light is a combination of all the rainbow colors, and the prism separates its colors because the angle by which a beam of light is bent, when it enters glass, differs from one color to the next.
[For the same reason, a simple glass lens brings different colors to a focus at different distances. In Newton's time, if an astronomer focused a telescope to give (say) a sharp yellow image of a star, that image would be surrounded by unfocused patches of red and green. Newton thought the problem was insoluble, and proceeded to invent a new kind of telescope, based not on lenses but on concave mirrors, which reflect all colors equally. In later times optics were created which focused all colors together, using a combination of several lenses made of different kinds of glass, and these are nowadays found in cameras, projectors and small telescopes. However, all big modern telescopes follow Newton's idea and use mirrors.]
Perceived Color
Even with the rainbow explained, the puzzle of color still baffled scientists. The riddle was solved around 1860 by James Clerk Maxwell (pictured on the left), the brilliant Scottish physicist who also gave us the basic equations of electricity, the ones that predicted electromagnetic waves (see Section S-5). Maxwell showed, while still a student, that two kinds of color existed, depending on whether it was perceived by an instrument or by the human eye:
1. "Spectral color," i.e. the colors of the rainbow and their combinations. The amount which each part of the rainbow spectrum contributes to a beam of light can be determined by splitting the beam with a prism.
2. "Perceived color" reported by the human eye to the brain.
An instrument using prisms ("spectrograph") will reveal that the human eye can be fooled: different combinations of rainbow colors may look the same to the eye.
I haven't found a real/serious/scientific comparison of the sun "spectrograph" between, oh let's say the 1960's compared to today.
I cannot find any evidence that the sun has changed, only my perceptions from childhood persist.
Well, I've noticed that the sun seems to have changed. I don't know if it is the sun, or if it is the atmosphere that the light/heat passes through.

When I was a kid, growing up in FL, it did get HOT! This is going to sound nuts, but I don't think the heat was the same as it was when I was there last in 2002/03. And the sunlight here, at a much more northern latitude, almost burns your skin within a few minutes. I don't necessarily mean a sunburn, but the actual feeling of burning.

Finally, I agree that the sun LOOKS different than it did when I was younger.

I remember that it was back in the 80s when I really started to notice that the weather was becoming very odd. Well, it was odd as far as anything I could remember, but maybe it is just part of normal cycles. Storms were more severe, lightning more violent, and I started seeing some of the strangest clouds!

So, no doubt in my mind that weird things are going on in the sky, but the 64000 $ question is: what is causing it?

There was an article on sott today: International Mission Studying Sun to Conclude , that said

Ulysses ends its career after revealing that the magnetic field emanating from the sun's poles is much weaker than previously observed. This could mean the upcoming solar maximum period will be less intense than in recent history. [...]

Ulysses also studied dust flowing into our solar system from deep space, and showed it was 30 times more abundant than astronomers suspected.
The dust thing goes along with what Victor Clube predicted. Ya'll might want to read "Cosmic Serpent" and "Cosmic Winter."
I find that things tend to be "overexposed" now, moreso than when I was young. Instead of a golden glow on things caught in the sunlight, its more like a white "bleach" effect that takes away all shading.

I looked at the sun a few times when I was younger... I wouldn't do it now :) but it did seem a lot easier to do it back then.
I also started to notice this about the sun back when I was working at a pub in my late teens, around 1999-2000. I would basically walk out of my house reayd for an afternoon shift at 1:30pm in the dya, and if I wasn't wearing shades, the sun would often be so bright that my eyes would water with the intensity of the light, especially when reflected from white and light surfaces.

I used to talk to a few friedns and barflies about this, and we all agreed that the sun had started to turn form a typical yellow warm star in the sky that we were all used to, to a searing white hot star.

This also ties in a little to something I remember listening to on an interview with Cliff from the HalfPastHuman site and webbot work. In one of his few interviews with he host of the Mysteries of the Mind site, he explained that he picked up all sorts of interesting data from the spider-bot runs, and that one thing he was picking up from the scientific and astrological community was the chnaging composition of our sun from a Yellow Hyrdogen burning star, to a light-blueish-white Helium burning star. I don't admittedly have any data to back this up, and don't understand enough about plasma dynamics and astro-physics to know whether this is alikely hypothesis, but it could go some way to explaining what we are seeing.

The following is just an idea, and likely just noise, but the thought has occured to me more than once, so I thought it might be at least worth sharing just to see if I sound as crazy as I think I do.

Regarding what Laura has mentioned about the dust arriving in our solar system, and the visible hange in our suns's output of light/radiation, I just had an interesting thought come to mind. I rember the C's in the transcripts have on a few occasions mentioned anyone who may survive the next few yers of comets and catasrophes, may be waking into a world with a blood red sky, likely due to comet dust and volcanic dust I would guess. Now it seems possible that the sun is changing into a searing hot helium star? Or possibly due to other factors such as a decreased magnetosphere or other atmosopheric changes, the sun simply may seem to be becoming hotter and more dangerous to be exposed too for long periods. with this in mind could it be possible that of our sun's solar minimums may still be just as hot, if not hotter than any of the solar maximums experienced? Im not sure and don't have enough knowledge to hypothesise either way, but maybe it's a possibility. What Im getting at, is that if our sun is becoming hotter, and more searing painful to withstand during daylight hours, maybe the coming dust in would be the universes natural way of shielding those left over on the BBM from the changing intensity of the suns rays, as a sort of natural cyclical defense mechanism allowing the human race to still carry on and sparring the earth from the increased radiation and heat.

Another thought I had whilst contemplating this, is that if the sun has(as has been phyothesised by the Cliff Webbott) changed from a Hyrodgen burning star to a helium burning star, I would guess there would be a change in energy frequency being radiated by the sun. This could in turn be one of the drivers of the climate change we are seeing in many the planets of the solar system inlcuding ours, and just another part of the cyclical changes taking place in our solar systems cycle (additional to the new/old or different energies that could be coming into our solar systems experiential cycle from other palces as well).
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