History repeating Itself


Jedi Council Member
Just a mention on how the current situation seems a direct repeat of the 1929+ gameplan. Bank of Morgan and friends move in to stabilize/bailout/prop up the markets only to serve their own selfish needs and reposition their accounts to take advantage of the expected collapse once they exit the scene with their short positions ready to go. It seems the same now, as Bank Morgan/Stanley was the first to 'help' the Fed with Merrill Lynch I think it was and now its moved on from them and the Fed to the Treasury Dept. The current gameplan seems exactly the same as well. A ten day no shorting rule on the 800 largest financial companies with a possible 30 extension if Congress so desires. That extension would put it just a week past the election in November. As so many of the members of Congress are invested in these same companies, they no doubt will do so unless instructed to do otherwise.

This all seems like classic STS standard operating procedures or their standard gameplan. It seems they don't change it if it isn't broken. The same lesson repeating itself for those that have forgotten or never cared to learn their past history. I remember this tendency to repeat gameplans with the Iraqi war as the Cuban plan was dusted off and only the countries' name was changed. It was almost exactly the same one. Perhaps this demonstrates the lack of the creative potential? All that manipulation through time and space and so little seems to change as the same players are up on stage playing the same parts. The only difference this time seems to be the contraction of the time frame of events. Everything is speeding up or collapsing upon themselves as the collective attention is drawn to these events.

Tragically funny and so very unreal at the same time as that C session mentioned how awareness solidifies knowledge... or how our own learnings lead to confirmations... :lol: Ok, I finally found it on that search engine. Session 961012:
A: Okay... learning is an exploration followed by the affirmation of knowing discovery.

So, it seems the same situation will follow, though in a compacted time frame, as before unless some sort of agent of change enters the scene.
I read somewhere today (I think it was in USA Today) that if market forces had been left to their own devices, the exact same thing that happened in 1929 would have happened again last week. And nobody wanted another massive global meltdown. The only difference was that last week, the US Government (as well as many other governments) intervened.

That's not to say that 1929 can't happen still.... just not last week, because of a massive global injection of capital.... and it seems that some countries stockmarkets can suspend trading if necessary (Russia). Funnily enough, I think it was some financial show that said it was the Chinese stockmarket fell the most of all (64%). They can't afford to 'ditch' all their US dollars, otherwise everything they hold will have no value. They have to do it carefully and over a period of time.

Wouldn't it be strange if Bush 'decided' (or rather, was 'told') to take over 'special powers' because of this 'emergency'. I'm wondering if this 'strategy' for dictatorship is feasible?
right i came to the same observation recently, like FedReserve, Meryl Lynch are rather chess players whereas
those banks which have difficulties or go bankrupt are chess pieces on the market. And i noticed Russia recently diversified its reserves, there is no a single day without much newschat on finance. Hot topic.
From the way I understand it, in this financial empire called recently the Free Trade zone of the WTO etc... The whole con game is based on membership which is supposed to translate into respectibility. So, China, like Japan before it, joins the club and gets free export potential into the biggest market-- USA. The so-called dollars earned there are just parked in the classic show of 'faith' in this system, and then they go home and print off as much local currency as they wish. So, whatever grab for dollars is really just part of the con game for the public as distributed by the main stream media, usually owned or controlled by same. It's all just a classic pyramid scheme. Even Bush2 mentioned in his speech the other day that this house of cards was too big not to prop up/prevent collapse or something like that. He must have said that off the cuff, I doubt someone put that in the speech on purpose, but I only heard a segment on the radio so don't know for sure. Sounded like Q&A possibly.

So all the central bankers have been busy propping up the USA market/dollar in order to keep the game going. If the USA market falls, so goes the whole pyramid scheme of respectibility and lack of oversight that allows all that follows such as the spread of empire into previously uncontrolled territory or perhaps just less controlled regions like the Middle East. The herding of the flock seems to be the current trend.

It seems that the fear generated is really amoung these institutions with the most to lose. The rest of the economy could actually go on without them and this must be their real fear. Most people aren't even paying attention, as usual. The USA is currently recommending all participants bail out their own financial institutions just like us. So the pattern continues until the shorts are allowed back in the game to bring it down. This seems that '29 repeat aspect I was referring to. I never read too much on the particulars of the manipulation, but just that after the apparent bailout came the big sellout, led by those responsible for it. That analogy of ~'we saw the enemy and it was us'... sort of thing. That mirror analogy in action. It seems to me that the script hasn't changed. Russia is back playing their old part, while China is the giant in the wings awaiting their grand entrance upon the stage even while India remains uncommitted as usual and Europe continues to try and sit this one out. Europe should know better, I remember a couple of British guys on the PBS Newshour just before the Iraq war started laughing at the Bush2 gang's proclamations etc as it was the exact same policy they had decades before in the same region... so the lesson continues as the USA merely took over the reins of empire from them.

It seems that for most of these greedy types, they are being questioned by catalyst to see if they really want that STS pathway and all that entails in terms of 'service'. Most of these types are too 3d to think of the consequences at a higher level of understanding -- ie hyperdimensional aspects. So the lesson asks them to respond to the same test questions one more time to make sure. Most of them seem on autopilot like everyone else. That 94% the C's mentioned sure does sound about right.

The Bush2 call to cancel elections and martial law has been the talk or rumor for quite some time. There must be a script to follow for that as well, though one doesn't come to mind just now. It must be there, as in retrospect, they always are. Those Protocols etc. The manufacturing of these 'emergencies' is but one prime example. These false flag ops and all the previous work done to prepare the 'enemy' such as we here in the States have been busy doing since WW2 at least... those Schools for the Americas or whatever they were called to train wannbe dictators etc. We just keep invading countries that we already control through a dictator of our own training/support. Same repeat scenario every time. Most likely this time the nuc aspect will be blamed on these 'terrorists' who want to destroy yet again the financial lifeblood of the Western empire... blah, blah, blah.

It gets rather monotonous don't you think? Though the emotional ride does still get my attention as the expected events unfold. Guess that means I'm not in 5d yet. ;D
What crossed my mind with all the various banks and financial institutions going under was that these were the first steps in the gradual introduction of a One World Bank, under one name, and most definitely under the same ownership.

Especially as so many banks and Building Societies (mortgage providers) in the UK have merged in the past few years, giving the consumer even less choice due to less competition.

This is just a suggestion; I may be way off-base here.
Perhaps, a One World Bank, but also who will control it? As the USA Fed tries to 'encourage' the other central banks to participate in the 'bailout' plan... though some are resisting such as Merkel in Germany and the others in the Eurozone are vacillating as they see the problems in the USA and try to imagine a different way out... as following the USA led financial empire hasn't gone so well lately... perhaps the USA leadership run is over?

I don't know about ownership.. as I've learned that ownership is never really known publicly... so many frontmen blocking the view so that control (STS type) is usually what the sleuth has to look for to determine who's really calling the shots, but as Laura's work demonstrates, the players discovered are but shadows to those behind them.. and there's always more in these STS pyramids of power... seems all about control and none of these puppet politicians really control their own acts as they own things while the puppet masters control these owners.

That 'less competition' is classic Merger and Acquisition policies that always lead to attemptive monopolies. That whole 'cycle' of nature that comes and goes in all control games.. be it business or empires... that expand until they collapse (just a question of how fast they fall or collapse from within/without). I remember reading that Red/Green/Blue Mars scifi book series years ago that seemed to demonstrate this monopolization until only one group controlled each field... four or five huge businesses controlling it all... and this is standard for most scifi it seems, which mirrors these policies. I'm thinking that the next stage is showing as Russia is brought back from the near dead to play their old part in this drama as the old lion king is showing its weakness... that C session mention of "Wolfen".

It does take a couple of days/nights to reset one's mind as these events unfold.. to put the body into motion... to start that path most of us have seen coming for so long. So many have been talking about mid Sept through October for market crash since the beginning of the year at least... and we know the sequence of events for April... so it seems the same pattern is in place, only in a condensced timeframe... as everything speeds up from the pull of this 'wave'. Sort of unreal to have it actually happening, and gives one the need to 'snap out of it'. ;) lest one get so distracted that it all slips away due to not paying attention to events as they unfold. The details/content can make one forget the context, without which it all can seem to crash in on you. Maintaining that distance... non-attachment... or unattachment to events, emotions etc... as the winds of spirit come crashing ashore.. and one has to learn to ride the wave of change. :P

I did find it interesting that the PPT corrected their mistake over the weekend to allow the market makers to short stocks they control in order to do their job of creating a securities trading in the first place. And with recent Congressional questioning of this 'bailout' plan giving total control to the President, all bets are off if they continue with questions that could lead into all other actions in recent years like torture, kidnapping, training 'freedom/terrorists' resistance fighters, domestic spying etc.. the list is endless. This seems like another 9-11 catalyst moment to wake up the world's people as this one covers the entire global economy, thusly most everyone. Global catalyst. :cool:

It's cool to watch it all unfold and wondering what wild card like catalyst will show up in a few hours or few days as it does seem 'time' is speeding up as this 'wave' comes closer. The wind of spirit becoming more forceful in its attempt to wake up those still asleep and able to awaken. Interesting as long as you stay ahead of the chaos.
I don't know if it is a relevent connection or not, but the actual situation issue remembers of Atlantis drama. Atlantis is told to be a civilisation with some center in America. There is also this issue of Nordic covenant (I don't understand it at all). But these two concepts (Atlantis + Nordic convenient) makes me think of NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization (treaty=convenient). Is there any connection here or is it a semantic coincidence?
This is interesting:

[quote author=article] The PRE-PLANNED Financial/Economic 911 of 2008
T. Anthony Michael – September 24, 2008

WHAT: A pre-planned collapse of the US (and global) financial and economic systems.

WHO: The same characters who perpetrated the original 911.

WHERE: New York City & DC, of course. Plus a sideshow in Washington state.

WHEN: The days surrounding September 11, naturally.

HOW: Instead of painted drones, missiles with fins and fake airplanes, they used the much more stealthy short seller.

WHY: To remake the economic/financial order of the world.

WHY Really: Think about it! And then ask yourself, “Cui bono?”

The 911 blueprint worked so magically for the world controllers that they were compelled to use virtually the same playbook. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

So, what’s the real deal here?

By analogy, let’s take a quick look at the 911 timeline and stack it up against the new 2008 Financial “911”, as it began to unfold earlier this year.

The Bear Stearns collapse that began in March, 2008 is analogous to the 1st World Trade Center bombing in 1993. Just a warm up. This was preceded by a little failure back in January featuring Countrywide – the largest US mortgage lender.

The nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac marks the beginning of the new 911. Both in the DC area, they were the first to come down this time. Just as they struck at the heart of the military complex, this time they went for the jugular of the national real estate market. Remember – this is a financial 911.

Next came this year’s version of the twin towers, building 7 and other assorted NYC landmarks in the form of Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, as well as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in their “new & improved” form. Basically took out the whole of American investment brokerage, heh?!

And, of course, we still have Washington Mutual out there in the boonies just like the one that “crashed” in a PA farm field.

The 700 trillion dollar Bailout Plan is just like the Patriot Act, isn’t it? Only this time it’s maybe a 1 or 2 page document that confers absolute authority on the Executive Branch to do just about anything they want with the taxpayer’s money. And they want it rubber stamped now. Not tomorrow. NOW!!! Without discussion, or unnecessary congressional debate. Talk about Shock & Awe being used against the American people, and their elected representatives!?!

Now we know we can expect further gyrations, panics and precipitous declines in the market and elsewhere, just as we had anthrax attacks in the Capital, beltway snipers in Maryland in October of ’02, the 3/11/04 train bombings in Madrid, and the 7/7/05 bombings in London. Not to mention the 50 or so other synthetic terror events staged throughout the world to enforce compliance and create distraction.

The sudden and dramatic downfall of NY Gov Eliot Spitzer can also now be seen in its proper light. Having left the reservation one too many times, he simply could not be trusted to go with the flow. He had their numbers, their signatures, their addresses – the whole ball of wax, as well as his own reputation to burnish. The elimination of John O’Neil, Head of Security at the WTC, is quite similar, except that John O. – a great patriot – died on 911 having just been given the job.

To date, the most obvious and glaring example of this manipulated takedown is the case of a NY Senator. His letter to the FDIC contained confidential information that triggered the IndyMac bank collapse in July. California AG Jerry Brown was called to review the entire affair after the OTS Director explicitly blamed the letter for causing a run on the bank (3rd largest bank failure in US history). This episode is eerily reminiscent of Larry Silverstein’s order to, “Pull it.” just prior to the expertly controlled demolition of Building # 7on 911.

Just as 911 was perpetrated as a cover for: inaugurating the War on Terror, overtly advancing the NWO regime globally (in contrast to this previously covert operation), imposing a police state (Homeland Security) in the US (by gutting the US Constitution), UK and elsewhere, dominating and securing oil/gas reserves in the Middle East and Cacaucus (to include running energy pipelines through Afghanistan and stealing Irag’s oil wealth via military invasion), jump starting the Afghan opium trade, etc., the ECO/FIN 911 of ’08 is a cover for many of these same agenda items. However, there is one little item that is particularly high on the current agenda. And that concerns the derivatives market, which in its totality approximates somewhere between 500 trillion and 1 quadrillion dollars of instruments as of 2008. In fact, the sub prime mortgage defaults are just a tip of the tip of the iceberg when compared to the real megilla – DERIVATIVES. This is what they’re really worried about, and having to cover for. Except this is a quadrillion dollar megilla that can’t be covered without unraveling the entire capitalistic system, and its fascist corpocracy and kleptocratic oligarchy.

And then there is the teenie, weenie matter concerning the Federal Reserve, and its collection agency – the IRS. The man standing behind this curtain has a lot at stake, especially in the form of mountains of evidence that will indict, and convict, the entire system. Lots of evidence was destroyed during and after 911, as will happen after many of these Wall Street firms are taken over, nationalized, liquidated, merged and disappeared. The veil, however, has already been lifted.
Does anyone see a pattern here?!

The real lesson to be gleaned from this analysis is that events of such enormity and consequence are rarely spontaneous and unchoreographed. Especially when they happen just weeks from an era defining presidential election. They have obviously been planning this one for a long time, and it has been fastidiously engineered to have a very definite effect and desired outcome – a permanent planetary plantation (PPP).

The execution, thus far, has been flawless. Even for those of us who stood there on the 1st 911, and knew it was a fraud while the buildings were coming down, this one is exceedingly more difficult to penetrate. However, penetrate we will, until every last conspirator is sitting before the TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION spillin’ the beans. The ultimate and lasting effect of these inquiries will be a New World Order of our making, not theirs. The only remaining, $64,000 question will undoubtedly be, “What do we do with them when we head them off at the pass?”

For the uninitiated, it may take quite a lot to wrap your mind around this extremely complex and convoluted plot, but, please, just be patient. As this drama plays out, the true intentions of the primary perpetrators will become manifest as they unwittingly reveal themselves by their handiwork. As Eliot Spitzer, no - Eliot Ness, nee – Sherlock Holmes once alluded to – a fingerprint inadvertently left as evidence is impossible to erase.

You see, the short sellers, unlike the “airplanes”, are still with us. Each one had a target to take down which they did with amazing speed and dexterity. And the myriad transactions that converged to topple their prey are all preserved somewhere, in some huge database, with multiple backups to serve as confirmation of trades of staggering amounts. AHHH! Nothing like computers, especially when they’re not confiscated and shipped off to China for permanent disposal.

May all financial wizards and economic soothsayers, henceforth, be inspired to stare into their crystal ball and divine the upcoming financial and economic events of global proportions with the keenest of acumen and sleuthing. As we shine the LIGHT of our collective awareness on these rapidly unfolding schemes, we will serve as beacons of revelation, and hope to the world.

Remember – we now know the script. We know the major players involved. We are able to watch the crimes being committed in real time. Each of us has now been thusly notified, and empowered, to serve as a vector of dissemination of this vital and critical information. So -----> LET’S GET BUSY ! ! !

T. Anthony Michael 9/22/08

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as one man's pov.
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