Happy 20th anniversary for the C's!!!

Arwenn said:
Happy anniversary Cassiopaea! Thank you for all your efforts and hard work. What an exciting month July is turning out to be- Supermoon, JC's birthday, the July 12 session & now this!
Seriously Laura- where do you find the time?!! You guys rock! :headbanger:

:cheer: :clap: :cheer: :thup:

Ditto the above!!! Just ordered my copy! Thank you, Laura and all involved! :dance: :bacon: :thup:
wow!! I could not help greet who changed my way of see the life ... Greetings Laura and friends, C's and all of you on the future :D :flowers:
Happy anniversary C's !!!! :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Thank you for the surprise gift. :cheer: What a month – the session with Ceaser and 20years anniversary with C’S – it’s so amazing!
Happy Anniversary Laura, and to the C's in the future. :flowers: :wizard:

With this connection, you, your family and friends and your future selves, have helped many to negotiate the present and lean many new external and internal things...

Thank you! :bacon:
Happy 20th Anniversary Cassiopaea! Greatly appreciate all your hard work over the years, Laura and crew. Truly inspiring.
I should warn ya'll that my commentary is sort of "no holds barred" and is me looking back over twenty years with what I know now compared to what I didn't know then.

Data has been cracking the whip on this project and we'll be getting all the sessions out in this way pretty quickly, one volume after the other, as well as me finishing the project of getting all the sessions published here on the forum.

So much work to do!
Laura said:
I should warn ya'll that my commentary is sort of "no holds barred" and is me looking back over twenty years with what I know now compared to what I didn't know then.

I just want to say that I had to giggle more than once when Laura's humor was coming through her excellent commentary! :lol:
Happy Anniversary Cassiopaeans, Laura, Ark and the Crew. The best thing I ever found.

Just ordered my paperback.

Thank you so much for all your years of hard work.

:cheer: :bacon: :dance: :dance: :bacon::cheer:
Congratulations! Thank you so much for the work you do for all of us. Your energy is a lighthouse in our lives. Thank you.
Happy 20th Anniversary to Laura and Arkadius, the Chateau Crew, the Cassiopaean family and to all of us/you forum members/readers.
and a belated happy birthday to JC on 12th July. :wizard: :wizard:
Happy 20th Anniversary C's, Laura and the crew :cheer: I've been with you only a couple of years, but what a journey it's been! (and still is).

Thank you so much!
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