I'm a foot soldier in the War on Health


The Living Force
In the last few weeks I've had my mind blown by some reading I've been doing on the topic of health. What got me to dig a little deeper was this swine flu business. Many questions ran through my mind. Where did it come from? What is the pathophysiology behind infection? What exactly are viruses anyway? etc., etc. I've since tripped and fallen deep into the rabbit hole but I'll try to keep this concise and share the highlights.
I came across this information in the "swine flu epidemic thread
An interview with Dr. Stephen Lanka is quoted in which he says that :

in the case of diseases, neither in the diseased organism nor in a bodily fluid has any structure which you could characterize as a virus ever been seen or isolated. The proposition that there is any illness-causing virus whatsoever is a transparent swindle, a fatal lie with dramatic consequences." and "What, was reconstructed genetically is nothing else than a model of the genetic substance of an influenza virus. An influenza virus has never been isolated. A genetic substance of an influenza virus has never been isolated either. All that has been done is multiplying gene substance by means of the biochemical multiplication method “polymerase chain reaction” [PCR]. With this method it also is possible to arbitrarily multiply new, never earlier existing, short pieces of gene substance."

Okay, so if viruses don't really exist what are people becoming ill from??

This lead me to do some reading on the Germ Theory vs Cellular Theory of disease. Germ theory -- postulated by that nutcase, Louis Pasteur -- says that species of external microbes invade the body and cause disease. A specific germ causes a specific disease. On the other hand Cellular theory, proposed by Antoine Bechamp, has other things to say. From http://www.laleva.org/eng/2004/05/louis_pasteur_vs_antoine_bchamp_and_the_germ_theory_of_disease_causation_1.html

We do not catch diseases. We build them. We have to eat, drink, think, and feel them into existence. We work hard at developing our diseases. We must work just as hard at restoring health. The presence of germs does not constitute the presence of a disease. Bacteria are scavengers of nature...they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells. Germs or microbes flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. They are just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on it. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant! You always see firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn't mean they caused the fire.

This article also introduced me to the concepts of pleomorphism (microorganisms can take on many forms; bacteria can morph into yeast, yeast to fungus, fungus to mold) and monomorphism (microbes are fixed and unchanging). It is an imbalanced biological terrain or dis-ease that causes symptoms of illness by making our own natural microbes morph, multiply and excrete excessive wastes or toxins which make us sick. Why do we become ill? (From the above article)

A healthy or diseased biological terrain is determined primarily by four things: its acid/alkaline balance (pH); its electric/magnetic charge (negative or positive); its level of poisoning (toxicity); and its
nutritional status."

How do we become healthy? By restoring balance which will lead to less availability of dead tissues for microbes to feed on. The dis-ease comes first, then the microbes. Then I read more about vaccines, which in the last couple of years I've come to realize are nothing but poison, and how they're made. Jenner first "inoculated" people with pus from the running sores of cows in order to protect them from smallpox. Gross!. Today, chick embryos, hamster ovaries, bovine blood, dog kidney cells etc. are used to grow "vaccines" and are topped off with antibiotics, MSG and heavy metals to boot.
So, what causes an outbreak of the "flu" (a name given to a collection of symptoms which include nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, fever, muscle aches, anorexia, headache, cough)? Ingesting toxins from food and the environment, dirty water through poor sanitation -- historically, outbreaks cease when these factors are improved -- coupled with a compromised immune system due to internal imbalance. It seems to me that these symptoms appear in a population, the medical authorities step in and declare that a "virus" (flu, yellow fever, polio etc.) is responsible and the medical interventions (pills, vaccinations) begin which only makes things worse because they interfere with our body's natural healing abilities (if not already compromised) and throw us even further into imbalance due to their toxicity hence, creating a vicious cycle.
Then I thought I should read a bit more on who is responsible for these crimes. Which led to further reading on the nature of the medical establishment, most notably the AMA or American Medical Association. A gang of greedy criminals who've monopolized the health system and despite their oath to first, do no harm seem to have done little else. An MD's "expert witness" testimony in court is nearly impossible to challenge due to the punishment members face by testifying against a colleague. They have to power to accredit medical schools and revoke licenses and work hand in hand with the pharmaceutical industry to eradicate health and from what I know they are they only profession that can force treatment against your will.
Have a look at The Medical Voodoo http://www.soilandhealth.org/copyform.aspx?bookcode=030322
Medical Chaos and crime http://www.archive.org/stream/medicalchaoscrim00barnuoft/medicalchaoscrim00barnuoft_djvu.txt
and The Solid Gold Stethoscope by Edgar Berman, MD (note: this MD was active in population control. This books gives a psychopath's, OSIT, view of the medical profession. It is allegedly supposed to be a "satire"). I'm also in the middle of reading The Medical Trust Unmasked by John Spivak.

Okay, so this brings me to the title of this post and why I consider my mind to have been blown by this information. I'm a registered nurse working on a geriatric psychiatry unit. (I used to work on a medical/surgical floor.) I clearly recall my coursework pushing the germ theory of disease (a lie), the efficacy of vaccines (more lies) and the sacred cow that medications are essential to improve health (even more lies). Half of our census at any give time consists of patients with dementia, others are schizophrenic, bipolar, depressed etc. All of them have medical problems as well (hypertension, heart disease, COPD, diabetes, thyroid disorder, arthritis and opportunistic infections to name but a few). I've seen first hand the ramifications of a lifetime of toxicity. MRI's showing brain loss, people who can show no emotion, old women so mentally distraught they scream all day, old men who beg you to shoot them, patients slapping themselves in the face, pounding on their chests, angry and cursing and crying , no control over their bowels, sleeping all day and up all night, hallucinations and agitation. The pain that their families are enduring. It's heartbreaking.
I can no longer claim ignorance. Now that I've come to know what I know I CANNOT, in good conscience, continue on in this profession where symptoms and their suppression are the focus and everything else is ignored. I've long since stopped offering vaccines but that's not good enough. I also give toxic medicines. Essentially, I'm one of the poisoners and I'm so wracked with shame and guilt I can think of little else. I feel like screaming at the injustice of the harm brought to these patients, harm that I've contributed to. I don't want to hurt anyone. I want to truly help people become well. True health comes from optimal nutrition and supplementation along with regular exercise and detoxification as well as the absolute avoidance of allopathic medicine.
Leaving will cause some hardship as I am my only means of support but I cannot reconcile what I'm learning and the person I want to be with what I get paid to do.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

(P.S. I'm well aware that not all medical professionals intend to harm. I am but one of the victims of this brainwashing.)
Hi chachachick,

I was once going to become a doctor and was taking university pre-med courses in the early sixties, and beginning to consider to which medical schools I should make application. But something was naggingly uncomfortable with me about pursuing a career in medicine, though I was conditioned to think that becoming a doctor was the best possible use of my life. This was long before any conscious awakening to objective realities. As has often happened in my life, other options appeared and I walked away from a career in conventional medicine. In looking back, I have no regrets over that decision.

Your post is an excellent example of an arising conscience breaking the bonds of past conditioning. Bravo!

chachachick said:
I can no longer claim ignorance. Now that I've come to know what I know I CANNOT, in good conscience, continue on in this profession where symptoms and their suppression are the focus and everything else is ignored. I've long since stopped offering vaccines but that's not good enough. I also give toxic medicines. Essentially, I'm one of the poisoners and I'm so wracked with shame and guilt I can think of little else. I feel like screaming at the injustice of the harm brought to these patients, harm that I've contributed to. I don't want to hurt anyone. I want to truly help people become well. True health comes from optimal nutrition and supplementation along with regular exercise and detoxification as well as the absolute avoidance of allopathic medicine.
Leaving will cause some hardship as I am my only means of support but I cannot reconcile what I'm learning and the person I want to be with what I get paid to do.

Back in '98 the Cs made an observation that I later took to heart. For me, I found that it was spot on. In I 2000 undertook a path that involved alternatives to allopathic chemical symptom treating. As soon as I applied energy to this project, step by step the doors all opened and I have progressed much further than I could have ever imagined - and more than just the material plane... and I really enjoy the work.

[quote author=Cassiopaea]A: Losing is gaining if viewed in proper perspective. What is
more important to you? Your quest, or the material bonds
that have always objected or obstructed anyway? When one
is on the right pathway, the livelihood and the quest merge
beautifully. [/quote]

You obviously care about the healing arts. Why not take your knowledge and experience and apply it to a career in natural healing? You could always get a degree and license in naturopathy. It might be initially difficult, given the current economic conditions, but as the Cs state; "When one is on the right pathway, the livelihood and the quest merge beautifully."

I have, so far, found this to be very true.
Thanks for your reply Rabelais.

I have been playing with the idea of pursuing formal education in holistic health but "i" have been telling myself that it was silly what with coming catastrophes and my long history (and debt) with mainstream education. However, what the C's said about pursuing your pathway was niggling at me too. Thanks for the reminder and I will be looking into it.

All there is is lessons and this is working itself out to be quite a doozy. It took a long time. I understand now why I was always so dissatisfied with every job I've ever had (I was a social worker before). I can see that I was, in a roundabout way, pursuing my path but it became so littered with junk I lost my way. Re-educating myself is my aim.
Beautiful post! I'm glad to see that there are some health care workers aware of the facts on the ground. Your crisis of conscience reflects my own thoughts in this matter.

I too work in the health care industry, although I see a slightly different side. I'm involved in the information system / patient billing aspect of the health care machine. To me, my job is no more than an enabler of the system of death and poison you so well described in your post.

So, what can one do? I think the fact that you don't push vaccines says a lot! I truly wish there were more nurses like you out there. I'm actually kind of surprised they let you get away with doing that. I can't pretend to give you any exact advise in this matter, but I can empathize with your current crisis. Everybody has certain obligations they need to meet and sometimes it isn't so easy to just quit a stable job just because it goes against one's conscience. You might end up hurting others (family members) in the process by quitting in a rush. The fact that you're aware of the evils of the system seems like a big step and I would think this would enable you to see future employment opportunities that don't involve pushing poisons on people or worse. The field of alternative health care is growing, although there are many barriers to seeing this side of health care prosper.

In the meantime, maybe trying to find subtle ways of mentioning these objective realities to your peers might be worthwhile in some cases. It's still important to remember external consideration for the belief of others, but if you notice another nurse that has similar misgivings about the current medical procedures, maybe offer him/her more information on the subject. I've done this with a few of my peers and it's made me realize there are others out there that share these same concerns. This is a difficult path to take because you don't want to draw too much attention to yourself in an employment situation. Only you can determine what is right for you.

Good luck!
Hi chachachick,

The advice you have received thus far is pretty good. My comment isn't specifically for your case, since I don't fully know your current situation, it is for general, it may apply to your case and it may not.

I have been through a similar episode myself, dissatisfied with the scientific methods and researches in the world, but in my case, although my dissatisfaction was normal, it was actually a program to run away from my current environment. I have tried to pursue my path, but I couldn't succeed, because I didn't face my problems and the reality I was in. After facing them, now, I obtain ability and energy to pursue my ture path.

My point is, it is a great thing to be in a job that makes you happy, but if the job you have now has something to teach you, and you ignore it, you might end up harming your quest.

As I said, this may not be the case for you, but it is a good thing to check out if you want to be sure about the purity of your intent and progress of your quest. Just my two cents, fwiw.
Hi chachachick,

Thanks for sharing this. Everything you say is so true! I have a relative in a nursing home and basically they just pump the residents with drugs all day long- drugs to tranquilize them, to go to the bathroom, blood pressure, flu vaccines etc..
They are given non nutritious food, no vitamins, and therefore have almost no chance of improving their health. The situation is appalling and I can only imagine how hard it is to work in this environment when you know the truth.

I have been playing with the idea of pursuing formal education in holistic health but "i" have been telling myself that it was silly what with coming catastrophes and my long history (and debt) with mainstream education. However, what the C's said about pursuing your pathway was niggling at me too. Thanks for the reminder and I will be looking into it.

My thought on this is if as the C's have said, time really is an illusion, then pursueing our path doesn't have to be dependent on whether there is enough of it.
Thanks for the replies.

Biomiast said:
I have been through a similar episode myself, dissatisfied with the scientific methods and researches in the world, but in my case, although my dissatisfaction was normal, it was actually a program to run away from my current environment. I have tried to pursue my path, but I couldn't succeed, because I didn't face my problems and the reality I was in. After facing them, now, I obtain ability and energy to pursue my ture path.

My point is, it is a great thing to be in a job that makes you happy, but if the job you have now has something to teach you, and you ignore it, you might end up harming your quest.

As I said, this may not be the case for you, but it is a good thing to check out if you want to be sure about the purity of your intent and progress of your quest. Just my two cents, fwiw.

I understand what you are saying. I've felt that I've been running away from jobs and my environment before. However, this seems to be the one time where I seem like I am making an informed decision based on my own research. Despite my underlying dissatisfaction, it was my intention to stay in this profession for the rest of my life until now. There are many aspects of the work that I enjoy and I live comfortably but I still can't find any justification for staying knowing what I know. It's completely contradictory to my aim. No one is depending on me for financial support so this is a decision that primarily only affects me.
I'm looking into naturopathic health programs among other things and see what turns up.

I find myself in a similar situation, other than the fact that I am a departmental administrator in a higher education institution. And, like you, I had every intention of staying in this job until I retired, until now. So what has happened to change my mind? Have I learned what I need to learn in this present job?

Before answering that, a word about how working as an administrator in a higher education establishment has led me to question what to do, jobwise. It all boils down to, not only dumbing down the educational experience (see Pirsig, R M, (1974), Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,), but also, in my institution, the recent dumbing down of the local departmental ‘business’ administration function: numbers driven at the expense of all else, including logic. Centralisation of administrative services, developing a ‘one system fits all’, and so called ‘devolved decision making to the departments’ really means management by using a ‘painting by numbers paint book’; you are allowed to paint, where indicated, and with the colours indicated by the numbers given. This goes totally against all my business experience and in-tuition as an effective system. And, it is likely that the local, senior administration positions will go in the departments.

Whilst initially I moved into higher education for the learning experience, (as well as employment) there was also the job security aspect, however, ‘security’ (if there ever was any) comes at a price. It is this price that I am no longer willing to pay, when I can ‘pay’ for more worthwhile projects on my quest.

For me too, ‘leaving will cause some hardship’ as I, too, ‘am my only means of support’, and like you, ‘I cannot reconcile what I’m learning and the person I want to be with what I get paid to do’. I too, want to enable people, in my case, for them to learn for themselves, to use their potential to the full. In this I have been constantly thwarted since I joined the institution. Perhaps I can only enable myself.

On this path, whilst thinking about what my next vocational job could possibly be, and through researching the forum and books recently read, I came up with a series of notes. A summary of these notes is as follows:

Use innate qualities, do what feels natural, apply self where it makes sense, follow dictates of own nature.
Follow heart and mind, call up instinct and do what have to do, ask and state needs.
Trust self and ‘guided’, submit self to higher nature, and trust in the Universe.
Decide how to fully live the rest of your life, do everything possible to use all within own abilities in this life.
Have the purest of intent for progress in quest.
Open mind, limitless terms, pure possibility, equate self with infinity, give of self completely, infinity, share unconditionally.
Everything in life is an opportunity to be creative.
Courage (choose and act), be braver, open up to more possibilities (what have you got to lose? – when lost all you have total freedom).
Go through personal barriers of identification and limiting decisions currently facing problems/reality in to get ability and energy to pursue true path (learnings v quest and livelihood).
Be a system-buster, live teachings, people need to know about pathology, etc.

I took the actual summary sheet with me when I went away on holiday.

Fifteen or more years ago whilst on a Huna intensive course in Hawaii, one thought kept going through my mind, Bob Dillon’s song ‘The answer is blowin’ in the wind’. This was long before I realized that I know all the answers; the problem being to ask the right question in the right way. The C’s have since confirmed this.

A: … You literally possess, within your consciousness profile, all the power that exists within all of creation!?! You absolutely have all that exists, ever has, or ever will, contained within your mind. All you have to do is learn how to use it, …

I did try to use it, by dissecting the lyrics, looking for possible clues to an alternative occupation. And, for some reason, I thought that my next job would be working in a charity. All that came from the words of the song was: environment (as in elements), sea (see), and people. But nothing conclusive came up, nothing at all that resonated with me. Something else was required, some other insight. Perhaps something would arise when I was on holiday, walking by myself in the mountains.

Also, prior to my holiday, during a hypnosis session, the question arose - in regards to having difficulty in moving forward, especially to my next job - as to what my next vocational job would be, and I answered, ‘I’ll know when I see the marker (post)’.

I was greatly heartened by Rabelas’ comments in his post on this topic.

Rabelas said:
Back in ’98 the Cs made an observation that I later took to heart. For me, I found that it was spot on. In I 2000 undertook a path that involved alternatives … As soon as I applied energy to this project, step by step the doors all opened and I have progressed much further than I could have ever imagined – and more than just the material plane… and I really enjoy the work.

Quote from: Cassiopaea
A: Losing is gaining if viewed in proper perspective. What is more important to you’re your quest, or the material bonds that have always objected or obstructed anyway? When one is on the right pathway, the livelihood and the quest merge beautifully.

I have, so far, found this to be very true.

Taking Rabelas’ advice I undertook a path to put his comments into practice, to find an alternate to my current job.

One day, whilst on holiday - it was a wet day, with a forecast of pouring rain, all day, for the whole area and with gale force winds, so walking in the mountains was out of the question. Instead, seeking dry weather I went to the coast, to the sea (see), where the weather map indicated dry weather for the day. I found a quiet village and parked my car behind a concrete breaker. After reading for a while, the thought of ‘blowin in the wind’ came to my mind, perhaps I could ask about my next vocational job? I stood up on the breaker wall, looking out over the stony beach, and at the waves rolling in from out at sea. Standing there, I was aware of the wind blowing past me, trying to knock me over. Then, out of the blue came the word ‘buffeting’. It was only later that I realized that out from the shore, there were several marker buoys, delineating the safe bathing area. I realized that I’d found my ‘marker’, as well as my answer.

On arriving home, I looked up possible meanings of buffeting in the Oxford English Dictionary: shaking, irregular, caused by air currents; strike repeatedly; blow with hand sharply (cuff); struggle, deal blow, contend with; drive, force or produce by buffeting; muffle; and from buffet: self-service. Forming the magnetic centre came to mind, forming the direction of man, and serving my-self to do this, as in working on my-self for my-self. How could I do this? And the answer came; take early retirement.

So, now that I was back home from holiday, taking my time, I asked a few questions of myself, using finger signals as the method of feedback: did early retirement feel natural – yes; did my instinct indicate that this was the right thing to do – yes; did my heart and mind agree – yes; was it practical, in the best interests of quest success, joint livelihood and quest – yes to both; did my unconscious mind and higher self agree – yes; would it enable me to still pay attention to reality – yes by both of them.

I have made ‘an informed decision based on my own research’, albeit, one inspired by ‘higher nature’, where, for me, ‘the answer is blowin’ in the wind’. I have enabled myself.

Pay-wise, it may initially be difficult in the prevailing, and possibly future, economic situation, but whatever happens it will be a learning experience, and ‘learning is fun’. At worst, I may lose all – and then I will have total freedom! Who knows what may turn up?

Whilst I have changed my mind about staying on in my current job, I have to say that it is the best learning environment that I have ever worked in, in my whole life, in as much that it is a microcosmic environment mirroring the goings-on in the macrocosmic outer-world, (particularly after coming across the Cassiopaea website early in my higher education career). Petty Tyrants, Pathocrats and all are present. So, asking both my unconscious mind, and my higher self, if I had learnt all that needed to be learnt, both responded yes. That gave me the green light to move forward.

I have taken courage, become braver. I have now negotiated an enhanced early retirement package. As far as the future is concerned, I have opened my-self up to more possibilities: the future is open. I can concentrate on what is important for me, what I know and understand really matters, my quest.

Chachachick, that’s an infeed of my experience in a similar situation, fwiw.

I’m not sure if this post fits here, I’ll leave that to the mods to sort out.
Thanks for your post, Trevrizent. My final day at work --9/11, still not quite sure why I picked that date -- is fast approaching and I'm feeling some anxiety about it. I constantly question my motives. Am I really acting on a principle or am I just being lazy and not wanting to go to work as I have not secured another job yet. I'm feeling the need to take some time off and think and study. Yet the thought of not having a job during these economic times makes me nervous as well.

Trevrizent said:
I have taken courage, become braver. I have now negotiated an enhanced early retirement package. As far as the future is concerned, I have opened my-self up to more possibilities: the future is open. I can concentrate on what is important for me, what I know and understand really matters, my quest.

Sometimes I question if I am pursuing a quest or retreating into isolation. This could just be fear talking. Part of me doesn't trust myself to not have structured activities during most days of the week. I fear not using it wisely.

Yes, I've noticed how often I've used the word fear in this post...
chachachick said:
Now that I've come to know what I know I CANNOT, in good conscience, continue on in this profession where symptoms and their suppression are the focus and everything else is ignored. I've long since stopped offering vaccines but that's not good enough. I also give toxic medicines. Essentially, I'm one of the poisoners and I'm so wracked with shame and guilt I can think of little else. I feel like screaming at the injustice of the harm brought to these patients, harm that I've contributed to. I don't want to hurt anyone. I want to truly help people become well. True health comes from optimal nutrition and supplementation along with regular exercise and detoxification as well as the absolute avoidance of allopathic medicine.

chachachick, I feel for you - what you're going through. I know there aren't many easy answers for situations like this and I don't have any advice. I did want to say 'awesome job with your research' and your efforts at connecting the dots in your personal situation.

You've expressed your story here very well, and it looks to me like yours may be one of the personal stories of conscience that will juxtapose very well with the psychopathology of government-backed medicine, to help people see and comprehend the difference.

chachachick said:
I have been playing with the idea of pursuing formal education in holistic health but "i" have been telling myself that it was silly what with coming catastrophes and my long history (and debt) with mainstream education.

How would 'pursuing formal education in holistic health' be silly in that context? Don't you know how valuable that knowledge would be post-catastrophe in terms of what we think may be coming? Or did I misunderstand?
Buddy said:
chachachick said:
I have been playing with the idea of pursuing formal education in holistic health but "i" have been telling myself that it was silly what with coming catastrophes and my long history (and debt) with mainstream education.

How would 'pursuing formal education in holistic health' be silly in that context? Don't you know how valuable that knowledge would be post-catastrophe in terms of what we think may be coming? Or did I misunderstand?

I meant to say that one of my fleeting thoughts is that it would be silly. Also, part of the "silly" comment is my weighing the pros and cons of attending a "live" school or pursuing an online program. With the coursework and the hands-on experience I already have, an online program would seem more prudent in terms of time and financial savings.

I know that this knowledge is quite valuable. Even the little that I do know and have applied in my own life has yielded positive results. I look forward to learning more in the future...and sharing with others who ask.
Chachachick, you are an inspiration!

Many years ago, I worked in the grinding corporate office scene; it was a meaningless drudgery with virtually no redeeming qualities. A daily confrontation with petty tyrants, most of whom made it an institutional practice to bash their co-workers at every opportunity; to climb over anyone they could manage to discredit or damage. Ugly and hostile only barely begin to describe it.

At the time I was fortunate enough to have a generous husband to support me when I had a full-blown nervous breakdown. Holding on to my integrity, my core values and the conviction that one must stand up for them-selves, took a very heavy toll. In my most vulnerable state, feeling fragile and stomped ... I made the decision not to return. And it was the first step in a journey to developing a conscious approach to leading a meaningful life.

When I recovered, I went to work for a company who, most of their values were firmly in sync with my own. (I know!? Rare to find such a thing!) The pay was massively less, but for the last 10 years I have had the privilage of working in a place where the environment is healthy and attuned to the idea of respect and team-work; supporting and mentoring the highest potential of all. They support the environment, the community, healthy lifestyles, value employee happiness, compensate fairly, value and encourage creative input, promote from within; there are many rewards ... and the longer a person stays (which they WANT!), the greater the rewards. Plus? BONUS! I get to work in the field of naturopathic health. My passion.

When I was going through my divorce, I wasn't sure I would be able to afford to stay in my line of work. As i was sending out hundreds of resumes and writing cover-letters to any company that could conceivably have an opening for an accounting position, I kept having the thought, "I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this!". So I had a talk with my boss. I told her I wanted to find a way to stay. I asked for greater responsibilities and more pay. I got it! It still wasn't enough to live completely independently in Boston, but I found a roommate and managed to get by .... sanity in tact. Not an easy road, but well worth it.

I had not intended to share quite so much my own story, as I just wanted to suggest to you that, A.) you are clearly on the right track, and all the advice given in the above posts is very sage. and B.) In your research for a good school, I highly recommend you look into The Clayton School of Naturopathic Health. Excellent curriculum, and their on-line program is unmatched. You work at your own pace and attend online lectures. When you cannot be present for a lecture and take part in the on-line Q&A / class conversation that follows, both are archived for you to cover at your convenience. They have an excellent on-line library and bookstore. You develop study-groups for projects; you have an adviser that you stay in close contact with. And of course, the curriculum material it's self is excellent. At least, that was my experience. Perhaps I am biased and clearly I have not attended other on-line naturopathic schools, but I did a great deal of research before I decided to attend, and was honored to be accepted after writing my entrance essay. (FYI, I have not completed my studies, but intend to return to do so.)

Also, the option of being able to attend on line, was a huge help. Working full time, commuting and all the other hassles involved in just getting along in daily life; plus taking the time and energy to live the healthy life-style you aspire to develop and share with others ... doing this whole thing on line makes a great deal of sense. However, I have heard that Seattle has a few excellent schools. Perhaps it is time for a huge adventure? Toss ALL the sticks in the air and see how they fall.

You are very brave and I admire your courage.
Thank you for sharing your circumstances at this crossroads in your life. And thanks to the others who posted here as well. (I am astounded and humbled every day when I come here and read what wisdom others have developed, and the details of the paths they have taken. )

In support,
chachachick said:
I meant to say that one of my fleeting thoughts is that it would be silly. Also, part of the "silly" comment is my weighing the pros and cons of attending a "live" school or pursuing an online program. With the coursework and the hands-on experience I already have, an online program would seem more prudent in terms of time and financial savings.

I know that this knowledge is quite valuable. Even the little that I do know and have applied in my own life has yielded positive results. I look forward to learning more in the future...and sharing with others who ask.

What comes to mind for me when I read what you've written in this thread is something Ark said a few years ago - it sort of speaks for itself, so here it is:

Ark said:
So, I suggest, forget all your "I should", and replace it by "I ALWAYS WANTED...". It may take
a while for you to specify what it is that you "always wanted", but, on the other hand, perhaps you
know it right away.

FORGET "I should", forget it all. Replace it by "I LOVE TO DO ...." and skip completely the TIME issue.

If you need five lifes to accomplish what you WANT, let this be the first of those five. And then, without any "time obligation"
or "should stressing" - start it.

First step first. And ENJOY it. And LOVE yourself - take care of yourself.

This is the only thing that the Universe (God?) wants from you, I think.
Thanks for the info, Lauranimal. I've looked into Clayton as an option. I have an appt. with a naturopath soon and I plan to ask her of her experiences. Good luck in completing your studies. :D

I will remember this, Anart.

anart said:
Ark said:
So, I suggest, forget all your "I should", and replace it by "I ALWAYS WANTED...". It may take
a while for you to specify what it is that you "always wanted", but, on the other hand, perhaps you
know it right away.

FORGET "I should", forget it all. Replace it by "I LOVE TO DO ...." and skip completely the TIME issue.

If you need five lifes to accomplish what you WANT, let this be the first of those five. And then, without any "time obligation"
or "should stressing" - start it.

First step first. And ENJOY it. And LOVE yourself - take care of yourself.

This is the only thing that the Universe (God?) wants from you, I think.
Hi chachachick

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life. A life of infinite potential and opportunity for you to explore.
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