How to dedicate time and energy to creativity, in a world where it doesn't pay?

Dedication to a creative art (can be technical, communication, leadership, singing, and much much more) that can benefit others and mastering it step-by-step will send a signal to the universe that will open paths for you. It is the potential that the universe responds to, and if one constantly builds on that knowledge without anticipation that one will get anything out of it (including money!), the universe will help you find a way to utilize your skills.

If the reason one is pursuing a creative art is to earn a living, the learning will not be as effective. It will only get in the way of mastery of the art. If money is on the mind, it is easy for individuals to take shortcuts, and won't give it their all for the sake of learning and mastery. The universe will see mastery!

I think it was Gurdjieff that said something along the lines of mastering one thing and doing it really good. That in itself is a castle so to speak, and with all castles, they are built stone by stone. Dedicating even 30 minutes to it day by day will add up over time and there is always a gain—and the learning in those minutes will not be lost!
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Dedication to a creative art (can be technical, communication, leadership, singing, and much much more) that can benefit others and mastering it step-by-step will send a signal to the universe that will open paths for you. It is the potential that the universe responds to, and if one constantly builds on that knowledge without anticipation that one will get anything out of it (including money!), the universe will help you find a way to utilize your skills.

If the reason one is pursuing a creative art is to earn a living, the learning will not be as effective. It will only get in the way of mastery of the art. If money is on the mind, it is easy for individuals to take shortcuts, and won't give it their all for the sake of learning and mastery. The universe will see mastery!

I think it was Gurdjieff that said something along the lines of mastering one thing and doing it really good. That in itself is a castle so to speak, and with all castles, they are built stone by stone. Dedicating even 30 minutes to it day by day will add up over time and there is always a gain—and the learning in those minutes will not be lost!
Hi Petcha thanks, just to say It wasn't my original intention to put across that I'm doing art or music just to earn a living, as I corrected myself in a previous post, and definitely it means much more than that to me.

Again it's more the fact that it's difficult to do anything at all sometimes, when working a lot in jobs that wear you out, or are unhealthy, but I'm trying to think of alternatives or how to create a better balance to be more productive. Like you say goin to try to do a bit at a time, and I appreciate your help.

Interesting what you said about how doing creative work to earn a living detracts from learning or mastery, was thinking though maybe it doesn't just have to be about learning or mastery, but also about doing something, and working hard at something you enjoy that simply makes you happy. Whilst being able to support you self materially too. If someone can say work at something they enjoy and still earn some kind of living from it then this is a desirable thing to add to life in my mind.. I dunno just some thoughts.
Or perhaps happiness is just as important as mastery, doing something that brings me and others joy whilst earning something then good. It may not even be creative work, just something that is healthier and more enjoyable than other kinds of work I've done.
Was thinking of a couple of things like doing some drawings and printing them off, as once you've done them then they can be printed many times. I'm not expecting or anticipating anything in particular, if this doesn't happen to make any money, or even if it doesn't happen, then it's no trouble really. Just ideas so far.
I've def got to have a normal job either way. My main aim has always been to create some music, and hopefully with time will do this. Thanks for your insights.. It does make a lot of sense not to focus too much on money or worry about it if possible..def doesn't help anything and your right thinking too much about it may lead to shortcuts and could stop people from reaching their potential.. Need to stop worrying too much about it.
Thank you Happy Poo to share your life experience with us. Now I understand your situation better.

I was very touched by what you recounted and also, above all, by your ability to show us, in just a few paragraphs, your situation and that of others, of the people you see, of the world around you. The words are creation too. They create, they have the ability to show, just like Art does. You have the ability to use words to create, to exchange, to give. Creativity is what we give not only to ourselves but to others too. Painting, writing, music. All creativity is a gift, a way of giving. And it comes from within us, from the Universe that is part of us, which also gives and receives.

I thank you because I was able to see what you were saying and I also saw the way you look at things, at people, at your own pain and that of others. You're creative in that way. I'm sure your music is just as beautiful in that sense.

Once again, thank you for sharing. Life is difficult and sometimes we forget how difficult it can be for others, how this world is hard and relentless, inhuman. But you, in your humanity and compassion, are just the opposite.
I've had a similar line of thought. I work, also manual labour, but love music, drawing, and writing. I found that this poem by Khalil Gibran helped me to see work in an entirely new way - as a creative service to the world, like loreta said.

On Work

Then a ploughman said, Speak to us of Work.
And he answered, saying:
You work that you may keep pace with the earth
and the soul of the earth.
For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons,
and to step out of life’s procession,
that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite.

When you work you are a flute
through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music.
Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent,
when all else sings together in unison?

Always you have been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.
But I say to you that when you work
you fulfil a part of earth’s furthest dream,
assigned to you when the dream was born,
And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life,
And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life’s inmost secret.

But if you in your pain call birth an affliction
and the support of the flesh a curse written upon your brow,
then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow
shall wash away that which is written.

You have been told also that life is darkness,
and in your weariness you echo what was said by the weary.
And I say that life is indeed darkness save when there is urge,
And all urge is blind save when there is knowledge,
And all knowledge is vain save when there is work,
And all work is empty save when there is love;
And when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself,
and to one another, and to God.

And what is it to work with love?
It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart,
even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.
It is to build a house with affection,
even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house.
It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy,
even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.
It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit,
And to know that all the blessed dead
are standing about you and watching.

Often have I heard you say, as if speaking in sleep,
“He who works in marble,
and finds the shape of his own soul in the stone,
is nobler than he who ploughs the soil.
And he who seizes the rainbow
to lay it on a cloth in the likeness of man,
is more than he who makes the sandals for our feet.”
But I say, not in sleep but in the overwakefulness of noontide,
that the wind speaks not more sweetly to the giant oaks
than to the least of all the blades of grass;
And he alone is great who turns the voice of the wind
into a song made sweeter by his own loving.

Work is love made visible.
And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste,
it is better that you should leave your work
and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
For if you bake bread with indifference,
you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man’s hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes,
your grudge distils a poison in the wine.
And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing,
you muffle man’s ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.

In essence, the world is as it is and it's important to accept that. Poverty will exist as long as the world still spins. This means that many people who have some kind of latent artistic drive who are in jobs that prevent them from practicing their art will face a choice. It's important to remember that we always have a choice.

Even if we're run down by our jobs, we can choose to hear this creative call of the Soul, or not. This is a significant lesson for many, I think - to accept the world and all its difficulties, and then at the same time make the choice to be a creator. I am reminded that Mary Baolgh wrote her first romance novel in the evenings after dinner at the kitchen table.

I lived as a poor labourer for many years. It was only recently that I realized that this was the product of the choices I made, choices that came from somewhere deep in my unconscious belief centre. I had made a silent vow of poverty. Then I started working on changing that, choice by choice, and day by day - and now I'm slightly less poor labourer! It's not been a huge change, but it's a step up nonetheless. It has also meant taking on even more work - but I have discovered that I have more energy than I was allowing myself to believe.

At the same time, I've also found time to continue to make music, draw, and write. It's a very important part of my schedule. I actually find that as I work more, the creativity flows more, too. The Gibran poem above helped me with that at the beginning of this year. I think in part this has to do with spending less time in my head, and more time with the pen on the page, and trusting in the process. I have less time, so it is more precious. I've seen that taking on more work at my job and meeting new challenges has built confidence and faith in myself. This attitude can then be transferred to artistic endeavours, too.

I'm reading that perhaps what you are talking about is wanting more of a work-life balance, is that correct? I've noticed that you've posted about wanting to create more - but are you putting your energy into creativity? It's one thing to express want, but another thing to make it an Aim. The fire has to be fed. Or as pecha said, the castle has to be built, stone by stone.
The world builds on what we do today. You build your marble statue and the opposing side uses it for target practice, what do you do? You smile and build another statue and keep hoping that one day others will see in a similar fashion. We are not in a time of prosperity, that is the only time that creativity has been free in this reality. Because this is what the world is right now, you have to continue the best that you can, be diligent or we lose this battle. I expect this is close to what a 4D battle is like, not physical but a mental challenge.

It’s just another lesson in the end. Haiku …
Thank you Happy Poo to share your life experience with us. Now I understand your situation better.

I was very touched by what you recounted and also, above all, by your ability to show us, in just a few paragraphs, your situation and that of others, of the people you see, of the world around you. The words are creation too. They create, they have the ability to show, just like Art does. You have the ability to use words to create, to exchange, to give. Creativity is what we give not only to ourselves but to others too. Painting, writing, music. All creativity is a gift, a way of giving. And it comes from within us, from the Universe that is part of us, which also gives and receives.

I thank you because I was able to see what you were saying and I also saw the way you look at things, at people, at your own pain and that of others. You're creative in that way. I'm sure your music is just as beautiful in that sense.

Once again, thank you for sharing. Life is difficult and sometimes we forget how difficult it can be for others, how this world is hard and relentless, inhuman. But you, in your humanity and compassion, are just the opposite.
Hi Loretta, I'm actually blown away by your reply to be honest! Brought a few tears to my eyes i must say! What a beautiful thing to tell me bless your soul. Thank you.
Definitely life can deal us some low blows, and was thinking about it last night and actually how fortunate I am really, as compared to others I've met with similar predisposition.. Recently had the boat valued and it's actually worth a lot more that it was when It was bought, and again this would put me in a way better position financially than most people would dream of. So I'm hoping to sell it soon and move again (think I've moved over 20 times but the more you do it the easier it gets..). Also I've been pretty rubbish with managing my money, have spent it unwisely sometimes in the past when I did receive some inheritance, although some things were beyond my control at the time which put a big dent in it, but that's another long story.. Due to my own wrong choices of course. But no regrets, I'm actually glad that I was able to provide help for someone else with it, what happened was necessary.
As definitely haven't always made the good choices about people, jobs and relationships so some harsh lessons were in order! Thank you once again with all my heart for reading and responding in this way, appreciated massively.
What I'm try to get at Menna, and why we disagree, is that creative stuff is what some people are good or gifted at, and so for them, doing this for pay is okay in my opinion..

Also they may not be good at other stuff and may find it difficult to succeed in jobs that are more normal for want of better word.

Artisans of yesteryear were paid quite well, their crafts and skills many of them have disappeared and have been replaced by stuff that is mass produced from what I can see.

Speaking more personally, I'm crap at most jobs apart from making and doing things with my hands, or doing poetry, music for instance. Am good with people so can do retail and security but my IT and office skills are woeful.
I'm completely useless at being business like or formal in any way lol! And to put on the act of being like this, can keep up for a bit, but it's really forced and doesn't come naturally and is v tiring. So have always got jobs that are manual, low paid. And this too can wear you down over time as low pay isn't great and some have been wearing physically over the years..
This isn't great for helping with the creative energy either. But you never know i may find something.

Was hoping to subsidise my income with doing architectural drawing and selling some prints online perhaps.

And yes, I was goin to do this for pay, it's what I'm good at and enjoy doing..

Music is my real love and this is even harder to make any money from, so I thought doing some drawings and making prints may be a more realistic and fulfilling way to earn some extra money that doesn't drain me and is doing something that is good for the soul. . But this requires a lot of time energy and focus which I don't always have.
I don't think pay is subjective, as said in my long post above. Have lived in necessity for many years like many others, and needing money to survive is objective, especially when you know what it's like not to have any. But there are definitely massive spiritual and emotional rewards when say, a decent song, poem or drawing is finished, it's a great feeling! Doesn't happen often. So I think you may have meant this kind of pay, and agreed this is a reward that beats money any time.. As long as you have enough money to survive, with a life that is conducive to do the creative work in the first place! If you get what I mean.

A lot of jobs out there that are in things like graphic design aren't really creative because you can't do original work and it's just stuff that your told to do like designing labels for chicken soup lol. That's my experience, and I'm sure there are some okay jobs out there for some people, the competition is high. But I'm working towards being able to do original, more authentic work that is an expression of something deeper and with more substance than say designs for leaflets or web pages etc.. Anyway thanks for your offer of looking for jobs, it was appreciated.
Why not. Whatever learning is a faculty of the spirit. For the very least you may discover things for yourself you never would otherwise and sharing it here may open doors for others aswell. As I said earning from it is nothing bad. Spirituality in my opinion is multidimensional involving wholeness probably that's where the word Holy comes from. Holy spirit.
I've had a similar line of thought. I work, also manual labour, but love music, drawing, and writing. I found that this poem by Khalil Gibran helped me to see work in an entirely new way - as a creative service to the world, like loreta said.

In essence, the world is as it is and it's important to accept that. Poverty will exist as long as the world still spins. This means that many people who have some kind of latent artistic drive who are in jobs that prevent them from practicing their art will face a choice. It's important to remember that we always have a choice.

Even if we're run down by our jobs, we can choose to hear this creative call of the Soul, or not. This is a significant lesson for many, I think - to accept the world and all its difficulties, and then at the same time make the choice to be a creator. I am reminded that Mary Baolgh wrote her first romance novel in the evenings after dinner at the kitchen table.

I lived as a poor labourer for many years. It was only recently that I realized that this was the product of the choices I made, choices that came from somewhere deep in my unconscious belief centre. I had made a silent vow of poverty. Then I started working on changing that, choice by choice, and day by day - and now I'm slightly less poor labourer! It's not been a huge change, but it's a step up nonetheless. It has also meant taking on even more work - but I have discovered that I have more energy than I was allowing myself to believe.

At the same time, I've also found time to continue to make music, draw, and write. It's a very important part of my schedule. I actually find that as I work more, the creativity flows more, too. The Gibran poem above helped me with that at the beginning of this year. I think in part this has to do with spending less time in my head, and more time with the pen on the page, and trusting in the process. I have less time, so it is more precious. I've seen that taking on more work at my job and meeting new challenges has built confidence and faith in myself. This attitude can then be transferred to artistic endeavours, too.

I'm reading that perhaps what you are talking about is wanting more of a work-life balance, is that correct? I've noticed that you've posted about wanting to create more - but are you putting your energy into creativity? It's one thing to express want, but another thing to make it an Aim. The fire has to be fed. Or as pecha said, the castle has to be built, stone by stone.
Hi thanks for this post and reaching out to me, and taking the time to write this wonderful poem!
It brought me back to myself and reminded me of some important things, like the love of work and how fulfilling even the simplest things can be in those little moments of life..

And you raised some interesting points and as I've experienced the same kind of mindset with regard to things like making the vow of poverty as you say, and how it is our choices that are at the centre of everything.
About the mindset that keeps us in poverty.. This is something I've been trying to get my head around and it's almost like I've beaten myself up and something subconsciously says that I don't deserve to prosper, be happy or successful.

And the thinking to myself is along the lines of - well HP, why should you feel good or happy or have a decent home when so many others are suffering? Who are you to benefit in any way from life when others are in misery and have nothing? You must suffer! Maybe this is some weird STS guilt programming.. Probably.. The voice that tells me that I'm guilty for all the misfortune of the world or something like that. And as the C's say this guilt is like an ego driven thing. I mean why should it have anything to do with me? Maybe stuff happens in people's lives for karmic reasons, and for many reasons way beyond me.. Which doesn't mean i could ever stop feeling compassion, sorrow and love for people. Just not guilt and regret. Or something like that..

And I've realised, well how does it help anyone at all if I'm not able to be happy, healthy or prosper? It would hurt them more actually, especially those close to me. The thought was, you can give yourself permission to prosper, you are worth something, just like how you feel that others are worth something. You are allowed to do the things you love like art and music, like hiking cycling and dance, like working hard to find a decent house and home, and bringing positive people into your life.
And this would mean that I would be able to give and share more! Not to share to get anything in return... More as an expression of inner being. And so with prayer for help and meditation the answers are more like, take back your lesson of life to favour you spiritual, mental and physical well being.
As if I'm not happy, then those around me aren't either.
Was thinking about what the C's said one day, that we are all murderers or suicides.. And what it meant. Maybe those of us who are STO candidate are programmed for self destruct, and are programmed to not feel worthy, with the kind of self defeating thought processes that I'm trying to explain about.
And maybe those who are STS are the opposite and so by default, the things that they do are taking from others, which ultimately leads to damaging them in some way, even if they can't see it or don't have that intention.

And your absolutely right, making improvements does require double the effort, but even the opportunity and energy to MAKE the effort, to have the ability to DO the thing is in itself a great blessing, as I've seen dear ones who would have loved to have anywhere near the health and well being that I have, and thank you for reminding me..
And about the better standard of living, i mean it's not like I'm saying we have to be really wealthy or live to excess materially, more like have the stability and balance that a reasonable living wage can provide, that can afford a healthy place to be in life.
And about the love of work, thanks once again for reminding me. As i do love, just doing. Maybe I've been down about it as the jobs I've done recently haven't been too hygienic and have caused health problems like the rash etc.. And even the workshop at the bike place had no natural light or air, so a lot of the sprays lubes and stuff like disc brake cleaner, were lingering in the air and these things are no good for anyone. .

But on the positive side about manual work it's great to do something that keeps you active and fit, keeps you moving which is one of the reasons apart from not being naturally good at them, that I chose not to learn the skills more related to office based work, and as you say it's all about our choices..

And yes I reckon is prob just about balance, and say if there was a job that isn't too unhygienic and doesn't evolve too many chemicals then great! But unfortunately it's not always easy to avoid, so sometimes it's just damage limitation, or the best alternative. And acceptance of the world being the way it is definitely.
I'm really glad you've found a way to do your creative work and get a better job too, great. 😀 I'll definitely get there.. Will just take hard work, time and patience.. And help from others which you have been a great help.
And even being able to work, once again, is a great blessing and need to constantly remind myself of this.
Even if the cleaning job isn't clean, gonna wear more PPE just see how it goes as the hours are good actually, and the boss is a lovely bloke. I'm also grateful that they took me back after I left. Thank you loads and loads again for your positive words bless.
The world builds on what we do today. You build your marble statue and the opposing side uses it for target practice, what do you do? You smile and build another statue and keep hoping that one day others will see in a similar fashion. We are not in a time of prosperity, that is the only time that creativity has been free in this reality. Because this is what the world is right now, you have to continue the best that you can, be diligent or we lose this battle. I expect this is close to what a 4D battle is like, not physical but a mental challenge.

It’s just another lesson in the end. Haiku …
Thanks Haiku, that made a lot of sense.
Your words inspired a few rhymes..
Just thought I'd share :

If it shoots your statue down

Then we'll build a thousand more

As together we will win

Another battle in the war

If it hurts all of the ones

That you had adored

It makes us stronger and we win

Another battle in the war

When you give me your heart

I will give a thousand more

As together we will be

Better than before

And I always thank

The one that I adore

The one that will be

There forever more

Thanks again for reading and commenting..
What I'm try to get at Menna, and why we disagree, is that creative stuff is what some people are good or gifted at, and so for them, doing this for pay is okay in my opinion..
Again, why do you assume I disagree. I am saying that being creative and reaching full creativity is dampened down reaching ones FULL creative potential if the thought of doing something is for 3D money "pay". Creativity if we look at it from the most pure and aspirational point of view, esoteric energies and vibrations and forces help guide the creator to create. Anticipating or wanting a certain level of physical money hinders this as it bring intention, wants energies back to this world...

You are not talking about what I am talking about above hence we can not disagree if we are talking about two different things. I am giving a point of view or perception or opinion based on knowledge. There is no wrong or right or black or white.

On a side note I hear alot of people who became successful in their industry say "I did so and so because I loved it or I did it my way" They didnt do something creative FOR the money ... the money came after they did what they wanted. The TIME it takes is arbitrary.

If someone is doing something legally and not hurting others I hope they make as much "pay" in the terms that you speak of as is possible. I do not think that anything should be restricted but it is important to see reality as it is and not as you want it to be so you can course correct and move forward...
Again, why do you assume I disagree. I am saying that being creative and reaching full creativity is dampened down reaching ones FULL creative potential if the thought of doing something is for 3D money "pay". Creativity if we look at it from the most pure and aspirational point of view, esoteric energies and vibrations and forces help guide the creator to create. Anticipating or wanting a certain level of physical money hinders this as it bring intention, wants energies back to this world...

You are not talking about what I am talking about above hence we can not disagree if we are talking about two different things. I am giving a point of view or perception or opinion based on knowledge. There is no wrong or right or black or white.

On a side note I hear alot of people who became successful in their industry say "I did so and so because I loved it or I did it my way" They didnt do something creative FOR the money ... the money came after they did what they wanted. The TIME it takes is arbitrary.

If someone is doing something legally and not hurting others I hope they make as much "pay" in the terms that you speak of as is possible. I do not think that anything should be restricted but it is important to see reality as it is and not as you want it to be so you can course correct and move forward...
Okay thanks for explaining. Yes I misunderstood you and understand what you mean I hope, and when i had a think and after what Petcha said it made sense. And the thoughts that come to mind are about reaching a full creative potential which is good of course, and important.. Don't get me wrong.
I guess this post is about why this is difficult to do if people are not in a stable situation materially, and how to balance everything in a healthy way. (If at all possible) .

It's along the lines of creating a life that is better for well being and happiness in general, which is not the case for a lot of artists in my experience who have a crap time of it because of the way of the world, which I tried to explain in the long post i put. So this isn't about me necessarily, it's more a general problem.

A lot of different types of artists, perhaps no matter how much time they take or how much love or mastery is put into the work in my experience they can still be stuck in robotic jobs or lifestyles that are grim, precarious, or pretty depressing for them, and yea this is life! Same for lots of people not just artists I imagine.. But yea I've met artists who are in a pretty bad way because of this mentally and physically. Not everyone is like this probably, I'm just going on my experience so far..

And also, think that doing what comes naturally, enjoying it without expecting anything in return and just doing the best you can because you love it is good.

Sometimes this is difficult for people though, if they are worried about money, about whether they will have a roof over their heads etc, or if they are juggling more than one low paid job to make ends meet.. And this can make them sick. I've been in that position before and it's like, your worrying so much about how to pay the next months rent, how to get food for the next week etc, that it takes up a lot of metal energy and this in itself is draining.. It's no accident that it's called the poverty trap.. And must effects lots of people not just artists. As these kind of negative thoughts can stop a person from being able to find effective solutions to think their way out of it.
It's possible to stay positive, not always easy though. (I'm very fortunate and very grateful now not to be in this situation but have experienced it in the past).. and also It's not the kind of life that is conducive to being able to do your best at anything. This was also something i was trying to get across. And how to create a better life in general, that is more conducive to reaching our full potentials with doing creative work and again this doesn't necessarily mean earning money from the work itself.

Ideally though , and this IS being idealistic I'm aware of that.. Someone could be able to use their natural talents, strengths and abilities for increasing wellbeing in life, in general. And this may include earning or subsidising a better living from doing creative work, which I'm pretty sure you may agree on. (Hopefully lol!)

And this post was about (i think! ).. For people who are good at creative stuff there isn't a lot of opportunity to dedicate much time to do their creative work, whatever it may be, in an authentic way in this world, and this in itself can be wearing so I thought it good to network about it.
And I'm almost sorry I posted now, as i think you misunderstood me also lol..
When i was writing it, wasn't even sure I'd post this thread was just practicing or something, and pressed the button by mistake, without a decent explanation!

So maybe this led to you misunderstanding me too, and to be honest I'd rather have had some down time before I'd posted but felt it important to reply and not just leave it.. Could have explained better being more rested.

I'm doing a course soon that might be able to get a slightly better job in security work which means above minimum wage hopefully, and this may or may not happen, not too invested in the idea either way well see. Probably another pitfall which I'm aware of. Ideally it would be good to be able to work a normal job just a bit less, a little higher pay than minimum wage, and dedicate more time to doing music etc.

And if not I'll just keep going, and like the guys here say, just do the best I can.. As eventually will get there bit by bit no matter what. . Will just take longer. At the end of the day it's my own poor choices that have put me in this situation anyway, but I don't want to bore you with that one.

Anyway thanks for giving me the opportunity to explain better.. I hope!
I noticed this before this thread, that on youtube in the past few recent months, people have been making videos to the effect of, "I quit my job to pursue art." So maybe it's something in the air, that people are pursuing their creative abilities for financial gain? Or something to do with COVID and world-madness fatigue? To create when surrounded by destruction? Anyways, it was an inspiring thought, and I wouldn't condone it without doing a lot of research, finding your niche and how to brand ones self.
I noticed this before this thread, that on youtube in the past few recent months, people have been making videos to the effect of, "I quit my job to pursue art." So maybe it's something in the air, that people are pursuing their creative abilities for financial gain? Or something to do with COVID and world-madness fatigue? To create when surrounded by destruction? Anyways, it was an inspiring thought, and I wouldn't condone it without doing a lot of research, finding your niche and how to brand ones self.

Thanks for your comment.. Interesting that more people are deciding to do this..Good luck to em. And yes makes sense to find a niche, was thinking of drawing cities and places to start with as this does come naturally and people do actually seam to like them lol or at least some people do.
Also maybe part of the lesson is that it's important to work toward creating something that comes from our true selves, with faith at the center.
And by focusing more attention on this, becoming the best we can be at it, or something like that, then the universe gives us a helping hand and doors will open, kinda like what Petcha says. Maybe this could hopefully give more opportunities to devote more time and energy to doing these things, wether it be by earning a living directly or in unexpected ways.

Either way if people have have more time and energy to dedicate to doing any work whatever it may be, then the better they will be at it, and the more likely they are to reach their full potential which is good, earning or subsiding a living doing creative work could be a path to do this because you spend less time working on other stuff just to survive and more time doing work that you love related to spiritual interests..

And from what I've learned here, then it's not only self help but also benefits the world as a whole, as if these higher centres are given the chance to grow and develop in a healthy way, or something along those lines, then the energies are less likely to be blocked and be released in destructive ways.
Possibly also blockage comes when there is a lack of faith and folks don't realise where it actually comes from, which isn't from themselves really, or its like a combined effort, and some artists are more about ego.. Like 'look how great my work is'.
And instead of showing thankfulness, we can claim ownership of any work instead, without realising that gifts are given to people from the Creator. Maybe I was blocked in the past from not realising this.. So if our projects are based in faith then they are more likely to succeed.. With a lot of hard work too.
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