Is it really that much worse in the US?

Well guys, thank you, I think you've just helped me identify a program. I feel exactly the same way as Brent. It's home, there's something we can do for it, I must defend it, it can be saved. But I guess that's just "love_your_county.exe" running again because I find it odd that Brent just described what I was thinking perfectly when I wrote the post. It seems I have this subconcious desire to "save" things. Greycat's remark about us who have never left is also very interesting. I know what people are talking about when they refer to the "Scrambling Effect." I went to FSU recently, and I swear, I felt as dumb as a rock. I'd be suprised if I knew what the square root of 81 was that day. It was kind of embarrassing because this physics professor thought I was an idiot. Anyway, I'm getting off the point, the fact that Brent read my mind, and that the homeboys are kinda wishy-washy on the subject, makes me very suspicious that what I said earlier was somewhat programmed. And if the scrambler is scrambling everyone in this country, it makes me curious what I would be capable of when I am outside its range.

Interestingly enough, I have been looking for the chance to go to China, so maybe I'll discover more there. There has to be many things of occult significance there, I might find something useful.

Beau- by defending your destiny I meant that you must defend who you are. If you are threatened then you must defend yourself in some way. I don't believe you know the future per se, but you know your path which has been laid out in 5th density. That is what I call destiny. It is a plan, you can choose to follow it or not.
I lived in China for around a year. I learned the language and traveled around quite a bit. It's a fun place and quite cheap to travel about. I reccomend Yunnan province. It's highly rural. You can still see farmers with horse drawn carts on the streets (though they are often blasted past by buses full of chain smoking townies...). It will certainly give you a different perspective on where your from if you travel in China. I reccomend learning the basics of the language as KNOWONE speaks english. Or, at least, very small amounts of people actually speak english in the rural areas. Learn your numbers (they will try to rip you off, yes they will.) and how to order food and ask for the bathroom. It will make all the difference in the world...
Happy travels!
Neil said:
Well guys, thank you, I think you've just helped me identify a program. I feel exactly the same way as Brent. It's home, there's something we can do for it, I must defend it, it can be saved.
Home is where you make it! There is no "it", the people matter, the illusory national dividing lines that treat countries as individuated entities in and of themselves are just silly and don't matter at all. Don't think of US as an entity, think of it in terms of the people the occupy it, focus on the people not the flag or the name or the national borders that "define" it - the people define it! I don't care about defending the US - there is no US, only the people. If next year they decide to change the name of the country, so what? If they decide to do away with the flag entirely and make a new one, so what? But can you imagine how many "patriots" would be up in arms about this? Of course, their "allegiance" is to the FLAG of the USoM as they recited the "pledge of allegiance" every day in their schools which says "TO THE FLAG" in the most absurd way! Their allegiance is to this huge chunk of land and the symbols (read: idols), not to the people as it "should" be.

But I guess that's just "love_your_county.exe" running again
Run Love_People.exe instead because love_your_country.exe is a virus. You're right, the only way to keep your country is to defend it because it is defenseless - but only if you follow the logic of country being a flag/piece of land/government. But if you run Love_People.exe you know that people are not defenseless if they choose not to be, they do not NEED you to save them - they are just as capable as you are! Sure they can use help, we all can, but ultimately you're not their keeper, no one is anyone else's keeper in a free will universe. Sometimes the only way to build up a defense is to get burned. You can scream "FIRE" all you want but it's not your job to yank people out of fire. I guess it comes down to the point: lessons. We're not here to survive, that's not important since our lives are so short anyway, who cares if we live 5 years, 10, or 80? It's a tiny amount of time in all cases. But what's impotant is what we learn in the time we're here. So I guess if you look at it that way then you might do your best to learn and share your knowledge with those who ask, but not necessarily focus on the physical "survival" part any more than is healthy, osit. And by "healthy" I mean like, don't let it become your FOCUS, care about survival only to the extent of your usefulness to the greater goal - that of lessons and helping others learn. But if the goal of survival starts taking away from the other goal, then maybe one needs to seriously consider what the point is.

It seems I have this subconcious desire to "save" things.
Me too, and because of this I was suckered into the "Space Brothers are coming here to save us" shtick. In the absense of critical thinking, I assumed "saving is good" and so "good guys save", period. But remember, everything in nature has to die, everything has to suffer, it's just how the universe works. Saving something is just postponing its inevitable suffering/death and depriving it of valuable lessons in many cases (the devil being in the details). So just like you don't go saving the bunny population from being eaten by the wolves, neither should you "fight for your country". Shine the light on the door, and those who want salvation will save themselves by LEARNING, not by relying on a "savior". Doesn't mean we shouldn' work together, but I guess the line is drawn where we start doing for others what is in fact their responsibility, because in this way we deprive them of free will and of lessons.

And if the scrambler is scrambling everyone in this country, it makes me curious what I would be capable of when I am outside its range.
I often experience similar "dumbness" when in company of a psychopath. I cannot argue with those people, I might even forget my own name - nevermind remember evidence/data that might contradict what they're saying. But not even psychopaths, whenever I encounter someone with a total absolute certainty in some belief like "our government wouldn't do that" I have difficulty presenting any contrary evidence to them - it's like their certainty of their position hurts ME just by being near them. It's like they emit this aura of "Don't you DARE say something that might contradict my dearly held belief or I'll explode!" and it's like something in me just complies and does not - just leaves them to their belief. Usually psychopaths are absolutely certain of their deviant reasoning and it makes me wanna not even attempt to convince them otherwise, to the point of making me incapable of thinking a coherent argument to even bring up so I just don't even bother. It's weird, but it's a powerful effect that made me look real stupid in many occasions, and I felt real stupid for not being able to remember vital evidence to support my statements.

Beau- by defending your destiny I meant that you must defend who you are.
But how can "who you are" be threatened? Nevermind that "who you are" is still on the drawing board for most of us :P
If you are threatened then you must defend yourself
Sometimes defending yourself means "getting out of dodge".

I don't believe you know the future per se, but you know your path which has been laid out in 5th density.
How do you know what path has been laid out for you in 5th density? Isn't that equivalent to knowing your own destiny, which as far as I know, none of us do?
It is a plan, you can choose to follow it or not.
Yeah but you cannot intentionally follow it because you're not privy to its contents. You can only hope that if you do what feels "right" in each moment and follow your intuition and use your knowledge/experience along the way, that you'll do whatever you're here to do. But you cannot really know any more than that, osit. So you cannot say "leaving this country" or "staying in this country" is or is not against some higher plan, since you have no way of knowing this without knowing the plan, osit.
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