Graves Disease and Asthma


The Force is Strong With This One
Does anyone know of any effective natural or dietary treatments for graves disease and the late onset of asthma? I think they may be related since graves is autoimmune.
Hello Loth,

You should check Cayce files. See Goiter and/or Hyperthyroidism

The causes of hypothyroidism were varied, and appear from the readings to relate both to true hypothyroidism as well as "incoordination" of the glandular system. Commonly, a spinal imbalance was suggested as the cause. A nutritional deficiency, usually caused by dietary lack, but sometimes caused by improper assimilation, was also suggested. Mental excitement, acting on the sympathetic nervous system, was causative in some cases and contributory in others. Lack of normal circulation through the gland itself was also mentioned as a cause for certain individuals. This lack of circulation was often related to the aforementioned spinal imbalance. Finally, improper eliminations, or incoordination between assimilation and elimination, was suggested as a cause of hypothyroidism for some people.

Pressure on spinal nerve centers was a common etiological factor in the Cayce readings on asthma. In particular, the upper thoracic (dorsal) and lower cervical nerve plexuses were implicated. Nerve supply to the respiratory system is derived from these nerve centers. Impairment to nerve supply can compromise respiratory functioning leading to increased vulnerability to other factors as described below. Disturbed circulation was noted as a factor in asthma. Primarily, increased circulation to the lungs was cited in numerous readings. This was often linked to pressure on the spinal nerve centers which regulate blood flow to the lungs.

Poor eliminations were cited as a causative factor in several readings. Presumably, circulating toxins can irritate the lungs triggering an asthma attack. Specifically, problems with the hepatic system were noted in several readings on asthma. Edgar Cayce’s description of the hepatic system includes the liver, heart, and lungs as organs of the "upper hepatic circulation." According to the Cayce readings, the lungs represent one of the channels of elimination by which the liver can eliminate toxins from the system. Thus the lungs may react to increased toxicity resulting in respiratory illness.

Certain foods were emphasized as causative factors. Sugar, starches, and pork were mentioned as contributing to asthma. Generally speaking, acid-producing foods were viewed as problematic.

Glandular dysfunction was sometimes noted in readings on asthma. The lymphatic system was also occasionally mentioned in cases of asthma.
Hi Loth,

You'll find useful information in "the important threads" of the health section:

It will help you to understand as to the causes and how diet and detox can help.
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