Galactic Species and Groups (According to C's)


Padawan Learner
I am interested in making an infographic presenting the major alien races and groups that the C's have described thus far. So I've been attempting to organize a basic catalog of all the races and groups, including their STS-STO alignment, based on the information provided solely by the transcripts and the Glossary. This is my progress so far.

First, the alien species:

Grays (aka Grey aliens)
Lizard cybergenetic probes; ~4ft tall; 5 distinct varieties
Earth involvement: UFOs, abduction

Lizards (aka Drachomonoids, Reptoids, Reptilians, Lizzies)
Orion STS slaves; ~8ft tall
Earth involvement: indirect, direct less common (but see Men In Black)

Men In Black
3D STS (semi-physical)
Lizard Projections; human appearance
Earth involvement: Direct human interaction

4D STS (some STO)
Higher Orion STS Echelons
Earth involvement: minimal

Nephalim (aka Nephilim)
Enforcers, slaves of Orion STS; 12-15ft tall
Earth Involvement: Brought at different times, will return

Cassiopaeans (aka Pleiadians, Arcturians, Orions?)
Unified Thought Form Light Beings; name varies according to transmission locator in space-time
Earth involvement: Communication (Superluminal)

Transient Passengers
5D and 6D (?)
Unified Thought Form; transit all forms of reality. "They spring forth from the Unified form of existence". Riders of The Wave. 5D and 6D "Wanderers".
Earth Involvement: Brought (and/or will bring) human bodies to ancient Earth (Realm Border Crossing event)

Minturians (aka Praying Mantises, Mantids)
4D STS (& STO?)
Allied with Lizards (not all?)
Earth involvement: minimal (abductions)

3D ST?
Minturian project to test physical compatibility with 3D Earth
Earth involvement: sparse sightings

Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot):
3D(?) STS(?)
Menial slaves-pets of Lizards. Transitory. Once lived on Mars.
Earth involvement: brought by Lizards, but do not inhabit planet.

Original inhabitants of Kantek (modern-day Main Asteroid Belt); Cassiopaeans had contact with them
Earth involvement: transported to Earth after Kantek’s destruction, ancestors of Aryan-Celt race

Next are the few groups (with extraterrestrial traits) that the C's have talked about:

2D, 3D and 4D (plus 5D & 6D overseer zones); half STS, half STO
Most populated region in Milky Way (offsite colonies are also included in Federation), origin of all humanoid types

STS sub-group of the Orion Federation
"Chain of Command"(?). Involved with genetic engineering of first humans

CONSORTIUM (aka Illuminati):
Mostly human, STS
Secret world government influenced by Lizards

Mostly alien, STS & STO
“Deeper knowledge organization”. Positive and negative influences overlap/blend/co-exist to create a balance. Ties with Illuminati, Cassiopaeans, others. “Watchers”, “keep track of prophecies”.

Mostly human, STS & STO (?)
Descendants of bloodline extending off the planet; guard secrets about the origins of humanity

I hope my interpretations are not too inaccurate here. Some things I'm not sure about have a question mark.

I would appreciate it if anyone is able to assist in completing or correcting this information. I would also love to hear your opinions on this matter if you have any, they would be helpful too.

EDIT 10/11: Added Transient Passengers and minor corrections.

Might be fun to do but as the C's have stated there are many, many, many races, I wouldn't see it as too important ftiw.
Yeah, thanks. That was an interesting recap. I've wondered who/what are the Orion STS? I didn't know the lizzies were their slaves. I thought the lizzies were as high as STS went, other than the 5th density beings in the grottos as described by Topper and the 6th Density STS thought forms.
Franco said:

Might be fun to do but as the C's have stated there are many, many, many races, I wouldn't see it as too important ftiw.

Hi! That's true, there are many races in the Milky Way. However, these particular races are are the only ones actively involved in the galactic conflict involving Earth (and that the C's have mentioned so far). Thus, these races are the only ones that have any involvement with Earth (as I attempted to describe) and are hence important to its history and future, according to the C's (again, so far).

3D Student said:
Yeah, thanks. That was an interesting recap. I've wondered who/what are the Orion STS? I didn't know the lizzies were their slaves. I thought the lizzies were as high as STS went, other than the 5th density beings in the grottos as described by Topper and the 6th Density STS thought forms.

As the Glossary explains, Orion STS is a name that encompasses all aliens which are part of the Orion Federation and are also STS, including the Grays and Lizzies. However, the C's usually use this term to refer to beings other than Grays and Lizzies, namely Nordics, who are the Higher echelons of Orion STS and supervisors of Lizzies/Grays. (There's my first correction already to make clear that Nordics are the higher-ups of Orion STS). Thanks for your input!
Hi there! Just want to throw my opinion here.
I agree with Franco that this is quite not important. IMO it can be only a recompilation for our own entertainment, clearly because we can't be certain that this truly represents the alien races compilation. For example, how could we possibly know that Lizzies are ~8ft tall?! Anyway, can we be 100% sure that they do indeed exist taking into consideration the fourth density nature, which is surely incomprehensible for us ? The C's experiment is the inspiration for research, right?

This recompilation just struck me because there is a lot of similar recaps at different COINTELPRO and other websites which claim they have the whole banana regarding alien races, based on no real evidence. IMO we here should always take that data with a grain of salt and a healthy approach.

I do have in mind that it is a recap (According to C's) and I don't claim that I think it's totally useless, just wanted to turn on an alarm clock that we shouldn't jump to big conclusions that we know other entities for sure.

My 3 cents,
Cesar said:
As the Glossary explains, Orion STS is a name that encompasses all aliens which are part of the Orion Federation and are also STS, including the Grays and Lizzies. However, the C's usually use this term to refer to beings other than Grays and Lizzies, namely Nordics, who are the Higher echelons of Orion STS and supervisors of Lizzies/Grays. (There's my first correction already to make clear that Nordics are the higher-ups of Orion STS). Thanks for your input!

Ok I got it. Thanks for the explanation.
Thanks for the recap. I just want to say that my interest on species and intergalactic cosmical groups (lol) is just big, if I graduate FROM 3rd density I would like to study them hohoho.
Franco said:

Might be fun to do but as the C's have stated there are many, many, many races, I wouldn't see it as too important ftiw.

At this moment it's not, but no one gets hurt by it.
3D Student said:
Yeah, thanks. That was an interesting recap. I've wondered who/what are the Orion STS? I didn't know the lizzies were their slaves. I thought the lizzies were as high as STS went, other than the 5th density beings in the grottos as described by Topper and the 6th Density STS thought forms.

In High Strangeness, Laura said that the higher density STS beings were almost like the functional organs of higher astral feeders, if my understanding is correct. I think the notions of higher density beings being slaves to others could be an artefact of our 3D thinking, since were only really beginning to grasp what it means to be an integrated unit plugged into a social memory complex like the STS hierarchy or STO collectives. FWIW, I could be wrong.

I was kind of hoping to see the Transient Passengers on the list, which are so far the most mysterious things I've heard of in alien or ultraterrestrial literature or transcripts. :D
whitecoast said:
I was kind of hoping to see the Transient Passengers on the list, which are so far the most mysterious things I've heard of in alien or ultraterrestrial literature or transcripts. :D

You're totally right! I forgot about the Transient Passengers. I'll be adding them to the list, now that I have editing privileges. I'll do my best to synthesize what the C's have said about them, since it's indeed a complex subject to grasp. Thanks for your reply! :)

EDIT: Done! :)
Hi Cesar,

Nice compilation, well done.

Today's batch of new transcript releases contains one new species (in here:,25701.0.html):
Q: (L) Did this event have anything to do with A__'s experience this morning of being awakened by a rustling in her room and thinking that she heard a squeaky voice calling her name?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, what was it that she experienced?

A: 4th density "resident."

Q: (L) And what kind of 4th density resident was this?

A: Om.

Q: (L) Who is Om. (V) Is it a name? (T) Is Om the name of the being?

A: Type.

Q: (L) What is a type Om?

A: You would rather not know!

Q: (L) No, I would rather know. If something is going to be visiting my daughter in her bedroom, I definitely want to know who or what it is.

A: Who says this will be regular event?

Q: (V) So, in other words, if it is not going to happen all the time, don't worry about it, is that right?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) This was just a one time event?

A: Yes.

Also, in another (see here:,25695.0.html) there was some info that partly contradicts your remark

Cesar said:
ORION FEDERATION (aka Orion Union)

with this:

Q: You have talked about space battles and cosmic struggles and individuals and beings and races of beings coming from one direction or another to act in this cosmic drama...

A: It is part and parcel of the energy that maintains all existence, as are you all.

Q: You also once said that there were "good guys" and "bad guys."

A: From a chosen perspective.

Q: Does that mean that the "good guys" and "bad guys" CHOOSE to undertake these roles for the sake of this Cosmic Drama?

A: Yes, to some extent. It also means that to the fishes and the cockroaches, et al, "you is de bad guys." Subjectivity reigns in STS!

Q: Would you care to name these groups? You have said that there is the Orion Federation and the Orion Union. The Federation is supposed to be STO, and the Union is supposed to be STS. Is there also a group called the "Markab Confederation," as one person asked?

A: This stage is so huge that there is every "group" you can imagine! And, if you imagine them, they are there.

Otherwise nothing but praise. It always comes in handy to have a list of items like this. Thanks!
Palinurus said:
Hi Cesar,
Nice compilation, well done.

Hi Palinurus! Thank you for your kind words and your comments!

Your quote about the "Om being" sounds very interesting. However, I don't feel I could list it, since there is so little information the C's give about it. Either way, thanks for the heads-up.

Also, in another (see here:,25695.0.html) there was some info that partly contradicts your remark
Cesar said:
ORION FEDERATION (aka Orion Union)
with this:
Q: Would you care to name these groups? You have said that there is the Orion Federation and the Orion Union. The Federation is supposed to be STO, and the Union is supposed to be STS. Is there also a group called the "Markab Confederation," as one person asked?
A: This stage is so huge that there is every "group" you can imagine! And, if you imagine them, they are there.

You raise a good point. Frankly, I had trouble deciding what to do with the "Orion Union". At times it's not clear if the C's are using it as a synonym of the Orion Federation or something separate. However, I should say that their remark that "The Federation is supposed to be STO, and the Union is supposed to be STS" is at least "half mistaken"...

[quote author=95-09-24]
Q: (RC) I thought that humans originated in Lyra and then a
war broke out there and they ended up in Orion.
A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all
places, but some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay
attention to Orion! This is your ancestral home, and your
eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately
accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily
populated region of your Milky Way galaxy! This is a region
that extends across 3rd and 4th density space for a distance
as vast as the distance between your locator and it. There
are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets
as you know them. Some are artificially constructed
planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some are
"satellites." There are primary homes, traveling stations and
incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There
are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately
one half is STO and one half is STS. Together, along with
many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in
translation, Orion Federation.


This means that the Orion Federation as a whole is both STS and STO, not only STO as they mention. When they state that "the Federation is STO and the Union is STS", they are assuming this to be true. They unfortunately don't ask for confirmation from the C's on this remark, so we can't tell whether the Orion Union part is accurate, either. But, there are indeed other places I found where it is indeed used as a unique group:

[quote author=94-10-23]
A: Souls into seeded bodies. Orion Union was first into
Q: (L) The Orion souls came into Neanderthal bodies?
A: No. Put humans there for incubation process.
Q: (L) Were altered ape embryos put back into ape females for
A: No. Souls only.
Q: (L) They put the souls into the ape bodies?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Did the soul's presence in the ape body cause its
genetics and DNA to change?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) They entered into living creatures on this planet to
experience 3 d reality and by entering in caused mutation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Then were altered by Orion Union first. They resemble
Q: (L) Who resembles us?
A: The Orions.
Q: (L) We haven't talked too much about the Orions...
A: Orion Union. There are others in Orion Community.
Q: (L) Are some of the Orions not good guys as we would term
it? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are some of them good guys?
A: Yes.

At first I was confused with this because when they ask if some of them are good guys, they say yes. But I realize now that they're not referring to the Orion Union, they are talking about the Federation in general. So it is possible that the Orion Union is exclusively STS. Other clues:

[quote author=94-10-23]
Q: (L) Well, then how did mankind come to be here?
A: Combination of factors. Numerous souls desired physical
existence then was altered by three forces including
principally Lizards through Grays, Nephalim and Orion

[quote author=95-09-16]
Q: (L) What was the origin of the Hebrew People?
A: Genetic construct.
Q: (L) Who did this genetic construct?
A: Joing effort of many sources, basically Orion Union Chain of Command.

Et cetera. So I think you're right in the way that the Orion Union is a separate entity. I'll go put it as such. Thanks again for your reply! :)
Cesar, I admire your thoroughness.
Nevertheless, I think we should ask Laura what she remembers about this and how she feels now in this respect. That seems the only way to be certain about it.
Palinurus said:
Cesar, I admire your thoroughness.
Nevertheless, I think we should ask Laura what she remembers about this and how she feels now in this respect. That seems the only way to be certain about it.

Oh, certainly. Laura undoubtedly has the last word about what the transcripts truly convey. :)
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