Insightful dream or just rubbish?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Last night's dream had lots of elements of the C's descriptions of 4D. They were rather mundane things to do with proceeding through an afternoon's activities with different perceptions of time, space/distance, a removal from the concerns of routine and routine obligations, and where new situations and sensations were startling only for a brief second.

However, the over-arching impression from all this was utterly different, entirely mental, and having nothing, apparently, to do with the dream scenes. It was that the United States had to go through some strange period of "legal limbo" that involved suspension of the usual workings of law and the government. The purpose of this limbo period was so that, behind the scenes, legal changes could be made that allowed the United States to emerge as part of a world state (or nearly the world), a one-world government with a decidedly negative sensation of less freedom for all. I got the impression that such a period was necessary to acclimate the public in very rapid fashion to the idea that the world as they knew it had suddenly changed forever.

Since I'd received such bold and clear impressions of neither of these concepts in a remembered dream before, I thought I'd mention it. It didn't come across as the usual "dream rubbish" that makes little sense to the conscious mind.
I'd say it was a higly insightful dream and an interesting juxtaposition of the imagery and sensory elements of 4D non-attachment in the dream with the decidely mental impression or intuitive knowing that was receiving information of a very plausible NWO agenda. Perhaps one state allowed for the other. Was your impression one of disassociation or was the primary sensation one of integration which upon awakening and analysis you found curious?
There was no disassociation with the dream scenes. There is logical disassociation between the dream scenes and the mental impression of a fulfilled NWO agenda, and that's what was curious.
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