Here we go: Iranian Weapons and Syrian Hardware found in Lebanon


The Living Force
from here:

Israel humbled by arms from Iran
By Adrian Blomfield in Ghandouriyeh
(Filed: 15/08/2006)

Abandoned Hizbollah positions in Lebanon yesterday revealed conclusive evidence that Syria - and almost certainly Iran - provided the anti-tank missiles that have blunted the power of Israel's once invincible armour.

After one of the fiercest confrontations of the war, Israeli forces took the small town of Ghandouriyeh, east of the southern city of Tyre, on Sunday evening, hours before a ceasefire brokered by the United Nations took effect.

At least 24 Israeli soldiers were killed in the advance on the strategic hilltop town as Hizbollah fighters were pushed back to its outskirts, abandoning many weapons.

The discovery helped to explain the slow progress made by Israeli ground forces in nearly five weeks of a war which Hizbollah last night claimed as "a historic victory." Israeli political and military leaders are facing mounting criticism over the conduct of the offensive, which was intended to smash the Iranian-backed Shia militia.

Outside one of the town's two mosques a van was found filled with green casings about 6ft long. The serial numbers identified them as AT-5 Spandrel anti-tank missiles. The wire-guided weapon was developed in Russia but Iran began making a copy in 2000.

Beyond no-man's land, in the east of the village, was evidence of Syrian-supplied hardware. In a garden next to a junction used as an outpost by Hizbollah lay eight Kornet anti-tank rockets, described by Brig Mickey Edelstein, the commander of the Nahal troops who took Ghandouriyeh, as "some of the best in the world".

Written underneath a contract number on each casing were the words: "Customer: Ministry of Defence of Syria. Supplier: KBP, Tula, Russia."

Brig Edelstein said: "If they tell you that Syria knew nothing about this, just look. This is the evidence. Proof, not just talk."

The discovery of the origin of the weapons proved to the Israelis that their enemy was not a ragged and lightly armed militia but a semi-professional army equipped by Syria and Iran to take on Israel. The weapons require serious training to operate and could be beyond the capabilities of some supposedly regular armies in the Middle East. The Kornet was unveiled by Russia in 1994. It is laser-guided, has a range of three miles and carries a double warhead capable of penetrating the reactive armour on Israeli Merkava tanks. Russia started supplying them to Syria in 1998.

Israeli forces were taken by surprise by the sophistication of the anti-tank weapons they faced. They are believed to have accounted for many of the 116 deaths the army suffered. Dozens of tanks were hit and an unknown number destroyed.

The missiles were also used against infantry, in one case bringing down a house and killing nine soldiers. They played an important part in Hizbollah's tactics of using a network of concealed positions to set up ambushes for the Israelis as they inched in. Last night, Hassan Nasrallah, the Hizbollah leader, said his men had achieved "a strategic, historic victory" over "a confused, cowardly and defea-ted" enemy. He said the militia would not disarm, as Israel and the UN Security Council were demanding. It would be "immoral, incorrect and inappropriate," he said. "It is the wrong timing on a pyschological and moral level."

As the militia leader was claiming victory, Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, defended his handling of the crisis and said that the massive air, ground and sea attack had changed the face of the Middle East. But he admitted that the military and political leadership was guilty of "shortcomings", not least in underestimating the threat from anti-tank weapons.

Critics say that he placed too much faith in the ability of the air force to break the back of Hizbollah and delayed launching a major ground offensive until it was too late.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Likud Party leader and a rival, said: "There were many failures - failures on identifying the threat, failures in preparing to meet the threat, failures in the management of the war, failures in the management of the home front."

Last night, President George W. Bush blamed Iran and Syria for fomenting the conflict between Israel and Hizbollah. "We can only imagine how much more dangerous this conflict would be if Iran had the nuclear weapon it seeks," he said.
Creepy, obvious, perfect timing.
Cyre2067 said:
from here:

Written underneath a contract number on each casing were the words: "Customer: Ministry of Defence of Syria. Supplier: KBP, Tula, Russia."
Creepy, obvious, perfect timing.
It leaves us to wonder what was written on F16s that were bombing Lebanon? Were they supplied by Cuba?
I had similar thoughts to ark when I had read two or three versions on this story.

This just shows the typical manouver of the psychopaths in power.

US supplies Israel with funding, military hardware and know how to bomb the hell outta Palestinian and Lebanese civilians and if anyone critisises them its, "Cos they are doing it to protect themselves" and it justified. Just as the US pre-emptive attack doctorine is justified by saying "were only defending our own rights to live".

But golly gosh, if the civilians or groups such as Hizzbullah protecting the civilians decide to defend themselves using vastly inferior arms, then anyone who supplies them with that weaponary must be evil terrorists becuase "they" have no right to protect themselves or their lives. What utter insanity, there is no logic to thining like this.

Just goes to show you how the US and Israel Neo-con zionists claim to be "all for freedom", yet when it comes down to it, they only want freedom for themselves (to act as they wish) and not for others to be able to make a choice to defend the sanctity of their own lives. By their own double talk they are openly admitting that they dont think most of the Arab population in the middle east, or the world at large has the same rights to live or protect themselves as western folk do...kinda makes me wonder how long before they reveal the truth that this is how the elite psychos feel about most of populatin, Arab or not.

Having a policy like this is like trying to condone rape of a woman by claiming its a mans right to do what he wants to whomever he wants...wishfull thinking at its most gross.

I wonder if they will make a big fuss about the fact that some of the "alleged arms found" may have been produced in Russia, or from Russian collaboration with the Syrians and Iranians. Another excuse for Cheney to bark at the Russians no doubt and tell them how wrong their foreign policies are.
What is worth noting is that it is not just politicians that are psychopaths. We see that most of the mainstream media journalists are as good as the politicians in this respect. Perhaps an update on Ponerology should be written, which will treat the disease among the journalists as well? Somehow Lobaczewski did not talk much about the journalists. At the time when he was writing his book, perhaps, jornalists were not as evil as they are today?
Maybe in the time Lobaczewski was penning the original book the media did not have as much of an influence or control as it does these days vis-a-vis TV (as the main source). Maybe this is part of the reason why there has been such an increase in ponerogensis via the strobing and hypnotic propoganda boxes in western culture? So maybe your right, that the people working in media did not need to be as ponerized or psychopathic as they are today, but the more coverage or contact with the popolace of sheeple any insitution has, the more infiltrated and ponerized it becomes.

In society here in the UK it is also a generally frowned upon thing, to avoid watching TV and the multitude of programs that are on. I say this as many times I have found myself somehwhat socially isolated from many of my friends in the past who have been following the latest "Fad" shows such as Pop Idol, Big Brother or the host of other reality TV shows. When I would meet with them, they would have a multitude of thing to discuss with each other about the TV shows, but all I could do was smile and say I don't really watch much TV. My friends would then usually call me "a bit of a freak", and generally make sly comments regarding me being abnormal or deviant for not watching these shows.

There were also likely less people who were literate enough to read the newspapers, I know this is certainly true of the UK, as schooling wasn't as prevelant or as widespread for kids as it is in our era and there was a greater percentage of illiterate in the UK in the days of the first and second world war.

However I do remeber that there was a recent study done in the US which puts the literacy rate waaaay below par with other western countries, which means if those illiterate in the US want to know whats going on in there country, they must watch the propoganda boxes now more than ever.
Appollynon said:

There were also likely less people who were literate enough to read the newspapers, I know this is certainly true of the UK, as schooling wasn't as prevelant or as widespread for kids as it is in our era and there was a greater percentage of illiterate in the UK in the days of the first and second world war.

However I do remeber that there was a recent study done in the US which puts the literacy rate waaaay below par with other western countries, which means if those illiterate in the US want to know whats going on in there country, they must watch the propoganda boxes now more than ever.
a) social pressure
i've managed over the years to extricate myself from the 'peer' pressure to drink alcohol, to smoke, to watch TV, to be a patriot, to respect 'authority', to engage in discussion about football and the weather, to be partisan of some fotball club or a political party, to belong to the church and to kiss the bishop's hand, to engage in office grapevine ... the price i've paid for that is that i find it difficult to socialize with those who partake in all these 'social' activities; instead i've found far more interesting people and activities. my take is that when one is under social pressure to do these things, it might well be that one is in wrong company to start with. you may notice that the social pressure to do more constructive things is much weaker.

b) literacy
literacy is not necessary for us from the POV of the controllers. literacy was introduced on a wider scale because the kings, emperors and the church needed 'able' bodies in their respective bureaucracies who would understand the instructions given to them in writing. literacy (and numeracy) also made the commercial interests behind all expressions of empire more viable. you may also note that almost all technology available today to the masses has its origin within the military apparatuses and that technology and science not beneficial in some way to the military (or some other faction of the control system) is supressed or underfunded. just one example is the kind of research done by this website.

all this explains why literacy and education in general are ebbing away in all countries where it has allowed for too many 'dangerous' ideas to take hold among the masses. the US is just more 'advanced' in this downward spiral. it is all part of the effort of pathocracy to generate conditions which propiciate their depredations of the rest of us. when most people fall for things like "Iranian Weapons Systems found in Lebanon", they've succeeded. The story is obviously a propaganda piece. It could be either a total fabrication, an event of planted incriminatory 'evidence', or just finger-pointing to distract away from the fact that the Israelis receive much more weapons from their sponsors.

Anybody who has doubts this should re-read the protocols of the elders of Z and orwell's 1984, paying special attention to the "book within the book" by his fictional character emmanuel g., because that is exactly what is going on.

(sorry if this was off-topic)
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