Hoax? On Entertainment-TV, Son of SpyMaster tells deathbed story


The Living Force
Entertainment-TV: 6/5/07 @ 6:30PM(?) PST

Unfortunately I was not able to get much details written down
but apparently E. Howard Hunt (a well known spy-master) told
his son his deathbed confessions that LBJ was the one who initiated
the death of JFK. He showed a structure written on paper showing
VP LBJ at the top, with a name of a person (blurred name) with a fork
to two other names (also blurred), and one of name had the words of
"grassy knoll" scribbled in. The son of the spy-master claimed there
was a another shooter involved according to his father.

Others (officials close to LBJ) who were asked about the claims and
credibility of the son (a drug addict: Meth and alcohol they pointed
out) and they just basically waved it off as "impossible".

The son of the spy-master said that he will write a book about it all.

This was all I could get in the space of less than a minute or two as
presented on Entertainment-TV.

Pretty bizzare - maybe segment was made for 'entertainment value'
and/or a self-promotion towards a book since the son seemed to be
trying to make some money or so it seems.
the son has been on coast to coast am (and coast to coast live)
several times. ( Ian Punnet week-end coast radio show host seems to buy it ? )
they played the tape a number of times.
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