From Israel to Lebanon: Macrosocial Evil

Lucy, thank you for your reaction :)

Lucy said:
...but that it wasn't suppressed by the Israeli military.
Interesting, haven't thought of that way. The evil of (STS) propaganda.
Lucy said:
...but that it wasn't suppressed by the Israeli military.
I think that's right. It's as if they are bragging. sending a subversive message of fear out to the 'enemy', (ie the non-psychopath):
- 'look what we can get away with'.
- 'look how far we've come, how well-pathocratised our society is, how we can use children in this way without anyone batting an eyelid'
- 'look, this is what the future holds, little girls writing messages on missiles, if you don't like it then you're in trouble and we're coming to get you'
Are you familiar with sci-fi film "Starship troopers" which is based on Heinlein story with the same name? On the surface it's looks like a very "shallow" ;) film. But it is actually a brilliant critique of fascism. Future (influenced by American culture) fascism. If I remember correctly, director of this film said once that he was very glad that even actors didn't "get" a real message, that's why they played perfectly. They were naturally ignorant :)
Anyway, the main plot of the movie is a great war with giant intelligent bugs. And the message is "that everyone doing their part". So you see images of troops going to public parks and offering bullets to exited children as gifts. They play with those bullets like with toys. Or you see bunch of kids smashing in ecstasy couple of cockroaches on the road, and their mother stands near them and claps and laughs in hysteria.

Now, because I live in Israel, I understand why children were exited to draw on those missiles. Soldiers here get a "family feeling" and high respect. They are like mature brothers or sisters - the protectors from so many evil enemies. So of course children were exited to "do their part". But the MEANING, the meaning is chilling.
Keit said:
Soldiers here get a "family feeling" and high respect. They are like mature brothers or sisters - the protectors from so many evil enemies.
It was the same with Hitler:



and Stalin
In regards to the article by Lisa Goldman in 'defense' of the pictures of the Israeli girls mentioned by Snow earlier in the thread, it seems the first mention of Goldman's 'research' was in a gmail chat with Pro-Israeli blogger Sandmonkey:


(If you go to the above website besides inserting a . were (dot) is, you also have to replace the following (*) with a u.)

Here's the exchange ('me' is sandmonkey) :

Tuesday, 18 Jul 2006

The ******-Up Pictures Explained

Ok, in regards to those pictures again, this is what happened:

I sent the link to Lisa immedietly, asking for some sort of explanation on how this could've happened. Lisa, outraged, decided to find the Photographer and ask him herself what happend. After she got the story, she confirmed it again with another Journalist who was there. The following are her words, copied and pasted from a Gmail chat. Make your own conclusions:

Lisa: okay

got the whole story

i have to write about it, but it will be very difficult

it is not at all what it looks like

not at all

sh*t sh*t sh*t

you wanna hear?

Sent at

3:33 PM on Tuesday
Lisa: okay

it's a long story
me: short
and sweet version
Lisa: kids were in
bomb shelters for days. city is a ghost town.

only poor people stayed

a new army unit arrived, kids were bored, went out with
parents to look

there were TWELVE photographers there

and they egged the kids on

the kids are low class, not educated, have never met a
Lebanese, just want to live their lives, don't understand why Lebanon
attacked their home, etc.

the photographers told them "hey, your cousins in america
will see you!"

mostly foreign photographers

so the kids, who were bored and restless and had been cooped
up in bomb shelters for 5 days, took the felt markers and drew messages to

there were no cries of hatred toward lebanese

and a big problem is that the israeli tv does not show dead
lebanese. it shows destroyed buildings, but not dead bodies. so no one has a
face of the dead in their minds. too aware of our own suffering, etc.

make sense?
She will post on this later on today.
In Lisa's later post ( http://ontheface(dot)blogware(dot)com/blog/_archives/2006/7/20/2142505.html ) , she fails to repeat her earlier statements that they were 'uneducated,' and 'low class'. Her point seems mainly focused around how bad it was that there were photographers there who were evil enough to take such pictures! Lisa Goldman seems so far removed from any function of thought that I find it baffling how popular her article has been and the support going along for it. She tries to show an understanding of the situation though the 'frustration and boredom' of the youths - however for a real understanding she is missing the truth of the racist Zionist mentality that fails to see anyone as human, including as Lucy mentioned, their own children. They have denied the existence of the native Palestinians for 60 years; how can these photos be so surprising to the world?

And never mind the new pictures showing older Israeli men writing messages just like the little girls - and then doing a happy dance as the missiles reached their targets.

(The photos are over in this thread also: )
I'm copying here my reply from another thread to the article that Snow quoted. The other thread is:

Putting things in perspective said:
None of those people was detached or wise enough to think: "Hang on, tank shell equals death of human beings."
I can understand that the girls were under the influence of fear, the ideology of society and media. Still, that no one was capable of thinking that tank shells equals the death of others, not even the grown ups, that's pretty hard for me to understand. I don't think its about detachment or being wise. Precisely because they have experienced fear and hiding in bunkers, why couldn't they assume that the other side was experiencing exactly the same, or even worse?

Actually, some people in similar situations do understand. When the first Israeli soldier was captured by Hamas, an article appeared in SOTT about the father of the soldier, who expressed that he did not desire the situation to become an excuse for attacking Gaza, or something along the lines. I think that in the same article, a Palestinian woman from Gaza expressed fear for her family, and added that she understood that Israelis were suffering as well.

So once again, the question: why do some people get it and others do not? (Its a rhetorical question; you know the answer.)
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