hunger for more


A Disturbance in the Force
Waiting for wave book 7-- any idea when it will be avaliable in US. Have already read all of Laura's books Ouspensky -Gurdieffi just about everything on Laura's list. Hunger for more. Indulge me. MY best to all at SIGNS.
can't speak to when book 7 will be available, but if you haven't read Fulcanelli's Mysteries of the Cathedrals, i would highly recommend it. it's very good, especially if you've read through the Wave/Adventure Series. the english translation (translated by Mary Sworder) contains the prefaces to the first, second and american editions, and an introduction by Walter Lang. the ISBN is 0-914732-14-5
Hi zohash.

Have you been here?
Thomas C said:
Have you been here?
By he way, there used to be incredible esseys on 'qfg site map' by members of QFG ('Depression as a stepping stone' amongs others). I just wonder why they dissapeared - it was very enlightening reading...
I have read dewellings of the phliophers-- I have also purchased all of the books that Ouatum book store has on their site. You see I have been on this site visiting for several years. I have always been a little shy about posting. The computer has always been only a one way learning tool for me. The signs website is a household word for my daughter and me and Laura and Ark and all the cassies seem like next door neighbors. Does this sound a little strange? I hope not. I get my morning news from signs first. Just jumping in there trying to break the silence.
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